blob: f145bd715569a75e978a085c6f2d1a52a6e41389 [file] [log] [blame]
//! A fast, low-level IO library for Rust focusing on non-blocking APIs, event
//! notification, and other useful utilities for building high performance IO
//! apps.
//! # Goals
//! * Fast - minimal overhead over the equivalent OS facilities (epoll, kqueue, etc...)
//! * Zero allocations
//! * A scalable readiness-based API, similar to epoll on Linux
//! * Design to allow for stack allocated buffers when possible (avoid double buffering).
//! * Provide utilities such as a timers, a notification channel, buffer abstractions, and a slab.
//! # Usage
//! Using mio starts by creating an [EventLoop](struct.EventLoop.html), which
//! handles receiving events from the OS and dispatching them to a supplied
//! [Handler](handler/trait.Handler.html).
//! # Example
//! ```
//! use mio::*;
//! use mio::tcp::{TcpListener, TcpStream};
//! // Setup some tokens to allow us to identify which event is
//! // for which socket.
//! const SERVER: Token = Token(0);
//! const CLIENT: Token = Token(1);
//! let addr = "".parse().unwrap();
//! // Setup the server socket
//! let server = TcpListener::bind(&addr).unwrap();
//! // Create an poll instance
//! let mut poll = Poll::new().unwrap();
//! // Start listening for incoming connections
//! poll.register(&server, SERVER, Ready::readable(),
//! PollOpt::edge()).unwrap();
//! // Setup the client socket
//! let sock = TcpStream::connect(&addr).unwrap();
//! // Register the socket
//! poll.register(&sock, CLIENT, Ready::readable(),
//! PollOpt::edge()).unwrap();
//! // Create storage for events
//! let mut events = Events::with_capacity(1024);
//! loop {
//! poll.poll(&mut events, None).unwrap();
//! for event in events.iter() {
//! match event.token() {
//! SERVER => {
//! // Accept and drop the socket immediately, this will close
//! // the socket and notify the client of the EOF.
//! let _ = server.accept();
//! }
//! CLIENT => {
//! // The server just shuts down the socket, let's just exit
//! // from our event loop.
//! return;
//! }
//! _ => unreachable!(),
//! }
//! }
//! }
//! ```
#![crate_name = "mio"]
#![cfg_attr(unix, deny(warnings))]
extern crate lazycell;
extern crate net2;
extern crate slab;
extern crate nix;
extern crate libc;
extern crate miow;
extern crate winapi;
extern crate kernel32;
extern crate log;
extern crate env_logger;
mod event;
mod io;
mod net;
mod poll;
mod sys;
mod token;
pub mod channel;
pub mod timer;
/// EventLoop and other deprecated types
pub mod deprecated;
pub use event::{
pub use io::{
pub use net::{
pub use poll::{
pub use token::{
pub mod unix {
//! Unix only extensions
pub use sys::{
// Conversion utilities
mod convert {
use std::time::Duration;
const NANOS_PER_MILLI: u32 = 1_000_000;
const MILLIS_PER_SEC: u64 = 1_000;
/// Convert a `Duration` to milliseconds, rounding up and saturating at
/// `u64::MAX`.
/// The saturating is fine because `u64::MAX` milliseconds are still many
/// million years.
pub fn millis(duration: Duration) -> u64 {
// Round up.
let millis = (duration.subsec_nanos() + NANOS_PER_MILLI - 1) / NANOS_PER_MILLI;
duration.as_secs().saturating_mul(MILLIS_PER_SEC).saturating_add(millis as u64)