blob: 8981bd4d3acf7051345b457796f94da95d6bd2a6 [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4 -*-
* Copyright (c) 1997-2004 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
Change History (most recent first):
$Log: ThirdPage.cpp,v $
Revision 1.42 2009/07/07 22:04:55 herscher
<rdar://problem/4176343> LOC Impact: Need custom text when selecting the wrong printer driver
Revision 1.41 2009/06/18 18:05:50 herscher
<rdar://problem/4694554> Eliminate the first screen of Printer Wizard and maybe combine others ("I'm Feeling Lucky")
Revision 1.40 2009/05/29 20:43:36 herscher
<rdar://problem/6928136> Printer Wizard doesn't work correctly in Windows 7 64 bit
Revision 1.39 2009/05/27 06:25:49 herscher
<rdar://problem/4176334> Need error dialog when selecting bad INF file
Revision 1.38 2009/05/27 04:59:57 herscher
<rdar://problem/4517393> COMPATIBILITY WITH HP CLJ4700
<rdar://problem/6142138> Compatibility with Samsung print driver files
Revision 1.37 2007/06/08 06:30:26 herscher
<rdar://problem/5257700> Fix uninitialized pointers when detecting generic PCL and PS drivers
Revision 1.36 2007/06/06 20:39:10 cheshire
<rdar://problem/5254377> Printer Setup Wizard started crashing in Bonjour104A8, after update to Visual Studio 2005
Revision 1.35 2007/06/06 20:08:01 cheshire
<rdar://problem/4528853> mDNS: When auto-highlighting items in lists, scroll list so highlighted item is in the middle
AutoScroll model list as well as manufacturer list
Revision 1.34 2007/06/06 19:53:48 cheshire
<rdar://problem/5187308> Move build train to Visual Studio 2005
Revision 1.33 2007/04/20 22:58:10 herscher
<rdar://problem/4826126> mDNS: Printer Wizard doesn't offer generic HP printers or generic PS support on Vista RC2
Revision 1.32 2007/04/13 23:42:20 herscher
<rdar://problem/4580061> mDNS: Printers added using Bonjour should be set as the default printer.
Revision 1.31 2007/04/13 21:38:46 herscher
<rdar://problem/4528853> mDNS: When auto-highlighting items in lists, scroll list so highlighted item is in the middle
Revision 1.30 2007/04/13 20:23:40 herscher
Fixed mistake in previous checkin that reverted license text for this file
Revision 1.29 2007/04/13 18:10:24 herscher
<rdar://problem/4496652> mDNS: Don't allow user to choose non-working driver
Revision 1.28 2006/08/14 23:24:09 cheshire
Re-licensed mDNSResponder daemon source code under Apache License, Version 2.0
Revision 1.27 2005/10/05 21:41:45 herscher
<rdar://problem/4190104> Use "application/octet-stream" to determine if CUPS shared queue supports raw
Revision 1.26 2005/07/11 20:17:15 shersche
<rdar://problem/4124524> UI fixes associated with CUPS printer workaround fix.
Revision 1.25 2005/07/07 17:53:20 shersche
Fix problems associated with the CUPS printer workaround fix.
Revision 1.24 2005/06/30 18:02:54 shersche
<rdar://problem/4124524> Workaround for Mac OS X Printer Sharing bug
Revision 1.23 2005/04/18 02:33:47 shersche
<rdar://problem/4091216> Default printer option cannot be deselected
Revision 1.22 2005/04/13 17:46:22 shersche
<rdar://problem/4082122> Generic PCL not selected when printers advertise multiple text records
Revision 1.21 2005/03/30 02:09:55 shersche
Auto-resize the column width to account for differing fonts and font sizes
Revision 1.20 2005/03/05 02:27:45 shersche
<rdar://problem/4030388> Generic drivers don't do color
Revision 1.19 2005/02/23 02:08:51 shersche
<rdar://problem/4012275> If we can't match the manufacturer, and select a generic printer, then show all the manufacturers in the manufacturer pane, not just "Generic".
Revision 1.18 2005/02/15 07:02:51 shersche
<rdar://problem/4003724> Display different UI text when generic printer drivers are selected
Revision 1.17 2005/02/08 21:45:06 shersche
<rdar://problem/3947490> Default to Generic PostScript or PCL if unable to match driver
Revision 1.16 2005/02/08 18:56:03 shersche
Fix generated IPP url so that it doesn't add "/printers" string
Revision 1.15 2005/02/01 01:44:07 shersche
Load ntprint.inf at startup. This will cause the wizard to take a second or two longer to come up, but will eliminate the pause when auto-selecting the print drivers.
Revision 1.14 2005/01/25 08:55:54 shersche
<rdar://problem/3911084> Load icons at run-time from resource DLL
Bug #: 3911084
Revision 1.13 2005/01/06 08:15:45 shersche
Append queue name to end of LPR port name, correctly build port name when queue name is absent
Revision 1.12 2005/01/05 01:06:12 shersche
<rdar://problem/3841218> Strip the first substring off the product key if an initial match can't be found with the whole product key.
