blob: ec054d7ba395aed1b34fed89fce472b2667733b5 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "custom.h"
extern char **spots ;
extern int spotXhash ;
extern int spotYhash ;
extern int numXspots ;
extern int numYspots ;
extern int spotSize ;
extern int choose ;
extern int bigcell ;
extern int toobig ;
int flips , flipp , attp ;
int newxx , newyy ;
extern double Tsave ;
extern int rangeLimit ;
extern int count ;
extern int newOrient( CELLBOXPTR cellptr , int range );
extern int usite0( int a , int newaor );
extern int wireestx( int xc , int yy1 , int yy2 , double factor3 );
extern int wireesty( int yc , int xx1 , int xx2 , double factor3 );
extern int uaspect( int a , double newAspect );
extern int usite1( int a , int xb , int yb );
extern int usiteo1( int a , int xb , int yb , int newaor );
extern int usite2( int a , int b , int ax , int ay , int bx , int by );
extern int usiteo2( int a , int b , int ax , int ay , int bx , int by,
int newaor ,int newbor );
extern void selectpin( CELLBOXPTR acellptr );
void forceGrid( int x , int y );
void pickSpot( CELLBOXPTR cellptr , int orient , int ll , int rr , int bb ,
int tt , int *x , int *y );
void fixSpot( CELLBOXPTR cellptr , int oldx , int oldy , int oldorient );
void fixSpotAsp(CELLBOXPTR cellptr,int lft,int rte,int bot,int top);
void uloop(void)
CELLBOXPTR acellptr , bcellptr ;
TILEBOXPTR tileptr ;
TERMBOXPTR termptr , btermptr ;
double range , newAspect;
int a , b , numberx , numbery ;
int attempts , i ;
int xb , yb , axcenter , aycenter ;
int bxcenter , bycenter ;
int aorient , borient , newaor , newbor ;
int flip0, flipo, flip2, flipo2, flipa, flip1 ;
int att0, atto, att2, atto2, atta, att1 ;
int ll , rr , bb , tt , ax , ay , bx , by ;
int reject ;
int al , ar , ab , at ;
int bl , br , bt , min , minstep ;
int delt1 , delt2 ;
int lft, rte, bot, top, xcenter, ycenter ;
flips = 0 ;
attempts = 0 ;
flip0 = 0 ;
att0 = 0 ;
flipo = 0 ;
atto = 0 ;
flip2 = 0 ;
att2 = 0 ;
flipo2 = 0 ;
atto2 = 0 ;
flipa = 0 ;
atta = 0 ;
flip1 = 0 ;
att1 = 0 ;
flipp = 0 ;
attp = 0 ;
numberx = rangeLimit ;
numbery = rangeLimit ;
if( count < 1 ) {
fprintf(fpo,"range limiter:%d units either way in x",numberx);
fprintf(fpo," compared to bdxlength:%d\n",bdxlength);
fprintf(fpo,"range limiter:%d units either way in y",numbery);
fprintf(fpo," compared to bdylength:%d\n",bdylength);
while( attempts < attmax ) {
do {
a = (int) ( (double) choose * ( (double) RAND /
(double) 0x7fffffff ) ) + 1 ;
} while( a == choose + 1 ) ;
do {
b = (int) ( (double) bigcell * ( (double) RAND /
(double) 0x7fffffff ) ) + 1 ;
} while( b == toobig ) ;
if( a == b ) {
continue ;
acellptr = cellarray[ a ] ;
aorient = acellptr->orient ;
if( a > numcells && b <= numcells ) {
