blob: d0eb61389264c959f8fc207da3b44af2f4f940ee [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4 -*-
* Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
Change History (most recent first):
$Log: SubTypeTester.c,v $
Revision 1.7 2006/08/14 23:24:29 cheshire
Re-licensed mDNSResponder daemon source code under Apache License, Version 2.0
Revision 1.6 2004/12/16 20:49:35 cheshire
<rdar://problem/3324626> Cache memory management improvements
Revision 1.5 2004/09/17 01:08:50 cheshire
Renamed mDNSClientAPI.h to mDNSEmbeddedAPI.h
The name "mDNSClientAPI.h" is misleading to new developers looking at this code. The interfaces
declared in that file are ONLY appropriate to single-address-space embedded applications.
For clients on general-purpose computers, the interfaces defined in dns_sd.h should be used.
Revision 1.4 2004/09/16 00:24:49 cheshire
<rdar://problem/3803162> Fix unsafe use of mDNSPlatformTimeNow()
Revision 1.3 2004/08/13 23:25:01 cheshire
Now that we do both uDNS and mDNS, global replace "m->hostname" with
"m->MulticastHostname" for clarity
Revision 1.2 2004/08/04 22:11:30 cheshire
<rdar://problem/3588761> Current method of doing subtypes causes name collisions
Change to use "._sub." instead of ".s." to mark subtypes.
Revision 1.1 2004/06/11 00:03:28 cheshire
Add code for testing avail/busy subtypes
#include <stdio.h> // For printf()
#include <string.h> // For strlen() etc.
#include <Events.h> // For WaitNextEvent()
#include <SIOUX.h> // For SIOUXHandleOneEvent()
#include "mDNSEmbeddedAPI.h" // Defines the interface to the client layer above
#include "mDNSMacOS9.h" // Defines the specific types needed to run mDNS on this platform
// These don't have to be globals, but their memory does need to remain valid for as
// long as the search is going on. They are declared as globals here for simplicity.
static mDNS m;
static mDNS_PlatformSupport p;
static ServiceRecordSet p1, p2;
static AuthRecord availRec1, availRec2;
static Boolean availRec2Active;
// This sample code just calls mDNS_RenameAndReregisterService to automatically pick a new
// unique name for the service. For a device such as a printer, this may be appropriate.
// For a device with a user interface, and a screen, and a keyboard, the appropriate
// response may be to prompt the user and ask them to choose a new name for the service.
mDNSlocal void Callback(mDNS *const m, ServiceRecordSet *const sr, mStatus result)
switch (result)
case mStatus_NoError: debugf("Callback: %##s Name Registered", sr->; break;
case mStatus_NameConflict: debugf("Callback: %##s Name Conflict", sr->; break;
case mStatus_MemFree: debugf("Callback: %##s Memory Free", sr->; break;
default: debugf("Callback: %##s Unknown Result %d", sr->, result); break;
if (result == mStatus_NameConflict) mDNS_RenameAndReregisterService(m, sr, mDNSNULL);
// RegisterService() is a simple wrapper function which takes C string
// parameters, converts them to domainname parameters, and calls mDNS_RegisterService()
mDNSlocal void RegisterService(mDNS *m, ServiceRecordSet *recordset,
UInt16 PortAsNumber, const char txtinfo[],
const domainlabel *const n, const char type[], const char domain[])
domainname t;
domainname d;
UInt8 txtbuffer[512];
MakeDomainNameFromDNSNameString(&t, type);
MakeDomainNameFromDNSNameString(&d, domain);
if (txtinfo)
strncpy((char*)txtbuffer+1, txtinfo, sizeof(txtbuffer)-1);
txtbuffer[0] = (UInt8)strlen(txtinfo);
txtbuffer[0] = 0;
mDNS_RegisterService(m, recordset,
n, &t, &d, // Name, type, domain
mDNSNULL, mDNSOpaque16fromIntVal(PortAsNumber),
txtbuffer, (mDNSu16)(1+txtbuffer[0]), // TXT data, length
mDNSNULL, 0, // Subtypes (none)
mDNSInterface_Any, // Interface ID
Callback, mDNSNULL); // Callback and context
ConvertDomainNameToCString(recordset->, buffer);
printf("Made Service Records for %s\n", buffer);
// RegisterFakeServiceForTesting() simulates the effect of services being registered on
// dynamically-allocated port numbers. No real service exists on that port -- this is just for testing.
