blob: 45a6a828015439591a9ff3010fecf97490a2ff64 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
package luci.resultsink.v1;
import "google/protobuf/duration.proto";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
import "common.proto";
option go_package = ";sinkpb";
// A result of a functional test case.
// Often a single test case is executed multiple times and has multiple results,
// a single test suite has multiple test cases,
// and the same test suite can be executed in different variants
// (OS, GPU, compile flags, etc).
// This message does not specify the test id.
// It should be available in the message that embeds this message.
message TestResult {
// Test id, a unique identifier of the test in a LUCI project.
// Regex: ^[[::print::]]{1,256}$
// If two tests have a common test id prefix that ends with a
// non-alphanumeric character, they considered a part of a group. Examples:
// - "a/b/c"
// - "a/b/d"
// - "a/b/e:x"
// - "a/b/e:y"
// - "a/f"
// This defines the following groups:
// - All items belong to one group because of the common prefix "a/"
// - Within that group, the first 4 form a sub-group because of the common
// prefix "a/b/"
// - Within that group, "a/b/e:x" and "a/b/e:y" form a sub-group because of
// the common prefix "a/b/e:".
// This can be used in UI.
// LUCI does not interpret test ids in any other way.
string test_id = 1;
// Identifies a test result in a given invocation and test id.
// Regex: ^[[:ascii:]]{1,32}$
string result_id = 2;
// Whether the result of test case execution is expected.
// In a typical Chromium CL, 99%+ of test results are expected.
// Users are typically interested only in the unexpected results.
// An unexpected result != test case failure. There are test cases that are
// expected to fail/skip/crash. The test harness compares the actual status
// with the expected one(s) and this field is the result of the comparison.
bool expected = 3;
// Machine-readable status of the test case.
TestStatus status = 4;
// Human-readable explanation of the result, in HTML.
// MUST be sanitized before rendering in the browser.
// The size of the summary must be equal to or smaller than 4096 bytes in
// UTF-8.
string summary_html = 5;
// The point in time when the test case started to execute.
google.protobuf.Timestamp start_time = 6;
// Duration of the test case execution.
// MUST be equal to or greater than 0.
google.protobuf.Duration duration = 7;
// Metadata for this test result.
// It might describe this particular execution or the test case.
repeated luci.resultdb.v1.StringPair tags = 8;
// Artifacts to upload and associate with this test result.
// The map key is an artifact id.
map<string, Artifact> artifacts = 9;
// Machine-readable status of a test result.
enum TestStatus {
// Status was not specified.
// Not to be used in actual test results; serves as a default value for an
// unset field.
// The test case has passed.
PASS = 1;
// The test case has failed.
// Suggests that the code under test is incorrect, but it is also possible
// that the test is incorrect or it is a flake.
FAIL = 2;
// The test case has crashed during execution.
// The outcome is inconclusive: the code under test might or might not be
// correct, but the test+code is incorrect.
CRASH = 3;
// The test case has started, but was aborted before finishing.
// A common reason: timeout.
ABORT = 4;
// The test case did not execute.
// Examples:
// - The execution of the collection of test cases, such as a test
// binary, was aborted prematurely and execution of some test cases was
// skipped.
// - The test harness configuration specified that the test case MUST be
// skipped.
SKIP = 5;
// A local equivalent of luci.resultdb.Artifact message
// in ../../rpc/v1/artifact.proto.
// See its comments for details.
// Does not have a name or artifact_id because they are represented by the
// TestResult.artifacts map key.
message Artifact {
oneof body {
// Absolute path to the artifact file on the same machine as the
// ResultSink server.
string file_path = 1;
// Contents of the artifact. Useful when sending a file from a different
// machine.
// TODO(nodir, sajjadm): allow sending contents in chunks.
bytes contents = 2;
// Equivalent of luci.resultdb.v1.Artifact.content_type.
string content_type = 3;
// A file with test results.
message TestResultFile {
// Absolute OS-native path to the results file on the same machine as the
// ResultSink server.
string path = 1;
// A result file format.
enum Format {
// The file is a sequence of TestResult JSON objects (not a JSON Array).
// The default format.
LUCI = 0;
// Chromium's JSON Test Results format
// GTest format.
// Not well documented.
// Implementation:
// Format of the file.
Format format = 2;