blob: fce20f28dbcb4e57350c13627f2ead03ec0bc3c5 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
<%inherit file="${context['layout']}"/>
<%block name="show_title" filter="util.striptags">
<h1 id="index">${_('Index')}</h1>
% for i, (key, dummy) in enumerate(genindexentries):
${i != 0 and '| ' or ''}<a href="#${key}"><strong>${key}</strong></a>
% endfor
<hr />
% for i, (key, entries) in enumerate(genindexentries):
<h2 id="${key}">${key}</h2>
<table width="100%" class="indextable"><tr><td width="33%" valign="top">
breakat = genindexcounts[i] // 2
numcols = 1
numitems = 0
% for entryname, (links, subitems) in entries:
% if links:
<a href="${links[0][1]}">${entryname|h}</a>
% for unknown, link in links[1:]:
, <a href="${link}">[${i}]</a>
% endfor
% else:
% endif
% if subitems:
% for subentryname, subentrylinks in subitems:
<dt><a href="${subentrylinks[0][1]}">${subentryname|h}</a>
% for j, (unknown, link) in enumerate(subentrylinks[1:]):
<a href="${link}">[${j}]</a>
% endfor
% endfor
% endif
numitems = numitems + 1 + len(subitems)
% if numcols <2 and numitems > breakat:
numcols = numcols + 1
</dl></td><td width="33%" valign="top"><dl>
% endif
% endfor
% endfor
<%def name="sidebarrel()">
% if split_index:
% for i, (key, dummy) in enumerate(genindexentries):
${i > 0 and '| ' or ''}
<a href="${pathto('genindex-' + key)}"><strong>${key}</strong></a>
% endfor
<p><a href="${pathto('genindex-all')}"><strong>${_('Full index on one page')}</strong></a></p>
% endif