| # Clear CI_COMMIT_MESSAGE and CI_COMMIT_DESCRIPTION for please meson |
| # when the commit message is complicated |
| |
| # force the CA cert cache to be rebuilt, in case Meson tries to access anything |
| Write-Host "Refreshing Windows TLS CA cache" |
| (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString("https://github.com") >$null |
| |
| $env:PYTHONUTF8=1 |
| |
| Get-Date |
| Write-Host "Compiling Mesa" |
| $builddir = New-Item -Force -ItemType Directory -Name "_build" |
| $installdir = New-Item -Force -ItemType Directory -Name "_install" |
| $builddir=$builddir.FullName |
| $installdir=$installdir.FullName |
| $sourcedir=$PWD |
| |
| Remove-Item -Recurse -Force $builddir |
| Remove-Item -Recurse -Force $installdir |
| New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $builddir |
| New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $installdir |
| |
| Write-Output "*" > $builddir\.gitignore |
| Write-Output "*" > $installdir\.gitignore |
| |
| Write-Output builddir:$builddir |
| Write-Output installdir:$installdir |
| Write-Output sourcedir:$sourcedir |
| |
| $MyPath = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path | Split-Path -Parent |
| . "$MyPath\mesa_vs_init.ps1" |
| |
| $depsInstallPath="C:\mesa-deps" |
| |
| Push-Location $builddir |
| |
| meson setup ` |
| --default-library=shared ` |
| --buildtype=release ` |
| --wrap-mode=nodownload ` |
| -Db_ndebug=false ` |
| -Db_vscrt=mt ` |
| --cmake-prefix-path="$depsInstallPath" ` |
| --pkg-config-path="$depsInstallPath\lib\pkgconfig;$depsInstallPath\share\pkgconfig" ` |
| --prefix="$installdir" ` |
| -Dllvm=enabled ` |
| -Dshared-llvm=disabled ` |
| -Dvulkan-drivers="swrast,amd,microsoft-experimental" ` |
| -Dgallium-drivers="swrast,d3d12,zink" ` |
| -Dgallium-va=enabled ` |
| -Dvideo-codecs="h264dec,h264enc,h265dec,h265enc,vc1dec" ` |
| -Dshared-glapi=enabled ` |
| -Dgles1=enabled ` |
| -Dgles2=enabled ` |
| -Dgallium-opencl=icd ` |
| -Dgallium-rusticl=false ` |
| -Dopencl-spirv=true ` |
| -Dmicrosoft-clc=enabled ` |
| -Dstatic-libclc=all ` |
| -Dopencl-external-clang-headers=disabled ` |
| -Dspirv-to-dxil=true ` |
| -Dbuild-tests=true ` |
| -Dwerror=true ` |
| -Dwarning_level=2 ` |
| $sourcedir && ` |
| meson install && ` |
| meson test --num-processes 32 --print-errorlogs |
| |
| $buildstatus = $? |
| Pop-Location |
| |
| Get-Date |
| |
| if (!$buildstatus) { |
| Write-Host "Mesa build or test failed" |
| Exit 1 |
| } |
| |
| Copy-Item ".\.gitlab-ci\windows\piglit_run.ps1" -Destination $installdir |
| |
| Copy-Item ".\.gitlab-ci\windows\spirv2dxil_check.ps1" -Destination $installdir |
| Copy-Item ".\.gitlab-ci\windows\spirv2dxil_run.ps1" -Destination $installdir |
| |
| Copy-Item ".\.gitlab-ci\windows\deqp_runner_run.ps1" -Destination $installdir |
| |
| Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Filter "ci" | Get-ChildItem -Include "*.txt","*.toml" | Copy-Item -Destination $installdir |