blob: c1d3b66687bd8f1f5c445eddd0dbb29ef56ab89b [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4 -*-
* Copyright (c) 2004 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
Change History (most recent first):
$Log: JNISupport.c,v $
Revision 1.22 2007/11/30 23:38:53 cheshire
Fix compiler warning:
/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/A/Headers/jni.h:609: warning: declaration of 'index' shadows a global declaration
Revision 1.21 2007/09/18 19:09:02 cheshire
<rdar://problem/5489549> mDNSResponderHelper (and other binaries) missing SCCS version strings
Revision 1.20 2007/03/13 01:41:46 cheshire
Fixed compile warnings when building 32-bit
Revision 1.19 2007/03/13 00:28:03 vazquez
<rdar://problem/4625928> Java: Rename exported symbols in libjdns_sd.jnilib
Revision 1.18 2007/03/13 00:10:14 vazquez
<rdar://problem/4455206> Java: 64 bit JNI patch
Revision 1.17 2006/08/14 23:25:08 cheshire
Re-licensed mDNSResponder daemon source code under Apache License, Version 2.0
Revision 1.16 2006/07/14 02:35:47 cheshire
Added (commented out) syslog debugging messages
Revision 1.15 2006/06/27 19:34:43 cheshire
<rdar://problem/4430023> txtRecord parameter of DNSServiceResolveReply() should be unsigned char *
Revision 1.14 2006/06/20 23:03:35 rpantos
<rdar://problem/3839132> Java needs to implement DNSServiceRegisterRecord equivalent
Revision 1.13 2005/10/26 01:52:24 cheshire
<rdar://problem/4316286> Race condition in Java code (doesn't work at all on Linux)
Revision 1.12 2005/07/13 19:20:32 cheshire
<rdar://problem/4175511> Race condition in Java API
Additional cleanup suggested by Roger -- NewContext() doesn't need ownerClass parameter any more
Revision 1.11 2005/07/11 01:55:21 cheshire
<rdar://problem/4175511> Race condition in Java API
Revision 1.10 2005/07/05 13:01:52 cheshire
<rdar://problem/4169791> If mDNSResponder daemon is stopped, Java API spins, burning CPU time
Revision 1.9 2004/12/11 03:01:00 rpantos
<rdar://problem/3907498> Java DNSRecord API should be cleaned up
Revision 1.8 2004/11/30 23:51:05 cheshire
Remove double semicolons
Revision 1.7 2004/11/23 08:12:04 shersche
Implement if_nametoindex and if_indextoname for Win32 platforms
Revision 1.6 2004/11/23 03:41:14 cheshire
Change JNISupport.c to call if_indextoname & if_nametoindex directly.
(May require some additional glue code to work on Windows.)
Revision 1.5 2004/11/17 17:07:44 cheshire
Updated comment about AUTO_CALLBACKS
Revision 1.4 2004/11/12 03:23:09 rpantos
rdar://problem/3809541 implement getIfIndexForName, getNameForIfIndex.
Revision 1.3 2004/06/18 04:44:17 rpantos
Adapt to API unification on Windows
Revision 1.2 2004/05/28 23:34:42 ksekar
<rdar://problem/3672903>: Java project build errors
Revision 1.1 2004/04/30 16:29:35 rpantos
First checked in.
This file contains the platform support for DNSSD and related Java classes.
It is used to shim through to the underlying <dns_sd.h> API.
// AUTO_CALLBACKS should be set to 1 if the underlying mDNS implementation fires response
// callbacks automatically (as in the early Windows prototypes).
// AUTO_CALLBACKS should be set to 0 if the client must call DNSServiceProcessResult() to
// invoke response callbacks (as is true on Mac OS X, Posix, Windows, etc.).
// (Invoking callbacks automatically on a different thread sounds attractive, but while
// the client gains by not needing to add an event source to its main event loop, it loses
// by being forced to deal with concurrency and locking, which can be a bigger burden.)
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <winsock2.h>
#else //_WIN32
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/select.h>
#endif // _WIN32
#include <dns_sd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <iphlpapi.h>
static char * if_indextoname( DWORD ifIndex, char * nameBuff);
static DWORD if_nametoindex( const char * nameStr );
#else // _WIN32
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <net/if.h>
#endif // _WIN32
// When compiling with "-Wshadow" set, including jni.h produces the following error:
// /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/A/Headers/jni.h:609: warning: declaration of 'index' shadows a global declaration
// To work around this, we use the preprocessor to map the identifier 'index', which appears harmlessly in function prototype declarations,
// to something 'jni_index', which doesn't conflict
#define index jni_index
#include ""
#undef index
//#include <syslog.h>
// convenience definition
#ifdef __GNUC__
#define _UNUSED __attribute__ ((unused))
#define _UNUSED
enum {
kInterfaceVersionOne = 1,
kInterfaceVersionCurrent // Must match version in .jar file
typedef struct OpContext OpContext;
struct OpContext
DNSServiceRef ServiceRef;
JNIEnv *Env;
jobject JavaObj;
jobject ClientObj;
jmethodID Callback;
jmethodID Callback2;
// For AUTO_CALLBACKS, we must attach the callback thread to the Java VM prior to upcall.