newaor = newOrient( acellptr , 8 ) ;
if( newaor >= 0 ) {
if( usite0( a , newaor ) ) {
flips++ ;
flip0++ ;
att0++ ;
} else if( a <= numcells && b > numcells ) {
if( acellptr->class != 0 ) {
continue ;
axcenter = acellptr->xcenter ;
aycenter = acellptr->ycenter ;
ll = (axcenter-numberx < blockl) ? blockl :
(axcenter - numberx > blockr ? blockr : axcenter - numberx);
rr = (axcenter+numberx > blockr) ? blockr :
(axcenter + numberx < blockl ? blockl : axcenter + numberx);
bb = (aycenter-numbery < blockb) ? blockb :
(aycenter - numbery > blockt ? blockt : aycenter - numbery);
tt = (aycenter+numbery > blockt) ? blockt :
(aycenter + numbery < blockb ? blockb : aycenter + numbery);
pickSpot( acellptr , aorient , ll , rr , bb , tt , &xb , &yb ) ;
if( gridGiven ) {
termptr = acellptr->config[aorient]->termptr ;
forceGrid( xb + termptr->xpos , yb + termptr->ypos ) ;
xb = newxx - termptr->xpos ;
yb = newyy - termptr->ypos ;
if( usite1( a , xb , yb ) ) {
flips++ ;
flip1++ ;
att1++ ;
attempts++ ;
fixSpot( acellptr , axcenter , aycenter , aorient ) ;
} else {
attempts++ ;
att1++ ;
newaor = newOrient( acellptr , 4 ) ;
reject = 1 ;
if( newaor >= 0 ) {
if( usiteo1( a , xb , yb , newaor ) ) {
flips++ ;
flipo++ ;
atto++ ;
reject = 0 ;
fixSpot( acellptr , axcenter , aycenter , aorient ) ;
} else {
atto++ ;
if( reject ) {
newaor = newOrient( acellptr , 8 ) ;
reject = 1 ;
if( newaor >= 0 ) {
if( usite0( a , newaor ) ) {
flips++ ;
flip0++ ;
att0++ ;
reject = 0 ;
fixSpot( acellptr, axcenter, aycenter, aorient);
} else {
att0++ ;
if( acellptr->numUnComTerms != 0 ){
for( i = 1 ; i <= acellptr->numgroups ; i++ ) {
selectpin( acellptr ) ;
* The goal here is to generate a new
* aspect ratio for the cell if such
* a thing is permitted. First test
* for permission.
if( acellptr->softflag != 0 &&
(acellptr->aspUB > 0.01 + acellptr->aspLB)){
* We have clearance for an aspect
* ratio change
range = acellptr->aspUB - acellptr->aspLB;
newAspect = range * ((double)RAND /
(double) 0x7fffffff) + acellptr->aspLB ;
xcenter = acellptr->xcenter ;
ycenter = acellptr->ycenter ;
lft = xcenter + acellptr->config[acellptr->orient]->left ;
rte = xcenter + acellptr->config[acellptr->orient]->right ;
bot = ycenter + acellptr->config[acellptr->orient]->bottom ;
top = ycenter + acellptr->config[acellptr->orient]->top ;
if( uaspect( a , newAspect ) ) {
flips++ ;
flipa++ ;
fixSpotAsp(acellptr,lft,rte,bot,top) ;
atta++ ;
} else { /* a & b <= numcells or a & b > numcells */
bcellptr = cellarray[b] ;
borient = bcellptr->orient ;
if( acellptr->class == -1 || bcellptr->class == -1 ||
acellptr->class != bcellptr->class ) {
continue ;
if( gridGiven ) {
* Force pin 1 to lie on the underlying grid, specified
* by: n * (grid) + offset , in each direction.
