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Info file:, -*-Text-*-
produced by `texinfo-format-buffer'
from file `ispell.texinfo'
using `texinfmt.el' version 2.38 of 3 July 1998.
This file documents ISPELL, an interactive spelling corrector.
Copyright 1988, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this
manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are
preserved on all copies.
Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this
manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the
entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a
permission notice identical to this one.
Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this
manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified
versions, except that this permission notice may be stated in a
translation approved by the Foundation.
* Menu:
* Emacs:: Using ispell from emacs
* Old Emacs:: Old Emacs
* Private:: Your private dictionary
* Command summary:: All commands in emacs mode
* Near misses:: Definition of a near miss
* History:: Where it came from
-- The Detailed Node Listing ---
Using ispell from emacs
* Word:: Checking a single word
* Buffer:: Checking a whole buffer
* Region:: Checking a region
* Multiple Dictionaries:: Using Multiple Dictionaries

File:, Node: Top, Next: Emacs, Prev: (dir), Up: (dir)
`Ispell' is a program that helps you to correct spelling errors in a
file, and to find the correct spelling of words. When presented with
a word that is not in the dictionary, `ispell' attempts to find "near
misses" that might include the word you meant.
This manual describes how to use ispell, as well as a little about its
* Menu:
* Emacs:: Using ispell from emacs
* Old Emacs:: Old Emacs
* Private:: Your private dictionary
* Command summary:: All commands in emacs mode
* Near misses:: Definition of a near miss
* History:: Where it came from

File:, Node: Emacs, Next: Old Emacs, Prev: Top, Up: Top
Using ispell from emacs
* Menu:
* Word:: Checking a single word
* Buffer:: Checking a whole buffer
* Region:: Checking a region
* Multiple Dictionaries:: Using Multiple Dictionaries

File:, Node: Word, Next: Buffer, Prev: Emacs, Up: Emacs
Checking a single word
The simplest emacs command for calling ispell is 'M-$' (meta-dollar.
On some terminals, you must type ESC-$.) This checks the spelling of
the word under the cursor. If the word is found in the dictionary,
then a message is printed in the echo area. Otherwise, ISPELL
attempts to generate near misses.
If any near misses are found, they are displayed in a separate window,
each preceded by a digit or character. If one of these is the word
you wanted, just type its digit or character, and it will replace the
original word in your buffer.
If no near miss is right, or if none are displayed, you have five
Insert the word in your private dictionary. Use this if you know
that the word is spelled correctly.
Accept the word for the duration of this editing session, but do
not put it in your private dictionary. Use this if you are not
sure about the spelling of the word, but you do not want to look
it up immediately, or for terms that appear in your document but
are not truly words. The next time you start ispell, it will
have forgotten any accepted words.
Leave the word alone, and consider it misspelled if it is checked
Replace the word. This command prompts you for a string in the
minibuffer. You may type more than one word, and each word you
type is checked again, possibly finding other near misses. This
command provides a handy way to close in on a word that you have
no idea how to spell. You can keep trying different spellings
until you find one that is close enough to get a near miss.
Lookup. Display words from the dictionary that contain a
specified substring. The substring is a regular expression,
which means it can contain special characters to be more
selective about which words get displayed. *Note Regexps:
If the only special character in the regular expression is a
leading `^', then a very fast binary search will be used, instead
of scanning the whole file.
Only a few matching words can be displayed in the ISPELL window.
If you want to see more, use the `look' program directly from the
Of course, you can also type `' to stop the command without changing
If you make a change that you don't like, just use emacs' normal undo
feature *Note undo: (emacs)undo.

File:, Node: Buffer, Next: Region, Prev: Word, Up: Emacs
Checking a whole buffer
If you want to check the spelling of all the words in a buffer, type
the command `M-x ispell-buffer'. This command scans the file, and
makes a list of all the misspelled words. When it is done, it moves
the cursor to the first word on the list, and acts like you just typed
M-$ *Note Word::.
When you finish with one word, the cursor is automatically moved to
the next. If you want to stop in the middle of the list type `X' or

File:, Node: Region, Next: Multiple Dictionaries, Prev: Buffer, Up: Emacs
Checking a region
You may check the words in the region with the command `M-x
ispell-region'. See *Note mark: (emacs)mark.
The commands available are the same as for checking a whole buffer.

