blob: 0fee5c8cfafe1dd55eec3ecc895d0da5e4f74c22 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Netstack Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package stack provides the glue between networking protocols and the
// consumers of the networking stack.
// For consumers, the only function of interest is New(), everything else is
// provided by the tcpip/public package.
// For protocol implementers, RegisterTransportProtocolFactory() and
// RegisterNetworkProtocolFactory() are used to register protocol factories with
// the stack, which will then be used to instantiate protocol objects when
// consumers interact with the stack.
package stack
import (
type transportProtocolState struct {
proto TransportProtocol
defaultHandler func(*Route, TransportEndpointID, *buffer.VectorisedView) bool
// Stack is a networking stack, with all supported protocols, NICs, and route
// table.
type Stack struct {
transportProtocols map[tcpip.TransportProtocolNumber]*transportProtocolState
networkProtocols map[tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber]NetworkProtocol
linkAddrResolvers map[tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber]LinkAddressResolver
demux *transportDemuxer
stats tcpip.Stats
linkAddrCache *linkAddrCache
forwarding bool
mu sync.RWMutex
nics map[tcpip.NICID]*NIC
// route is the route table passed in by the user via SetRouteTable(),
// it is used by FindRoute() to build a route for a specific
// destination.
routeTable []tcpip.Route
// New allocates a new networking stack with only the requested networking and
// transport protocols configured with default options.
// Protocol options can be changed by calling the
// SetNetworkProtocolOption/SetTransportProtocolOption methods provided by the
// stack. Please refer to individual protocol implementations as to what options
// are supported.
func New(network []string, transport []string) *Stack {
s := &Stack{
transportProtocols: make(map[tcpip.TransportProtocolNumber]*transportProtocolState),
networkProtocols: make(map[tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber]NetworkProtocol),
linkAddrResolvers: make(map[tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber]LinkAddressResolver),
nics: make(map[tcpip.NICID]*NIC),
linkAddrCache: newLinkAddrCache(1 * time.Minute),
PortManager: ports.NewPortManager(),
// Add specified network protocols.
for _, name := range network {
netProtoFactory, ok := networkProtocols[name]
if !ok {
netProto := netProtoFactory()
s.networkProtocols[netProto.Number()] = netProto
if r, ok := netProto.(LinkAddressResolver); ok {
s.linkAddrResolvers[r.LinkAddressProtocol()] = r
// Add specified transport protocols.
for _, name := range transport {
transProtoFactory, ok := transportProtocols[name]
if !ok {
transProto := transProtoFactory()
s.transportProtocols[transProto.Number()] = &transportProtocolState{
proto: transProto,
// Create the global transport demuxer.
s.demux = newTransportDemuxer(s)
return s
// SetNetworkProtocolOption allows configuring individual protocol level
// options. This method returns an error if the protocol is not supported or
// option is not supported by the protocol implementation or the provided value
// is incorrect.
func (s *Stack) SetNetworkProtocolOption(network tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, option interface{}) *tcpip.Error {
netProto, ok := s.networkProtocols[network]
if !ok {
return tcpip.ErrUnknownProtocol
return netProto.SetOption(option)
// SetTransportProtocolOption allows configuring individual protocol level
// options. This method returns an error if the protocol is not supported or
// option is not supported by the protocol implementation or the provided value
// is incorrect.
func (s *Stack) SetTransportProtocolOption(transport tcpip.TransportProtocolNumber, option interface{}) *tcpip.Error {
transProtoState, ok := s.transportProtocols[transport]
if !ok {
return tcpip.ErrUnknownProtocol
return transProtoState.proto.SetOption(option)
// SetTransportProtocolHandler sets the per-stack default handler for the given
// protocol.
// It must be called only during initialization of the stack. Changing it as the
// stack is operating is not supported.
func (s *Stack) SetTransportProtocolHandler(p tcpip.TransportProtocolNumber, h func(*Route, TransportEndpointID, *buffer.VectorisedView) bool) {
state := s.transportProtocols[p]
if state != nil {
state.defaultHandler = h
// Stats returns a snapshot of the current stats.
