blob: 95cbdc59206117f189504827468d9fc7784b5ab9 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "custom.h"
/* #define DEBUG */
* P : current vertex point
* u() : lowest point directly above P. Returns 0 if none.
* l() : rightmost point directly left of P. Returns 0 if none.
* b() : highest point directly below P. Returns 0 if none.
* r() : leftmost point directly right of P. Returns 0 if none.
* outputP() : outputs vertex included in outline.
* elim() : deletes vertex from list.
typedef struct Rangle {
int rl ;
int rr ;
int rb ;
int rt ;
extern RANGLE *rectang ;
extern BUSTBOXPTR PtsArray ;
extern BUSTBOXPTR PtsOut ;
extern FILE *fpo ;
int u(int Pt);
int l(int Pt);
int r(int Pt);
int b(int Pt);
void elim( int Pt );
void outputP( int Pt );
void condense(void);
int firstP(void);
void coincide(void);
void dumpError(void);
void unbust(void)
int P , status , P1 ;
coincide() ; /* eliminate coincidental points */
P = firstP() ; /* P is the leftmost of lowest vertices.
* the variable status reflects the direction the last
* step took. If the last step was:
* up then status = 1 ;
* left then status = 2 ;
* right then status = 3 ;
* bottom ( or down ) then status = 4 ;
* After a u move, the next possibilities are ( in order ):
* l , u , r
* After a l move, the next possibilities are ( in order ):
* b , l , u
* After a r move, the next possibilities are ( in order ):
* u , r , b
* After a b move, the next possibilities are ( in order ):
* r , b , l
* If none of the possibilities are satisfied, there are
* no more vertices to consider.
if( (P1 = u(P)) == 0 ) {
fprintf(fpo,"Serious error: could not advance upward ");
fprintf(fpo,"from first vertex\n");
P = P1 ;
status = 1 ;
for( ; ; ) {
switch( status ) {
case 1 :
if( (P1 = l(P)) == 0 ) {
if( (P1 = u(P)) == 0 ) {
if( (P1 = r(P)) == 0 ) {
condense() ;
return ;
} else {
if( P1 <= PtsArray[0].xc ) {
P = P1 ;
status = 3 ;
} else {
if( P1 <= PtsArray[0].xc ) {
P = P1 ;
status = 1 ;
} else {
if( P1 <= PtsArray[0].xc ) {
P = P1 ;
status = 2 ;
break ;
case 2 :
if( (P1 = b(P)) == 0 ) {
if( (P1 = l(P)) == 0 ) {
if( (P1 = u(P)) == 0 ) {
condense() ;
return ;
} else {
if( P1 <= PtsArray[0].xc ) {
P = P1 ;
status = 1 ;
} else {
if( P1 <= PtsArray[0].xc ) {
P = P1 ;
status = 2 ;
} else {
if( P1 <= PtsArray[0].xc ) {
P = P1 ;
status = 4 ;
break ;
case 3 :
if( (P1 = u(P)) == 0 ) {
if( (P1 = r(P)) == 0 ) {
if( (P1 = b(P)) == 0 ) {
condense() ;
return ;
} else {
if( P1 <= PtsArray[0].xc ) {
P = P1 ;
status = 4 ;
} else {
if( P1 <= PtsArray[0].xc ) {
P = P1 ;
status = 3 ;
} else {
if( P1 <= PtsArray[0].xc ) {
P = P1 ;
status = 1 ;
break ;
case 4 :
if( (P1 = r(P)) == 0 ) {
if( (P1 = b(P)) == 0 ) {
if( (P1 = l(P)) == 0 ) {
condense() ;
return ;
} else {
if( P1 <= PtsArray[0].xc ) {
P = P1 ;
status = 2 ;
} else {
if( P1 <= PtsArray[0].xc ) {
P = P1 ;
status = 4 ;
} else {
if( P1 <= PtsArray[0].xc ) {
P = P1 ;
status = 3 ;
break ;
void addPts( int l , int r , int b , int t )
PtsArray[ ++PtsArray[0].xc ].xc = l ;
PtsArray[ PtsArray[0].xc ].yc = b ;
PtsArray[ ++PtsArray[0].xc ].xc = l ;