File:, Node: Multiple Dictionaries, Prev: Region, Up: Emacs
Using Multiple Dictionaries
Your site may have multiple dictionaries installed: a default one
(usually `english.hash'), and several others for different languages
(e.g. `deutsch.hash') or variations on a language (such as British
spelling for English).
This is the command to change the dictionary. It prompts for a
new dictionary name, with completion on the elements of
It changes `ispell-dictionary' and kills the old ispell process,
if one was running. A new one will be started as soon as
By just answering `RET' you can find out what the current
dictionary is.
If non-nil, a dictionary to use instead of the default one. This
is passed to the ispell process using the `-d' switch and is used
as key in `ispell-dictionary-alist'.
You should set this variable before your first call to ispell
(e.g. in your `.emacs'), or use the `M-x
ispell-change-dictionary' command to change it, as changing this
variable only takes effect in a newly started ispell process.
An alist of dictionaries and their associated parameters.
Each element of this list is also a list:
DICTIONARY-NAME is a possible value of variable
`ispell-dictionary', `nil' means the default dictionary.
CASECHARS is a regular expression of valid characters that
comprise a word.
NOT-CASECHARS is the opposite regexp of CASECHARS.
OTHERCHARS is a regular expression of other characters that are
valid in word constructs. Otherchars cannot be adjacent to each
other in a word, nor can they begin or end a word. This implies
we can't check `Stevens'' as a correct possessive and other
correct formations.
Hint: regexp syntax requires the hyphen to be declared first
MANY-OTHERCHARS-P is non-nil if many otherchars are to be allowed
in a word instead of only one.
ISPELL-ARGS is a list of additional arguments passed to the
ispell subprocess.
Note that the CASECHARS and OTHERCHARS slots of the alist should
contain the same character set as casechars and otherchars in the
LANGUAGE`.aff' file (e.g., `english.aff').

File:, Node: Old Emacs, Next: Private, Prev: Emacs, Up: Top
Old Emacs
Until ispell becomes part of the standard emacs distribution, you will
have to explicitly request that it be loaded. Put the following lines
in your emacs init file *Note init file: (emacs)init file.
(autoload 'ispell-word "ispell" "Check the spelling of word in buffer." t)
(autoload 'ispell-region "ispell" "Check the spelling of region." t)
(autoload 'ispell-buffer "ispell" "Check the spelling of buffer." t)
(global-set-key "\e$" 'ispell-word)
(It will do no harm to have these lines in your init file even after
ispell is installed by default.)

File:, Node: Private, Next: Command summary, Prev: Old Emacs, Up: Top
Your private dictionary
Whenever ispell is started the file `.ispell_words' is read from your
home directory (if it exists). This file contains a list of words,
one per line. The order of the words is not important, but the case
is. Ispell will consider all of the words good, and will use them as
possible near misses.
The `I' command adds words to `.ispell_words', so normally you don't
have to worry about the file. You may want to check it from time to
time to make sure you have not accidentally inserted a misspelled

File:, Node: Command summary, Next: Near misses, Prev: Private, Up: Top
All commands in emacs mode
Select a near miss
Insert into private dictionary
Accept for this session
Skip this time
Replace with one or more words
Lookup: search the dictionary using a regular expression
Check word
`M-x ispell-buffer'
Check buffer
`M-x ispell-region'
Check region
`M-x ispell-change-dictionary'
Select different dictionary.

File:, Node: Near misses, Next: History, Prev: Command summary, Up: Top
Definition of a near miss
Two words are near each other if they can be made identical with one
of the following changes to one of the words:
Insert a blank space
Interchange two adjacent letters.
Change one letter.
Delete one letter.
Add one letter.
Someday, perhaps ispell will be extended so that words that sound
alike would also be considered near misses. If you would like to
implement this, see Knuth, Volume 3, page 392 for a description of the
Soundex algorithm which might apply.

File:, Node: History, Prev: Near misses, Up: Top
Where it came from
Ispell has a long and convoluted history. Originally called SPELL, it
was written by Ralph E. Gorin in 1971. That version was written in
assembly language for the DEC PDP-10 to run under the WAITS operating
system at the Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. Subsequent
versions, also in PDP-10 assembly language, were developed for the BBN
TENEX, MIT ITS, and DEC TOPS-10 and TOPS-20 operating systems. It was
later revised by W. E. Matson (1974), and W. B. Ackerman (1978),
changing its name to ISPELL in the process.
In 1983, Pace Willisson ( converted this version to
the C language and modified it to work under Unix.
In 1987, Walt Buehring revised and enhanced ispell, and posted it to
the Usenet along with a dictionary. In addition, Walt wrote the first
version of "ispell.el", the emacs interface.
Geoff Kuenning (, that's me, and by the way I
pronounce it "Kenning") picked up this version, fixed many bugs, and
added further enhancements. In 1988 I got ambitious and rewrote major
portions of the code, resulting in the table-driven multi-lingual
version. Ken Stevens ( made overwhelming
contributions to the elisp support to produce the version you are
using now.
Due to a misunderstanding involving the Free Software Foundation, it
later became necessary to rename this version to ispell to avoid
confusion on the part of users.
Many other enhancements and bug fixes were provided by other people.
Although I omit mention here due to space, many of these people have
also made significant contributions to the version of ispell you see
here. For a full list of people who have contributed to ispell, refer
to the file `Contributors' which is distributed with the ispell
Geoff Kuenning

Tag table:
Node: Top1395
Node: Emacs2049
Node: Word2336
Node: Buffer4885
Node: Region5445
Node: Multiple Dictionaries5748
Node: Old Emacs8272
Node: Private8944
Node: Command summary9590
Node: Near misses10134
Node: History10767

End tag table