blob: 788dc9423dc05f3b1188a6fdbb793f4796bec1c7 [file] [log] [blame]
/**** lexer.c ***************************************************************/
# include "global.h"
extern int Number(int t);
extern int Indentifier(int t);
extern int Equal(int t);
extern int Nequal(int t);
extern void error(char *m);
extern int LocalLookup(char s[]);
extern int GlobalLookup(char s[]);
int lexan(void)
int t; /* temp to check next char in input */
while (1)
t = getc(stdin);
if (t == ' ' || t == '\t')
; /* strip out white space */
else if (t == '\n')
else if (isdigit(t) || t == '.' )
return (Number(t));
else if ( isalpha(t) || t == '_')
else if (t == '=')
return (Equal(t) );
else if (t == '!')
return (Nequal(t) );
else if (t == EOF)
NextTokenval = NONE;
} /* end else */
} /* end while (1) */
} /* end lexan */
/* ======================================================================= */
int Indentifier(int t)
int b = 0; /* used as a index to lexbuf */
if (t == '_')
lexbuf[b] = t;
t = getc(stdin);
if (t == '_')
error("Indentifier cannot begin with a double underscore");
} /* end if (t == '_') */
} /* end if (t == '_') */
if (isalpha(t))
lexbuf[b] = t;
t = getc(stdin);
} /* end if (isalpha(t)) */
error("improperly formed indentifier");
} /* end else */
while (isalpha(t) || isdigit(t) || t == '_')
lexbuf[b] = t;
t = getc(stdin);
} /* end while */
(void) ungetc (t, stdin);
lexbuf[b] = EOS;
LocalIndex = LocalLookup(lexbuf);
GlobalIndex = GlobalLookup(lexbuf);
if (LocalIndex)
else if (GlobalIndex)
return (GlobalTable[GlobalIndex].token);
/* ======================================================================== */
int Equal(int t)
t = getc(stdin);
if (t == '=')
(void) ungetc(t,stdin);
NextTokenval = NONE;
} /* end else */
} /* end Equal function */
/* ======================================================================= */
int Nequal(int t)
t = getc(stdin);
if (t == '=')
(void) ungetc(t,stdin);
NextTokenval = NONE;
} /* end else */
} /* end function Nequal */
/* ====================================================================== */
int Number(int t)
int DecimalAsInt; /* temp holder of the number */
int Exponent;
int NumOfZeros;
NextFtokenval = 0.0;
NextTokenval = 0;
/* get interger portion of float or the whole integer */
if (isdigit (t))
(void) ungetc(t, stdin);
scanf("%d", &NextTokenval);
t = getc(stdin);
if ((t != '.') && (t != 'e') && (t != 'E'))
(void) ungetc(t, stdin);
return (NUM);
} /* end if t is digit */
/* NextTokenval set at this point or NUM has been returned */
if (t == '.')
t = getc(stdin);
NumOfZeros = 0;
counts the number of zeros left of decimal and right of the
first non-zero digit.
while (t == '0')
t = getc(stdin);
} /* end while t == 0 */
/* reads the number after any leading zeros */
if (isdigit (t))
(void) ungetc(t, stdin);
scanf("%d", &DecimalAsInt);
NextFtokenval = (float) DecimalAsInt;
/* converts the decimal characters into a decimal of the number */
while (NextFtokenval >= 1.0)
NextFtokenval /= 10;
} /* end NextFtokenval > 1 */
if (NumOfZeros > 0)
while (NumOfZeros > 0)
NextFtokenval /= 10;
} /* end num of zeros > 0 */
} /* end if num of zeros > 0 */
t = getc(stdin); /* not needed here, but used later */
} /* end if t is digit */
} /* end if t == . */
/* tokenval and ftokenval set if needed, otherwise still zero */
NextFtokenval += NextTokenval;
if ((t == 'e') || (t == 'E'))
t = getc(stdin);
if ((t == '+') || (t == '-') || (isdigit (t)))
(void) ungetc(t, stdin);
scanf("%d", &Exponent);
t = getc(stdin); /* used for error checking, but also used later */
if (t == '.')
error("Exponents must be integer values");
} /* end if exponent value is a float */
if (Exponent > 0)
while (Exponent > 0)
NextFtokenval *= 10;
} /* end while */
} /* end if Exponent > 0 */
while (Exponent < 0)
NextFtokenval /= 10;
} /* end while */
} /* end else Exponent > 0 */
} /* end if t is +, -, or a digit */
} /* if t == e or t == E */
(void) ungetc(t, stdin);
} /* end isdigit or . */