btermptr = bcellptr->config[bcellptr->orient]->termptr ;
termptr = acellptr->config[aorient]->termptr ;
forceGrid( bcellptr->xcenter + termptr->xpos ,
bcellptr->ycenter + termptr->ypos ) ;
ax = newxx - termptr->xpos ;
ay = newyy - termptr->ypos ;
forceGrid( acellptr->xcenter + btermptr->xpos ,
acellptr->ycenter + btermptr->ypos ) ;
bx = newxx - btermptr->xpos ;
by = newyy - btermptr->ypos ;
} else {
ax = bcellptr->xcenter ;
ay = bcellptr->ycenter ;
bx = acellptr->xcenter ;
by = acellptr->ycenter ;
axcenter = bx ;
aycenter = by ;
bxcenter = ax ;
bycenter = ay ;
/* ****************************************************** */
tileptr = acellptr->config[ aorient ] ;
al = ax + tileptr->left ;
ar = ax + tileptr->right ;
ab = ay + tileptr->bottom ;
at = ay + tileptr->top ;
if( a <= numcells ) {
al -= wireestx(al,ab,at,tileptr->lweight ) ;
ar += wireestx(ar,ab,at,tileptr->rweight ) ;
ab -= wireesty(ab,al,ar,tileptr->bweight ) ;
at += wireesty(at,al,ar,tileptr->tweight ) ;
tileptr = bcellptr->config[ bcellptr->orient ] ;
bl = bx + tileptr->left ;
br = bx + tileptr->right ;
bb = by + tileptr->bottom ;
bt = by + tileptr->top ;
if( b <= numcells ) {
bl -= wireestx(bl,bb,bt,tileptr->lweight ) ;
br += wireestx(br,bb,bt,tileptr->rweight ) ;
bb -= wireesty(bb,bl,br,tileptr->bweight ) ;
bt += wireesty(bt,bl,br,tileptr->tweight ) ;
min = 1000000 ;
minstep = 0 ;
if( bl >= ar || al >= br || bb >= at || ab >= bt ) {
if( bl < ar ) {
if( ar - bl < min ) {
minstep = 1 ;
min = ar - bl ;
if( al < br ) {
if( br - al < min ) {
minstep = 2 ;
min = br - al ;
if( bb < at ) {
if( at - bb < min ) {
minstep = 3 ;
min = at - bb ;
if( ab < bt ) {
if( bt - ab < min ) {
minstep = 4 ;
min = bt - ab ;
if( minstep != 0 ) {
delt1 = min / 2 ;
delt2 = min - min / 2 ;
if( minstep == 1 ) {
bx += delt1 ;
ax -= delt2 ;
if( br + delt1 > blockr ) {
bx -= br + delt1 - blockr ;
ax -= br + delt1 - blockr ;
} else if( al - delt2 < blockl ) {
bx += blockl - (al - delt2) ;
ax += blockl - (al - delt2) ;
} else if( minstep == 2 ) {
ax += delt1 ;
bx -= delt2 ;
if( ar + delt1 > blockr ) {
bx -= ar + delt1 - blockr ;
ax -= ar + delt1 - blockr ;
} else if( bl - delt2 < blockl ) {
bx += blockl - (bl - delt2) ;
ax += blockl - (bl - delt2) ;
} else if( minstep == 3 ) {
by += delt1 ;
ay -= delt2 ;
if( bt + delt1 > blockt ) {
by -= bt + delt1 - blockt ;
ay -= bt + delt1 - blockt ;
} else if( ab - delt2 < blockb ) {
by += blockb - (ab - delt2) ;
ay += blockb - (ab - delt2) ;
} else {
ay += delt1 ;
by -= delt2 ;
if( at + delt1 > blockt ) {
by -= at + delt1 - blockt ;
ay -= at + delt1 - blockt ;
} else if( bb - delt2 < blockb ) {
by += blockb - (bb - delt2) ;
ay += blockb - (bb - delt2) ;
/* ****************************************************** */
if( usite2( a , b , ax , ay , bx , by ) ) {
flips++ ;
flip2++ ;
att2++ ;
attempts++ ;
fixSpot( acellptr , axcenter , aycenter , aorient ) ;
