blob: b44cf7d3a2f2ed44f4f2256eb70db03313f83df9 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "custom.h"
extern int wireestx( int xc , int yy1 , int yy2 , double factor3 );
extern int wireesty( int yc , int xx1 , int xx2 , double factor3 );
int woverlapx( int cell, int oleft, int obottom, int Wdiv2, int Hdiv2,
double aspFactor )
CELLBOXPTR cellptr1 , cellptr2 ;
TILEBOXPTR tileptr01, tileptr1, tileptr02, tileptr2 ;
int startx01 , endx01 , starty01 , endy01 , othercell ;
int startx02 , endx02 , starty02 , endy02 , value , tempval ;
int startx1 , endx1 , starty1 , endy1 ;
int startx2 , endx2 , starty2 , endy2 ;
int startx , endx , starty , endy , xcenter , ycenter ;
int i , j , k , *occuptr ;
int lowBinX , highBinX , lowBinY , highBinY ;
double val ;
value = 0 ;
cellptr1 = cellarray[cell] ;
tileptr01 = cellptr1->config[ cellptr1->orient ] ;
startx01 = cellptr1->xcenter - Wdiv2 ;
val = (double)(tileptr01->oright - oleft) / aspFactor ;
endx01 = cellptr1->xcenter + ROUND( val ) - Wdiv2;
starty01 = cellptr1->ycenter - Hdiv2 ;
val = (double)(tileptr01->otop - obottom) * aspFactor ;
endy01 = cellptr1->ycenter + ROUND( val ) - Hdiv2;
startx01 -= wireestx( startx01, starty01, endy01, tileptr01->lweight ) ;
endx01 += wireestx( endx01, starty01, endy01, tileptr01->rweight ) ;
starty01 -= wireesty( starty01, startx01, endx01, tileptr01->bweight ) ;
endy01 += wireesty( endy01, startx01, endx01, tileptr01->tweight ) ;
* Hash these coordinates to find the possible overlaps
* Bins to check are: bucket + (lowBinX->highBinX, lowBinY->highBinY)
lowBinX = (startx01 - binOffsetX) / binWidthX ;
if( lowBinX < 1 ) {
lowBinX = 1 ;
} else if( lowBinX > numBinsX ) {
lowBinX = numBinsX ;
highBinX = (endx01 - binOffsetX) / binWidthX ;
if( highBinX > numBinsX ) {
highBinX = numBinsX ;
} else if( highBinX < 1 ) {
highBinX = 1 ;
lowBinY = (starty01 - binOffsetY) / binWidthY ;
if( lowBinY < 1 ) {
lowBinY = 1 ;
} else if( lowBinY > numBinsY ) {
lowBinY = numBinsY ;
highBinY = (endy01 - binOffsetY) / binWidthY ;
if( highBinY > numBinsY ) {
highBinY = numBinsY ;
} else if( highBinY < 1 ) {
highBinY = 1 ;
if( lowBinX == highBinX && lowBinY == highBinY ) {
binX = lowBinX ;
binY = lowBinY ;
} else {
binX = 0 ;
binY = 0 ;
for( i = 0 ; i <= highBinX ; i++ ) {
if( !(i == 0 || i >= lowBinX) ) {
continue ;
for( j = 0 ; j <= highBinY ; j++ ) {
if( !((i == 0 && j == 0) || (i > 0 && j >= lowBinY)) ) {
continue ;
occuptr = blockarray[i][j] ;
for( k = 1 ; k <= occuptr[0] ; k++ ) {
othercell = occuptr[k] ;
if( othercell == cell ) {
continue ;
cellptr2 = cellarray[othercell] ;
tileptr02 = cellptr2->config[ cellptr2->orient ] ;
xcenter = cellptr2->xcenter ;
ycenter = cellptr2->ycenter ;
startx02 = xcenter + tileptr02->left ;
endx02 = xcenter + tileptr02->right ;
starty02 = ycenter + tileptr02->bottom ;
endy02 = ycenter + tileptr02->top ;
if( othercell <= numcells ) {
startx02 -= wireestx( startx02 , starty02 , endy02 ,
tileptr02->lweight ) ;
endx02 += wireestx( endx02 , starty02 , endy02 ,
tileptr02->rweight ) ;
starty02 -= wireesty( starty02 , startx02 , endx02 ,
tileptr02->bweight ) ;
endy02 += wireesty( endy02 , startx02 , endx02 ,
tileptr02->tweight ) ;
if( startx02 >= endx01 || startx01 >= endx02 ||
starty02 >= endy01 || starty01 >= endy02 ){
continue ;
if( cellptr1->numtiles == 1 && cellptr2->numtiles == 1 ) {
startx = (startx01 >= startx02) ? startx01 : startx02 ;
endx = (endx01 <= endx02) ? endx01 : endx02 ;
starty = (starty01 >= starty02) ? starty01 : starty02 ;
endy = (endy01 <= endy02) ? endy01 : endy02 ;
value += (int)( lapFactor * (double)( (endy - starty) *
(endx - startx) + offset ) ) ;
} else {
tempval = 0 ;
for( tileptr1 = tileptr01->nexttile ;
tileptr1 != TILENULL ;
tileptr1 = tileptr1->nexttile ) {
val = (double)(tileptr1->oleft - oleft) / aspFactor;
startx1 = cellptr1->xcenter + ROUND( val ) - Wdiv2 ;
val = (double)(tileptr1->oright - oleft)/ aspFactor;
endx1 = cellptr1->xcenter + ROUND( val ) - Wdiv2 ;
val = (double)(tileptr1->obottom - obottom) *
starty1 = cellptr1->ycenter + ROUND( val ) - Hdiv2 ;
val = (double)(tileptr1->otop - obottom)* aspFactor;
endy1 = cellptr1->ycenter + ROUND( val ) - Hdiv2 ;
startx1 -= wireestx( startx1 , starty1 , endy1 ,
tileptr1->lweight ) ;
endx1 += wireestx( endx1 , starty1 , endy1 ,
tileptr1->rweight ) ;
starty1 -= wireesty( starty1 , startx1 , endx1 ,
tileptr1->bweight ) ;
endy1 += wireesty( endy1 , startx1 , endx1 ,
tileptr1->tweight ) ;
for( tileptr2 = tileptr02->nexttile ;
tileptr2 != TILENULL ;
tileptr2 = tileptr2->nexttile ) {
startx2 = xcenter + tileptr2->left ;
endx2 = xcenter + tileptr2->right ;
starty2 = ycenter + tileptr2->bottom;
endy2 = ycenter + tileptr2->top ;
if( othercell <= numcells ) {
startx2 -= wireestx( startx2 , starty2 ,
endy2 , tileptr2->lweight ) ;
endx2 += wireestx( endx2 , starty2 ,
endy2 , tileptr2->rweight ) ;
starty2 -= wireesty( starty2 , startx2 ,
endx2 , tileptr2->bweight ) ;
endy2 += wireesty( endy2 , startx2 ,
endx2 , tileptr2->tweight ) ;
if( startx2 >= endx1 || startx1 >= endx2 ||
starty2 >= endy1 || starty1 >= endy2 ){
continue ;
startx = (startx1 >= startx2) ?
startx1 : startx2 ;
endx = (endx1 <= endx2) ? endx1 : endx2 ;
starty = (starty1 >= starty2) ?
starty1 : starty2 ;
endy = (endy1 <= endy2) ? endy1 : endy2 ;
tempval += (endy - starty) * (endx - startx) ;
if( tempval != 0 ) {
value += (int)( lapFactor * (double)
( tempval + offset ) ) ;
return( value ) ;