blob: 67c2ab72f276cc44a573b3d32fa32f3746a59484 [file] [log] [blame]
#ifndef lint
static char *sccsid="@(#)getpath.c 2.5 (smail) 9/15/87";
# include <stdio.h>
# include <sys/types.h>
# include <ctype.h>
# include "defs.h"
extern enum edebug debug; /* how verbose we are */
extern char *pathfile; /* location of path database */
** getpath(): look up key in ascii sorted path database.
int getpath(char *key,char *path,int *cost)
long pos, middle, hi, lo;
static long pathlength = 0;
register char *s;
int c;
static FILE *file;
int flag;
DEBUG("getpath: looking for '%s'\n", key);
if(pathlength == 0) { /* open file on first use */
if((file = fopen(pathfile, "r")) == NULL) {
(void) printf("can't access %s.\n", pathfile);
pathlength = -1;
} else {
(void) fseek(file, 0L, 2); /* find length */
pathlength = ftell(file);
if( pathlength == -1 )
return( EX_OSFILE );
lo = 0;
hi = pathlength;
(void) strcpy( path, key );
(void) strcat( path, "\t" );
** "Binary search routines are never written right the first time around."
** - Robert G. Sheldon.
for( ;; ) {
pos = middle = ( hi+lo+1 )/2;
(void) fseek(file, pos, 0); /* find midpoint */
if(pos != 0)
while(((c = getc(file)) != EOF) && (c != '\n'))
; /* go to beginning of next line */
if(c == EOF) {
for( flag = 0, s = path; flag == 0; s++ ) { /* match??? */
if( *s == '\0' ) {
goto solved;
if((c = getc(file)) == EOF) {
flag = lower(c) - lower(*s);
if(lo >= middle) { /* failure? */
if((c != EOF) && (flag < 0)) { /* close window */
lo = middle;
} else {
hi = middle - 1;
** Now just copy the result.
while(((c = getc(file)) != EOF) && (c != '\t') && (c != '\n')) {
*path++ = c;
*path = '\0';
** See if the next field on the line is numeric.
** If so, use it as the cost for the route.
if(c == '\t') {
int tcost = -1;
while(((c = getc(file)) != EOF) && isdigit(c)) {
if(tcost < 0) tcost = 0;
tcost *= 10;
tcost += c - '0';
if(tcost >= 0) *cost = tcost;
return (EX_OK);