blob: 04528886efe1f1d831e5be41012b1172641f0bed [file] [log] [blame]
/* the functions in this file take a syntax tree for a regular
expression and produce a DFA using the McNaughton-Yamada
construction. */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "re.h"
extern char *strncpy(), *strcat(), *strcpy();
extern int strlen();
extern char *strcat(char *s1, const char *s2);
#define TRUE 1
extern char *malloc();
extern Pset pset_union(Pset s1, Pset s2);
extern int pos_cnt;
extern Re_node parse(char *s);
Re_lit_array lpos;
/* extend_re() extends the RE by adding a ".*(" at the front and a "("
at the back. */
char *extend_re(char *s)
char *s1;
s1 = (char *) malloc((unsigned) strlen(s)+4+1);
return (char *) strcat(strcat(strcpy(s1, ".*("), s), ")");
/* mk_followpos() takes a syntax tree for a regular expression and
traverses it once, computing the followpos function at each node
and returns a pointer to an array whose ith element is a pointer
to a list of position nodes, representing the positions in
followpos(i). */
void mk_followpos_1(Re_node e, Pset_array fpos)
Pset pos;
int i;
switch (Op(e)) {
case EOS: break;
case OPSTAR:
pos = Lastpos(e);
while (pos != NULL) {
i = pos->posnum;
(*fpos)[i] = pset_union(Firstpos(e), (*fpos)[i]);
pos = pos->nextpos;
mk_followpos_1(Child(e), fpos);
case OPCAT:
pos = Lastpos(Lchild(e));
while (pos != NULL) {
i = pos->posnum;
(*fpos)[i] = pset_union(Firstpos(Rchild(e)), (*fpos)[i]);
pos = pos->nextpos;
mk_followpos_1(Lchild(e), fpos);
mk_followpos_1(Rchild(e), fpos);
case OPOPT:
mk_followpos_1(Child(e), fpos);
case OPALT:
mk_followpos_1(Lchild(e), fpos);
mk_followpos_1(Rchild(e), fpos);
default: printf("mk_followpos: unknown node type %d\n", Op(e));
Pset_array mk_followpos(Re_node tree, int npos)
int i;
Pset_array fpos;
if (tree == NULL || npos < 0) return NULL;
fpos = (Pset_array) malloc((unsigned) (npos+1)*sizeof(Pset));
if (fpos == NULL) return NULL;
for (i = 0; i <= npos; i++) (*fpos)[i] = NULL;
mk_followpos_1(tree, fpos);
return fpos;
/* mk_poslist() sets a static array whose i_th element is a pointer to
the RE-literal at position i. It returns 1 if everything is OK, 0
otherwise. */
/* init performs initialization actions; it returns -1 in case of error,
0 if everything goes OK. */
int init(char *s, int table[32][32])
Pset_array fpos;
Re_node e;
Pset l;
int i, j;
if ((e = parse(extend_re(s))) == NULL) return -1;
if ((fpos = mk_followpos(e, pos_cnt)) == NULL) return -1;
for (i = 0; i <= pos_cnt; i += 1) {
#ifdef Debug
printf("followpos[%d] = ", i);
l = (*fpos)[i];
j = 0;
for ( ; l != NULL; l = l->nextpos) {
#ifdef Debug
printf("%d ", l->posnum);
table[i][j] = l->posnum;
#ifdef Debug
#ifdef Debug
for (i=0; i <= pos_cnt; i += 1) {
j = 0;
while (table[i][j] != 0) {
printf(" %d ", table[i][j]);
return (pos_cnt);