blob: e45bec97d8a6f1dea43387492165aaba1fe8338e [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright (c) 1991 Sun Wu and Udi Manber. All Rights Reserved. */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#define MAXSYM 256
#define MAXMEMBER 8192
#define CHARTYPE unsigned char
#define MaxError 20
#define MAXPATT 256
#define MAXLINE 1024
#define MaxCan 2048
#define BLOCKSIZE 8192
#define MAX_SHIFT_2 4096
#define ON 1
#define LOG_ASCII 8
#define LOG_DNA 3
#define MAXMEMBER_1 65536
#define LONG_EXAC 20
#define LONG_APPX 24
#define W_DELIM 128
extern COUNT, FNAME, SILENT, FILENAMEONLY, num_of_matched;
extern DNA ; /* DNA flag is set in checksg when pattern is DNA pattern and
p_size > 16 */
extern unsigned char CurrentFileName[], Progname[];
extern unsigned Mask[];
extern unsigned endposition;
unsigned char BSize; /* log_c m */
unsigned char char_map[MAXSYM];
/* data area */
int shift_1;
unsigned Hashmask;
void char_tr(unsigned char *pat, int *m)
int i;
unsigned char temp[MAXPATT];
for(i=0; i<MAXSYM; i++) TR[i] = i;
for(i='A'; i<= 'Z'; i++) TR[i] = i + 'a' - 'A';
if(WORDBOUND) { /* SUN: To be added to be more complete */
for(i=0; i<128; i++) {
if(!isalnum(i)) TR[i] = W_DELIM;
memcpy(temp, pat, *m);
pat[0] = '\n';
memcpy(pat+1, temp, *m);
pat[*m+1] = '\n';
pat[*m+2] = 0;
*m = *m + 2;
void s_output (CHARTYPE *text, int *i)
int bp;
if(SILENT) return;
if(COUNT) {
while(text[*i] != '\n') *i = *i + 1;
if(FNAME == ON) printf("%s: ", CurrentFileName);
bp = *i;
while(text[--bp] != '\n');
while(text[++bp] != '\n') putchar(text[bp]);
*i = bp;
int verify(register int m, register int n, register int D, CHARTYPE *pat, CHARTYPE *text)
register int last = D;
register int cost = 0;
register int k, i, c;
register int m1 = m+1;
CHARTYPE *textend = text+n;
CHARTYPE *textbegin = text;
for (i = 0; i <= m1; i++) A[i] = B[i] = i;
while (text < textend)
for (k = 1; k <= last; k++)
cost = B[k-1]+1;
if (pat[k-1] != *text)
{ if (B[k]+1 < cost) cost = B[k]+1;
if (A[k-1]+1 < cost) cost = A[k-1]+1; }
else cost = cost -1;
A[k] = cost;
if(pat[last] == *text++) { A[last+1] = B[last]; last++; }
if(A[last] < D) A[last+1] = A[last++]+1;
while (A[last] > D) last = last - 1;
if(last >= m) return(text - textbegin - 1);
if(*text == '\n') {
last = D;
for(c = 0; c<=m1; c++) A[c] = B[c] = c;
for (k = 1; k <= last; k++)
cost = A[k-1]+1;
if (pat[k-1] != *text)
{ if (A[k]+1 < cost) cost = A[k]+1;
if (B[k-1]+1 < cost) cost = B[k-1]+1; }
else cost = cost -1;
B[k] = cost;
if(pat[last] == *text++) { B[last+1] = A[last]; last++; }
if(B[last] < D) B[last+1] = B[last++]+1;
while (B[last] > D) last = last -1;
if(last >= m) return(text - textbegin - 1);
if(*text == '\n') {
last = D;
for(c = 0; c<=m1; c++) A[c] = B[c] = c;
/* SUN: bm assumes that the content of text[n]...text[n+m-1] is
pat[m-1] such that the skip loop is guaranteed to terminated */
void bm(CHARTYPE *pat, int m, CHARTYPE *text, CHARTYPE *textend)
register int shift;
