blob: 43a9db611dd30ce534ce3f426beec008304de266 [file] [log] [blame]
// Chapter 11 - Program 4
#include <iostream>
#include "supervsr.h"
using namespace std;
// In all cases, init_data assigns values to the class variables and
// display outputs the values to the monitor for inspection.
supervisor::supervisor(char *in_name, int in_salary, char *in_title)
name = in_name;
salary = in_salary;
title= in_title;
cout << "Supervisor --> " << name << "'s salary is " << salary <<
" and is the " << title << ".\n\n";
programmer::programmer(char *in_name, int in_salary, char *in_title,
char *in_language)
name = in_name;
salary = in_salary;
title = in_title;
language = in_language;
cout << "Programmer --> " << name << "'s salary is " << salary <<
" and is " << title << ".\n";
cout << " " << name << "'s specialty is " <<
language << ".\n\n";
secretary::secretary(char *in_name, int in_salary,
int in_shorthand, int in_typing_speed)
name = in_name;
salary = in_salary;
shorthand = in_shorthand;
typing_speed = in_typing_speed;
cout << "Secretary ---> " << name << "'s salary is " << salary <<
cout << " " << name << " types " << typing_speed <<
" per minute and can ";
if (!shorthand) cout << "not ";
cout << "take shorthand.\n\n";
consultant::consultant(char *in_name,
int in_salary,
char *in_specialty,
int in_contract_length)
name = in_name;
salary = in_salary;
specialty = in_specialty;
contract_length = in_contract_length;
cout << "Consultant --> " << name << "'s salary is " << salary <<
" and consults in " <<
specialty << ".\n";
cout << " " << name << "'s contract lasts " <<
contract_length <<
" weeks.\n\n";
// Chapter 11 - Program 5
person *staff1,*staff2,*staff3,*staff4;
int main()
supervisor *suppt;
programmer *progpt;
secretary *secpt;
suppt = new supervisor("Big John", 5100, "President");
staff1 = suppt;
progpt = new programmer("Joe Hacker", 3500, "debugger", "Pascal");
staff2 = progpt;
progpt = new programmer("OOP Wizard", 7700, "senior analyst", "C++");
staff3 = progpt;
secpt = new secretary("Tillie Typer", 2200, 1, 85);
staff4 = secpt;
// Result of execution
// XYZ Staff -- note salary is monthly.
// Supervisor --> Big John's salary is 5100 and is the President.
// Programmer --> Joe Hacker's salary is 3500 and is debugger.
// Joe Hacker's specialty is Pascal.
// Programmer --> OOP Wizard's salary is 7700 and is senior analyst.
// OOP Wizard's specialty is C++.
// Secretary ---> Tillie Typer's salary is 2200.
// Tillie typer types 85 per minute and can take shorthand.
// Supervisor --> Tom Talker's salary is 5430 and is the sales manager.
// Programmer --> Dave Debugger's salary is 5725 and is code maintainer.
// Dave Debugger's specialty is assembly language.
// End of employee list.