PtsArray[ PtsArray[0].xc ].yc = t ;
PtsArray[ ++PtsArray[0].xc ].xc = r ;
PtsArray[ PtsArray[0].xc ].yc = b ;
PtsArray[ ++PtsArray[0].xc ].xc = r ;
PtsArray[ PtsArray[0].xc ].yc = t ;
rectang[ ++rectang[0].rl ].rl = l ;
rectang[ rectang[0].rl ].rr = r ;
rectang[ rectang[0].rl ].rb = b ;
rectang[ rectang[0].rl ].rt = t ;
return ;
void initPts( int cell , char *name , int orient )
int i ;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("cell:%d name: %s orient:%d\n",cell,name,orient);
for( i = 0 ; i <= 100 ; i++ ) {
PtsArray[i].xc = 0 ;
PtsArray[i].yc = 0 ;
PtsOut[i].xc = 0 ;
PtsOut[i].xc = 0 ;
for( i = 0 ; i <= 25 ; i++ ) {
rectang[i].rl = 0 ;
rectang[i].rr = 0 ;
rectang[i].rb = 0 ;
rectang[i].rt = 0 ;
return ;
int recCheck( int Pt1 , int Pt2 )
int Px1 , Py1 , Px2 , Py2 , i , rl , rr , rb , rt ;
Px1 = PtsArray[Pt1].xc ;
Py1 = PtsArray[Pt1].yc ;
Px2 = PtsArray[Pt2].xc ;
Py2 = PtsArray[Pt2].yc ;
for( i = 1 ; i <= rectang[0].rl ; i++ ) {
rl = rectang[i].rl ;
rr = rectang[i].rr ;
rb = rectang[i].rb ;
rt = rectang[i].rt ;
if( Px1 >= rl && Px1 <= rr && Py1 >= rb && Py1 <= rt ) {
/* Pt1 is contained by this rectangle */
if( Px2 >= rl && Px2 <= rr && Py2 >= rb && Py2 <= rt ) {
/* Pt2 is also contained by this rectangle */
return(1) ;
return(0) ;
int u(int Pt)
int i , ptx , pty , small , smallP ;
small = 100000000 ;
smallP = 0 ;
ptx = PtsArray[Pt].xc ;
pty = PtsArray[Pt].yc ;
for( i = 1 ; i <= PtsArray[0].xc ; i++ ) {
if( i == Pt ) {
continue ;
if( PtsArray[i].xc != ptx ) {
continue ;
/* Now we have another point on the same vert. line */
if( PtsArray[i].yc > pty ) {
if( PtsArray[i].yc - pty < small ) {
small = PtsArray[i].yc - pty ;
smallP = i ;
if( smallP != 0 ) {
/* check if two endpoints belong to same rectangle */
if( recCheck( Pt , smallP ) == 0 ) {
/* do not belong to same rectangle */
smallP = 0 ;
return( smallP ) ;
int l(int Pt)
int i , ptx , pty , small , smallP ;
small = 100000000 ;
smallP = 0 ;
ptx = PtsArray[Pt].xc ;
pty = PtsArray[Pt].yc ;
for( i = 1 ; i <= PtsArray[0].xc ; i++ ) {
if( i == Pt ) {
continue ;
if( PtsArray[i].yc != pty ) {
continue ;
/* Now we have another point on the same horz. line */
if( PtsArray[i].xc < ptx ) {
if( ptx - PtsArray[i].xc < small ) {
small = ptx - PtsArray[i].xc ;
smallP = i ;
if( smallP != 0 ) {
/* check if two endpoints belong to same rectangle */
if( recCheck( Pt , smallP ) == 0 ) {
/* do not belong to same rectangle */
smallP = 0 ;
return( smallP ) ;
int r(int Pt)
int i , ptx , pty , small , smallP ;
small = 100000000 ;
smallP = 0 ;
ptx = PtsArray[Pt].xc ;
pty = PtsArray[Pt].yc ;
for( i = 1 ; i <= PtsArray[0].xc ; i++ ) {
if( i == Pt ) {
continue ;
if( PtsArray[i].yc != pty ) {
continue ;
/* Now we have another point on the same horz. line */
if( PtsArray[i].xc > ptx ) {
if( PtsArray[i].xc - ptx < small ) {
small = PtsArray[i].xc - ptx ;
smallP = i ;
if( smallP != 0 ) {
/* check if two endpoints belong to same rectangle */
if( recCheck( Pt , smallP ) == 0 ) {
/* do not belong to same rectangle */
smallP = 0 ;
return( smallP ) ;
int b(int Pt)
int i , ptx , pty , small , smallP ;