register int m1, j, d1;
printf("%d\t", textend - text);
printf("%c, %c", *text, *textend);
d1 = shift_1; /* at least 1 */
m1 = m - 1;
shift = 0;
while (text <= textend) {
shift = SHIFT[*(text += shift)];
while(shift) {
shift = SHIFT[*(text += shift)];
shift = SHIFT[*(text += shift)];
shift = SHIFT[*(text += shift)];
j = 0;
while(TR[pat[m1 - j]] == TR[*(text - j)]) {
if(++j == m) break; /* if statement can be
saved, but for safty ... */
if (j == m ) {
if(text > textend) return;
if(TR[*(text+1)] != W_DELIM) goto CONT;
if(TR[*(text-m)] != W_DELIM) goto CONT;
if(FILENAMEONLY) return;
if(!(COUNT)) {
if(FNAME) printf("%s: ", CurrentFileName);
while(*(--text) != '\n');
while(*(++text) != '\n') putchar(*(text));
else { while(*text != '\n') text++; }
shift = 1;
else shift = d1;
/* initmask() initializes the mask table for the pattern */
/* endposition is a mask for the endposition of the pattern */
/* endposition will contain k mask bits if the pattern contains k fragments */
void initmask(CHARTYPE *pattern, unsigned *Mask, register int m, register int D, unsigned *endposition)
register unsigned Bit1, c;
register int i, j, frag_num;
Bit1 = 1 << 31; /* the first bit of Bit1 is 1, others 0. */
frag_num = D+1; *endposition = 0;
for (i = 0; i < frag_num; i++) *endposition = *endposition | (Bit1 >> i);
*endposition = *endposition >> (m - frag_num);
for(i = 0; i < m; i++)
if (pattern[i] == '^' || pattern[i] == '$') {
pattern[i] = '\n';
for(i = 0; i < MAXSYM; i++) Mask[i] = ~0;
for(i = 0; i < m; i++) /* initialize the mask table */
{ c = pattern[i];
for ( j = 0; j < m; j++)
if( c == pattern[j] )
Mask[c] = Mask[c] & ~( Bit1 >> j ) ;
void prep(CHARTYPE *Pattern, register int M, register int D) /* preprocessing for partitioning_bm */
register int i, j, k, p, shift;
register unsigned m;
unsigned hash, b_size = 3;
m = M/(D+1);
p = M - m*(D+1);
for (i = 0; i < MAXSYM; i++) SHIFT[i] = m;
for (i = M-1; i>=p ; i--) {
shift = (M-1-i)%m;
hash = Pattern[i];
if(SHIFT[hash] > shift) SHIFT[hash] = shift;
#ifdef DEBUG
for(i=0; i<M; i++) printf(" %d,", SHIFT[Pattern[i]]);
shift_1 = m;
for(i=0; i<D+1; i++) {
j = M-1 - m*i;
for(k=1; k<m; k++) {
for(p=0; p<D+1; p++)
if(Pattern[j-k] == Pattern[M-1-m*p])
if(k < shift_1) shift_1 = k;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("\nshift_1 = %d", shift_1);
if(shift_1 == 0) shift_1 = 1;
for(i=0; i<MAXMEMBER; i++) MEMBER[i] = 0;
if (m < 3) b_size = m;
for(i=0; i<D+1; i++) {
j = M-1 - m*i;
hash = 0;
for(k=0; k<b_size; k++) {
hash = (hash << 2) + Pattern[j-k];
#ifdef DEBUG
printf(" hash = %d,", hash);
MEMBER[hash] = 1;
void agrep( register CHARTYPE *pat, int M, register CHARTYPE *text, register CHARTYPE *textend, int D )
register int i;
register int m = M/(D+1);
register CHARTYPE *textstart;
register int shift, HASH;
int j=0, k, d1;
int n, cdx;
int Candidate[MaxCan][2], round, lastend=0;
unsigned R1[MaxError+1], R2[MaxError+1];
register unsigned int r1, endpos, c;