fixSpot( bcellptr , bxcenter , bycenter , borient ) ;
} else {
att2++ ;
attempts++ ;
try again with opposite orientation types
newaor = newOrient( acellptr , 4 ) ;
newbor = newOrient( bcellptr , 4 ) ;
if( newaor >= 0 || newbor >= 0 ) {
if( newaor < 0 ) {
newaor = aorient ;
} else if( newbor < 0 ) {
newbor = borient ;
if( gridGiven ) {
btermptr = bcellptr->config[newbor]-> termptr ;
termptr = acellptr->config[newaor]->termptr ;
forceGrid( bcellptr->xcenter + termptr->xpos ,
bcellptr->ycenter + termptr->ypos ) ;
ax = newxx - termptr->xpos ;
ay = newyy - termptr->ypos ;
forceGrid( acellptr->xcenter + btermptr->xpos ,
acellptr->ycenter + btermptr->ypos ) ;
bx = newxx - btermptr->xpos ;
by = newyy - btermptr->ypos ;
} else {
ax = bcellptr->xcenter ;
ay = bcellptr->ycenter ;
bx = acellptr->xcenter ;
by = acellptr->ycenter ;
/* ************************************************** */
tileptr = acellptr->config[ newaor ] ;
al = ax + tileptr->left ;
ar = ax + tileptr->right ;
ab = ay + tileptr->bottom ;
at = ay + tileptr->top ;
if( a <= numcells ) {
al -= wireestx(al,ab,at,tileptr->lweight ) ;
ar += wireestx(ar,ab,at,tileptr->rweight ) ;
ab -= wireesty(ab,al,ar,tileptr->bweight ) ;
at += wireesty(at,al,ar,tileptr->tweight ) ;
tileptr = bcellptr->config[ newbor ] ;
bl = bx + tileptr->left ;
br = bx + tileptr->right ;
bb = by + tileptr->bottom ;
bt = by + tileptr->top ;
if( b <= numcells ) {
bl -= wireestx(bl,bb,bt,tileptr->lweight ) ;
br += wireestx(br,bb,bt,tileptr->rweight ) ;
bb -= wireesty(bb,bl,br,tileptr->bweight ) ;
bt += wireesty(bt,bl,br,tileptr->tweight ) ;
min = 1000000 ;
minstep = 0 ;
if( bl >= ar || al >= br || bb >= at || ab >= bt ) {
if( bl < ar ) {
if( ar - bl < min ) {
minstep = 1 ;
min = ar - bl ;
if( al < br ) {
if( br - al < min ) {
minstep = 2 ;
min = br - al ;
if( bb < at ) {
if( at - bb < min ) {
minstep = 3 ;
min = at - bb ;
if( ab < bt ) {
if( bt - ab < min ) {
minstep = 4 ;
min = bt - ab ;
if( minstep != 0 ) {
delt1 = min / 2 ;
delt2 = min - min / 2 ;
if( minstep == 1 ) {
bx += delt1 ;
ax -= delt2 ;
if( br + delt1 > blockr ) {
bx -= br + delt1 - blockr ;
ax -= br + delt1 - blockr ;
} else if( al - delt2 < blockl ) {
bx += blockl - (al - delt2) ;
ax += blockl - (al - delt2) ;
} else if( minstep == 2 ) {
ax += delt1 ;
bx -= delt2 ;
if( ar + delt1 > blockr ) {
bx -= ar + delt1 - blockr ;
ax -= ar + delt1 - blockr ;
} else if( bl - delt2 < blockl ) {
bx += blockl - (bl - delt2) ;
ax += blockl - (bl - delt2) ;
} else if( minstep == 3 ) {
by += delt1 ;
ay -= delt2 ;
if( bt + delt1 > blockt ) {
by -= bt + delt1 - blockt ;
ay -= bt + delt1 - blockt ;
} else if( ab - delt2 < blockb ) {
by += blockb - (ab - delt2) ;
ay += blockb - (ab - delt2) ;
} else {
ay += delt1 ;
by -= delt2 ;
if( at + delt1 > blockt ) {
by -= at + delt1 - blockt ;
ay -= at + delt1 - blockt ;
} else if( bb - delt2 < blockb ) {
by += blockb - (bb - delt2) ;
ay += blockb - (bb - delt2) ;