// NOTE: The underlying stats are updated using atomic instructions as a result
// the snapshot returned does not represent the value of all the stats at any
// single given point of time.
// TODO: Make stats available in sentry for debugging/diag.
func (s *Stack) Stats() tcpip.Stats {
return tcpip.Stats{
UnknownProtocolRcvdPackets: atomic.LoadUint64(&s.stats.UnknownProtocolRcvdPackets),
MalformedRcvdPackets: atomic.LoadUint64(&s.stats.MalformedRcvdPackets),
DroppedPackets: atomic.LoadUint64(&s.stats.DroppedPackets),
IP: tcpip.IPStats{
PacketsReceived: atomic.LoadUint64(&s.stats.IP.PacketsReceived),
InvalidAddressesReceived: atomic.LoadUint64(&s.stats.IP.InvalidAddressesReceived),
PacketsDiscarded: atomic.LoadUint64(&s.stats.IP.PacketsDiscarded),
PacketsDelivered: atomic.LoadUint64(&s.stats.IP.PacketsDelivered),
PacketsSent: atomic.LoadUint64(&s.stats.IP.PacketsSent),
OutgoingPacketErrors: atomic.LoadUint64(&s.stats.IP.OutgoingPacketErrors),
TCP: tcpip.TCPStats{
ActiveConnectionOpenings: atomic.LoadUint64(&s.stats.TCP.ActiveConnectionOpenings),
PassiveConnectionOpenings: atomic.LoadUint64(&s.stats.TCP.PassiveConnectionOpenings),
FailedConnectionAttempts: atomic.LoadUint64(&s.stats.TCP.FailedConnectionAttempts),
ValidSegmentsReceived: atomic.LoadUint64(&s.stats.TCP.ValidSegmentsReceived),
InvalidSegmentsReceived: atomic.LoadUint64(&s.stats.TCP.InvalidSegmentsReceived),
SegmentsSent: atomic.LoadUint64(&s.stats.TCP.SegmentsSent),
ResetsSent: atomic.LoadUint64(&s.stats.TCP.ResetsSent),
UDP: tcpip.UDPStats{
PacketsReceived: atomic.LoadUint64(&s.stats.UDP.PacketsReceived),
UnknownPortErrors: atomic.LoadUint64(&s.stats.UDP.UnknownPortErrors),
ReceiveBufferErrors: atomic.LoadUint64(&s.stats.UDP.ReceiveBufferErrors),
MalformedPacketsReceived: atomic.LoadUint64(&s.stats.UDP.MalformedPacketsReceived),
PacketsSent: atomic.LoadUint64(&s.stats.UDP.PacketsSent),
// MutableStats returns a mutable copy of the current stats.
// This is not generally exported via the public interface, but is available
// internally.
func (s *Stack) MutableStats() *tcpip.Stats {
return &s.stats
// SetForwarding enables or disables the packet forwarding between NICs.
func (s *Stack) SetForwarding(enable bool) {
s.forwarding = enable
// Forwarding returns if the packet forwarding between NICs is enabled.
func (s *Stack) Forwarding() bool {
return s.forwarding
// SetRouteTable assigns the route table to be used by this stack. It
// specifies which NIC to use for given destination address ranges.
func (s *Stack) SetRouteTable(table []tcpip.Route) {
s.routeTable = table
// GetRouteTable returns the route table which is currently in use.
func (s *Stack) GetRouteTable() []tcpip.Route {
return append([]tcpip.Route(nil), s.routeTable...)
// NewEndpoint creates a new transport layer endpoint of the given protocol.
func (s *Stack) NewEndpoint(transport tcpip.TransportProtocolNumber, network tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, waiterQueue *waiter.Queue) (tcpip.Endpoint, *tcpip.Error) {
t, ok := s.transportProtocols[transport]
if !ok {
return nil, tcpip.ErrUnknownProtocol
return t.proto.NewEndpoint(s, network, waiterQueue)
// createNIC creates a NIC with the provided id and link-layer endpoint, and
// optionally enable it.
func (s *Stack) createNIC(id tcpip.NICID, linkEP tcpip.LinkEndpointID, enabled bool) *tcpip.Error {
ep := FindLinkEndpoint(linkEP)
if ep == nil {
return tcpip.ErrBadLinkEndpoint
// Make sure id is unique.