JavaVM *gJavaVM = NULL;
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_apple_dnssd_AppleDNSSD_InitLibrary( JNIEnv *pEnv, jclass cls,
jint callerVersion)
/* Ensure that caller & interface versions match. */
if ( callerVersion != kInterfaceVersionCurrent)
return kDNSServiceErr_Incompatible;
jsize numVMs;
if ( 0 != JNI_GetCreatedJavaVMs( &gJavaVM, 1, &numVMs))
return kDNSServiceErr_BadState;
// Set AppleDNSSD.hasAutoCallbacks
jboolean hasAutoC = JNI_TRUE;
jboolean hasAutoC = JNI_FALSE;
jfieldID hasAutoCField = (*pEnv)->GetStaticFieldID( pEnv, cls, "hasAutoCallbacks", "Z");
(*pEnv)->SetStaticBooleanField( pEnv, cls, hasAutoCField, hasAutoC);
return kDNSServiceErr_NoError;
static const char* SafeGetUTFChars( JNIEnv *pEnv, jstring str)
// Wrapper for JNI GetStringUTFChars() that returns NULL for null str.
return str != NULL ? (*pEnv)->GetStringUTFChars( pEnv, str, 0) : NULL;
static void SafeReleaseUTFChars( JNIEnv *pEnv, jstring str, const char *buff)
// Wrapper for JNI GetStringUTFChars() that handles null str.
if ( str != NULL)
(*pEnv)->ReleaseStringUTFChars( pEnv, str, buff);
static void SetupCallbackState( JNIEnv **ppEnv)
(*gJavaVM)->AttachCurrentThread( gJavaVM, (void**) ppEnv, NULL);
static void TeardownCallbackState( void )
(*gJavaVM)->DetachCurrentThread( gJavaVM);
static void SetupCallbackState( JNIEnv **ppEnv _UNUSED)
// No setup necessary if ProcessResults() has been called
static void TeardownCallbackState( void )
// No teardown necessary if ProcessResults() has been called
static OpContext *NewContext( JNIEnv *pEnv, jobject owner,
const char *callbackName, const char *callbackSig)
// Create and initialize a new OpContext.
OpContext *pContext = (OpContext*) malloc( sizeof *pContext);
if ( pContext != NULL)
jfieldID clientField = (*pEnv)->GetFieldID( pEnv, (*pEnv)->GetObjectClass( pEnv, owner),
"fListener", "Lcom/apple/dnssd/BaseListener;");
pContext->JavaObj = (*pEnv)->NewWeakGlobalRef( pEnv, owner); // must convert local ref to global to cache;
pContext->ClientObj = (*pEnv)->GetObjectField( pEnv, owner, clientField);
pContext->ClientObj = (*pEnv)->NewWeakGlobalRef( pEnv, pContext->ClientObj); // must convert local ref to global to cache
pContext->Callback = (*pEnv)->GetMethodID( pEnv,
(*pEnv)->GetObjectClass( pEnv, pContext->ClientObj),
callbackName, callbackSig);
pContext->Callback2 = NULL; // not always used
return pContext;
static void ReportError( JNIEnv *pEnv, jobject target, jobject service, DNSServiceErrorType err)
// Invoke operationFailed() method on target with err.
jclass cls = (*pEnv)->GetObjectClass( pEnv, target);
jmethodID opFailed = (*pEnv)->GetMethodID( pEnv, cls, "operationFailed",
(*pEnv)->CallVoidMethod( pEnv, target, opFailed, service, err);
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_apple_dnssd_AppleService_HaltOperation( JNIEnv *pEnv, jobject pThis)
/* Deallocate the dns_sd service browser and set the Java object's fNativeContext field to 0. */
jclass cls = (*pEnv)->GetObjectClass( pEnv, pThis);
jfieldID contextField = (*pEnv)->GetFieldID( pEnv, cls, "fNativeContext", "J");
if ( contextField != 0)
OpContext *pContext = (OpContext*) (long) (*pEnv)->GetLongField(pEnv, pThis, contextField);
if ( pContext != NULL)
// MUST clear fNativeContext first, BEFORE calling DNSServiceRefDeallocate()
(*pEnv)->SetLongField(pEnv, pThis, contextField, 0);
if ( pContext->ServiceRef != NULL)
DNSServiceRefDeallocate( pContext->ServiceRef);
(*pEnv)->DeleteWeakGlobalRef( pEnv, pContext->JavaObj);
(*pEnv)->DeleteWeakGlobalRef( pEnv, pContext->ClientObj);
free( pContext);
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_apple_dnssd_AppleService_BlockForData( JNIEnv *pEnv, jobject pThis)
/* Block until data arrives, or one second passes. Returns 1 if data present, 0 otherwise. */
// BlockForData() not supported with AUTO_CALLBACKS
jclass cls = (*pEnv)->GetObjectClass( pEnv, pThis);
jfieldID contextField = (*pEnv)->GetFieldID( pEnv, cls, "fNativeContext", "J");
if ( contextField != 0)
OpContext *pContext = (OpContext*) (long) (*pEnv)->GetLongField(pEnv, pThis, contextField);
if ( pContext != NULL)
fd_set readFDs;
int sd = DNSServiceRefSockFD( pContext->ServiceRef);
struct timeval timeout = { 1, 0 };
FD_ZERO( &readFDs);
FD_SET( sd, &readFDs);
// Q: Why do we poll here?
// A: Because there's no other thread-safe way to do it.
