blob: 31c77e9c1735664cb50a5f5da0dde8dd89f43258 [file] [log] [blame]
[] means optional; {} means 1 or more; <> means defined elsewhere
commands are separated by ';' and newlines
declare <name> as <english>
cast <name> into <english>
explain <gibberish>
set or set options
help, ?
quit or exit
function [( <decl-list> )] returning <english>
array [<number>] of <english>
[{ const | volatile | noalias }] pointer to <english>
{[<storage-class>] [{<modifier>}] [<C-type>]}
{ struct | union | enum } <name>
decllist: a comma separated list of <name>, <english> or <name> as <english>
name: a C identifier
gibberish: a C declaration, like 'int *x', or cast, like '(int *)x'
storage-class: extern, static, auto, register
C-type: int, char, float, double, or void
modifier: short, long, signed, unsigned, const, volatile, or noalias
Valid set options (and command line equivalents) are:
create (-c), nocreate
interactive (-i), nointeractive
ritchie (-r), preansi (-p), ansi (-a) or cplusplus (-+)
Current set values are:
char *x
int *x(char *w, int y)
int *x(char *)
int *x(int )
int *x(char *, int )
int *x(args)
declare x as pointer to char
declare x as function returning pointer to int
declare x as function (args) returning pointer to int
declare x as function (pointer to char) returning pointer to int
declare x as function (pointer to char, int) returning pointer to int
declare x as function (pointer to char, int, float) returning pointer to int
declare x as function (int) returning pointer to int
(char *)x
(int (*)())x
(int (*)())x
(int (*)(args))x
(int (*)(char *x, int y))x
(int (*)(char *))x
(int (*)(char *, int ))x
(int (*)(char *, int , float ))x
cast x into pointer to char
cast x into pointer to function returning int
cast x into pointer to function (pointer to char) returning int
cast x into pointer to function (pointer to char, int) returning int
cast x into pointer to function (pointer to char, int, float) returning int
[] means optional; {} means 1 or more; <> means defined elsewhere
commands are separated by ';' and newlines
declare <name> as <english>
cast <name> into <english>
explain <gibberish>
set or set options
help, ?
quit or exit
function [( <decl-list> )] returning <english>
array [<number>] of <english>
[{ const | volatile | noalias }] pointer to <english>
{[<storage-class>] [{<modifier>}] [<C-type>]}
{ struct | union | enum } <name>
decllist: a comma separated list of <name>, <english> or <name> as <english>
name: a C identifier
gibberish: a C declaration, like 'int *x', or cast, like '(int *)x'
storage-class: extern, static, auto, register
C-type: int, char, float, double, or void
modifier: short, long, signed, unsigned, const, volatile, or noalias
Valid set options (and command line equivalents) are:
create (-c), nocreate
interactive (-i), nointeractive
ritchie (-r), preansi (-p), ansi (-a) or cplusplus (-+)
Current set values are:
char *x
Warning: Unsupported in C -- 'reference'
char &x
Warning: Unsupported in C -- 'pointer to member of class'
int X::*foo
Warning: Unsupported in C -- 'pointer to member of class'
class Y *(X::*foo)(arg1, arg2)
int *x(char *w, int y)
int *x(char *)
int *x(int )
int *x(char *, int )
int *x(args)
declare x as pointer to char
Warning: Unsupported in C -- 'pointer to member of class'
declare foo as pointer to member of class X int
Warning: Unsupported in C -- 'pointer to member of class'
declare foo as pointer to member of class X function (arg1, arg2) returning pointer to class Y
declare x as function returning pointer to int
declare x as function (args) returning pointer to int
declare x as function (pointer to char) returning pointer to int
declare x as function (pointer to char, int) returning pointer to int
declare x as function (pointer to char, int, float) returning pointer to int
declare x as function (int) returning pointer to int
(char *)x
Warning: Unsupported in C -- 'pointer to member of class'
(int X::*)x
(int (*)())x
(int (*)())x
(int (*)(args))x
(int (*)(char *x, int y))x
(int (*)(char *))x
(int (*)(char *, int ))x
(int (*)(char *, int , float ))x
cast x into pointer to char
Warning: Unsupported in C -- 'pointer to member of class'
cast x into pointer to member of class X int
cast x into pointer to function returning int
cast x into pointer to function (pointer to char) returning int
cast x into pointer to function (pointer to char, int) returning int
cast x into pointer to function (pointer to char, int, float) returning int
exit 0