blob: 3dd3ca4ca6e8bca4af82263c05c914f1aba6e634 [file] [log] [blame]
/* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% (c) William Landi 1991 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% */
/* Permission to use this code is granted as long as the copyright */
/* notice remains in place. */
/* =============================== convert.h =============================== */
/* Contains routines that convert one thing to another. Most of the routines */
/* deal with converting a number to a string of that number in some base, or */
/* converting a string (assuming some base) into an integer. Basically */
/* just a file of miscellaneous 'useful' routines. */
/* ------------------------ RESET_MISSING_LABEL_NAME ----------------------- */
/* No parmeters: */
/* Between pass1 and pass2, MISSING_LABEL_NAME must be reset to its */
/* orginal value. This procedure does this. */
/* ------------------------ GET_NEXT_MISSING_LABEL ------------------------- */
/* 2 parameters: */
/* 1) char *LABEL; String to put label into */
/* 2) SYMBOL_TABLE *SYM_TAB; symbol table to insert the label in*/
/* Puts MISSING_LABEL_NAME into string LABEL, and puts it into the symbol */
/* table. It then changes MISSING_LABEL_NAME to some other unique name. */
/* NOTE: this will only return about 90 unique names, after that it returns */
/* the same name repeadily. This would result only some additional */
/* previously defined label error messages. Never called when executed */
/* on a source with no errors. */
/* ---------------------------- BLANK_STR ---------------------------------- */
/* 1 paramter: */
/* char *STRING; String to blank out */
/* Set characters 0-7 of STRING to blank and make the 8th character NULL */
/* ie. a 8 character string of blanks. */
extern void BLANK_STR();
/* ------------------------ CHAR_TO_DIGIT ---------------------------------- */
/* 2 parameters: */
/* 1) char CH; character to convert */
/* 2) int NUM_BASE; base of number */
/* Convert a character (CH) into its integer value give base NUM_BASE. Return*/
/* -1 if it is not a valid digit in that base. */
extern int CHAR_TO_DIGIT();
/* ------------------------- NUM_TO_STR ------------------------------------ */
/* 4 parameters: */
/* 1) int NUM; Number to convert */
/* 2) int BASE; Base to convert into */
/* 3) int LEN; Number of digits in final string */
/* 4) char *STR; where to put it. */
/* Put into STR the string with LEN digits that represents the number NUM */
/* in base BASE (eg. NUM_TO_STR(10,16,3,STR) puts "00A" in STR). */
extern void NUM_TO_STR();
/* -------------------------- PRT_NUM ------------------------------------- */
/* 4 parameters: */
/* 1) int NUM; Number to print out */
/* 2) int NUM_BASE; Base to print it out in */
/* 3) int LEN; Number of digits to print out. */
/* 4) FILE *OUTPUT; Stream to output the number to */
/* Output (to stream OUTPUT) the string with LEN digits that represents the */
/* number NUM in base BASE (eg. NUM_TO_STR(20,16,2,STR) puts "14" in STR). */
extern void PRT_NUM();
/* ------------------------------ GET_NUM ---------------------------------- */
/* 3 parameters: */
/* 1) char **CURRENT_CHAR; pointer to start of string to interpret */
/* as an integer (in NUM_BASE) */
/* 2) int BITS; Number must fit in this may bits 2's */
/* complement. */
/* 3) int NUM_BASE; * Base the number is in. */
/* CURRENT_CHAR points to a string. Starting with the character */
/* **CURRENT_CHAR and get the biggest possible integer in BASE NUM_BASE. If */
/* that number is too large/small to fit in BITS bits (2's complement), */
/* Put an error message into ERROR_REC_BUF. Returns 0 if this or any error is*/
/* detected, otherwise it returns the integer representation of the number. */
/* NOTE: If number is to large/small this routine stops as soon as it */
/* realizes this w/o (with out) looking at the rest of the input. */
extern int GET_NUM();
/* ---------------------------- GET_EXPRESSION ----------------------------- */
/* 5 parameters: */
/* 1) char **CURRENT_CHAR; Where to look for the expression */
/* 2) int BITS; value of the expression must fit in */
/* BITS 2's complement */
/* 3) int LOCATION; LOCATION this number is to go into */
/* this is needed for modification */
/* records when referencing an EXTREF */
/* 4) SYMBOL_TABLE *SYM_TAB; The symbol table */
/* 5) int *WHAT_KIND; Initially whether the caller wants */
/* Relative or absolute or either type */
/* of expression. At termination its */
/* the kind found. */
/* Is used to find an expression (well, for now actually it can have no */
/* operations, just single terms). Caller can specify what kind of expression*/
/* is needed (ABSOLUTE or RELATIVE) or can specify that either kind is okay. */
/* Sets WHAT_KIND to they type (kind) of expression found. */
extern int GET_EXPRESSION();