// Mac OS X terminates a select() call if you close one of the sockets it's listening on, but Linux does not,
// and arguably Linux is correct (See <>)
// The problem is that the Mac OS X behaviour assumes that it's okay for one thread to close a socket while
// some other thread is monitoring that socket in select(), but the difficulty is that there's no general way
// to make that thread-safe, because there's no atomic way to enter select() and release a lock simultaneously.
// If we try to do this without holding any lock, then right as we jump to the select() routine,
// some other thread could stop our operation (thereby closing the socket),
// and then that thread (or even some third, unrelated thread)
// could do some other DNS-SD operation (or some other operation that opens a new file descriptor)
// and then we'd blindly resume our fall into the select() call, now blocking on a file descriptor
// that may coincidentally have the same numerical value, but is semantically unrelated
// to the true file descriptor we thought we were blocking on.
// We can't stop this race condition from happening, but at least if we wake up once a second we can detect
// when fNativeContext has gone to zero, and thereby discover that we were blocking on the wrong fd.
if (select( sd + 1, &readFDs, (fd_set*) NULL, (fd_set*) NULL, &timeout) == 1) return(1);
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_apple_dnssd_AppleService_ProcessResults( JNIEnv *pEnv, jobject pThis)
/* Call through to DNSServiceProcessResult() while data remains on socket. */
#if !AUTO_CALLBACKS // ProcessResults() not supported with AUTO_CALLBACKS
jclass cls = (*pEnv)->GetObjectClass( pEnv, pThis);
jfieldID contextField = (*pEnv)->GetFieldID( pEnv, cls, "fNativeContext", "J");
OpContext *pContext = (OpContext*) (long) (*pEnv)->GetLongField(pEnv, pThis, contextField);
DNSServiceErrorType err = kDNSServiceErr_BadState;
if ( pContext != NULL)
int sd = DNSServiceRefSockFD( pContext->ServiceRef);
fd_set readFDs;
struct timeval zeroTimeout = { 0, 0 };
pContext->Env = pEnv;
FD_ZERO( &readFDs);
FD_SET( sd, &readFDs);
err = kDNSServiceErr_NoError;
if (0 < select(sd + 1, &readFDs, (fd_set*) NULL, (fd_set*) NULL, &zeroTimeout))
err = DNSServiceProcessResult(pContext->ServiceRef);
// Use caution here!
// We cannot touch any data structures associated with this operation!
// The DNSServiceProcessResult() routine should have invoked our callback,
// and our callback could have terminated the operation with op.stop();
// and that means HaltOperation() will have been called, which frees pContext.
// Basically, from here we just have to get out without touching any stale
// data structures that could blow up on us! Particularly, any attempt
// to loop here reading more results from the file descriptor is unsafe.
return err;
static void DNSSD_API ServiceBrowseReply( DNSServiceRef sdRef _UNUSED, DNSServiceFlags flags, uint32_t interfaceIndex,
DNSServiceErrorType errorCode, const char *serviceName, const char *regtype,
const char *replyDomain, void *context)
OpContext *pContext = (OpContext*) context;
SetupCallbackState( &pContext->Env);
if ( pContext->ClientObj != NULL && pContext->Callback != NULL)
if ( errorCode == kDNSServiceErr_NoError)
(*pContext->Env)->CallVoidMethod( pContext->Env, pContext->ClientObj,
( flags & kDNSServiceFlagsAdd) != 0 ? pContext->Callback : pContext->Callback2,
pContext->JavaObj, flags, interfaceIndex,
(*pContext->Env)->NewStringUTF( pContext->Env, serviceName),
(*pContext->Env)->NewStringUTF( pContext->Env, regtype),
(*pContext->Env)->NewStringUTF( pContext->Env, replyDomain));
ReportError( pContext->Env, pContext->ClientObj, pContext->JavaObj, errorCode);
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_apple_dnssd_AppleBrowser_CreateBrowser( JNIEnv *pEnv, jobject pThis,
jint flags, jint ifIndex, jstring regType, jstring domain)
jclass cls = (*pEnv)->GetObjectClass( pEnv, pThis);
jfieldID contextField = (*pEnv)->GetFieldID( pEnv, cls, "fNativeContext", "J");
OpContext *pContext = NULL;
DNSServiceErrorType err = kDNSServiceErr_NoError;
if ( contextField != 0)
pContext = NewContext( pEnv, pThis, "serviceFound",
err = kDNSServiceErr_BadParam;
if ( pContext != NULL)
const char *regStr = SafeGetUTFChars( pEnv, regType);
const char *domainStr = SafeGetUTFChars( pEnv, domain);
pContext->Callback2 = (*pEnv)->GetMethodID( pEnv,
(*pEnv)->GetObjectClass( pEnv, pContext->ClientObj),
"serviceLost", "(Lcom/apple/dnssd/DNSSDService;IILjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V");
err = DNSServiceBrowse( &pContext->ServiceRef, flags, ifIndex, regStr, domainStr, ServiceBrowseReply, pContext);
if ( err == kDNSServiceErr_NoError)
(*pEnv)->SetLongField(pEnv, pThis, contextField, (long) pContext);
SafeReleaseUTFChars( pEnv, regType, regStr);
SafeReleaseUTFChars( pEnv, domain, domainStr);
err = kDNSServiceErr_NoMemory;
return err;
static void DNSSD_API ServiceResolveReply( DNSServiceRef sdRef _UNUSED, DNSServiceFlags flags, uint32_t interfaceIndex,
DNSServiceErrorType errorCode, const char *fullname, const char *hosttarget,
uint16_t port, uint16_t txtLen, const unsigned char *txtRecord, void *context)
OpContext *pContext = (OpContext*) context;
jclass txtCls;
jmethodID txtCtor;
jbyteArray txtBytes;
jobject txtObj;
jbyte *pBytes;
SetupCallbackState( &pContext->Env);
txtCls = (*pContext->Env)->FindClass( pContext->Env, "com/apple/dnssd/TXTRecord");
txtCtor = (*pContext->Env)->GetMethodID( pContext->Env, txtCls, "<init>", "([B)V");
if ( pContext->ClientObj != NULL && pContext->Callback != NULL && txtCtor != NULL &&
NULL != ( txtBytes = (*pContext->Env)->NewByteArray( pContext->Env, txtLen)))
if ( errorCode == kDNSServiceErr_NoError)
// Since Java ints are defined to be big-endian, we canonicalize 'port' from a 16-bit
// pattern into a number here.