Bug #: 3841218
Revision 1.11 2004/12/29 18:53:38 shersche
<rdar://problem/3737413> Added support for LPR and IPP protocols as well as support for obtaining multiple text records. Reorganized and simplified codebase.
Bug #: 3725106, 3737413
Revision 1.10 2004/10/11 22:55:34 shersche
<rdar://problem/3827624> Use the IP port number when deriving the printer port name.
Bug #: 3827624
Revision 1.9 2004/06/27 23:08:00 shersche
code cleanup, make sure EnumPrintDrivers returns non-zero value, ignore comments in inf files
Revision 1.8 2004/06/27 08:06:45 shersche
Parse [Strings] section of inf file
Revision 1.7 2004/06/26 04:00:05 shersche
fix warnings compiling in debug mode
Submitted by: herscher
Revision 1.6 2004/06/26 03:19:57 shersche
clean up warning messages
Submitted by: herscher
Revision 1.5 2004/06/25 05:06:02 shersche
Trim whitespace from key/value pairs when parsing inf files
Submitted by: herscher
Revision 1.4 2004/06/25 02:44:13 shersche
Tweaked code to handle Xerox Phaser printer identification
Submitted by: herscher
Revision 1.3 2004/06/25 02:27:58 shersche
Do a CListCtrl::FindItem() before calling CListCtrl::SetItemState().
Submitted by: herscher
Revision 1.2 2004/06/23 18:09:23 shersche
Normalize tag names when parsing inf files.
Submitted by: herscher
Revision 1.1 2004/06/18 04:36:58 rpantos
First checked in
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "PrinterSetupWizardApp.h"
#include "PrinterSetupWizardSheet.h"
#include "ThirdPage.h"
#include "StdioFileEx.h"
#include <dns_sd.h>
#include <tcpxcv.h>
#include <winspool.h>
#include <setupapi.h>
// local variable is initialize but not referenced
#pragma warning(disable:4189)
// This is the printer description file that is shipped
// with Windows XP and below
#define kNTPrintFile L"inf\\ntprint.inf"
// Windows Vista ships with a set of prn*.inf files
#define kVistaPrintFiles L"inf\\prn*.inf"
// These are pre-defined names for Generic manufacturer and model
#define kGenericManufacturer L"Generic"
#define kGenericText L"Generic / Text Only"
#define kGenericPostscript L"Generic / Postscript"
#define kGenericPCL L"Generic / PCL"
#define kPDLPostscriptKey L"application/postscript"
#define kPDLPCLKey L"application/vnd.hp-pcl"
#define kGenericPSColorDriver L"HP Color LaserJet 4550 PS"
#define kGenericPSDriver L"HP LaserJet 4050 Series PS"
#define kGenericPCLColorDriver L"HP Color LaserJet 4550 PCL"
#define kGenericPCLDriver L"HP LaserJet 4050 Series PCL"
// CThirdPage dialog
IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC(CThirdPage, CPropertyPage)
: CPropertyPage(CThirdPage::IDD),
m_manufacturerSelected( NULL ),
m_modelSelected( NULL ),
m_genericPostscript( NULL ),
m_genericPCL( NULL ),
m_printerImage( NULL )
static const int bufferSize = 32768;
TCHAR windowsDirectory[bufferSize];
CString header;
WIN32_FIND_DATA findFileData;
HANDLE findHandle;
CString prnFiles;
CString ntPrint;
OSStatus err;
BOOL ok;
m_psp.dwFlags &= ~(PSP_HASHELP);
// load printers from ntprint.inf
ok = GetWindowsDirectory( windowsDirectory, bufferSize );
err = translate_errno( ok, errno_compat(), kUnknownErr );
require_noerr( err, exit );
// <rdar://problem/4826126>
// If there are no *prn.inf files, we'll assume that the information
// is in ntprint.inf
prnFiles.Format( L"%s\\%s", windowsDirectory, kVistaPrintFiles );
findHandle = FindFirstFile( prnFiles, &findFileData );
if ( findHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
CString absolute;
absolute.Format( L"%s\\inf\\%s", windowsDirectory, findFileData.cFileName );
err = LoadPrintDriverDefsFromFile( m_manufacturers, absolute, false );
require_noerr( err, exit );
while ( FindNextFile( findHandle, &findFileData ) )
absolute.Format( L"%s\\inf\\%s", windowsDirectory, findFileData.cFileName );
err = LoadPrintDriverDefsFromFile( m_manufacturers, absolute, false );
require_noerr( err, exit );
FindClose( findHandle );
ntPrint.Format(L"%s\\%s", windowsDirectory, kNTPrintFile);
err = LoadPrintDriverDefsFromFile( m_manufacturers, ntPrint, false );
require_noerr(err, exit);
// load printer drivers that have been installed on this machine
err = LoadPrintDriverDefs( m_manufacturers );
require_noerr(err, exit);
// load our own special generic printer defs
err = LoadGenericPrintDriverDefs( m_manufacturers );
require_noerr( err, exit );
// clean up all the printer manufacturers
while (m_manufacturers.size())
Manufacturers::iterator iter = m_manufacturers.begin();
while (iter->second->models.size())
Models::iterator it = iter->second->models.begin();
Model * model = *it;
delete model;
delete iter->second;
// ----------------------------------------------------