/* ************************************************** */
if( usiteo2( a, b, ax, ay, bx, by, newaor, newbor) ) {
flips++ ;
flipo2++ ;
atto2++ ;
attempts++ ;
fixSpot( acellptr , axcenter , aycenter , aorient ) ;
fixSpot( bcellptr , bxcenter , bycenter , borient ) ;
} else {
atto2++ ;
attempts++ ;
fprintf(fpo,"acceptance breakdown:\n");
fprintf(fpo," single cell: %d / %d\n", flip1 , att1) ;
fprintf(fpo," single w/ orient chg: %d / %d\n", flipo , atto) ;
fprintf(fpo," orient chg: %d / %d\n", flip0 , att0) ;
fprintf(fpo," pin moves: %d / %d\n", flipp , attp) ;
fprintf(fpo," aspect ratio chgs: %d / %d\n", flipa , atta) ;
fprintf(fpo," cell interchanges: %d / %d\n", flip2 , att2) ;
fprintf(fpo," interchgs w/ orient: %d / %d\n", flipo2 ,atto2);
fprintf(fpo,"\tno. of accepted flips: %d\n", flips ) ;
doublecheck() ;
fprintf(fpo,"TimberWolf Wire Cost: %d Penalty: %d\n\n",funccost,
return ;
void forceGrid( int x , int y )
newxx = ( (x - gOffsetX) / gridX ) * gridX + gOffsetX ;
if( ABS(newxx + gridX - x) < ABS(newxx - x) ) {
newxx += gridX ;
newyy = ( (y - gOffsetY) / gridY ) * gridY + gOffsetY ;
if( ABS(newyy + gridY - y) < ABS(newyy - y) ) {
newyy += gridY ;
return ;
void pickSpot( CELLBOXPTR cellptr , int orient , int ll , int rr , int bb ,
int tt , int *x , int *y )
TILEBOXPTR tileptr ;
int lspot , rspot , bspot , tspot ;
int l , r , b , t ;
int llspot , rrspot , bbspot , ttspot ;
int xrange , yrange ;
int xspot , yspot ;
int xc , yc ;
llspot = (ll - spotXhash) / spotSize ;
rrspot = (rr - spotXhash) / spotSize ;
bbspot = (bb - spotYhash) / spotSize ;
ttspot = (tt - spotYhash) / spotSize ;
xrange = rrspot - llspot + 1 ;
yrange = ttspot - bbspot + 1 ;
tileptr = cellptr->config[orient] ;
xc = cellptr->xcenter ;
yc = cellptr->ycenter ;
l = xc + tileptr->left ;
r = xc + tileptr->right ;
b = yc + tileptr->bottom ;
t = yc + tileptr->top ;
l -= wireestx(l,b,t,tileptr->lweight ) ;
r += wireestx(r,b,t,tileptr->rweight ) ;
b -= wireesty(b,l,r,tileptr->bweight ) ;
t += wireesty(t,l,r,tileptr->tweight ) ;
lspot = (l - spotXhash) / spotSize ;
rspot = (r - spotXhash) / spotSize ;
bspot = (b - spotYhash) / spotSize ;
tspot = (t - spotYhash) / spotSize ;
xspot = (cellptr->xcenter - spotXhash) / spotSize ;
yspot = (cellptr->ycenter - spotYhash) / spotSize ;
for( ; ; ) {
*x = (int) ( (double) xrange * ( (double) RAND /
(double) 0x7fffffff ) ) + llspot ;
*y = (int) ( (double) yrange * ( (double) RAND /
(double) 0x7fffffff ) ) + bbspot ;
if( spots[*x][*y] == 0 ) {
break ;
if( *x >= lspot && *x <= rspot && *y >= bspot && *y <= tspot
&& ((ABS(*x - xspot) > 1) || (ABS(*y - yspot) > 1)) ) {
break ;
* Randomly select (*x,*y) location within spot [*x,*y]
*x = *x * spotSize + spotXhash ;
*y = *y * spotSize + spotYhash ;
*x += (int)((double) spotSize * ((double) RAND / (double) 0x7fffffff));
*y += (int)((double) spotSize * ((double) RAND / (double) 0x7fffffff));