unsigned currentpos;
unsigned Bit1;
unsigned r_newline;
Candidate[0][0] = Candidate[0][1] = 0;
d1 = shift_1;
cdx = 0;
if(m < 3) r1 = m;
else r1 = 3;
textstart = text;
shift = m-1;
while (text < textend) {
shift = SHIFT[*(text += shift)];
if (text >= textend) break;
while(shift) {
shift = SHIFT[*(text += shift)];
if (text >= textend) break;
shift = SHIFT[*(text += shift)];
if (text >= textend) break;
if (text >= textend) break;
j = 1; HASH = *text;
while(j < r1) { HASH = (HASH << 2) + *(text-j);
j++; }
i = text - textstart;
if((i - M - D - 10) > Candidate[cdx][1]) {
Candidate[++cdx][0] = i-M-D-2;
Candidate[cdx][1] = i+M+D; }
else Candidate[cdx][1] = i+M+D;
shift = d1;
else shift = d1;
text = textstart;
n = textend - textstart;
r_newline = '\n';
/* for those candidate areas, find the D-error matches */
if(Candidate[1][0] < 0) Candidate[1][0] = 0;
endpos = endposition; /* the mask table and the endposition */
Bit1 = (1 << 31);
for(round = 0; round <= cdx; round++)
{ i = Candidate[round][0] ;
if(Candidate[round][1] > n) Candidate[round][1] = n;
if(i < 0) i = 0;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("round: %d, start=%d, end=%d, ", round, i, Candidate[round][1]);
R1[0] = R2[0] = ~0;
R1[1] = R2[1] = ~Bit1;
for(k = 1; k <= D; k++) R1[k] = R2[k] = (R1[k-1] >> 1) & R1[k-1];
while (i < Candidate[round][1])
c = text[i++];
if(c == r_newline) {
for(k = 0 ; k <= D; k++) R1[k] = R2[k] = (~0 );
r1 = Mask[c];
R1[0] = (R2[0] >> 1) | r1;
for(k=1; k<=D; k++)
R1[k] = ((R2[k] >> 1) | r1) & R2[k-1] & ((R1[k-1] & R2[k-1]) >> 1);
if((R1[D] & endpos) == 0) {
if(FILENAMEONLY) { return; }
currentpos = i;
if(i <= lastend) i = lastend;
else {
s_output(text, &currentpos);
i = currentpos;
lastend = i;
for(k=0; k<=D; k++) R1[k] = R2[k] = ~0;
c = text[i++];
if(c == r_newline) {
for(k = 0 ; k <= D; k++) R1[k] = R2[k] = (~0 );
r1 = Mask[c];
R2[0] = (R1[0] >> 1) | r1;
for(k = 1; k <= D; k++)
R2[k] = ((R1[k] >> 1) | r1) & R1[k-1] & ((R1[k-1] & R2[k-1]) >> 1);
if((R2[D] & endpos) == 0) { currentpos = i;
if(FILENAMEONLY) { return; }
if(i <= lastend) i = lastend;
else {
s_output(text, &currentpos);
i = currentpos;
lastend = i;
for(k=0; k<=D; k++) R1[k] = R2[k] = ~0;
void prep_bm(unsigned char *Pattern, register m)
int i;
unsigned hash;
unsigned char lastc;
for (i = 0; i < MAXSYM; i++) SHIFT[i] = m;
for (i = m-1; i>=0; i--) {
hash = TR[Pattern[i]];
if(SHIFT[hash] >= m - 1) SHIFT[hash] = m-1-i;
shift_1 = m-1;
lastc = TR[Pattern[m-1]];
for (i= m-2; i>=0; i--) {
if(TR[Pattern[i]] == lastc )
{ shift_1 = m-1 - i; i = -1; }
if(shift_1 == 0) shift_1 = 1;
if(NOUPPER) for(i='A'; i<='Z'; i++) SHIFT[i] = SHIFT[i + 'a' - 'A'];
#ifdef DEBUG
for(i='a'; i<='z'; i++) printf("%c: %d", i, SHIFT[i]); printf("\n");
for(i='A'; i<='Z'; i++) printf("%c: %d", i, SHIFT[i]); printf("\n");
/* a_monkey() the approximate monkey move */
void a_monkey( register CHARTYPE *pat, register int m, register CHARTYPE *text, register CHARTYPE *textend,