port = ( ((unsigned char*) &port)[0] << 8) | ((unsigned char*) &port)[1];
// Initialize txtBytes with contents of txtRecord
pBytes = (*pContext->Env)->GetByteArrayElements( pContext->Env, txtBytes, NULL);
memcpy( pBytes, txtRecord, txtLen);
(*pContext->Env)->ReleaseByteArrayElements( pContext->Env, txtBytes, pBytes, JNI_COMMIT);
// Construct txtObj with txtBytes
txtObj = (*pContext->Env)->NewObject( pContext->Env, txtCls, txtCtor, txtBytes);
(*pContext->Env)->DeleteLocalRef( pContext->Env, txtBytes);
(*pContext->Env)->CallVoidMethod( pContext->Env, pContext->ClientObj, pContext->Callback,
pContext->JavaObj, flags, interfaceIndex,
(*pContext->Env)->NewStringUTF( pContext->Env, fullname),
(*pContext->Env)->NewStringUTF( pContext->Env, hosttarget),
port, txtObj);
ReportError( pContext->Env, pContext->ClientObj, pContext->JavaObj, errorCode);
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_apple_dnssd_AppleResolver_CreateResolver( JNIEnv *pEnv, jobject pThis,
jint flags, jint ifIndex, jstring serviceName, jstring regType, jstring domain)
jclass cls = (*pEnv)->GetObjectClass( pEnv, pThis);
jfieldID contextField = (*pEnv)->GetFieldID( pEnv, cls, "fNativeContext", "J");
OpContext *pContext = NULL;
DNSServiceErrorType err = kDNSServiceErr_NoError;
if ( contextField != 0)
pContext = NewContext( pEnv, pThis, "serviceResolved",
err = kDNSServiceErr_BadParam;
if ( pContext != NULL)
const char *servStr = SafeGetUTFChars( pEnv, serviceName);
const char *regStr = SafeGetUTFChars( pEnv, regType);
const char *domainStr = SafeGetUTFChars( pEnv, domain);
err = DNSServiceResolve( &pContext->ServiceRef, flags, ifIndex,
servStr, regStr, domainStr, ServiceResolveReply, pContext);
if ( err == kDNSServiceErr_NoError)
(*pEnv)->SetLongField(pEnv, pThis, contextField, (long) pContext);
SafeReleaseUTFChars( pEnv, serviceName, servStr);
SafeReleaseUTFChars( pEnv, regType, regStr);
SafeReleaseUTFChars( pEnv, domain, domainStr);
err = kDNSServiceErr_NoMemory;
return err;
static void DNSSD_API ServiceRegisterReply( DNSServiceRef sdRef _UNUSED, DNSServiceFlags flags,
DNSServiceErrorType errorCode, const char *serviceName,
const char *regType, const char *domain, void *context)
OpContext *pContext = (OpContext*) context;
SetupCallbackState( &pContext->Env);
if ( pContext->ClientObj != NULL && pContext->Callback != NULL)
if ( errorCode == kDNSServiceErr_NoError)
(*pContext->Env)->CallVoidMethod( pContext->Env, pContext->ClientObj, pContext->Callback,
pContext->JavaObj, flags,
(*pContext->Env)->NewStringUTF( pContext->Env, serviceName),
(*pContext->Env)->NewStringUTF( pContext->Env, regType),
(*pContext->Env)->NewStringUTF( pContext->Env, domain));
ReportError( pContext->Env, pContext->ClientObj, pContext->JavaObj, errorCode);
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_apple_dnssd_AppleRegistration_BeginRegister( JNIEnv *pEnv, jobject pThis,
jint ifIndex, jint flags, jstring serviceName, jstring regType,
jstring domain, jstring host, jint port, jbyteArray txtRecord)
//syslog(LOG_ERR, "BR");
jclass cls = (*pEnv)->GetObjectClass( pEnv, pThis);
jfieldID contextField = (*pEnv)->GetFieldID( pEnv, cls, "fNativeContext", "J");
OpContext *pContext = NULL;
DNSServiceErrorType err = kDNSServiceErr_NoError;
jbyte *pBytes;
jsize numBytes;
//syslog(LOG_ERR, "BR: contextField %d", contextField);
if ( contextField != 0)
pContext = NewContext( pEnv, pThis, "serviceRegistered",
err = kDNSServiceErr_BadParam;
if ( pContext != NULL)
const char *servStr = SafeGetUTFChars( pEnv, serviceName);
const char *regStr = SafeGetUTFChars( pEnv, regType);
const char *domainStr = SafeGetUTFChars( pEnv, domain);
const char *hostStr = SafeGetUTFChars( pEnv, host);
//syslog(LOG_ERR, "BR: regStr %s", regStr);
// Since Java ints are defined to be big-endian, we de-canonicalize 'port' from a
// big-endian number into a 16-bit pattern here.