small = 100000000 ;
smallP = 0 ;
ptx = PtsArray[Pt].xc ;
pty = PtsArray[Pt].yc ;
for( i = 1 ; i <= PtsArray[0].xc ; i++ ) {
if( i == Pt ) {
continue ;
if( PtsArray[i].xc != ptx ) {
continue ;
/* Now we have another point on the same vert. line */
if( PtsArray[i].yc < pty ) {
if( pty - PtsArray[i].yc < small ) {
small = pty - PtsArray[i].yc ;
smallP = i ;
if( smallP != 0 ) {
/* check if two endpoints belong to same rectangle */
if( recCheck( Pt , smallP ) == 0 ) {
/* do not belong to same rectangle */
smallP = 0 ;
return( smallP ) ;
void elim( int Pt )
PtsArray[Pt].xc = PtsArray[ PtsArray[0].xc ].xc ;
PtsArray[Pt].yc = PtsArray[ PtsArray[0].xc-- ].yc ;
return ;
void outputP( int Pt )
PtsOut[ ++PtsOut[0].xc ].xc = PtsArray[Pt].xc ;
PtsOut[ PtsOut[0].xc ].yc = PtsArray[Pt].yc ;
return ;
void condense(void)
int P1x , P1y , P2x , P2y , P3x , P3y , j , P1 , P2 , P3 ;
if( PtsArray[0].xc != 1 ) {
printf("Fatal error in unbust.c\n");
dumpError() ;
exit(0) ;
P1 = 1 ;
P2 = 2 ;
for( P3 = 3 ; P3 <= PtsOut[0].xc ; P3++ ) {
P1x = PtsOut[P1].xc ;
P1y = PtsOut[P1].yc ;
P2x = PtsOut[P2].xc ;
P2y = PtsOut[P2].yc ;
P3x = PtsOut[P3].xc ;
P3y = PtsOut[P3].yc ;
if( P1x == P2x ) { /* V segment */
if( P3x == P1x ) { /* P2 is extra */
for( j = P3 ; j <= PtsOut[0].xc ; j++ ) {
PtsOut[j - 1].xc = PtsOut[j].xc ;
PtsOut[j - 1].yc = PtsOut[j].yc ;
PtsOut[0].xc-- ;
P2 = --P3 ;
} else {
P1 = P2 ;
P2 = P3 ;
} else if( P1y == P2y ) { /* H segment */
if( P3y == P1y ) { /* P2 is extra */
for( j = P3 ; j <= PtsOut[0].xc ; j++ ) {
PtsOut[j - 1].xc = PtsOut[j].xc ;
PtsOut[j - 1].yc = PtsOut[j].yc ;
PtsOut[0].xc-- ;
P2 = --P3 ;
} else {
P1 = P2 ;
P2 = P3 ;
} else {
fprintf(fpo,"Two points in outline not rectilinear ");
fprintf(fpo,"and this constitutes death\n");
return ;
int firstP(void)
int k , ymin , xmin , P ;
ymin = 100000000 ;
for( k = 1 ; k <= PtsArray[0].xc ; k++ ) {
if( PtsArray[k].yc < ymin ) {
ymin = PtsArray[k].yc ;
} /* we have the lowest y coordinate */
xmin = 100000000 ;
for( k = 1 ; k <= PtsArray[0].xc ; k++ ) {
if( PtsArray[k].yc == ymin ) {
if( PtsArray[k].xc < xmin ) {
xmin = PtsArray[k].xc ;
P = k ;
} /* we have the leftmost of the lowest vertices */
return( P );
void coincide(void)
int i , x0 , y0 , j ;
* Now eliminate coincidental points
for( i = 1 ; i <= PtsArray[0].xc ; i++ ) {
x0 = PtsArray[i].xc ;
y0 = PtsArray[i].yc ;
for( j = i + 1 ; j <= PtsArray[0].xc ; j++ ) {
if( x0 == PtsArray[j].xc && y0 == PtsArray[j].yc ) {
/* eliminate point j */
PtsArray[j ].xc = PtsArray[ PtsArray[0].xc ].xc ;
PtsArray[j--].yc = PtsArray[ PtsArray[0].xc-- ].yc ;
void dumpError(void)
int i , x , y , l , r , b , t ;
for( i = 1 ; i <= PtsOut[0].xc ; i++ ) {
x = PtsOut[i].xc ;
y = PtsOut[i].yc ;
printf("x:%d y:%d\n", x , y ) ;
for( i = 1 ; i <= PtsArray[0].xc ; i++ ) {
x = PtsArray[i].xc ;
y = PtsArray[i].yc ;
printf("x:%d y:%d\n", x , y ) ;
for( i = 1 ; i <= rectang[0].rl ; i++ ) {
l = rectang[i].rl ;
r = rectang[i].rr ;
b = rectang[i].rb ;
t = rectang[i].rt ;
printf("l:%d r:%d b:%d t:%d\n", l , r , b , t ) ;
fflush(stdout) ;
return ;