// SelectMatch
// SelectMatch will do all the UI work associated with
// selected a manufacturer and model of printer. It also
// makes sure the printer object is update with the
// latest settings
// ----------------------------------------------------
CThirdPage::SelectMatch(Printer * printer, Service * service, Manufacturer * manufacturer, Model * model)
int nIndex;
check( printer != NULL );
check( manufacturer != NULL );
check( model != NULL );
// select the manufacturer
info.flags = LVFI_STRING;
info.psz = manufacturer->name;
nIndex = m_manufacturerListCtrl.FindItem(&info);
if (nIndex != -1)
m_manufacturerListCtrl.SetItemState(nIndex, LVIS_SELECTED, LVIS_SELECTED);
//<rdar://problem/4528853> mDNS: When auto-highlighting items in lists, scroll list so highlighted item is in the middle
AutoScroll(m_manufacturerListCtrl, nIndex);
// select the model
info.flags = LVFI_STRING;
info.psz = model->displayName;
nIndex = m_modelListCtrl.FindItem(&info);
if (nIndex != -1)
m_modelListCtrl.SetItemState(nIndex, LVIS_SELECTED, LVIS_SELECTED);
AutoScroll( m_modelListCtrl, nIndex );
CopyPrinterSettings( printer, service, manufacturer, model );
CThirdPage::SelectMatch(Manufacturers & manufacturers, Printer * printer, Service * service, Manufacturer * manufacturer, Model * model)
PopulateUI( manufacturers );
SelectMatch( printer, service, manufacturer, model );
// --------------------------------------------------------
// CopyPrinterSettings
// This function makes sure that the printer object has the
// latest settings from the manufacturer and model objects
// --------------------------------------------------------
CThirdPage::CopyPrinterSettings( Printer * printer, Service * service, Manufacturer * manufacturer, Model * model )
printer->manufacturer = manufacturer->name;
printer->displayModelName = model->displayName;
printer->modelName = model->name;
printer->driverInstalled = model->driverInstalled;
printer->infFileName = model->infFileName;
if ( service->type == kPDLServiceType )
printer->portName.Format(L"IP_%s.%d", static_cast<LPCTSTR>(service->hostname), service->portNumber);
service->protocol = L"Raw";
else if ( service->type == kLPRServiceType )
Queue * q = service->queues.front();
check( q );
if ( q->name.GetLength() > 0 )
printer->portName.Format(L"LPR_%s.%d.%s", static_cast<LPCTSTR>(service->hostname), service->portNumber, static_cast<LPCTSTR>(q->name) );
printer->portName.Format(L"LPR_%s.%d", static_cast<LPCTSTR>(service->hostname), service->portNumber);
service->protocol = L"LPR";
else if ( service->type == kIPPServiceType )
Queue * q = service->queues.front();
check( q );
if ( q->name.GetLength() > 0 )
printer->portName.Format(L"http://%s:%d/%s", static_cast<LPCTSTR>(service->hostname), service->portNumber, static_cast<LPCTSTR>(q->name) );
printer->portName.Format(L"http://%s:%d/", static_cast<LPCTSTR>(service->hostname), service->portNumber );
service->protocol = L"IPP";
// --------------------------------------------------------
// DefaultPrinterExists
// Checks to see if a default printer has been configured
// on this machine
// --------------------------------------------------------
CPrintDialog dlg(FALSE);
dlg.m_pd.Flags |= PD_RETURNDEFAULT;
return dlg.GetDefaults();
// --------------------------------------------------------
// AutoScroll
// Ensure selected item is in middle of list
// --------------------------------------------------------
CThirdPage::AutoScroll( CListCtrl & list, int nIndex )
//<rdar://problem/4528853> mDNS: When auto-highlighting items in lists, scroll list so highlighted item is in the middle
int top;
int count;
list.EnsureVisible( nIndex, FALSE );
top = list.GetTopIndex();
count = list.GetCountPerPage();
if ( ( nIndex == top ) || ( ( nIndex + 1 ) == ( top + count ) ) )
CRect rect;
int rows;
rows = ( count / 2 );
if ( nIndex == top )
list.GetItemRect(0, rect, LVIR_BOUNDS);
list.Scroll( CPoint( 0, rows * rect.Height() * -1 ) );
list.GetItemRect(0, rect, LVIR_BOUNDS);
list.Scroll( CPoint( 0, rows * rect.Height() ) );
// ------------------------------------------------------
// LoadPrintDriverDefsFromFile
// The only potentially opaque thing about this function is the
// checkForDuplicateModels flag. The problem here is that ntprint.inf
// doesn't contain duplicate models, and it has hundreds of models
// listed. You wouldn't check for duplicates there. But oftentimes,
// loading different windows print driver files contain multiple
// entries for the same printer. You don't want the UI to display
// the same printer multiple times, so in that case, you would ask
// this function to check for multiple models.