uint16_t portBits = port;
portBits = ( ((unsigned char*) &portBits)[0] << 8) | ((unsigned char*) &portBits)[1];
pBytes = txtRecord ? (*pEnv)->GetByteArrayElements( pEnv, txtRecord, NULL) : NULL;
numBytes = txtRecord ? (*pEnv)->GetArrayLength( pEnv, txtRecord) : 0;
err = DNSServiceRegister( &pContext->ServiceRef, flags, ifIndex, servStr, regStr,
domainStr, hostStr, portBits,
numBytes, pBytes, ServiceRegisterReply, pContext);
if ( err == kDNSServiceErr_NoError)
(*pEnv)->SetLongField(pEnv, pThis, contextField, (long) pContext);
if ( pBytes != NULL)
(*pEnv)->ReleaseByteArrayElements( pEnv, txtRecord, pBytes, 0);
SafeReleaseUTFChars( pEnv, serviceName, servStr);
SafeReleaseUTFChars( pEnv, regType, regStr);
SafeReleaseUTFChars( pEnv, domain, domainStr);
SafeReleaseUTFChars( pEnv, host, hostStr);
err = kDNSServiceErr_NoMemory;
return err;
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_apple_dnssd_AppleRegistration_AddRecord( JNIEnv *pEnv, jobject pThis,
jint flags, jint rrType, jbyteArray rData, jint ttl, jobject destObj)
jclass cls = (*pEnv)->GetObjectClass( pEnv, pThis);
jfieldID contextField = (*pEnv)->GetFieldID( pEnv, cls, "fNativeContext", "J");
jclass destCls = (*pEnv)->GetObjectClass( pEnv, destObj);
jfieldID recField = (*pEnv)->GetFieldID( pEnv, destCls, "fRecord", "J");
OpContext *pContext = NULL;
DNSServiceErrorType err = kDNSServiceErr_NoError;
jbyte *pBytes;
jsize numBytes;
DNSRecordRef recRef;
if ( contextField != 0)
pContext = (OpContext*) (long) (*pEnv)->GetLongField(pEnv, pThis, contextField);
if ( pContext == NULL || pContext->ServiceRef == NULL)
return kDNSServiceErr_BadParam;
pBytes = (*pEnv)->GetByteArrayElements( pEnv, rData, NULL);
numBytes = (*pEnv)->GetArrayLength( pEnv, rData);
err = DNSServiceAddRecord( pContext->ServiceRef, &recRef, flags, rrType, numBytes, pBytes, ttl);
if ( err == kDNSServiceErr_NoError)
(*pEnv)->SetLongField(pEnv, destObj, recField, (long) recRef);
if ( pBytes != NULL)
(*pEnv)->ReleaseByteArrayElements( pEnv, rData, pBytes, 0);
return err;
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_apple_dnssd_AppleDNSRecord_Update( JNIEnv *pEnv, jobject pThis,
jint flags, jbyteArray rData, jint ttl)
jclass cls = (*pEnv)->GetObjectClass( pEnv, pThis);
jfieldID ownerField = (*pEnv)->GetFieldID( pEnv, cls, "fOwner", "Lcom/apple/dnssd/AppleService;");
jfieldID recField = (*pEnv)->GetFieldID( pEnv, cls, "fRecord", "J");
OpContext *pContext = NULL;
DNSServiceErrorType err = kDNSServiceErr_NoError;
jbyte *pBytes;
jsize numBytes;
DNSRecordRef recRef = NULL;
if ( ownerField != 0)
jobject ownerObj = (*pEnv)->GetObjectField( pEnv, pThis, ownerField);
jclass ownerClass = (*pEnv)->GetObjectClass( pEnv, ownerObj);
jfieldID contextField = (*pEnv)->GetFieldID( pEnv, ownerClass, "fNativeContext", "J");
if ( contextField != 0)
pContext = (OpContext*) (long) (*pEnv)->GetLongField(pEnv, ownerObj, contextField);
if ( recField != 0)
recRef = (DNSRecordRef) (long) (*pEnv)->GetLongField(pEnv, pThis, recField);
if ( pContext == NULL || pContext->ServiceRef == NULL)
return kDNSServiceErr_BadParam;
pBytes = (*pEnv)->GetByteArrayElements( pEnv, rData, NULL);
numBytes = (*pEnv)->GetArrayLength( pEnv, rData);
err = DNSServiceUpdateRecord( pContext->ServiceRef, recRef, flags, numBytes, pBytes, ttl);
if ( pBytes != NULL)
(*pEnv)->ReleaseByteArrayElements( pEnv, rData, pBytes, 0);
return err;
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_apple_dnssd_AppleDNSRecord_Remove( JNIEnv *pEnv, jobject pThis)
jclass cls = (*pEnv)->GetObjectClass( pEnv, pThis);
jfieldID ownerField = (*pEnv)->GetFieldID( pEnv, cls, "fOwner", "Lcom/apple/dnssd/AppleService;");
jfieldID recField = (*pEnv)->GetFieldID( pEnv, cls, "fRecord", "J");
OpContext *pContext = NULL;
DNSServiceErrorType err = kDNSServiceErr_NoError;
DNSRecordRef recRef = NULL;
if ( ownerField != 0)
jobject ownerObj = (*pEnv)->GetObjectField( pEnv, pThis, ownerField);
jclass ownerClass = (*pEnv)->GetObjectClass( pEnv, ownerObj);
jfieldID contextField = (*pEnv)->GetFieldID( pEnv, ownerClass, "fNativeContext", "J");
