blob: f60be653fe522c15448910fda8ede1dc7f513eec [file] [log] [blame]
import unittest
from mako import ast, exceptions, pyparser, util
exception_kwargs = {'source':'', 'lineno':0, 'pos':0, 'filename':''}
class AstParseTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
def tearDown(self):
def test_locate_identifiers(self):
"""test the location of identifiers in a python code string"""
code = """
a = 10
b = 5
c = x * 5 + a + b + q
(g,h,i) = (1,2,3)
[u,k,j] = [4,5,6] = 7 + gah.blah + u + blah
for lar in (1,2,3):
gh = 5
x = 12
print "hello world, ", a, b
print "Another expr", c
parsed = ast.PythonCode(code, **exception_kwargs)
assert parsed.declared_identifiers == util.Set(['a','b','c', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'u', 'k', 'j', 'gh', 'lar', 'x'])
assert parsed.undeclared_identifiers == util.Set(['x', 'q', 'foo', 'gah', 'blah'])
parsed = ast.PythonCode("x + 5 * (y-z)", **exception_kwargs)
assert parsed.undeclared_identifiers == util.Set(['x', 'y', 'z'])
assert parsed.declared_identifiers == util.Set()
def test_locate_identifiers_2(self):
code = """
import foobar
from lala import hoho, yaya
import bleep as foo
result = []
data = get_data()
for x in data:
parsed = ast.PythonCode(code, **exception_kwargs)
assert parsed.undeclared_identifiers == util.Set(['get_data'])
assert parsed.declared_identifiers == util.Set(['result', 'data', 'x', 'hoho', 'foobar', 'foo', 'yaya'])
def test_locate_identifiers_3(self):
"""test that combination assignment/expressions of the same identifier log the ident as 'undeclared'"""
code = """
x = x + 5
for y in range(1, y):
print "hi"
[z for z in range(1, z)]
(q for q in range (1, q))
parsed = ast.PythonCode(code, **exception_kwargs)
assert parsed.undeclared_identifiers == util.Set(['x', 'y', 'z', 'q', 'range'])
def test_locate_identifiers_4(self):
code = """
x = 5
print y
def mydef(mydefarg):
print "mda is", mydefarg
parsed = ast.PythonCode(code, **exception_kwargs)
assert parsed.undeclared_identifiers == util.Set(['y'])
assert parsed.declared_identifiers == util.Set(['mydef', 'x'])
def test_locate_identifiers_5(self):
code = """
print x
print y
parsed = ast.PythonCode(code, **exception_kwargs)
assert parsed.undeclared_identifiers == util.Set(['x', 'y'])
def test_locate_identifiers_6(self):
code = """
def foo():
return bar()
parsed = ast.PythonCode(code, **exception_kwargs)
assert parsed.undeclared_identifiers == util.Set(['bar'])
code = """
def lala(x, y):
return x, y, z
print x
parsed = ast.PythonCode(code, **exception_kwargs)
assert parsed.undeclared_identifiers == util.Set(['z', 'x'])
assert parsed.declared_identifiers == util.Set(['lala'])
code = """
def lala(x, y):
def hoho():
def bar():
z = 7
print z
parsed = ast.PythonCode(code, **exception_kwargs)
assert parsed.undeclared_identifiers == util.Set(['z'])
assert parsed.declared_identifiers == util.Set(['lala'])
def test_locate_identifiers_7(self):
code = """
parsed = ast.PythonCode(code, **exception_kwargs)
assert parsed.declared_identifiers == util.Set(['foo'])
assert parsed.undeclared_identifiers == util.Set()
def test_locate_identifiers_8(self):
code = """
class Hi(object):
foo = 7
def hoho(self):
x = 5
parsed = ast.PythonCode(code, **exception_kwargs)
assert parsed.declared_identifiers == util.Set(['Hi'])
assert parsed.undeclared_identifiers == util.Set()