return ;
void fixSpot( CELLBOXPTR cellptr , int oldx , int oldy , int oldorient )
TILEBOXPTR tileptr ;
int lspot , rspot , bspot , tspot ;
int xc , yc , x , y ;
int l , r , b , t ;
register char *sarray ;
tileptr = cellptr->config[oldorient] ;
l = oldx + tileptr->left ;
r = oldx + tileptr->right ;
b = oldy + tileptr->bottom ;
t = oldy + tileptr->top ;
l -= wireestx(l,b,t,tileptr->lweight ) ;
r += wireestx(r,b,t,tileptr->rweight ) ;
b -= wireesty(b,l,r,tileptr->bweight ) ;
t += wireesty(t,l,r,tileptr->tweight ) ;
lspot = (l - spotXhash) / spotSize ;
rspot = (r - spotXhash) / spotSize ;
bspot = (b - spotYhash) / spotSize ;
tspot = (t - spotYhash) / spotSize ;
for( x = lspot + 1 ; x < rspot ; x++ ) {
sarray = spots[x] + bspot ;
for( y = bspot + 1 ; y < tspot ; y++ ) {
(*(++sarray))-- ;
tileptr = cellptr->config[cellptr->orient] ;
xc = cellptr->xcenter ;
yc = cellptr->ycenter ;
l = xc + tileptr->left ;
r = xc + tileptr->right ;
b = yc + tileptr->bottom ;
t = yc + tileptr->top ;
l -= wireestx(l,b,t,tileptr->lweight ) ;
r += wireestx(r,b,t,tileptr->rweight ) ;
b -= wireesty(b,l,r,tileptr->bweight ) ;
t += wireesty(t,l,r,tileptr->tweight ) ;
lspot = (l - spotXhash) / spotSize ;
rspot = (r - spotXhash) / spotSize ;
bspot = (b - spotYhash) / spotSize ;
tspot = (t - spotYhash) / spotSize ;
for( x = lspot + 1 ; x < rspot ; x++ ) {
sarray = spots[x] + bspot ;
for( y = bspot + 1 ; y < tspot ; y++ ) {
(*(++sarray))++ ;
return ;
void fixSpotAsp(CELLBOXPTR cellptr,int lft,int rte,int bot,int top)
TILEBOXPTR tileptr ;
int lspot , rspot , bspot , tspot ;
int xc , yc , x , y ;
int l , r , b , t ;
register char *sarray ;
/* XXX what the HELL is going on here, haven't you ever heard of lint! */
/* tileptr has not value at this point in time! */
l = lft - wireestx(lft,bot,top,tileptr->lweight ) ;
r = rte + wireestx(rte,bot,top,tileptr->rweight ) ;
b = bot - wireesty(bot,lft,rte,tileptr->bweight ) ;
t = top - wireesty(top,lft,rte,tileptr->tweight ) ;
lspot = (l - spotXhash) / spotSize ;
rspot = (r - spotXhash) / spotSize ;
bspot = (b - spotYhash) / spotSize ;
tspot = (t - spotYhash) / spotSize ;
for( x = lspot + 1 ; x < rspot ; x++ ) {
sarray = spots[x] + bspot ;
for( y = bspot + 1 ; y < tspot ; y++ ) {
(*(++sarray))-- ;
tileptr = cellptr->config[cellptr->orient] ;
xc = cellptr->xcenter ;
yc = cellptr->ycenter ;
l = xc + tileptr->left ;
r = xc + tileptr->right ;
b = yc + tileptr->bottom ;
t = yc + tileptr->top ;
l -= wireestx(l,b,t,tileptr->lweight ) ;
r += wireestx(r,b,t,tileptr->rweight ) ;
b -= wireesty(b,l,r,tileptr->bweight ) ;
t += wireesty(t,l,r,tileptr->tweight ) ;
lspot = (l - spotXhash) / spotSize ;
rspot = (r - spotXhash) / spotSize ;
bspot = (b - spotYhash) / spotSize ;
tspot = (t - spotYhash) / spotSize ;
for( x = lspot + 1 ; x < rspot ; x++ ) {
sarray = spots[x] + bspot ;
for( y = bspot + 1 ; y < tspot ; y++ ) {
(*(++sarray))++ ;
return ;