if ( contextField != 0)
pContext = (OpContext*) (long) (*pEnv)->GetLongField(pEnv, ownerObj, contextField);
if ( recField != 0)
recRef = (DNSRecordRef) (long) (*pEnv)->GetLongField(pEnv, pThis, recField);
if ( pContext == NULL || pContext->ServiceRef == NULL)
return kDNSServiceErr_BadParam;
err = DNSServiceRemoveRecord( pContext->ServiceRef, recRef, 0);
return err;
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_apple_dnssd_AppleRecordRegistrar_CreateConnection( JNIEnv *pEnv, jobject pThis)
jclass cls = (*pEnv)->GetObjectClass( pEnv, pThis);
jfieldID contextField = (*pEnv)->GetFieldID( pEnv, cls, "fNativeContext", "J");
OpContext *pContext = NULL;
DNSServiceErrorType err = kDNSServiceErr_NoError;
if ( contextField != 0)
pContext = NewContext( pEnv, pThis, "recordRegistered", "(Lcom/apple/dnssd/DNSRecord;I)V");
err = kDNSServiceErr_BadParam;
if ( pContext != NULL)
err = DNSServiceCreateConnection( &pContext->ServiceRef);
if ( err == kDNSServiceErr_NoError)
(*pEnv)->SetLongField(pEnv, pThis, contextField, (long) pContext);
err = kDNSServiceErr_NoMemory;
return err;
struct RecordRegistrationRef
OpContext *Context;
jobject RecordObj;
typedef struct RecordRegistrationRef RecordRegistrationRef;
static void DNSSD_API RegisterRecordReply( DNSServiceRef sdRef _UNUSED,
DNSRecordRef recordRef _UNUSED, DNSServiceFlags flags,
DNSServiceErrorType errorCode, void *context)
RecordRegistrationRef *regEnvelope = (RecordRegistrationRef*) context;
OpContext *pContext = regEnvelope->Context;
SetupCallbackState( &pContext->Env);
if ( pContext->ClientObj != NULL && pContext->Callback != NULL)
if ( errorCode == kDNSServiceErr_NoError)
(*pContext->Env)->CallVoidMethod( pContext->Env, pContext->ClientObj, pContext->Callback,
regEnvelope->RecordObj, flags);
ReportError( pContext->Env, pContext->ClientObj, pContext->JavaObj, errorCode);
(*pContext->Env)->DeleteWeakGlobalRef( pContext->Env, regEnvelope->RecordObj);
free( regEnvelope);
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_apple_dnssd_AppleRecordRegistrar_RegisterRecord( JNIEnv *pEnv, jobject pThis,
jint flags, jint ifIndex, jstring fullname, jint rrType, jint rrClass,
jbyteArray rData, jint ttl, jobject destObj)
jclass cls = (*pEnv)->GetObjectClass( pEnv, pThis);
jfieldID contextField = (*pEnv)->GetFieldID( pEnv, cls, "fNativeContext", "J");
jclass destCls = (*pEnv)->GetObjectClass( pEnv, destObj);
jfieldID recField = (*pEnv)->GetFieldID( pEnv, destCls, "fRecord", "J");
const char *nameStr = SafeGetUTFChars( pEnv, fullname);
OpContext *pContext = NULL;
DNSServiceErrorType err = kDNSServiceErr_NoError;
jbyte *pBytes;
jsize numBytes;
DNSRecordRef recRef;
RecordRegistrationRef *regEnvelope;
if ( contextField != 0)
pContext = (OpContext*) (long) (*pEnv)->GetLongField(pEnv, pThis, contextField);
if ( pContext == NULL || pContext->ServiceRef == NULL || nameStr == NULL)
return kDNSServiceErr_BadParam;
regEnvelope = calloc( 1, sizeof *regEnvelope);
if ( regEnvelope == NULL)
return kDNSServiceErr_NoMemory;
regEnvelope->Context = pContext;
regEnvelope->RecordObj = (*pEnv)->NewWeakGlobalRef( pEnv, destObj); // must convert local ref to global to cache
pBytes = (*pEnv)->GetByteArrayElements( pEnv, rData, NULL);
numBytes = (*pEnv)->GetArrayLength( pEnv, rData);
err = DNSServiceRegisterRecord( pContext->ServiceRef, &recRef, flags, ifIndex,
nameStr, rrType, rrClass, numBytes, pBytes, ttl,
RegisterRecordReply, regEnvelope);
if ( err == kDNSServiceErr_NoError)
(*pEnv)->SetLongField(pEnv, destObj, recField, (long) recRef);
if ( regEnvelope->RecordObj != NULL)
(*pEnv)->DeleteWeakGlobalRef( pEnv, regEnvelope->RecordObj);
free( regEnvelope);
if ( pBytes != NULL)
(*pEnv)->ReleaseByteArrayElements( pEnv, rData, pBytes, 0);
SafeReleaseUTFChars( pEnv, fullname, nameStr);
return err;
static void DNSSD_API ServiceQueryReply( DNSServiceRef sdRef _UNUSED, DNSServiceFlags flags, uint32_t interfaceIndex,
DNSServiceErrorType errorCode, const char *serviceName,
uint16_t rrtype, uint16_t rrclass, uint16_t rdlen,