CThirdPage::LoadPrintDriverDefsFromFile(Manufacturers & manufacturers, const CString & filename, bool checkForDuplicateModels )
const TCHAR * section = TEXT( "Manufacturer" );
LONG sectionCount;
TCHAR line[ 1000 ];
CString klass;
INFCONTEXT manufacturerContext;
BOOL ok;
OSStatus err = 0;
// Make sure we can open the file
handle = SetupOpenInfFile( filename, NULL, INF_STYLE_WIN4, NULL );
translate_errno( handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, GetLastError(), kUnknownErr );
require_noerr( err, exit );
// Make sure it's a printer file
ok = SetupGetLineText( NULL, handle, TEXT( "Version" ), TEXT( "Class" ), line, sizeof( line ), NULL );
translate_errno( ok, GetLastError(), kUnknownErr );
require_noerr( err, exit );
klass = line;
require_action( klass == TEXT( "Printer" ), exit, err = kUnknownErr );
sectionCount = SetupGetLineCount( handle, section );
translate_errno( sectionCount != -1, GetLastError(), kUnknownErr );
require_noerr( err, exit );
memset( &manufacturerContext, 0, sizeof( manufacturerContext ) );
for ( LONG i = 0; i < sectionCount; i++ )
Manufacturers::iterator iter;
Manufacturer * manufacturer;
CString manufacturerName;
CString temp;
CStringList modelSectionNameDecl;
CString modelSectionName;
CString baseModelName;
CString model;
INFCONTEXT modelContext;
LONG modelCount;
if ( i == 0 )
ok = SetupFindFirstLine( handle, section, NULL, &manufacturerContext );
err = translate_errno( ok, GetLastError(), kUnknownErr );
require_noerr( err, exit );
ok = SetupFindNextLine( &manufacturerContext, &manufacturerContext );
err = translate_errno( ok, GetLastError(), kUnknownErr );
require_noerr( err, exit );
ok = SetupGetStringField( &manufacturerContext, 0, line, sizeof( line ), NULL );
err = translate_errno( ok, GetLastError(), kUnknownErr );
require_noerr( err, exit );
manufacturerName = line;
ok = SetupGetLineText( &manufacturerContext, handle, NULL, NULL, line, sizeof( line ), NULL );
err = translate_errno( ok, GetLastError(), kUnknownErr );
require_noerr( err, exit );
// Try to find some model section name that has entries. Explanation of int file structure
// can be found at:
// <>
Split( line, ',', modelSectionNameDecl );
p = modelSectionNameDecl.GetHeadPosition();
modelSectionName = modelSectionNameDecl.GetNext( p );
modelCount = SetupGetLineCount( handle, modelSectionName );
baseModelName = modelSectionName;
while ( modelCount <= 0 && p )
CString targetOSVersion;
targetOSVersion = modelSectionNameDecl.GetNext( p );
modelSectionName = baseModelName + TEXT( "." ) + targetOSVersion;
modelCount = SetupGetLineCount( handle, modelSectionName );
if ( modelCount > 0 )
manufacturerName = NormalizeManufacturerName( manufacturerName );
iter = manufacturers.find( manufacturerName );
if ( iter != manufacturers.end() )
manufacturer = iter->second;
require_action( manufacturer, exit, err = kUnknownErr );
manufacturer = new Manufacturer;
catch (...)
manufacturer = NULL;
require_action( manufacturer, exit, err = kNoMemoryErr );
manufacturer->name = manufacturerName;
manufacturers[ manufacturerName ] = manufacturer;
memset( &modelContext, 0, sizeof( modelContext ) );
for ( LONG j = 0; j < modelCount; j++ )
CString modelName;
Model * model;
if ( j == 0 )
ok = SetupFindFirstLine( handle, modelSectionName, NULL, &modelContext );
err = translate_errno( ok, GetLastError(), kUnknownErr );
require_noerr( err, exit );
SetupFindNextLine( &modelContext, &modelContext );
err = translate_errno( ok, GetLastError(), kUnknownErr );
require_noerr( err, exit );
ok = SetupGetStringField( &modelContext, 0, line, sizeof( line ), NULL );
err = translate_errno( ok, GetLastError(), kUnknownErr );
require_noerr( err, exit );
modelName = line;
if (checkForDuplicateModels == true)
if ( MatchModel( manufacturer, ConvertToModelName( modelName ) ) != NULL )
// Stock Vista printer inf files embed guids in the model
// declarations for Epson printers. Let's ignore those.
if ( modelName.Find( TEXT( "{" ), 0 ) != -1 )
model = new Model;
catch (...)
model = NULL;
require_action( model, exit, err = kNoMemoryErr );
model->infFileName = filename;
model->displayName = modelName;
model->name = modelName;
model->driverInstalled = false;
if ( handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
SetupCloseInfFile( handle );
handle = NULL;
return err;
// -------------------------------------------------------
// LoadPrintDriverDefs
// This function is responsible for loading the print driver
// definitions of all print drivers that have been installed
// on this machine.
// -------------------------------------------------------
CThirdPage::LoadPrintDriverDefs( Manufacturers & manufacturers )
BYTE * buffer = NULL;
DWORD bytesReceived = 0;
DWORD numPrinters = 0;
OSStatus err = 0;
BOOL ok;
// like a lot of win32 calls, we call this first to get the
// size of the buffer we need.
