blob: b9584085bd4c1f70858616800b81e799ec3a8ab8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Name: insert
* Input: root node of index, root
* new index entry to place, entry
* fan or order of index, fan
* Output: updated node, node
* Return: INSERT_SUCCESS, or
* Description: The insert routine places a data object into the index with
* the specified fan. The index is input as the root node and
* the root node is returned as the output. The insert method
* descends the tree until the LEAF level is reached. Note
* that the leaf level is zero and the level increases as the
* tree is ascended, i.e., the root level is always greater
* than or equal to the leaf level. The branch or node chosen
* for descent is determined by comparing the penalty for all
* possible branches and the new data object. The branch with
* the smallest or minimum penalty is chosen. Once the correct
* level is reached, a node is chosen on that level (in the
* same manner as a branch is chosen) and the new data object
* is placed on that node. Placement of the object may exceed
* the specified fan which causes the node to split. The node
* split separates or partitions the union of the old entries
* of the node and the new data object/entry into two groups.
* One group is placed back onto the old node, and the other
* group is placed onto the parent of the old node, i.e., a
* sibling node is created for the second group of partitioned
* entries. The addition of the sibling node to the parent may
* cause the parent to split, etc. This splitting may ascend
* to the root node which by definition has no parent and is a
* special case. When the root node is split, a new root is
* created which "grows" the index tree. The old root and the
* node split off of the old root are then placed onto the new
* root, and the new root is returned as the updated index.
* The insert() routine creates a new index entry for the data
* object. Then, the routine places the new entry into the
* index using the insertEntry() subroutine to recursively
* descend the index tree. The root node is used to begin the
* descent. If the root node splits, the insertEntry parameter
* will be non-NULL and the index tree "grows" by creating a
* new root and placing the old root and splitEntry parameter
* onto the new root. The primary difference between the
* insert() and insertEntry() routines is that insert() is used
* for the special case of the root node, while insertEntry()
* is for every other node. The reason the implementation uses
* both is because every node has a parent for splitEntry
* placements except the root node. This special case could be
* handled by a conditional check within a modified
* insertEntry() routine which would eliminate an "extra"
* subroutine since there would be no need for insert().
* However, then each node would need to be checked to see if
* it's the root and the extra links or parameters
* would unnecessarily complicate the source code.
* Calls: createIndexEntry()
* createIndexNode()
* errorMessage()
* insertEntry()
* keysUnion()
* System:
* Author: M.L.Rivas
* Revision History:
* Date Name Revision
* ------- --------------- ------------------------------
* 24May99 Matthew Rivas Created
* Copyright 1999, Atlantic Aerospace Electronics Corp.
#include <assert.h> /* for assert() */
#include <stdlib.h> /* for NULL definition */
#include "dataManagement.h" /* for primitive type definitions */
#include "dataObject.h" /* for DataObject definition */
#include "errorMessage.h" /* for errorMessage() definition */
#include "index.h" /* for IndexNode and IndexEntry definitions */
#include "insertEntry.h" /* for insertEntry() and return code definitions */
#include "insert.h" /* for insert() return codes */
* Function prototypes
extern void keysUnion( IndexEntry *I, IndexKey *U );
Int insert( IndexNode **root, /* root node of index */
DataObject *dataObject, /* object to insert into index */
Int fan ) /* fan or order of index */
{ /* beginning of insert() */
IndexEntry *entry; /* entry created for data object */
IndexEntry *splitEntry; /* placeholder for splitEntry for insertEntry() */
Int returnCode; /* return code for insertEntry() */
static Char name[] = "insert";
assert( root );
assert( *root );
assert( dataObject );
assert( dataObject->attributes );
assert( MINIMUM_FAN_SIZE > 1 );
assert( fan >= MINIMUM_FAN_SIZE );
* Create index entry for data object and set reference and index key to
* appropriate values.
entry = createIndexEntry();
if ( entry == NULL ) {
errorMessage( "can't create entry for new data object", REPLACE );
errorMessage( name, PREPEND );
} /* end of entry == NULL */
entry->child.dataObject = dataObject;
entry->key.lower.T = dataObject->attributes[ LOWER_POINT_T ].value.key;
entry->key.lower.X = dataObject->attributes[ LOWER_POINT_X ].value.key;
entry->key.lower.Y = dataObject->attributes[ LOWER_POINT_Y ].value.key;
entry->key.lower.Z = dataObject->attributes[ LOWER_POINT_Z ].value.key;
entry->key.upper.T = dataObject->attributes[ UPPER_POINT_T ].value.key;
entry->key.upper.X = dataObject->attributes[ UPPER_POINT_X ].value.key;
entry->key.upper.Y = dataObject->attributes[ UPPER_POINT_Y ].value.key;
entry->key.upper.Z = dataObject->attributes[ UPPER_POINT_Z ].value.key;
* Place new entry into index using recursive routine insertEntry() which
* will descend the index until the leaf level. Check return code for
* success and error conditions. If successful insert, then check for
* splitting.
returnCode = insertEntry( *root, entry, LEAF, fan, &splitEntry );
if ( returnCode == INSERT_ENTRY_SUCCESS ) {
* The new entry has been successfully inserted somewhere beneath
* the root node. If a split occurred, then splitEntry references a
* new sibling node. Since the root node has no parent, a new parent
* node is created which becomes the new root node. The old node and
* splitEntry are placed onto this new root.
if ( splitEntry != NULL ) { /* check for root splitting */
IndexNode *newRoot = NULL;
* Create new root node and new entry which will reference old root
newRoot = createIndexNode( (*root)->level + 1 );
if ( newRoot == NULL ) {
errorMessage( "can't create new root node", REPLACE );
errorMessage( name, PREPEND );
} /* end of newRoot == NULL */
newRoot->entries = createIndexEntry();
if ( newRoot->entries == NULL ) {
errorMessage( "can't create entry for old root", REPLACE );
errorMessage( name, PREPEND );
} /* end of newRoot->entries == NULL */
* Setup new entry for old root, which will also place old root
* onto new root node. Place splitEntry onto new root.
newRoot->entries->child.node = *root;
keysUnion( (*root)->entries, &(newRoot->entries->key) );
newRoot->entries->next = splitEntry;
* Set root to updated value
*root = newRoot;
} /* end of if ( splitEntry != NULL ) */
} /* end of returnCode == INSERT_ENTRY_SUCCESS */
else if ( returnCode == INSERT_ENTRY_CHOOSE_ENTRY_FAILURE ) {
} /* end of returnCode == INSERT_ENTRY_CHOOSE_ENTRY_FAILURE */
else if ( returnCode == INSERT_ENTRY_SPLIT_NODE_FATAL ) {
} /* end of returnCode == INSERT_ENTRY_SPLIT_NODE_FATAL */
else if ( returnCode == INSERT_ENTRY_SPLIT_NODE_NON_FATAL ) {
} /* end of returnCode == INSERT_ENTRY_SPLIT_NODE_NON_FATAL */
return ( INSERT_SUCCESS );
} /* end insert() */