blob: 49816a112c0e7c0eab4ffdee91594528faa7817b [file] [log] [blame]
from litsupport import shellcommand
from litsupport import testplan
import lit.Test
import re
def mutateCommandLine(context, commandline):
outfile = context.tmpBase + ".out"
timefile = context.tmpBase + ".time"
config = context.config
cmd = shellcommand.parse(commandline)
timeit = "%s/tools/timeit" % config.test_source_root
if config.remote_host:
timeit = "%s/tools/timeit-target" % config.test_source_root
args = ["--limit-core", "0"]
args += ["--limit-cpu", "7200"]
args += ["--timeout", "7200"]
args += ["--limit-file-size", "104857600"]
args += ["--limit-rss-size", "838860800"]
if cmd.workdir is not None:
args += ["--chdir", cmd.workdir]
cmd.workdir = None
if not config.traditional_output:
if cmd.stdout is not None:
args += ["--redirect-stdout", cmd.stdout]
cmd.stdout = None
if cmd.stderr is not None:
args += ["--redirect-stderr", cmd.stderr]
cmd.stderr = None
if cmd.stdout is not None or cmd.stderr is not None:
raise Exception("Separate stdout/stderr redirection not " +
"possible with traditional output")
args += ["--append-exitstatus"]
args += ["--redirect-output", outfile]
if cmd.stdin is not None:
args += ["--redirect-input", cmd.stdin]
cmd.stdin = None
args += ["--redirect-input", "/dev/null"]
args += ["--summary", timefile]
# Remember timefilename for later
cmd.wrap(timeit, args)
return cmd.toCommandline()
def mutateScript(context, script):
if not hasattr(context, "timefiles"):
context.timefiles = []
return testplan.mutateScript(context, script, mutateCommandLine)
def _collectTime(context, timefiles, metric_name='exec_time'):
time = 0.0
for timefile in timefiles:
time += getUserTime(timefile)
return {metric_name: lit.Test.toMetricValue(time)}
def mutatePlan(context, plan):
if len(plan.runscript) == 0:
context.timefiles = []
plan.runscript = mutateScript(context, plan.runscript)
lambda context: _collectTime(context, context.timefiles)
def getUserTime(filename):
"""Extract the user time form a .time file produced by timeit"""
with open(filename) as fd:
l = [l for l in fd.readlines()
if l.startswith('user')]
assert len(l) == 1
m = re.match(r'user\s+([0-9.]+)', l[0])
return float(