EnumPrinterDrivers(NULL, L"all", 6, NULL, 0, &bytesReceived, &numPrinters);
if (bytesReceived > 0)
buffer = new BYTE[bytesReceived];
catch (...)
buffer = NULL;
require_action( buffer, exit, err = kNoMemoryErr );
// this call gets the real info
ok = EnumPrinterDrivers(NULL, L"all", 6, buffer, bytesReceived, &bytesReceived, &numPrinters);
err = translate_errno( ok, errno_compat(), kUnknownErr );
require_noerr( err, exit );
DRIVER_INFO_6 * info = (DRIVER_INFO_6*) buffer;
for (DWORD i = 0; i < numPrinters; i++)
Manufacturer * manufacturer;
Model * model;
CString name;
// skip over anything that doesn't have a manufacturer field. This
// fixes a bug that I noticed that occurred after I installed
// ProComm. This program add a print driver with no manufacturer
// that screwed up this wizard.
if (info[i].pszMfgName == NULL)
// look for manufacturer
Manufacturers::iterator iter;
// save the name
name = NormalizeManufacturerName( info[i].pszMfgName );
iter = manufacturers.find(name);
if (iter != manufacturers.end())
manufacturer = iter->second;
manufacturer = new Manufacturer;
catch (...)
manufacturer = NULL;
require_action( manufacturer, exit, err = kNoMemoryErr );
manufacturer->name = name;
manufacturers[name] = manufacturer;
// now look to see if we have already seen this guy. this could
// happen if we have already installed printers that are described
// in ntprint.inf. the extant drivers will show up in EnumPrinterDrivers
// but we have already loaded their info
if ( MatchModel( manufacturer, ConvertToModelName( info[i].pName ) ) == NULL )
model = new Model;
catch (...)
model = NULL;
require_action( model, exit, err = kNoMemoryErr );
model->displayName = info[i].pName;
model->name = info[i].pName;
model->driverInstalled = true;
if (buffer != NULL)
delete [] buffer;
return err;
// -------------------------------------------------------
// LoadGenericPrintDriverDefs
// This function is responsible for loading polymorphic
// generic print drivers defs. The UI will read
// something like "Generic / Postscript" and we can map
// that to any print driver we want.
// -------------------------------------------------------
CThirdPage::LoadGenericPrintDriverDefs( Manufacturers & manufacturers )
Manufacturer * manufacturer;
Model * model;
Manufacturers::iterator iter;
CString psDriverName;
CString pclDriverName;
OSStatus err = 0;
// <rdar://problem/4030388> Generic drivers don't do color
// First try and find our generic driver names
iter = m_manufacturers.find(L"HP");
require_action( iter != m_manufacturers.end(), exit, err = kUnknownErr );
manufacturer = iter->second;
// Look for Postscript
model = manufacturer->find( kGenericPSColorDriver );
if ( !model )
model = manufacturer->find( kGenericPSDriver );
if ( model )
psDriverName = model->name;
// Look for PCL
model = manufacturer->find( kGenericPCLColorDriver );
if ( !model )
model = manufacturer->find( kGenericPCLDriver );
if ( model )
pclDriverName = model->name;
// If we found either a generic PS driver, or a generic PCL driver,
// then add them to the list
if ( psDriverName.GetLength() || pclDriverName.GetLength() )
// Try and find generic manufacturer if there is one
iter = manufacturers.find(L"Generic");
if (iter != manufacturers.end())
manufacturer = iter->second;
manufacturer = new Manufacturer;
catch (...)
manufacturer = NULL;
require_action( manufacturer, exit, err = kNoMemoryErr );
manufacturer->name = "Generic";
manufacturers[manufacturer->name] = manufacturer;
if ( psDriverName.GetLength() > 0 )
m_genericPostscript = new Model;
catch (...)
m_genericPostscript = NULL;
require_action( m_genericPostscript, exit, err = kNoMemoryErr );
m_genericPostscript->displayName = kGenericPostscript;
m_genericPostscript->name = psDriverName;
m_genericPostscript->driverInstalled = false;
manufacturer->models.push_back( m_genericPostscript );
if ( pclDriverName.GetLength() > 0 )
m_genericPCL = new Model;
catch (...)
m_genericPCL = NULL;
require_action( m_genericPCL, exit, err = kNoMemoryErr );
m_genericPCL->displayName = kGenericPCL;
m_genericPCL->name = pclDriverName;
m_genericPCL->driverInstalled = false;
manufacturer->models.push_back( m_genericPCL );
return err;
// ------------------------------------------------------
// ConvertToManufacturerName
// This function is responsible for tweaking the
// name so that subsequent string operations won't fail because
// of capitalizations/different names for the same manufacturer
// (i.e. Hewlett-Packard/HP/Hewlett Packard)
CThirdPage::ConvertToManufacturerName( const CString & name )
// first we're going to convert all the characters to lower
// case
CString lower = name;
// now we're going to check to see if the string says "hewlett-packard",
// because sometimes they refer to themselves as "hewlett-packard", and
// sometimes they refer to themselves as "hp".
