blob: 0f1097a09aeaa10a23b72879dd2a1e6aa4a9ac21 [file] [log] [blame]
* patricia.c
* Patricia trie implementation.
* Functions for inserting nodes, removing nodes, and searching in
* a Patricia trie designed for IP addresses and netmasks. A
* head node must be created with (key,mask) = (0,0).
* NOTE: The fact that we keep multiple masks per node makes this
* more complicated/computationally expensive then a standard
* trie. This is because we need to do longest prefix matching,
* which is useful for computer networks, but not as useful
* elsewhere.
* Matthew Smart <>
* Copyright (c) 2000
* The Regents of the University of Michigan
* All rights reserved
* $Id$
#include <stdlib.h> /* free(), malloc() */
#include <string.h> /* bcopy() */
#include "patricia.h"
* Private function used to return whether
* or not bit 'i' is set in 'key'.
static __inline
unsigned long
bit(int i, unsigned long key)
return key & (1 << (31-i));
* Count the number of masks (and therefore entries)
* in the Patricia trie.
static int
pat_count(struct ptree *t, int b)
int count;
if (t->p_b <= b) return 0;
count = t->p_mlen;
count += pat_count(t->p_left, t->p_b);
count += pat_count(t->p_right, t->p_b);
return count;
* Private function used for inserting a node recursively.
static struct ptree *
insertR(struct ptree *h, struct ptree *n, int d, struct ptree *p)
if ((h->p_b >= d) || (h->p_b <= p->p_b)) {
n->p_b = d;
n->p_left = bit(d, n->p_key) ? h : n;
n->p_right = bit(d, n->p_key) ? n : h;
return n;
if (bit(h->p_b, n->p_key))
h->p_right = insertR(h->p_right, n, d, h);
h->p_left = insertR(h->p_left, n, d, h);
return h;
* Patricia trie insert.
* 1) Go down to leaf.
* 2) Determine longest prefix match with leaf node.
* 3) Insert new internal node at appropriate location and
* attach new external node.
struct ptree *
pat_insert(struct ptree *n, struct ptree *head)
struct ptree *t;
struct ptree_mask *buf, *pm;
int i, copied;
if (!head || !n || !n->p_m)
return 0;
* Make sure the key matches the mask.
n->p_key &= n->p_m->pm_mask;
* Find closest matching leaf node.
t = head;
do {
i = t->p_b;
t = bit(t->p_b, n->p_key) ? t->p_right : t->p_left;
} while (i < t->p_b);
* If the keys are the same we need to check the masks.
if (n->p_key == t->p_key) {
* If we have a duplicate mask, replace the entry
* with the new one.
for (i=0; i < t->p_mlen; i++) {
if (n->p_m->pm_mask == t->p_m[i].pm_mask) {
t->p_m[i].pm_data = n->p_m->pm_data;
n = 0;
return t;
* Allocate space for a new set of masks.
buf = (struct ptree_mask *)malloc(
sizeof(struct ptree_mask)*(t->p_mlen+1));
* Insert the new mask in the proper order from least
* to greatest mask.
copied = 0;
for (i=0, pm=buf; i < t->p_mlen; pm++) {
if (n->p_m->pm_mask > t->p_m[i].pm_mask) {
bcopy(t->p_m + i, pm, sizeof(struct ptree_mask));
else {
bcopy(n->p_m, pm, sizeof(struct ptree_mask));
n->p_m->pm_mask = 0xffffffff;
copied = 1;
if (!copied) {
bcopy(n->p_m, pm, sizeof(struct ptree_mask));
n = 0;
* Free old masks and point to new ones.
t->p_m = buf;
return t;
* Find the first bit that differs.
for (i=1; i < 32 && bit(i, n->p_key) == bit(i, t->p_key); i++);
* Recursive step.
if (bit(head->p_b, n->p_key))
head->p_right = insertR(head->p_right, n, i, head);
head->p_left = insertR(head->p_left, n, i, head);
return n;
* Remove an entry given a key in a Patricia trie.
pat_remove(struct ptree *n, struct ptree *head)
struct ptree *p, *g, *pt, *pp, *t;
struct ptree_mask *buf, *pm;
int i;
if (!n || !n->p_m || !t)
return 0;
* Search for the target node, while keeping track of the
* parent and grandparent nodes.
g = p = t = head;
do {
i = t->p_b;
g = p;
p = t;
t = bit(t->p_b, n->p_key) ? t->p_right : t->p_left;
} while (i < t->p_b);
* For removal, we need an exact match.
if (t->p_key != n->p_key)
return 0;
* If there is only 1 mask, we can remove the entire node.
if (t->p_mlen == 1) {
* Don't allow removal of the default entry.
if (t->p_b == 0)
return 0;
* Must match on the mask.
if (t->p_m->pm_mask != n->p_m->pm_mask)
return 0;
* Search for the node that points to the parent, so
* we can make sure it doesn't get lost.
pp = pt = p;
do {
i = pt->p_b;
pp = pt;
pt = bit(pt->p_b, p->p_key) ? pt->p_right : pt->p_left;
} while (i < pt->p_b);
if (bit(pp->p_b, p->p_key))
pp->p_right = t;
pp->p_left = t;
* Point the grandparent to the proper node.
if (bit(g->p_b, n->p_key))
g->p_right = bit(p->p_b, n->p_key) ?
p->p_left : p->p_right;
g->p_left = bit(p->p_b, n->p_key) ?
p->p_left : p->p_right;
* Delete the target's data and copy in its parent's
* data, but not the bit value.
if (t->p_m->pm_data)
if (t != p) {
t->p_key = p->p_key;
t->p_m = p->p_m;
t->p_mlen = p->p_mlen;
return 1;
* Multiple masks, so we need to find the one to remove.
* Return if we don't match on any of them.
for (i=0; i < t->p_mlen; i++)
if (n->p_m->pm_mask == t->p_m[i].pm_mask)
if (i >= t->p_mlen)
return 0;
* Allocate space for a new set of masks.
buf = (struct ptree_mask *)malloc(
sizeof(struct ptree_mask)*(t->p_mlen-1));
for (i=0, pm=buf; i < t->p_mlen; i++) {
if (n->p_m->pm_mask != t->p_m[i].pm_mask) {
bcopy(t->p_m + i, pm++, sizeof(struct ptree_mask));
* Free old masks and point to new ones.
t->p_m = buf;
return 1;
* Find an entry given a key in a Patricia trie.
struct ptree *
pat_search(unsigned long key, struct ptree *head)
struct ptree *p = 0, *t = head;
int i;
if (!t)
return 0;
* Find closest matching leaf node.
do {
* Keep track of most complete match so far.
if (t->p_key == (key & t->p_m->pm_mask)) {
p = t;
i = t->p_b;
t = bit(t->p_b, key) ? t->p_right : t->p_left;
} while (i < t->p_b);
* Compare keys (and masks) to see if this
* is really the node we want.
return (t->p_key == (key & t->p_m->pm_mask)) ? t : p;