if _, ok := s.nics[id]; ok {
return tcpip.ErrDuplicateNICID
n := newNIC(s, id, ep)
s.nics[id] = n
if enabled {
return nil
// CreateNIC creates a NIC with the provided id and link-layer endpoint.
func (s *Stack) CreateNIC(id tcpip.NICID, linkEP tcpip.LinkEndpointID) *tcpip.Error {
return s.createNIC(id, linkEP, true)
// CreateDisabledNIC creates a NIC with the provided id and link-layer endpoint,
// but leave it disable. Stack.EnableNIC must be called before the link-layer
// endpoint starts delivering packets to it.
func (s *Stack) CreateDisabledNIC(id tcpip.NICID, linkEP tcpip.LinkEndpointID) *tcpip.Error {
return s.createNIC(id, linkEP, false)
// EnableNIC enables the given NIC so that the link-layer endpoint can start
// delivering packets to it.
func (s *Stack) EnableNIC(id tcpip.NICID) *tcpip.Error {
nic := s.nics[id]
if nic == nil {
return tcpip.ErrUnknownNICID
return nil
// NICSubnets returns a map of NICIDs to their associated subnets.
func (s *Stack) NICSubnets() map[tcpip.NICID][]tcpip.Subnet {
nics := map[tcpip.NICID][]tcpip.Subnet{}
for id, nic := range s.nics {
nics[id] = append(nics[id], nic.Subnets()...)
return nics
// AddAddress adds a new network-layer address to the specified NIC.
func (s *Stack) AddAddress(id tcpip.NICID, protocol tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, addr tcpip.Address) *tcpip.Error {
return s.AddAddressWithOptions(id, protocol, addr, CanBePrimaryEndpoint)
// AddAddressWithOptions is the same as AddAddress, but allows you to specify whether they new endpoint can be primary or not.
func (s *Stack) AddAddressWithOptions(id tcpip.NICID, protocol tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, addr tcpip.Address, peb PrimaryEndpointBehavior) *tcpip.Error {
nic := s.nics[id]
if nic == nil {
return tcpip.ErrUnknownNICID
return nic.AddAddressWithOptions(protocol, addr, peb)
// AddSubnet adds a subnet range to the specified NIC.
func (s *Stack) AddSubnet(id tcpip.NICID, protocol tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, subnet tcpip.Subnet) *tcpip.Error {
nic := s.nics[id]
if nic == nil {
return tcpip.ErrUnknownNICID
nic.AddSubnet(protocol, subnet)
return nil
// RemoveAddress removes an existing network-layer address from the specified
// NIC.
func (s *Stack) RemoveAddress(id tcpip.NICID, addr tcpip.Address) *tcpip.Error {
nic := s.nics[id]
if nic == nil {
return tcpip.ErrUnknownNICID
return nic.RemoveAddress(addr)
// FindRoute creates a route to the given destination address, leaving through
// the given nic and local address (if provided).
func (s *Stack) FindRoute(id tcpip.NICID, localAddr, remoteAddr tcpip.Address, netProto tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber) (Route, *tcpip.Error) {
for i := range s.routeTable {
if id != 0 && id != s.routeTable[i].NIC || !s.routeTable[i].Match(remoteAddr) {
nic := s.nics[s.routeTable[i].NIC]
if nic == nil {
var ref *referencedNetworkEndpoint
if len(localAddr) != 0 {
ref = nic.findEndpoint(localAddr)
} else {
ref = nic.primaryEndpoint(netProto)
if ref == nil {
r := makeRoute(netProto, ref.ep.ID().LocalAddress, remoteAddr, ref)
r.NextHop = s.routeTable[i].Gateway
return r, nil
return Route{}, tcpip.ErrNoRoute
// CheckNetworkProtocol checks if a given network protocol is enabled in the
// stack.
func (s *Stack) CheckNetworkProtocol(protocol tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber) bool {
_, ok := s.networkProtocols[protocol]
return ok
// CheckLocalAddress determines if the given local address exists, and if it
// does, returns the id of the NIC it's bound to. Returns 0 if the address
// does not exist.