if ( lower == L"hewlett-packard")
lower = "hp";
// tweak for Xerox Phaser, which doesn't announce itself
// as a xerox
else if ( lower.Find( L"phaser", 0 ) != -1 )
lower = "xerox";
return lower;
// ------------------------------------------------------
// ConvertToModelName
// This function is responsible for ensuring that subsequent
// string operations don't fail because of differing capitalization
// schemes and the like
// ------------------------------------------------------
CThirdPage::ConvertToModelName( const CString & name )
// convert it to lowercase
CString lower = name;
return lower;
// ------------------------------------------------------
// NormalizeManufacturerName
// This function is responsible for tweaking the manufacturer
// name so that there are no aliases for vendors
CThirdPage::NormalizeManufacturerName( const CString & name )
CString normalized = name;
// now we're going to check to see if the string says "hewlett-packard",
// because sometimes they refer to themselves as "hewlett-packard", and
// sometimes they refer to themselves as "hp".
if ( normalized == L"Hewlett-Packard")
normalized = "HP";
return normalized;
// -------------------------------------------------------
// MatchPrinter
// This function is responsible for matching a printer
// to a list of manufacturers and models. It calls
// MatchManufacturer and MatchModel in turn.
OSStatus CThirdPage::MatchPrinter(Manufacturers & manufacturers, Printer * printer, Service * service, bool useCUPSWorkaround)
CString normalizedProductName;
Manufacturer * manufacturer = NULL;
Manufacturer * genericManufacturer = NULL;
Model * model = NULL;
Model * genericModel = NULL;
bool found = false;
CString text;
OSStatus err = kNoErr;
check( printer );
check( service );
Queue * q = service->SelectedQueue();
check( q );
// first look to see if we have a usb_MFG descriptor
if ( q->usb_MFG.GetLength() > 0)
manufacturer = MatchManufacturer( manufacturers, ConvertToManufacturerName ( q->usb_MFG ) );
if ( manufacturer == NULL )
manufacturer = MatchManufacturer( manufacturers, ConvertToManufacturerName ( q->product ) );
// if we found the manufacturer, then start looking for the model
if ( manufacturer != NULL )
if ( q->usb_MDL.GetLength() > 0 )
model = MatchModel ( manufacturer, ConvertToModelName ( q->usb_MDL ) );
if ( ( model == NULL ) && ( q->product.GetLength() > 0 ) )
model = MatchModel ( manufacturer, ConvertToModelName ( q->product ) );
if ( model != NULL )
// <rdar://problem/4124524> Offer Generic printers if printer advertises Postscript or PCL. Workaround
// bug in OS X CUPS printer sharing by selecting Generic driver instead of matched printer.
bool hasGenericDriver = false;
if ( MatchGeneric( manufacturers, printer, service, &genericManufacturer, &genericModel ) )
hasGenericDriver = true;
// <rdar://problem/4190104> Use "application/octet-stream" to determine if CUPS
// shared queue supports raw
if ( q->pdl.Find( L"application/octet-stream" ) != -1 )
useCUPSWorkaround = false;
if ( useCUPSWorkaround && printer->isSharedFromOSX && hasGenericDriver )
// <rdar://problem/4496652> mDNS: Don't allow user to choose non-working driver
Manufacturers genericManufacturers;
LoadGenericPrintDriverDefs( genericManufacturers );
SelectMatch( genericManufacturers, printer, service, genericManufacturer, genericModel );
SelectMatch(manufacturers, printer, service, manufacturer, model);
found = true;
// display a message to the user based on whether we could match
// this printer
if (found)
err = kNoErr;
else if ( MatchGeneric( manufacturers, printer, service, &genericManufacturer, &genericModel ) )
if ( printer->isSharedFromOSX )
// <rdar://problem/4496652> mDNS: Don't allow user to choose non-working driver
Manufacturers genericManufacturers;
LoadGenericPrintDriverDefs( genericManufacturers );
SelectMatch( genericManufacturers, printer, service, genericManufacturer, genericModel );
SelectMatch( manufacturers, printer, service, genericManufacturer, genericModel );
err = kNoErr;
// if there was any crud in this list from before, get rid of it now
// select the manufacturer if we found one
if (manufacturer != NULL)
int nIndex;
// select the manufacturer
info.flags = LVFI_STRING;
info.psz = manufacturer->name;
nIndex = m_manufacturerListCtrl.FindItem(&info);
if (nIndex != -1)
m_manufacturerListCtrl.SetItemState(nIndex, LVIS_SELECTED, LVIS_SELECTED);
//<rdar://problem/4528853> mDNS: When auto-highlighting items in lists, scroll list so highlighted item is in the middle
AutoScroll(m_manufacturerListCtrl, nIndex);
err = kUnknownErr;
return err;
// ------------------------------------------------------
// MatchManufacturer
// This function is responsible for finding a manufacturer
// object from a string name. It does a CString::Find, which
// is like strstr, so it doesn't have to do an exact match
// If it can't find a match, NULL is returned
// ------------------------------------------------------
CThirdPage::MatchManufacturer( Manufacturers & manufacturers, const CString & name)
Manufacturers::iterator iter;
for (iter = manufacturers.begin(); iter != manufacturers.end(); iter++)
// we're going to convert all the manufacturer names to lower case,
// so we match the name passed in.
