blob: 45c86b8ac5cd9e2d3629e8ee424e9f7ab5c36896 [file] [log] [blame]
* procquery.c : Routines for processing results from Archie
* Originally part of the Prospero Archie client by Cliff Neuman (
* Modified by Brendan Kehoe (
* Re-modified by George Ferguson (
* Copyright (c) 1991 by the University of Washington
* For copying and distribution information, please see the file
* <copyright.h>.
* v1.2.2 - 11/19/91 (mmt) - added MSDOS & OS2 stuff
* v1.2.1 - 10/18/91 (bpk) - warning stuff
* v1.2.0 - 09/20/91 (bpk) - VMS under Multinet 3.0 too
* v1.1.1 - 08/20/91 (bpk) - took out archie_query from error msg
#include <copyright.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <pfs.h>
#include <perrno.h>
#include <pmachine.h>
#include <archie.h>
# include <time.h>
extern int client_dirsrv_timeout,client_dirsrv_retry; /* dirsend.c */
extern char *progname;
* Functions defined here
extern void procquery(char *host,char *str,int max_hits,int offset,
char query_type,int sortflag,int listflag);
void display_link(VLINK l,int listflag);
* Data defined here
extern int pwarn, perrno;
#ifdef DEBUG
int pfs_debug;
static struct tm *presenttime;
static char lastpath[MAX_VPATH] = "\001";
static char lasthost[MAX_VPATH] = "\001";
/* - - - - - - - - */
* display_link : Prints the contents of the given virtual link. If
* listflag is 0, then this uses last{host,path} to save state
* between calls for a less verbose output. If listflag is non-zero
* then all information is printed every time.
void display_link(VLINK l,int listflag)
char linkpath[MAX_VPATH];
int dirflag = 0;
#ifdef MSDOS
unsigned long size = 0L;
int size = 0;
char *modes = "";
char archie_date[20];
char *gt_date = "";
int gt_year = 0;
int gt_mon = 0;
int gt_day = 0;
int gt_hour = 0;
int gt_min = 0;
/* Initialize local buffers */
*archie_date = '\0';
/* Remember if we're looking at a directory */
if (sindex(l->type,"DIRECTORY"))
dirflag = 1;
dirflag = 0;
/* Extract the linkpath from the filename */
*(linkpath + (strlen(linkpath) - strlen(l->name) - 1)) = '\0';
/* Is this a new host? */
if (strcmp(l->host,lasthost) != 0) {
if (!listflag)
printf("\nHost %s\n\n",l->host);
*lastpath = '\001';
/* Is this a new linkpath (location)? */
if(strcmp(linkpath,lastpath) != 0) {
if (!listflag)
printf(" Location: %s\n",(*linkpath ? linkpath : "/"));
/* Parse the attibutes of this link */
for (ap = l->lattrib; ap; ap = ap->next) {
if (strcmp(ap->aname,"SIZE") == 0) {
#ifdef MSDOS
} else if(strcmp(ap->aname,"UNIX-MODES") == 0) {
modes = ap->value.ascii;
} else if(strcmp(ap->aname,"LAST-MODIFIED") == 0) {
gt_date = ap->value.ascii;
&gt_mon, &gt_day, &gt_hour, &gt_min);
if ((12 * (presenttime->tm_year + 1900 - gt_year) +
presenttime->tm_mon - gt_mon) > 6)
sprintf(archie_date,"%s %2d %4d",month_sname(gt_mon),
gt_day, gt_year);
sprintf(archie_date,"%s %2d %02d:%02d",month_sname(gt_mon),
gt_day, gt_hour, gt_min);
/* Print this link's information */
if (listflag)
#if defined(MSDOS)
printf("%s %6lu %s %s%s\n",gt_date,size,l->host,l->filename,
(dirflag ? "/" : ""));
printf("%s %6d %s %s%s\n",gt_date,size,l->host,l->filename,
(dirflag ? "/" : ""));
#ifdef MSDOS
printf(" %9s %s %10lu %s %s\n",(dirflag ? "DIRECTORY" : "FILE"),
printf(" %9s %s %10d %s %s\n",(dirflag ? "DIRECTORY" : "FILE"),
#endif /* MSDOS */
/* Free the attibutes */
l->lattrib = NULL;
/* - - - - - - - - */
* procquery : Process the given query and display the results. If
* sortflag is non-zero, then the results are sorted by increasing
* date, else by host/filename. If listflag is non-zero then each
* entry is printed on a separate, complete line. Note that listflag
* is ignored by xarchie.
void procquery(char *host,char *str,int max_hits,int offset,char query_type,
int sortflag,int listflag)
long now;
/* initialize data structures for this query */
presenttime = localtime(&now);
/* Do the query */
if (sortflag == 1)
l = archie_query(host,str,max_hits,offset,query_type,AQ_INVDATECMP,0);
l = archie_query(host,str,max_hits,offset,query_type,NULL,0);
/* Error? */
if (perrno != PSUCCESS) {
if (p_err_text[perrno]) {
if (*p_err_string)
fprintf(stderr, "%s: failed: %s - %s\n", progname,
p_err_text[perrno], p_err_string);
fprintf(stderr, "%s failed: %s\n", progname, p_err_text[perrno]);
} else
fprintf(stderr, "%s failed: Undefined error %d (prospero)",
(char*) perrno,0);
/* Warning? */
if (pwarn != PNOWARN) {
if (*p_warn_string)
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Warning! %s - %s\n", progname,
p_warn_text[pwarn], p_warn_string);
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Warning! %s\n", progname, p_warn_text[pwarn]);
/* Display the results */
if (l == (VLINK)NULL && pwarn == PNOWARN && perrno == PSUCCESS) {
if (! listflag) puts ("No matches.");
exit (1);
*lasthost = '\001';
*lastpath = '\001';
while (l != NULL) {
l = l->next;