blob: df05280c65376e9777b543c93a2e0f9365b262b0 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "custom.h"
int totPins ;
* One of the main purposes of pass2 is to ascertain the number of
* uncommitted pins per cell
extern void maketabl(void);
extern int addhash( char hname[] );
void pass2( FILE *fp )
int i , cell , class ;
int xpos , ypos ;
int k , xx1 , xx2 , yy1 , yy2 ;
int sequence , firstside , lastside ;
int soft , cellnum , pinctr , term ;
int corner , ncorners , x , y , ecount , orient , norients ;
double aspub , asplb , space ;
char input[1024] ;
C = ( BUSTBOXPTR ) malloc( 101 * sizeof( BUSTBOX ) ) ;
cell = 0 ;
ecount = 0 ;
netctr = 0 ;
pinctr = 0 ;
maketabl() ;
while( fscanf( fp , " %s " , input ) == 1 ) {
if( strcmp( input , "cell") == 0 ) {
fscanf( fp , "%d" , &cellnum ) ;
fscanf( fp , "%s" , input ) ; /* "name" */
fscanf( fp , "%s" , input ) ; /* cell name */
ptr = cellarray[ ++cell ] ;
soft = 0 ;
for( k = 0 ; k <= 100 ; k++ ) {
C[k].xc = 0 ;
C[k].yc = 0 ;
fscanf( fp , " %d " , &ncorners ) ;
fscanf( fp , " %s " , input ) ;
for( corner = 1 ; corner <= ncorners ; corner++ ) {
fscanf( fp , " %d %d " , &x , &y ) ;
C[ ++C[0].xc ].xc = x ;
C[ C[0].xc ].yc = y ;
for( k = 1 ; k <= C[0].xc ; k++ ) {
xx1 = C[k].xc ;
yy1 = C[k].yc ;
if( k == C[0].xc ) {
xx2 = C[1].xc ;
yy2 = C[1].yc ;
} else {
xx2 = C[ k + 1 ].xc ;
yy2 = C[ k + 1 ].yc ;
if( xx1 == xx2 && yy1 == yy2 ) {
fprintf(fpo,"a zero length side was found for\n");
fprintf(fpo,"the current cell:%d\n", cell );
if( xx1 != xx2 && yy1 != yy2 ) {
fprintf(fpo,"a non rectilinear side was found \n");
fprintf(fpo,"for the current cell:%d\n", cell );
fscanf( fp , " %s " , input ) ;
fscanf( fp , " %d " , &class ) ;
fscanf( fp , " %d " , &norients ) ;
fscanf( fp , " %s " , input ) ;
for( orient = 1 ; orient <= norients ; orient++ ) {
fscanf( fp , " %d " , &x ) ;
} else if( strcmp( input , "pin") == 0 ) {
fscanf( fp , " %s " , input ) ; /* "name" */
fscanf( fp , " %s " , input ) ; /* pin name */
fscanf( fp , " %s " , input ) ; /* "signal" */
fscanf( fp , " %s " , input ) ; /* signal name */
pinctr++ ;
addhash( input ) ;
fscanf( fp , " %d %d " , &xpos , &ypos );
if( soft == 1 && ptr->numUnComTerms != 0 ) {
for( k = 1 ; k <= C[0].xc ; k++ ) {
xx1 = C[k].xc ;
yy1 = C[k].yc ;
if( k == C[0].xc ) {
xx2 = C[1].xc ;
yy2 = C[1].yc ;
} else {
xx2 = C[ k + 1 ].xc ;
yy2 = C[ k + 1 ].yc ;
if( xx1 == xx2 ) {
if( xpos == xx1 ) {
ptr->numUnComTerms++ ;
break ;
} else if( ypos == yy1 ) {
ptr->numUnComTerms++ ;
break ;
} else if( strcmp( input , "equiv") == 0 ) {
if( soft == 1 ) {
fprintf(fpo,"equiv pin cannot reside on soft cell\n");
fprintf(fpo,"problematic cell: %d\n", cell );
ecount++ ;
fscanf( fp , " %s " , input ) ; /* "name" */
fscanf( fp , " %s " , input ) ; /* pin name */
fscanf( fp , " %d %d " , &xpos , &ypos );
} else if( strcmp( input , "softcell") == 0 ) {
fscanf( fp , "%d" , &cellnum ) ;
fscanf( fp , "%s" , input ) ; /* "name" */
fscanf( fp , "%s" , input ) ; /* cell name */
ptr = cellarray[ ++cell ] ;
soft = 1 ;
for( k = 0 ; k <= 100 ; k++ ) {
C[k].xc = 0 ;
C[k].yc = 0 ;
fscanf( fp , " %d " , &ncorners ) ;
fscanf( fp , " %s " , input ) ;
for( corner = 1 ; corner <= ncorners ; corner++ ) {
fscanf( fp , " %d %d " , &x , &y ) ;
C[ ++C[0].xc ].xc = x ;
C[ C[0].xc ].yc = y ;