CString lower = iter->second->name;
// now try and find the lowered string in the name passed in.
if (name.Find(lower) != -1)
return iter->second;
return NULL;
// -------------------------------------------------------
// MatchModel
// This function is responsible for matching a model from
// a name. It does a CString::Find(), which works like strstr,
// so it doesn't rely on doing an exact string match.
CThirdPage::MatchModel(Manufacturer * manufacturer, const CString & name)
Models::iterator iter;
iter = manufacturer->models.begin();
for (iter = manufacturer->models.begin(); iter != manufacturer->models.end(); iter++)
Model * model = *iter;
// convert the model name to lower case
CString lowered = model->name;
if (lowered.Find( name ) != -1)
return model;
// <rdar://problem/3841218>
// try removing the first substring and search again
if ( name.Find(' ') != -1 )
CString altered = name;
altered.Delete( 0, altered.Find(' ') + 1 );
if ( lowered.Find( altered ) != -1 )
return model;
return NULL;
// -------------------------------------------------------
// MatchGeneric
// This function will attempt to find a generic printer
// driver for a printer that we weren't able to match
// specifically
CThirdPage::MatchGeneric( Manufacturers & manufacturers, Printer * printer, Service * service, Manufacturer ** manufacturer, Model ** model )
CString pdl;
DEBUG_UNUSED( printer );
check( service );
Queue * q = service->SelectedQueue();
check( q );
Manufacturers::iterator iter = manufacturers.find( kGenericManufacturer );
require_action_quiet( iter != manufacturers.end(), exit, ok = FALSE );
*manufacturer = iter->second;
pdl = q->pdl;
if ( m_genericPCL && ( pdl.Find( kPDLPCLKey ) != -1 ) )
*model = m_genericPCL;
ok = TRUE;
else if ( m_genericPostscript && ( pdl.Find( kPDLPostscriptKey ) != -1 ) )
*model = m_genericPostscript;
ok = TRUE;
return ok;
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// OnInitPage
// This function is responsible for doing initialization that
// only occurs once during a run of the wizard
OSStatus CThirdPage::OnInitPage()
CString header;
CString ntPrint;
OSStatus err = kNoErr;
// Load printer icon
check( m_printerImage == NULL );
m_printerImage = (CStatic*) GetDlgItem( 1 ); // 1 == IDR_MANIFEST
check( m_printerImage );
if ( m_printerImage != NULL )
m_printerImage->SetIcon( LoadIcon( GetNonLocalizedResources(), MAKEINTRESOURCE( IDI_PRINTER ) ) );
// The CTreeCtrl widget automatically sends a selection changed
// message which initially we want to ignore, because the user
// hasn't selected anything
// this flag gets reset in the message handler. Every subsequent
// message gets handled.
// we have to make sure that we only do this once. Typically,
// we would do this in something like OnInitDialog, but we don't
// have this in Wizards, because the window is a PropertySheet.
// We're considered fully initialized when we receive the first
// selection notice
m_manufacturerListCtrl.InsertColumn(0, header, LVCFMT_LEFT, -1 );
m_manufacturerSelected = NULL;
m_modelListCtrl.InsertColumn(0, header, LVCFMT_LEFT, -1 );
m_modelSelected = NULL;
return (err);
void CThirdPage::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX)
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_PRINTER_MANUFACTURER, m_manufacturerListCtrl);
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_PRINTER_MODEL, m_modelListCtrl);
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_PRINTER_NAME, m_printerName);
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_DEFAULT_PRINTER, m_defaultPrinterCtrl);
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_PRINTER_SELECTION_TEXT, m_printerSelectionText);
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// OnSetActive
// This function is called by MFC after the window has been
// activated.
CPrinterSetupWizardSheet * psheet;
Printer * printer;
Service * service;
psheet = reinterpret_cast<CPrinterSetupWizardSheet*>(GetParent());
require_quiet( psheet, exit );
psheet->SetWizardButtons( PSWIZB_BACK );
printer = psheet->GetSelectedPrinter();
require_quiet( printer, exit );
service = printer->services.front();
require_quiet( service, exit );
// call OnInitPage once
if (!m_initialized)
m_initialized = true;
// <rdar://problem/4580061> mDNS: Printers added using Bonjour should be set as the default printer.
