blob: d24dd51c7a198f88c5e7242f938f12911dde8690 [file] [log] [blame]
/* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% (c) William Landi 1991 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% */
/* Permission to use this code is granted as long as the copyright */
/* notice remains in place. */
/* ================================ pass1.h =============================== */
#define START_LEGAL_1 0 /* = May see a START legally */
#define SEEN_START_1 1 /* = Have seen a START */
/* SEND_START_OP Global that contains whether or not */
/* a START operator has been seen */
extern int SEEN_START_OP;
#define NO_END_SEEN_1 0 /* = Haven't seen an END */
#define END_SEEN_1 1 /* = Have seen an END but haven't */
/* found any code after it */
#define END_SEEN_WITH_CODE_1 2 /* = Have seen an END and code after it */
#define START_OF_CODE_1 3 /* = Start of code */
/* SEEN_END_OP Flag to determine if seen an end since */
/* start of last module or not. If so it */
/* also indicated if any code seen since */
/* end (so only one 'code after end' error */
/* is generated. */
extern int SEEN_END_OP;
/* LOCATION_EXCEEDS_MEM_SIZE Indicates if location counter is greater*/
/* then the memory size. */
/* -------------------------- CHANGE_LOCATION ------------------------------ */
/* 3 parameters: */
/* 1) int *LOCATION; The location counter */
/* 2) int INCREMENT; How much to increment it by. */
/* 3) FILE *OUTPUT; Where to put error messages, if need be. */
/* or if the location has already exceeded the memory size. */
extern void CHANGE_LOCATION();
/* ---------------------- CAPITALIZE_STRING -------------------------------- */
/* 1 parameter: */
/* 1) char STR[]; String to capitalize. */
/* Make all lower case letters in the string STR upper case letters */
extern void CAPITALIZE_STRING();
/* --------------------------- PASS1 --------------------------------------- */
/* 3 parameters:
/* 1) FILE *INPUT_FILE; Stream with the source code */
/* 2) SYMBOL_TABLE *SYM_TABLE; The symbol table (already */
/* initialized). */
/* 3) FILE *TEMP_OUTPUT_STREAM; Stream for the output of Pass1 */
/* Drives the pass1 process, letting others do the real work. */
extern void PASS1();