blob: 34fd06f617c98ee59256f3d11cd0c3c5beeeffcf [file] [log] [blame]
#define global
#include "defs.h"
typedef struct {
bodyptr pskip; /* body to skip in force evaluation */
vector pos0; /* point at which to evaluate field */
real phi0; /* computed potential at pos0 */
vector acc0; /* computed acceleration at pos0 */
} hgstruct, *hgsptr;
* WALKSUB: recursive routine to do hackwalk operation.
* p: pointer into body-tree
* dsq: size of box squared
extern bool subdivp(nodeptr p, real dsq, real tolsq, hgstruct hg);
hgstruct walksub(nodeptr p, real dsq, real tolsq, hgstruct hg, int level);
hgstruct gravsub(nodeptr p, hgstruct hg);
hgstruct walksub(nodeptr p, real dsq, real tolsq, hgstruct hg, int level)
register int k, i;
register nodeptr r;
nodeptr tmp[NSUB];
if (subdivp(p, dsq, tolsq, hg)) { /* should p be opened? */
for (k = 0; k < NSUB; k++) { /* loop over the subcells */
r = Subp((cellptr) p)[k]; /* <-- 6.7% load penalty */
if (r != NULL) /* does this one exist? */
hg = walksub(r, dsq / 4.0, tolsq, hg, level+1);
else if (p != (nodeptr) hg.pskip) { /* should p be included? */
hg = gravsub(p, hg); /* then use interaction */
return hg;