blob: fd4f52f44381f61c58da133ac025938235a6535a [file] [log] [blame]
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source License.
// See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// RUN: cxx_compiler cxx_11 -c %s -o %t.o
// RUN: bindump %t.o | FileCheck prefixes %s
// long double (difference in format)
// CHECK-DAG: _Z2g4IeEvRAszplcvT__ELe4001a000000000000000E_c
template <class T> void g4(char (&buffer)[sizeof(T() + 5.0L)]) {}
void call_g4() {
char buffer[sizeof(long double)];
g4<long double>(buffer);
// Literals in templates
#include <cstddef>
template <typename T, T I> T returnit() {return I;};
enum colour { RED = -3, GREEN, BLUE};
// use long type for enumeration
enum bigcolour { YELLOW = (1l << 32), CYAN, MAGENTA};
void callreturnit() {
// CHECK-DAG: _Z8returnitIiLi4EET_v
auto a = returnit<int, 4>();
// CHECK-DAG: _Z8returnitIjLj4EET_v
auto b = returnit<unsigned int, 4>();
// CHECK-DAG: _Z8returnitIlLl4EET_v
auto c = returnit<long, 4>();
// CHECK-DAG: _Z8returnitImLm4EET_v
auto d = returnit<unsigned long, 4>();
// CHECK-DAG: _Z8returnitIxLxn456789EET_v
auto e = returnit<long long, -456789>();
// CHECK-DAG: _Z8returnitIbLb1EET_v
auto f = returnit<bool, true>();
// CHECK-DAG: _Z8returnitIbLb0EET_v
auto g = returnit<bool, false>();
// CHECK-DAG: _Z8returnitIDnLDn0EET_v
auto n = returnit<std::nullptr_t, nullptr>();
// CHECK-DAG: _Z8returnitI6colourLS0_n2EET_v
auto cg = returnit<colour, GREEN>();
// LP64-DAG: _Z8returnitI9bigcolourLS0_4294967296EET_v
// ILP32-DAG: _Z8returnitI9bigcolourLS0_n2147483648EET_v
auto cy = returnit<bigcolour, YELLOW>();