blob: 0d6fc48061a2ad297169c1f43714fb13a91e26d1 [file] [log] [blame]
"""Test module to execute a benchmark through ssh on a remote device.
This assumes all relevant directories and files are present on the remote
device (typically shared by NFS)."""
from litsupport import testplan
import logging
def mutateCommandline(context, commandline, suffix=""):
shfilename = context.tmpBase + suffix + ".sh"
shfile = open(shfilename, "w")
shfile.write(commandline + "\n")"Created shfile '%s'", shfilename)
config = context.config
remote_commandline = config.remote_client
if config.remote_user:
remote_commandline += " -l %s" % config.remote_user
if config.remote_port:
remote_commandline += " -p %s" % config.remote_port
if config.remote_flags:
remote_commandline += config.remote_flags
remote_commandline += " %s" % config.remote_host
remote_commandline += " /bin/sh %s" % shfilename
return remote_commandline
def mutateScript(context, script, suffix=""):
mutate = lambda c, cmd: mutateCommandline(c, cmd, suffix)
return testplan.mutateScript(context, script, mutate)
def mutatePlan(context, plan):
plan.preparescript = mutateScript(context, plan.preparescript, "-prepare")
plan.runscript = mutateScript(context, plan.runscript)