for( k = 1 ; k <= C[0].xc ; k++ ) {
xx1 = C[k].xc ;
yy1 = C[k].yc ;
if( k == C[0].xc ) {
xx2 = C[1].xc ;
yy2 = C[1].yc ;
} else {
xx2 = C[ k + 1 ].xc ;
yy2 = C[ k + 1 ].yc ;
if( xx1 == xx2 && yy1 == yy2 ) {
fprintf(fpo,"a zero length side was found for\n");
fprintf(fpo,"the current cell:%d\n", cell );
if( xx1 != xx2 && yy1 != yy2 ) {
fprintf(fpo,"a non rectilinear side found \n");
fprintf(fpo,"for the current cell:%d\n", cell );
fscanf( fp , " %s " , input ) ;
fscanf( fp , "%lf" , &asplb ) ;
fscanf( fp , " %s " , input ) ;
fscanf( fp , "%lf" , &aspub ) ;
fscanf( fp , " %s " , input ) ;
fscanf( fp , " %d " , &class ) ;
fscanf( fp , " %d " , &norients ) ;
fscanf( fp , " %s " , input ) ;
for( orient = 1 ; orient <= norients ; orient++ ) {
fscanf( fp , " %d " , &x ) ;
} else if( strcmp( input , "sequence") == 0 ||
strcmp( input , "group") == 0 ) {
fscanf( fp , " %d " , &sequence ) ;
ptr->numUnComTerms += sequence ;
for( i = 1 ; i <= sequence ; i++ ) {
fscanf( fp , " %s " , input ) ; /* "pin" */
fscanf( fp , " %s " , input ) ; /* "name" */
fscanf( fp , " %s " , input ) ; /* pin name */
fscanf( fp , " %s " , input ) ; /* "signal" */
fscanf( fp , " %s " , input ) ; /* signal name */
pinctr++ ;
addhash( input ) ;
fscanf( fp , " %s " , input ) ;
fscanf( fp , " %d %d " , &firstside , &lastside ) ;
} else if( strcmp( input , "pad") == 0 ) {
fscanf( fp , "%d" , &cellnum ) ;
fscanf( fp , "%s" , input ) ; /* "name" */
fscanf( fp , "%s" , input ) ; /* cell name */
ptr = cellarray[ ++cell ] ;
soft = 0 ;
for( k = 0 ; k <= 100 ; k++ ) {
C[k].xc = 0 ;
C[k].yc = 0 ;
fscanf( fp , " %d " , &ncorners ) ;
fscanf( fp , " %s " , input ) ;
for( corner = 1 ; corner <= ncorners ; corner++ ) {
fscanf( fp , " %d %d " , &x , &y ) ;
C[ ++C[0].xc ].xc = x ;
C[ C[0].xc ].yc = y ;
for( k = 1 ; k <= C[0].xc ; k++ ) {
xx1 = C[k].xc ;
yy1 = C[k].yc ;
if( k == C[0].xc ) {
xx2 = C[1].xc ;
yy2 = C[1].yc ;
} else {
xx2 = C[ k + 1 ].xc ;
yy2 = C[ k + 1 ].yc ;
if( xx1 == xx2 && yy1 == yy2 ) {
fprintf(fpo,"a zero length side was found for\n");
fprintf(fpo,"the current cell:%d\n", cell );
if( xx1 != xx2 && yy1 != yy2 ) {
fprintf(fpo,"a non rectilinear side found \n");
fprintf(fpo,"for the current cell:%d\n", cell );
fscanf( fp , " %s " , input ) ;
fscanf( fp , " %s " , input ) ;
fscanf( fp , " %s " , input ) ;
fscanf( fp , " %d " , &class ) ;
fscanf( fp , " %d " , &norients ) ;
fscanf( fp , " %s " , input ) ;
for( orient = 1 ; orient <= norients ; orient++ ) {
fscanf( fp , " %d " , &x ) ;
} else if( strcmp( input , "sidespace") == 0 ) {
fscanf( fp , " %lf " , &space ) ;
rewind( fp ) ;
termarray = (TERMNETSPTR *) malloc( (pinctr + 1) *
sizeof( TERMNETSPTR ) );
for( term = 1 ; term <= pinctr ; term++ ) {
termarray[ term ] = TERMNETSNULL ;
maxterm = pinctr ;
pinnames = (char **) malloc( (pinctr + 1) * sizeof( char * ) ) ;
numnets = netctr ;
netarray = (DIMBOXPTR *) malloc( (netctr + 1) * sizeof(DIMBOXPTR));
for( i = 1 ; i <= netctr ; i++ ) {
nptr = netarray[ i ] = (DIMBOXPTR) malloc( sizeof( DIMBOX ) ) ;
nptr->netptr = NETNULL ;
nptr->nname = NULL ;
nptr->skip = 0 ;
nptr->flag = 0 ;
nptr->xmin = 0 ;
nptr->newxmin = 0 ;
nptr->xmax = 0 ;
nptr->newxmax = 0 ;
nptr->ymin = 0 ;
nptr->newymin = 0 ;
nptr->ymax = 0 ;
nptr->newymax = 0 ;
totPins = ecount + maxterm ;
return ;