blob: 0bbbcae1b25c2eec44e99d6bd7879348988df62a [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4 -*-
* Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
Change History (most recent first):
$Log: ExplorerBarWindow.h,v $
Revision 1.9 2009/03/30 18:49:15 herscher
<rdar://problem/5925472> Current Bonjour code does not compile on Windows
<rdar://problem/5187308> Move build train to Visual Studio 2005
Revision 1.8 2006/08/14 23:24:00 cheshire
Re-licensed mDNSResponder daemon source code under Apache License, Version 2.0
Revision 1.7 2005/02/25 19:57:30 shersche
<rdar://problem/4023323> Remove FTP browsing from plugin
Revision 1.6 2005/01/27 22:27:03 shersche
Add m_about member for "About ..." tree item
Revision 1.5 2004/07/26 05:47:31 shersche
use TXTRecord APIs, fix bug in locating service to be removed
Revision 1.4 2004/07/20 06:49:18 shersche
clean up socket handling code
Revision 1.3 2004/07/13 21:24:21 rpantos
Fix for <rdar://problem/3701120>.
Revision 1.2 2004/06/27 14:59:59 shersche
reference count service info to handle multi-homed hosts
Revision 1.1 2004/06/18 04:34:59 rpantos
Move to Clients from mDNSWindows
Revision 1.3 2004/04/15 01:00:05 bradley
Removed support for automatically querying for A/AAAA records when resolving names. Platforms
without .local name resolving support will need to manually query for A/AAAA records as needed.
Revision 1.2 2004/04/08 09:43:43 bradley
Changed callback calling conventions to __stdcall so they can be used with C# delegates.
Revision 1.1 2004/01/30 03:01:56 bradley
Explorer Plugin to browse for DNS-SD advertised Web and FTP servers from within Internet Explorer.
#pragma once
#include "afxtempl.h"
#include "dns_sd.h"
#include <list>
// Structures
// Forward Declarations
struct ServiceHandlerEntry;
class ExplorerBarWindow;
// ServiceInfo
struct ServiceInfo
CString displayName;
char * name;
char * type;
char * domain;
uint32_t ifi;
ServiceHandlerEntry * handler;
DWORD refs;
ServiceInfo( void )
item = NULL;
type = NULL;
domain = NULL;
handler = NULL;
~ServiceInfo( void )
if( name )
free( name );
if( type )
free( type );
if( domain )
free( domain );
typedef CArray < ServiceInfo *, ServiceInfo * > ServiceInfoArray;
// TextRecord
struct TextRecord
uint8_t * mData;
uint16_t mSize;
TextRecord( void )
mData = NULL;
mSize = 0;
~TextRecord( void )
if( mData )
free( mData );
void GetData( void *outData, uint16_t *outSize )
if( outData )
*( (void **) outData ) = mData;
if( outSize )
*outSize = mSize;
OSStatus SetData( const void *inData, uint16_t inSize )
OSStatus err;
uint8_t * newData;
newData = (uint8_t *) malloc( inSize );
require_action( newData, exit, err = kNoMemoryErr );
memcpy( newData, inData, inSize );
if( mData )
free( mData );
mData = newData;
mSize = inSize;
err = kNoErr;
return( err );
// ResolveInfo
struct ResolveInfo
CString host;
uint16_t port;
uint32_t ifi;
TextRecord txt;
ServiceHandlerEntry * handler;
// ServiceHandlerEntry
struct ServiceHandlerEntry
const char * type;
const char * urlScheme;
DNSServiceRef ref;
ServiceInfoArray array;
ExplorerBarWindow * obj;
bool needsLogin;
ServiceHandlerEntry( void )
type = NULL;
urlScheme = NULL;
ref = NULL;
obj = NULL;
needsLogin = false;
~ServiceHandlerEntry( void )
int i;
int n;
n = (int) array.GetSize();
for( i = 0; i < n; ++i )
delete array[ i ];
typedef CArray < ServiceHandlerEntry *, ServiceHandlerEntry * > ServiceHandlerArray;
// ExplorerBarWindow
class ExplorerBar; // Forward Declaration
class ExplorerBarWindow : public CWnd
ExplorerBar * mOwner;
CTreeCtrl mTree;
ServiceHandlerArray mServiceHandlers;
DNSServiceRef mResolveServiceRef;
ExplorerBarWindow( void );
virtual ~ExplorerBarWindow( void );
// General
afx_msg int OnCreate( LPCREATESTRUCT inCreateStruct );
afx_msg void OnDestroy( void );
afx_msg void OnSize( UINT inType, int inX, int inY );
afx_msg void OnDoubleClick( NMHDR *inNMHDR, LRESULT *outResult );
afx_msg LRESULT OnServiceEvent( WPARAM inWParam, LPARAM inLParam );
// Browsing
static void DNSSD_API
DNSServiceRef inRef,
DNSServiceFlags inFlags,
uint32_t inInterfaceIndex,
DNSServiceErrorType inErrorCode,
const char * inName,
const char * inType,
const char * inDomain,
void * inContext );
LONG OnServiceAdd( ServiceInfo * service );
LONG OnServiceRemove( ServiceInfo * service );
// Resolving
OSStatus StartResolve( ServiceInfo *inService );
void StopResolve( void );
void Stop( DNSServiceRef ref );
static void DNSSD_API
DNSServiceRef inRef,
DNSServiceFlags inFlags,
uint32_t inInterfaceIndex,
DNSServiceErrorType inErrorCode,
const char * inFullName,
const char * inHostName,
uint16_t inPort,
uint16_t inTXTSize,
const char * inTXT,
void * inContext );
LONG OnResolve( ResolveInfo * resolve );
// Accessors
ExplorerBar * GetOwner( void ) const { return( mOwner ); }
void SetOwner( ExplorerBar *inOwner ) { mOwner = inOwner; }
typedef std::list< DNSServiceRef > ServiceRefList;
HTREEITEM m_about;
ServiceRefList m_serviceRefs;
CImageList m_imageList;