func (s *Stack) CheckLocalAddress(nicid tcpip.NICID, addr tcpip.Address) tcpip.NICID {
// If a NIC is specified, we try to find the address there only.
if nicid != 0 {
nic := s.nics[nicid]
if nic == nil {
return 0
ref := nic.findEndpoint(addr)
if ref == nil {
return 0
// Go through all the NICs.
for _, nic := range s.nics {
ref := nic.findEndpoint(addr)
if ref != nil {
return 0
// SetPromiscuousMode enables or disables promiscuous mode in the given NIC.
func (s *Stack) SetPromiscuousMode(nicID tcpip.NICID, enable bool) *tcpip.Error {
nic := s.nics[nicID]
if nic == nil {
return tcpip.ErrUnknownNICID
return nil
// AddLinkAddress adds a link address to the stack link cache.
func (s *Stack) AddLinkAddress(nicid tcpip.NICID, addr tcpip.Address, linkAddr tcpip.LinkAddress) {
fullAddr := tcpip.FullAddress{NIC: nicid, Addr: addr}
s.linkAddrCache.add(fullAddr, linkAddr)
// TODO(crawshaw): provide a way for a
// transport endpoint to receive a signal that AddLinkAddress
// for a particular address has been called.
func (s *Stack) GetLinkAddress(nicid tcpip.NICID, addr tcpip.Address, timeout time.Duration) tcpip.LinkAddress {
if addr == "\xff\xff\xff\xff" {
return "\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff"
fullAddr := tcpip.FullAddress{NIC: nicid, Addr: addr}
return s.linkAddrCache.get(fullAddr, timeout)
// RegisterTransportEndpoint registers the given endpoint with the stack
// transport dispatcher. Received packets that match the provided id will be
// delivered to the given endpoint; specifying a nic is optional, but
// nic-specific IDs have precedence over global ones.
func (s *Stack) RegisterTransportEndpoint(nicID tcpip.NICID, netProtos []tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, protocol tcpip.TransportProtocolNumber, id TransportEndpointID, ep TransportEndpoint) *tcpip.Error {
if nicID == 0 {
return s.demux.registerEndpoint(netProtos, protocol, id, ep)
nic := s.nics[nicID]
if nic == nil {
return tcpip.ErrUnknownNICID
return nic.demux.registerEndpoint(netProtos, protocol, id, ep)
// UnregisterTransportEndpoint removes the endpoint with the given id from the
// stack transport dispatcher.
func (s *Stack) UnregisterTransportEndpoint(nicID tcpip.NICID, netProtos []tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, protocol tcpip.TransportProtocolNumber, id TransportEndpointID) {
if nicID == 0 {
s.demux.unregisterEndpoint(netProtos, protocol, id)
nic := s.nics[nicID]
if nic != nil {
nic.demux.unregisterEndpoint(netProtos, protocol, id)
// JoinGroup joins the given multicast group on the given NIC.
// TODO: notify network of subscription via igmp protocol
func (s *Stack) JoinGroup(protocol tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, nicID tcpip.NICID, multicastAddr tcpip.Address) *tcpip.Error {
return s.AddAddressWithOptions(nicID, protocol, multicastAddr, NeverPrimaryEndpoint)
// LeaveGroup leaves the given multicast group on the given NIC.
func (s *Stack) LeaveGroup(protocol tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, nicID tcpip.NICID, multicastAddr tcpip.Address) *tcpip.Error {
return s.RemoveAddress(nicID, multicastAddr)
// NetworkProtocolInstance returns the protocol instance in the stack for the
// specified network protocol. This method is public for protocol implementers
// and tests to use.
func (s *Stack) NetworkProtocolInstance(num tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber) NetworkProtocol {
if p, ok := s.networkProtocols[num]; ok {
return p
return nil
// TransportProtocolInstance returns the protocol instance in the stack for the
// specified transport protocol. This method is public for protocol implementers
// and tests to use.
func (s *Stack) TransportProtocolInstance(num tcpip.TransportProtocolNumber) TransportProtocol {
if pState, ok := s.transportProtocols[num]; ok {
return pState.proto
return nil