register int D )
register CHARTYPE *oldtext;
register unsigned hash, hashmask, suffix_error;
register int m1 = m-1-D, pos;
hashmask = Hashmask;
oldtext = text;
while (text < textend) {
text = text+m1;
suffix_error = 0;
while(suffix_error <= D) {
hash = *text--;
while(MEMBER_1[hash]) {
hash = ((hash << LOG_ASCII) + *(text--)) & hashmask;
if(text <= oldtext) {
if((pos = verify(m, 2*m+D, D, pat, oldtext)) > 0) {
text = oldtext+pos;
if(text > textend) return;
if(FILENAMEONLY) return;
if(!(COUNT)) {
if(FNAME) printf("%s: ", CurrentFileName);
while(*(--text) != '\n');
while(*(++text) != '\n') putchar(*text);
else {
while(*text != '\n') text++;
else {
text = oldtext + m;
oldtext = text;
/* monkey uses two characters for delta_1 shifting */
void monkey( register CHARTYPE *pat, register int m, register CHARTYPE *text, register CHARTYPE *textend )
register unsigned hash;
register CHARTYPE shift;
register int m1, j;
register unsigned r_newline;
r_newline = '\n';
m1 = m - 1;
text = text+m1;
while (text < textend) {
hash = *text;
hash = (hash << 3) + *(text-1);
shift = SHIFT_2[hash];
while(shift) {
text = text + shift;
hash = (*text << 3) + *(text-1);
shift = SHIFT_2[hash];
j = 0;
while(TR[pat[m1 - j]] == TR[*(text - j)]) { if(++j == m) break; }
if (j == m ) {
if(text >= textend) return;
if(FILENAMEONLY) return;
if(COUNT) {
while (*text != r_newline) text++;
else {
if(FNAME) printf("%s: ", CurrentFileName);
while(*(--text) != r_newline);
while(*(++text) != r_newline) putchar(*text);
void am_preprocess(CHARTYPE *Pattern)
int i, m;
m = strlen(Pattern);
for (i = 1, Hashmask = 1 ; i<16 ; i++) Hashmask = (Hashmask << 1) + 1 ;
for (i = 0; i < MAXMEMBER_1; i++) MEMBER_1[i] = 0;
for (i = m-1; i>=0; i--) {
MEMBER_1[Pattern[i]] = 1;
for (i = m-1; i > 0; i--) {
MEMBER_1[(Pattern[i] << LOG_ASCII) + Pattern[i-1]] = 1;
/* preprocessing for monkey() */
void m_preprocess(CHARTYPE *Pattern)
int i, j, m;
unsigned hash;
m = strlen(Pattern);
for (i = 0; i < MAX_SHIFT_2; i++) SHIFT_2[i] = m;
for (i = m-1; i>=1; i--) {
hash = Pattern[i];
hash = hash << 3;
for (j = 0; j< MAXSYM; j++) {
if(SHIFT_2[hash+j] == m) SHIFT_2[hash+j] = m-1;
hash = hash + Pattern[i-1];
if(SHIFT_2[hash] >= m - 1) SHIFT_2[hash] = m-1-i;
shift_1 = m-1;
for (i= m-2; i>=0; i--) {
if(Pattern[i] == Pattern[m-1] )
{ shift_1 = m-1 - i; i = -1; }
if(shift_1 == 0) shift_1 = 1;
SHIFT_2[0] = 0;
/* monkey4() the approximate monkey move */
char *MEMBER_D;
void monkey4( register unsigned char *pat, register int m, register unsigned char *text, register unsigned char *textend,
register int D )
register unsigned char *oldtext;
register unsigned hash, hashmask, suffix_error;
register int m1=m-1-D, pos;
hashmask = Hashmask;
oldtext = text ;
while (text < textend) {
text = text + m1;
suffix_error = 0;
while(suffix_error <= D) {
hash = char_map[*text--];
hash = ((hash << LOG_DNA) + char_map[*(text--)]) & hashmask;
while(MEMBER_D[hash]) {
