blob: 6d8fd37166524cc860ee8b8a54edd9620b5568ca [file] [log] [blame]
/* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% (c) William Landi 1991 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% */
/* Permission to use this code is granted as long as the copyright */
/* notice remains in place. */
/* =========================== sim_debug.c ================================= */
/* Main (driving) routine of the Simulator/Debugger. */
/* to compile (the simulator/debugger) use: */
/* cc -o run sim_debug.c sym_tab.c stringI.c convert.c memory.c */
/* machine.c debugger.c loadexe.c print.c instruct.c format.c */
/* interupt.c instruct2.c -g -lm */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "constants.h"
#include "boolean.h"
#include "memory.h"
#include "machine.h"
#include "debugger.h"
#include "loadexe.h"
#include "print.h"
/* --------------------------------- Globals ------------------------------ */
/* MAIN_ROUTINE Name of (program) module declared with */
/* a START (main routine). */
/* -------------------------------- main ---------------------------------- */
int main(int argc,char **argv)
FILE *INPUT_STREAM; /* Input file stream */
BOOLEAN DEBUG_MODE = TRUE_1; /* Flag that can turn off the debugging */
/* feature. */
BOOLEAN ERROR = FALSE_1; /* Was there an error loading the */
/* executable? */
if (argc == 1) (void) printf("usage: run [-n] file\n");
else {
int ARGUMENT = 1; /* Which argument of the command line */
/* currently processing. */
BOOLEAN FLAG; /* Just a temporary boolean. */
/* --------------------------------- Process command directives */
if (ARGUMENT < argc) FLAG = (argv[ARGUMENT][0] == '-');
while ( (ARGUMENT < argc) && FLAG) {
if (!strcmp(argv[ARGUMENT],"-n")) DEBUG_MODE = FALSE_1;
(void) printf("Illegal command directive, '%s'. Ignoring.\n",
if (ARGUMENT < argc) ARGUMENT ++;
if (ARGUMENT < argc) FLAG = (argv[ARGUMENT][0] == '-');
if (ARGUMENT >= argc)
(void) printf("run: requires a file name.\n");
INIT_SYM_TAB(&SYM_TAB); /* Initialize the symbol table */
CREATE_MEMORY(&MEMORY); /* Create/initialize the main memory. */
if ( (INPUT_STREAM = fopen(argv[ARGUMENT],"r")) == NULL) {
(void) printf("%s: No such file or directory\n",argv[ARGUMENT]);
} else {
/* --------------------------------- Have a valid file: run it */
(void) fclose(INPUT_STREAM);
return 0;