blob: fdfc325d132edaf68c17e0e9d6b1179cc64d6c67 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "custom.h"
extern int finalShot ;
extern double Tsave ;
int findcost(void)
DIMBOXPTR dimptr ;
NETBOXPTR netptr ;
CELLBOXPTR cellptr , ptr ;
int cell , net , terminal , pin ;
int x , y , cost , site , contents , capacity , temp ;
int xpos , ypos ;
double Tscale ;
Tscale = Tsave / 100000.0 ;
cost = 0 ;
for( cell = 1 ; cell <= numcells + numpads ; cell++ ) {
ptr = cellarray[cell] ;
term = ptr->config[ptr->orient]->termptr ;
for( ; term != TERMNULL ; term = term->nextterm ) {
termptr = termarray[term->terminal ];
termptr->termptr->xpos = term->xpos + ptr->xcenter ;
termptr->termptr->ypos = term->ypos + ptr->ycenter ;
if( ptr->softflag == 1 ) {
for( pin = 1 ; pin <= ptr->numUnComTerms ; pin++ ) {
site = ptr->unComTerms[pin].site ;
terminal = ptr->unComTerms[pin].terminal ;
xpos = ptr->config[ptr->orient]->siteLocArray[site].xpos;
ypos = ptr->config[ptr->orient]->siteLocArray[site].ypos;
termptr = termarray[terminal] ;
termptr->termptr->xpos = xpos + ptr->xcenter ;
termptr->termptr->ypos = ypos + ptr->ycenter ;
if( finalShot > 0 ) {
temp = numnets + numcells ;
} else {
temp = numnets ;
for( net = 1 ; net <= temp ; net++ ) {
dimptr = netarray[net] ;
if( dimptr == DIMNULL ) {
continue ;
if( dimptr->skip == 1 ) {
continue ;
netptr = dimptr->netptr ;
for( ; ; netptr = netptr->nextterm ) {
if( netptr == NETNULL ) {
break ;
if( netptr->skip == 1 ) {
continue ;
dimptr->xmin = dimptr->xmax = netptr->xpos ;
dimptr->ymin = dimptr->ymax = netptr->ypos ;
netptr = netptr->nextterm ;
break ;
for( ; netptr != NETNULL ; netptr = netptr->nextterm ) {
if( netptr->skip == 1 ) {
continue ;
x = netptr->xpos ;
y = netptr->ypos ;
if( x < dimptr->xmin ) {
dimptr->xmin = x ;
} else if( x > dimptr->xmax ) {
dimptr->xmax = x ;
if( y < dimptr->ymin ) {
dimptr->ymin = y ;
} else if( y > dimptr->ymax ) {
dimptr->ymax = y ;
cost += ((int)( dimptr->Hweight *
(double)( dimptr->xmax - dimptr->xmin))) +
((int)( dimptr->Vweight *
(double)( dimptr->ymax - dimptr->ymin)));
penalty = 0 ;
for( cell = 1 ; cell <= numcells + numpads + 4 ; cell++ ) {
if( cell > numcells && cell <= numcells + numpads ) {
continue ;
penalty += (*overlap)( cell, cellarray[cell]->xcenter,
cellarray[cell]->orient , 0 , 1 , 0 ) ;
penalty /= 2 ;
* we should have found the overlap of a & b as well as
* b & a
overfill = 0 ;
for( cell = 1 ; cell <= numcells ; cell++ ) {
if( cellarray[ cell ]->softflag == 0 ) {
continue ;
cellptr = cellarray[ cell ] ;
for( site = 1 ; site <= cellptr->numsites ; site++ ) {
contents = cellptr->siteContent[ site ].contents ;
capacity = cellptr->siteContent[ site ].capacity ;
if( contents > capacity ) {
temp = contents - capacity ;
overfill += (int)(Tscale * 10.0 * (double)(temp * temp) );
return( cost ) ;