hash = ((hash << LOG_DNA) + char_map[*(text--)]) & hashmask;
if(text <= oldtext) {
if((pos = verify(m, 2*m+D, D, pat, oldtext)) > 0) {
text = oldtext+pos;
if(text > textend) return;
if(FILENAMEONLY) return;
if(!(COUNT)) {
if(FNAME) printf("%s:", CurrentFileName);
while(*(--text) != '\n');
while(*(++text) != '\n') putchar(*text);
else {
while(*text != '\n') text++;
else text = oldtext + m;
oldtext = text;
int blog(int base, int m )
int i, exp;
exp = base;
m = m + m/2;
for (i = 1; exp < m; i++) exp = exp * base;
void prep4(char *Pattern, int m)
int i, j, k;
unsigned hash;
for(i=0; i< MAXSYM; i++) char_map[i] = 0;
char_map['a'] = char_map['A'] = 4;
char_map['g'] = char_map['g'] = 1;
char_map['t'] = char_map['t'] = 2;
char_map['c'] = char_map['c'] = 3;
char_map['n'] = char_map['n'] = 5;
BSize = blog(4, m);
for (i = 1, Hashmask = 1 ; i<BSize*LOG_DNA; i++) Hashmask = (Hashmask << 1) + 1 ;
MEMBER_D = (char *) malloc((Hashmask+1) * sizeof(char));
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("BSize = %d", BSize);
for (i=0; i <= Hashmask; i++) MEMBER_D[i] = 0;
for (j=0; j < BSize; j++) {
for(i=m-1; i >= j; i--) {
hash = 0;
for(k=0; k <= j; k++)
hash = (hash << LOG_DNA) +char_map[Pattern[i-k]];
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("< %d >, ", hash);
MEMBER_D[hash] = 1;
void sgrep(CHARTYPE *pat, int m, int fd, int D)
CHARTYPE text[BLOCKSIZE+2*MAXLINE+MAXPATT]; /* input text stream */
int offset = 2*MAXLINE;
int buf_end, num_read, i, start, end, residue = 0;
if(pat[0] == '^' || pat[0] == '$') pat[0] = '\n';
if(pat[m-1] == '^' || pat[m-1] == '$') pat[m-1] = '\n';
char_tr(pat, &m); /* will change pat, and m if WHOLELINE is ON */
text[offset-1] = '\n'; /* initial case */
for(i=0; i < MAXLINE; i++) text[i] = 0; /* security zone */
start = offset;
if(WHOLELINE) start--;
if(m >= MAXPATT) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: pattern too long\n", Progname);
if(D == 0) {
if(m > LONG_EXAC) m_preprocess(pat);
else prep_bm(pat, m);
else if (DNA) prep4(pat, m);
else if(m >= LONG_APPX) am_preprocess(pat);
else {
prep(pat, m, D);
initmask(pat, Mask, m, 0, &endposition);
for(i=1; i<=m; i++) text[BLOCKSIZE+offset+i] = pat[m-1];
/* to make sure the skip loop in bm() won't go out of bound */
while( (num_read = read(fd, text+offset, BLOCKSIZE)) > 0)
buf_end = end = offset + num_read -1 ;
while(text[end] != '\n' && end > offset) end--;
residue = buf_end - end + 1 ;
text[start-1] = '\n';
if(D==0) {
if(m > LONG_EXAC) monkey(pat, m, text+start, text+end);
else bm(pat, m, text+start, text+end);
else {
if(DNA) monkey4( pat, m, text+start, text+end, D );
else {
if(m >= LONG_APPX) a_monkey(pat, m, text+start, text+end, D);
else agrep(pat, m, text+start, text+end, D);
if(FILENAMEONLY && num_of_matched) {
printf("%s\n", CurrentFileName);
return; }
start = offset - residue ;
if(start < MAXLINE) {
start = MAXLINE;
strncpy(text+start, text+end, residue);
} /* end of while(num_read = ... */
} /* end sgrep */