def test_no_global_imports(self):
code = """
from foo import *
import x as bar
parsed = ast.PythonCode(code, **exception_kwargs)
assert False
except exceptions.CompileException, e:
assert str(e).startswith("'import *' is not supported")
def test_python_fragment(self):
parsed = ast.PythonFragment("for x in foo:", **exception_kwargs)
assert parsed.declared_identifiers == util.Set(['x'])
assert parsed.undeclared_identifiers == util.Set(['foo'])
parsed = ast.PythonFragment("try:", **exception_kwargs)
parsed = ast.PythonFragment("except MyException, e:", **exception_kwargs)
assert parsed.declared_identifiers == util.Set(['e'])
assert parsed.undeclared_identifiers == util.Set(['MyException'])
def test_argument_list(self):
parsed = ast.ArgumentList("3, 5, 'hi', x+5, context.get('lala')", **exception_kwargs)
assert parsed.undeclared_identifiers == util.Set(['x', 'context'])
assert [x for x in parsed.args] == ["3", "5", "'hi'", "(x + 5)", "context.get('lala')"]
parsed = ast.ArgumentList("h", **exception_kwargs)
assert parsed.args == ["h"]
def test_function_decl(self):
"""test getting the arguments from a function"""
code = "def foo(a, b, c=None, d='hi', e=x, f=y+7):pass"
parsed = ast.FunctionDecl(code, **exception_kwargs)
assert parsed.funcname=='foo'
assert parsed.argnames==['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f']
def test_function_decl_2(self):
"""test getting the arguments from a function"""
code = "def foo(a, b, c=None, *args, **kwargs):pass"
parsed = ast.FunctionDecl(code, **exception_kwargs)
assert parsed.funcname=='foo'
assert parsed.argnames==['a', 'b', 'c', 'args', 'kwargs']
def test_expr_generate(self):
"""test the round trip of expressions to AST back to python source"""
x = 1
y = 2
class F(object):
def bar(self, a,b):
return a + b
def lala(arg):
return "blah" + arg
local_dict = dict(x=x, y=y, foo=F(), lala=lala)
code = "str((x+7*y) /,6)) + lala('ho')"
astnode = pyparser.parse(code)
newcode = pyparser.ExpressionGenerator(astnode).value()
#print "newcode:" + newcode
#print "result:" + eval(code, local_dict)
assert (eval(code, local_dict) == eval(newcode, local_dict))
a = ["one", "two", "three"]
hoho = {'somevalue':"asdf"}
g = [1,2,3,4,5]
local_dict = dict(a=a,hoho=hoho,g=g)
code = "a[2] + hoho['somevalue'] + repr(g[3:5]) + repr(g[3:]) + repr(g[:5])"
astnode = pyparser.parse(code)
newcode = pyparser.ExpressionGenerator(astnode).value()
#print newcode
#print "result:", eval(code, local_dict)
assert(eval(code, local_dict) == eval(newcode, local_dict))
local_dict={'f':lambda :9, 'x':7}
code = "x+f()"
astnode = pyparser.parse(code)
newcode = pyparser.ExpressionGenerator(astnode).value()
assert(eval(code, local_dict)) == eval(newcode, local_dict)
for code in ["repr({'x':7,'y':18})", "repr([])", "repr({})", "repr([{3:[]}])", "repr({'x':37*2 + len([6,7,8])})", "repr([1, 2, {}, {'x':'7'}])", "repr({'x':-1})", "repr(((1,2,3), (4,5,6)))", "repr(1 and 2 and 3 and 4)", "repr(True and False or 55)", "repr(1 & 2 | 3)", "repr(3//5)", "repr(3^5)", "repr([q.endswith('e') for q in ['one', 'two', 'three']])", "repr([x for x in (5,6,7) if x == 6])", "repr(not False)"]:
astnode = pyparser.parse(code)
newcode = pyparser.ExpressionGenerator(astnode).value()
#print code, newcode
assert(eval(code, local_dict)) == eval(newcode, local_dict), "%s != %s" % (code, newcode)
if __name__ == '__main__':