mDNSlocal void RegisterFakeServiceForTesting(mDNS *m, ServiceRecordSet *recordset, const char txtinfo[],
const char name[], const char type[], const char domain[])
static UInt16 NextPort = 0xF000;
domainlabel n;
MakeDomainLabelFromLiteralString(&n, name);
RegisterService(m, recordset, NextPort++, txtinfo, &n, type, domain);
// Done once on startup, and then again every time our address changes
mDNSlocal OSStatus mDNSResponderTestSetup(mDNS *m)
mDNSv4Addr ip = m->HostInterfaces->ip.ip.v4;
ConvertDomainNameToCString(&m->MulticastHostname, buffer);
printf("Name %s\n", buffer);
printf("IP %d.%d.%d.%d\n", ip.b[0], ip.b[1], ip.b[2], ip.b[3]);
printf("Registering Service Records\n");
// Create example printer discovery records
//static ServiceRecordSet p1, p2;
RegisterFakeServiceForTesting(m, &p1, "", "One", "_raop._tcp.", "local.");
RegisterFakeServiceForTesting(m, &p2, "", "Two", "_raop._tcp.", "local.");
mDNSlocal void AvailCallback(mDNS *const m, AuthRecord *const rr, mStatus result)
Boolean *b = (Boolean *)rr->RecordContext;
(void)m; // Unused
// Signal that our record is now free for re-use
if (result == mStatus_MemFree) *b = false;
mDNSlocal OSStatus mDNSResponderSetAvail(mDNS *m, AuthRecord *rr, ServiceRecordSet *sr)
// 1. Initialize required fields of AuthRecord
// 2. Set name of subtype PTR record to our special subtype name denoting "available" instances
// 3. Set target of subtype PTR record to point to our SRV record (exactly the same as the main service PTR record)
// 4. And register it
mDNS_SetupResourceRecord(rr, mDNSNULL, mDNSInterface_Any, kDNSType_PTR, 2*3600, kDNSRecordTypeShared, AvailCallback, &availRec2Active);
MakeDomainNameFromDNSNameString(rr->, "a._sub._raop._tcp.local.");
AssignDomainName(&rr->resrec.rdata->, sr->;
return(mDNS_Register(m, rr));
// YieldSomeTime() just cooperatively yields some time to other processes running on classic Mac OS
mDNSlocal Boolean YieldSomeTime(UInt32 milliseconds)
extern Boolean SIOUXQuitting;
EventRecord e;
WaitNextEvent(everyEvent, &e, milliseconds / 17, NULL);
int main()
mStatus err;
Boolean DoneSetup = false;
mDNSs32 nextAvail, nextBusy;
SIOUXSettings.asktosaveonclose = false;
SIOUXSettings.userwindowtitle = "\pMulticast DNS Responder";
printf("Multicast DNS Responder\n\n");
printf("This software reports errors using MacsBug breaks,\n");
printf("so if you don't have MacsBug installed your Mac may crash.\n\n");
err = InitOpenTransport();
if (err) { debugf("InitOpenTransport failed %d", err); return(err); }
err = mDNS_Init(&m, &p, mDNS_Init_NoCache, mDNS_Init_ZeroCacheSize,
mDNS_Init_AdvertiseLocalAddresses, mDNS_Init_NoInitCallback, mDNS_Init_NoInitCallbackContext);
if (err) return(err);
while (!YieldSomeTime(35))
// For debugging, use "#define MDNS_ONLYSYSTEMTASK 1" and call mDNSPlatformIdle() periodically.
// For shipping code, don't define MDNS_ONLYSYSTEMTASK, and you don't need to call mDNSPlatformIdle()
extern void mDNSPlatformIdle(mDNS *const m);
mDNSPlatformIdle(&m); // Only needed for debugging version
if (m.mDNSPlatformStatus == mStatus_NoError && !DoneSetup)
DoneSetup = true;
printf("\nListening for mDNS queries...\n");
mDNSResponderSetAvail(&m, &availRec1, &p1);
availRec2Active = false;
nextAvail = mDNS_TimeNow(&m) + mDNSPlatformOneSecond * 10;
nextBusy = mDNS_TimeNow(&m) + mDNSPlatformOneSecond * 15;
if (DoneSetup)
// We check availRec2.RecordType because we don't want to re-register this record
// if the previous mDNS_Deregister() has not yet completed
if (mDNS_TimeNow(&m) - nextAvail > 0 && !availRec2Active)
printf("Setting Two now available\n");
availRec2Active = true;
mDNSResponderSetAvail(&m, &availRec2, &p2);
nextAvail = nextBusy + mDNSPlatformOneSecond * 10;
else if (mDNS_TimeNow(&m) - nextBusy > 0)
printf("Setting Two now busy\n");
mDNS_Deregister(&m, &availRec2);
nextBusy = nextAvail + mDNSPlatformOneSecond * 5;
if (p1.RR_SRV.resrec.RecordType) mDNS_DeregisterService(&m, &p1);
if (p2.RR_SRV.resrec.RecordType) mDNS_DeregisterService(&m, &p2);
if (availRec1.resrec.RecordType) mDNS_Deregister(&m, &availRec1);
if (availRec2Active) mDNS_Deregister(&m, &availRec2);