if ( DefaultPrinterExists() )
m_defaultPrinterCtrl.SetCheck( BST_UNCHECKED );
printer->deflt = false;
m_defaultPrinterCtrl.SetCheck( BST_CHECKED );
printer->deflt = true;
// update the UI with the printer name
// populate the list controls with the manufacturers and models
// from ntprint.inf
PopulateUI( m_manufacturers );
// and try and match the printer
if ( psheet->GetLastPage() == psheet->GetPage(0) )
MatchPrinter( m_manufacturers, printer, service, true );
if ( ( m_manufacturerSelected != NULL ) && ( m_modelSelected != NULL ) )
GetParent()->PostMessage(PSM_SETCURSEL, 2 );
SelectMatch(printer, service, m_manufacturerSelected, m_modelSelected);
return CPropertyPage::OnSetActive();
CPrinterSetupWizardSheet * psheet;
psheet = reinterpret_cast<CPrinterSetupWizardSheet*>(GetParent());
require_quiet( psheet, exit );
return CPropertyPage::OnKillActive();
// -------------------------------------------------------
// PopulateUI
// This function is called to populate the list of manufacturers
CThirdPage::PopulateUI(Manufacturers & manufacturers)
Manufacturers::iterator iter;
for (iter = manufacturers.begin(); iter != manufacturers.end(); iter++)
int nIndex;
Manufacturer * manufacturer = iter->second;
nIndex = m_manufacturerListCtrl.InsertItem(0, manufacturer->name);
m_manufacturerListCtrl.SetItemData(nIndex, (DWORD_PTR) manufacturer);
m_manufacturerListCtrl.SetColumnWidth( 0, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE_USEHEADER );
return 0;
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CThirdPage, CPropertyPage)
// CThirdPage message handlers
void CThirdPage::OnLvnItemchangedManufacturer(NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult)
POSITION p = m_manufacturerListCtrl.GetFirstSelectedItemPosition();
int nSelected = m_manufacturerListCtrl.GetNextSelectedItem(p);
if (nSelected != -1)
m_manufacturerSelected = (Manufacturer*) m_manufacturerListCtrl.GetItemData(nSelected);
m_modelSelected = NULL;
Models::iterator iter;
for (iter = m_manufacturerSelected->models.begin(); iter != m_manufacturerSelected->models.end(); iter++)
Model * model = *iter;
int nItem = m_modelListCtrl.InsertItem( 0, model->displayName );
m_modelListCtrl.SetItemData(nItem, (DWORD_PTR) model);
m_modelListCtrl.SetColumnWidth( 0, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE_USEHEADER );
*pResult = 0;
void CThirdPage::OnLvnItemchangedPrinterModel(NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult)
CPrinterSetupWizardSheet * psheet;
Printer * printer;
Service * service;
psheet = reinterpret_cast<CPrinterSetupWizardSheet*>(GetParent());
require_quiet( psheet, exit );
printer = psheet->GetSelectedPrinter();
require_quiet( printer, exit );
service = printer->services.front();
require_quiet( service, exit );
check ( m_manufacturerSelected );
POSITION p = m_modelListCtrl.GetFirstSelectedItemPosition();
int nSelected = m_modelListCtrl.GetNextSelectedItem(p);
if (nSelected != -1)
m_modelSelected = (Model*) m_modelListCtrl.GetItemData(nSelected);
CopyPrinterSettings( printer, service, m_manufacturerSelected, m_modelSelected );
*pResult = 0;
void CThirdPage::OnBnClickedDefaultPrinter()
CPrinterSetupWizardSheet * psheet;
Printer * printer;
psheet = reinterpret_cast<CPrinterSetupWizardSheet*>(GetParent());
require_quiet( psheet, exit );
printer = psheet->GetSelectedPrinter();
require_quiet( printer, exit );
printer->deflt = ( m_defaultPrinterCtrl.GetCheck() == BST_CHECKED ) ? true : false;
void CThirdPage::OnBnClickedHaveDisk()
CPrinterSetupWizardSheet * psheet;
Printer * printer;
Service * service;
Manufacturers manufacturers;
CFileDialog dlg(TRUE, NULL, NULL, OFN_HIDEREADONLY|OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST, L"Setup Information (*.inf)|*.inf||", this);
psheet = reinterpret_cast<CPrinterSetupWizardSheet*>(GetParent());
require_quiet( psheet, exit );
printer = psheet->GetSelectedPrinter();
require_quiet( printer, exit );
service = printer->services.front();
require_quiet( service, exit );
for ( ;; )
if ( dlg.DoModal() == IDOK )
CString filename = dlg.GetPathName();
LoadPrintDriverDefsFromFile( manufacturers, filename, true );
// Sanity check
if ( manufacturers.size() > 0 )
PopulateUI( manufacturers );
if ( MatchPrinter( manufacturers, printer, service, false ) != kNoErr )
CString errorMessage;
CString errorCaption;
errorMessage.LoadString( IDS_NO_MATCH_INF_FILE );
errorCaption.LoadString( IDS_NO_MATCH_INF_FILE_CAPTION );
MessageBox( errorMessage, errorCaption, MB_OK );
CString errorMessage;
CString errorCaption;
errorMessage.LoadString( IDS_BAD_INF_FILE );
errorCaption.LoadString( IDS_BAD_INF_FILE_CAPTION );
MessageBox( errorMessage, errorCaption, MB_OK );
CThirdPage::Split( const CString & string, TCHAR ch, CStringList & components )
CString temp;
int n;
temp = string;
while ( ( n = temp.Find( ch ) ) != -1 )
components.AddTail( temp.Left( n ) );
temp = temp.Right( temp.GetLength() - ( n + 1 ) );
components.AddTail( temp );