blob: 8f713e58fba9a4701ab775e4d6300c04ab1c1936 [file] [log] [blame]
* Name: query
* Input: root node of index, root
* search index key, searchKey
* search non-key list, searchNonKey
* validity check flag, checkValidity
* output function pointer, outputQuery
* Output: integer return code
* Return: QUERY_SUCCESS, or
* Description: The routine searchs the index and calls the outputQuery
* routine for each consistent data object found. The routine
* first uses the R-Tree index to find individual leaf nodes
* which point to data objects which have index keys which are
* consistent with the input search key. The found data
* object's non-key attributes are then compared with the input
* list of non-key search values for consistency. The input
* list of non-key search values consist of the attribute code
* and a character sequence. Two utility subroutines are used
* to check the validity of the input search values. The input
* is checked only when the validity input flag is set to TRUE
* which prevents multiple checks of the same data since this
* routine is applied recursively. Note that the index is
* never altered by a query which means no error is fatal. Two
* utility subroutines are used to determine consistency which
* is intersection for the DIS application. The utility
* subroutines are used to separate the specific hyper-cube
* dimension and character string from the general R-Tree
* algorithm.
* Once a consistent data object has been found, the input
* routine outputQuery() is called for this object. It's
* expected that the outputQuery() routine will place some
* representation of the data object into an output buffer for
* the query response. The query() routine does not define
* what the representation will be, which allows the calling
* program to determine the format and timing of the response
* display.
* Calls: consistentKey()
* consistentNonKey()
* errorMessage()
* validKey()
* validNonKey()
* System:
* Author: M.L.Rivas
* Revision History:
* Date Name Revision
* ------- --------------- ------------------------------
* 24May99 Matthew Rivas Created
* Copyright 1999, Atlantic Aerospace Electronics Corp.
#include <assert.h> /* for assert() */
#include <stdlib.h> /* for NULL definition */
#include "dataManagement.h" /* for primitive type definitions */
#include "dataObject.h" /* for DataAttribute and DataObject definitions */
#include "errorMessage.h" /* for errorMessage() definition */
#include "index.h" /* for IndexNode and IndexEntry definitions */
#include "indexKey.h" /* for IndexKey definition */
#include "query.h" /* for query return codes */
* Function prototypes
extern Boolean consistentKey( IndexKey *A, IndexKey *B );
extern Boolean consistentNonKey( Char *A, Char *B );
extern Boolean validIndexKey( IndexKey *key );
extern Boolean validAttributes( DataAttribute *attributes );
Int query( IndexNode *node, /* current node of index */
IndexKey *searchKey, /* index key search values */
DataAttribute *searchNonKey, /* non-key search values */
Boolean checkValidity, /* flag to check validity */
void (*outputQuery)( DataObject *) ) /* output valid object */
{ /* beginning of query() */
static Char name[] = "query";
assert( node );
assert( searchKey );
assert( !( checkValidity != TRUE && checkValidity != FALSE ) );
* If flag is set, check validity of key and non-key values.
if ( checkValidity == TRUE ) {
if ( validIndexKey( searchKey ) == FALSE ) {
errorMessage( "invalid index key search values", REPLACE );
errorMessage( name, PREPEND );
} /* end validity check of key values */
else if ( validAttributes( searchNonKey ) == FALSE ) {
errorMessage( "invalid non-key search values", REPLACE );
errorMessage( name, PREPEND );
} /* end validity check of non-key values */
} /* end of checkValidity == TRUE */
* The routine is applied recursively so the current node may or may not be
* a leaf node. If it is a leaf node, the child referenced by the entries
* residing on the node are data objects. If it is not a leaf node, the
* child referenced by the entries are other nodes. So if the current
* level is not a leaf, recursively call the query routine on each
* consistent entry.
if ( node->level > LEAF ) {
IndexEntry *entry; /* temp entry for looping through list */
* Loop through each entry on current node and query each consistent
* child node. Note that only the key values are available for
* consistency checks at any level greater than the LEAF level.
for ( entry = node->entries; entry != NULL; entry = entry->next ) {
if ( consistentKey( &entry->key, searchKey ) == TRUE ) {
query( entry->child.node, searchKey, searchNonKey, FALSE,
outputQuery );
} /* end of branch which is consistent */
} /* end of loop for entry */
} /* end of if ( node->level > LEAF ) */
else {
IndexEntry *entry; /* temp entry for looping through list */
* Loop through each entry on current node and query each consistent
* child node. The first consistency check is made on the key value.
* If the key values are consistent, then the data object is checked
* for its non-key values. A temporary upperBound value is set to
* prevent out-of-range checks on the three types of data objects.
for ( entry = node->entries; entry != NULL; entry = entry->next ) {
if ( consistentKey( &entry->key, searchKey ) == TRUE ) {
DataAttribute *temp; /* attribute for list loop */
DataObject *object; /* allows easier reading */
Int upperBound; /* prevents out-of-range */
Boolean acceptanceFlag; /* flag to output object */
object = entry->child.dataObject;
upperBound = 0;
if ( object->type == SMALL ) {
} /* end of type == SMALL */
else if ( object->type == MEDIUM ) {
} /* end of type == MEDIUM */
else if ( object->type == LARGE ) {
} /* end of type == LARGE */
* The loop checks each value of the non-key search list and
* compares that value for that specific attribute code to the
* value stored in the data object. If all of the attributes
* are consistent, the flag is set to TRUE at the end of the
* loop, and the outputQuery routine is called for the data
* object. If any of the attributes are not consistent, the
* flag is set to FALSE and the loop exits and the next entry
* is checked.
acceptanceFlag = TRUE;
temp = searchNonKey;
while ( temp != NULL && acceptanceFlag == TRUE ) {
if ( temp->code < upperBound ) {
acceptanceFlag = consistentNonKey(
object->attributes[ temp->code ].value.nonKey,
temp->attribute.value.nonKey );
} /* end of code < upperBound */
temp = temp->next;
} /* end of loop through non-key search value list */
if ( acceptanceFlag == TRUE ) {
outputQuery( entry->child.dataObject );
} /* end of acceptanceFlag == TRUE */
} /* end of if consistentKey == TRUE */
} /* end of loop for entry */
} /* end of if ( node->level == LEAF ) */
return ( QUERY_SUCCESS );
} /* end query() */