const void *rdata, uint32_t ttl, void *context)
OpContext *pContext = (OpContext*) context;
jbyteArray rDataObj;
jbyte *pBytes;
SetupCallbackState( &pContext->Env);
if ( pContext->ClientObj != NULL && pContext->Callback != NULL &&
NULL != ( rDataObj = (*pContext->Env)->NewByteArray( pContext->Env, rdlen)))
if ( errorCode == kDNSServiceErr_NoError)
// Initialize rDataObj with contents of rdata
pBytes = (*pContext->Env)->GetByteArrayElements( pContext->Env, rDataObj, NULL);
memcpy( pBytes, rdata, rdlen);
(*pContext->Env)->ReleaseByteArrayElements( pContext->Env, rDataObj, pBytes, JNI_COMMIT);
(*pContext->Env)->CallVoidMethod( pContext->Env, pContext->ClientObj, pContext->Callback,
pContext->JavaObj, flags, interfaceIndex,
(*pContext->Env)->NewStringUTF( pContext->Env, serviceName),
rrtype, rrclass, rDataObj, ttl);
ReportError( pContext->Env, pContext->ClientObj, pContext->JavaObj, errorCode);
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_apple_dnssd_AppleQuery_CreateQuery( JNIEnv *pEnv, jobject pThis,
jint flags, jint ifIndex, jstring serviceName, jint rrtype, jint rrclass)
jclass cls = (*pEnv)->GetObjectClass( pEnv, pThis);
jfieldID contextField = (*pEnv)->GetFieldID( pEnv, cls, "fNativeContext", "J");
OpContext *pContext = NULL;
DNSServiceErrorType err = kDNSServiceErr_NoError;
if ( contextField != 0)
pContext = NewContext( pEnv, pThis, "queryAnswered",
err = kDNSServiceErr_BadParam;
if ( pContext != NULL)
const char *servStr = SafeGetUTFChars( pEnv, serviceName);
err = DNSServiceQueryRecord( &pContext->ServiceRef, flags, ifIndex, servStr,
rrtype, rrclass, ServiceQueryReply, pContext);
if ( err == kDNSServiceErr_NoError)
(*pEnv)->SetLongField(pEnv, pThis, contextField, (long) pContext);
SafeReleaseUTFChars( pEnv, serviceName, servStr);
err = kDNSServiceErr_NoMemory;
return err;
static void DNSSD_API DomainEnumReply( DNSServiceRef sdRef _UNUSED, DNSServiceFlags flags, uint32_t interfaceIndex,
DNSServiceErrorType errorCode, const char *replyDomain, void *context)
OpContext *pContext = (OpContext*) context;
SetupCallbackState( &pContext->Env);
if ( pContext->ClientObj != NULL && pContext->Callback != NULL)
if ( errorCode == kDNSServiceErr_NoError)
(*pContext->Env)->CallVoidMethod( pContext->Env, pContext->ClientObj,
( flags & kDNSServiceFlagsAdd) != 0 ? pContext->Callback : pContext->Callback2,
pContext->JavaObj, flags, interfaceIndex,
(*pContext->Env)->NewStringUTF( pContext->Env, replyDomain));
ReportError( pContext->Env, pContext->ClientObj, pContext->JavaObj, errorCode);
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_apple_dnssd_AppleDomainEnum_BeginEnum( JNIEnv *pEnv, jobject pThis,
jint flags, jint ifIndex)
jclass cls = (*pEnv)->GetObjectClass( pEnv, pThis);
jfieldID contextField = (*pEnv)->GetFieldID( pEnv, cls, "fNativeContext", "J");
OpContext *pContext = NULL;
DNSServiceErrorType err = kDNSServiceErr_NoError;
if ( contextField != 0)
pContext = NewContext( pEnv, pThis, "domainFound",
err = kDNSServiceErr_BadParam;
if ( pContext != NULL)
pContext->Callback2 = (*pEnv)->GetMethodID( pEnv,
(*pEnv)->GetObjectClass( pEnv, pContext->ClientObj),
"domainLost", "(Lcom/apple/dnssd/DNSSDService;IILjava/lang/String;)V");
err = DNSServiceEnumerateDomains( &pContext->ServiceRef, flags, ifIndex,
DomainEnumReply, pContext);
if ( err == kDNSServiceErr_NoError)
(*pEnv)->SetLongField(pEnv, pThis, contextField, (long) pContext);
err = kDNSServiceErr_NoMemory;
return err;
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_apple_dnssd_AppleDNSSD_ConstructName( JNIEnv *pEnv, jobject pThis _UNUSED,
jstring serviceName, jstring regtype, jstring domain, jobjectArray pOut)
DNSServiceErrorType err = kDNSServiceErr_NoError;
const char *nameStr = SafeGetUTFChars( pEnv, serviceName);
const char *regStr = SafeGetUTFChars( pEnv, regtype);
const char *domStr = SafeGetUTFChars( pEnv, domain);
char buff[ kDNSServiceMaxDomainName + 1];
err = DNSServiceConstructFullName( buff, nameStr, regStr, domStr);
if ( err == kDNSServiceErr_NoError)
// pOut is expected to be a String[1] array.
(*pEnv)->SetObjectArrayElement( pEnv, pOut, 0, (*pEnv)->NewStringUTF( pEnv, buff));
SafeReleaseUTFChars( pEnv, serviceName, nameStr);
SafeReleaseUTFChars( pEnv, regtype, regStr);
SafeReleaseUTFChars( pEnv, domain, domStr);
return err;
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_apple_dnssd_AppleDNSSD_ReconfirmRecord( JNIEnv *pEnv, jobject pThis _UNUSED,
jint flags, jint ifIndex, jstring fullName,
jint rrtype, jint rrclass, jbyteArray rdata)
jbyte *pBytes;
jsize numBytes;
const char *nameStr = SafeGetUTFChars( pEnv, fullName);
pBytes = (*pEnv)->GetByteArrayElements( pEnv, rdata, NULL);
numBytes = (*pEnv)->GetArrayLength( pEnv, rdata);
DNSServiceReconfirmRecord( flags, ifIndex, nameStr, rrtype, rrclass, numBytes, pBytes);
if ( pBytes != NULL)
(*pEnv)->ReleaseByteArrayElements( pEnv, rdata, pBytes, 0);
SafeReleaseUTFChars( pEnv, fullName, nameStr);
#define LOCAL_ONLY_NAME "loo"
JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL Java_com_apple_dnssd_AppleDNSSD_GetNameForIfIndex( JNIEnv *pEnv, jobject pThis _UNUSED,
jint ifIndex)
char *p = LOCAL_ONLY_NAME, nameBuff[IF_NAMESIZE];
if (ifIndex != (jint) kDNSServiceInterfaceIndexLocalOnly)
p = if_indextoname( ifIndex, nameBuff );
return (*pEnv)->NewStringUTF( pEnv, p);
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_apple_dnssd_AppleDNSSD_GetIfIndexForName( JNIEnv *pEnv, jobject pThis _UNUSED,
jstring ifName)
uint32_t ifIndex = kDNSServiceInterfaceIndexLocalOnly;
const char *nameStr = SafeGetUTFChars( pEnv, ifName);
if (strcmp(nameStr, LOCAL_ONLY_NAME))
ifIndex = if_nametoindex( nameStr);
SafeReleaseUTFChars( pEnv, ifName, nameStr);
return ifIndex;
#if defined(_WIN32)
static char*
if_indextoname( DWORD ifIndex, char * nameBuff)
DWORD dwRetVal = 0;
char * ifName = NULL;
ULONG ulOutBufLen = 0;
if (GetAdaptersInfo( NULL, &ulOutBufLen) != ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW)
goto exit;
pAdapterInfo = (IP_ADAPTER_INFO *) malloc(ulOutBufLen);
if (pAdapterInfo == NULL)
goto exit;
dwRetVal = GetAdaptersInfo( pAdapterInfo, &ulOutBufLen );
if (dwRetVal != NO_ERROR)
goto exit;
pAdapter = pAdapterInfo;
while (pAdapter)
if (pAdapter->Index == ifIndex)
// It would be better if we passed in the length of nameBuff to this
// function, so we would have absolute certainty that no buffer
// overflows would occur. Buffer overflows *shouldn't* occur because
// nameBuff is of size MAX_ADAPTER_NAME_LENGTH.
strcpy( nameBuff, pAdapter->AdapterName );
ifName = nameBuff;
pAdapter = pAdapter->Next;
if (pAdapterInfo != NULL)
free( pAdapterInfo );
pAdapterInfo = NULL;
return ifName;
static DWORD
if_nametoindex( const char * nameStr )
DWORD dwRetVal = 0;
DWORD ifIndex = 0;
ULONG ulOutBufLen = 0;
if (GetAdaptersInfo( NULL, &ulOutBufLen) != ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW)
goto exit;
pAdapterInfo = (IP_ADAPTER_INFO *) malloc(ulOutBufLen);
if (pAdapterInfo == NULL)
goto exit;
dwRetVal = GetAdaptersInfo( pAdapterInfo, &ulOutBufLen );
if (dwRetVal != NO_ERROR)
goto exit;
pAdapter = pAdapterInfo;
while (pAdapter)
if (strcmp(pAdapter->AdapterName, nameStr) == 0)
ifIndex = pAdapter->Index;
pAdapter = pAdapter->Next;
if (pAdapterInfo != NULL)
free( pAdapterInfo );
pAdapterInfo = NULL;
return ifIndex;
// Note: The C preprocessor stringify operator ('#') makes a string from its argument, without macro expansion
// e.g. If "version" is #define'd to be "4", then STRINGIFY_AWE(version) will return the string "version", not "4"
// To expand "version" to its value before making the string, use STRINGIFY(version) instead
// NOT static -- otherwise the compiler may optimize it out
// The "@(#) " pattern is a special prefix the "what" command looks for
const char VersionString_SCCS[] = "@(#) libjdns_sd " STRINGIFY(mDNSResponderVersion) " (" __DATE__ " " __TIME__ ")";