blob: 2e244b1c4a11f5509f9b397f53fd0adc8b1cae6c [file] [log] [blame]
#include "mpg123.h"
#include "mpglib.h"
#include "/lame.h"
#include "/util.h"
#include "/VbrTag.h"
#include "lame.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "VbrTag.h"
#endif /* OS_AMIGAOS */
#include <stdlib.h>
static char buf[16384];
#define FSIZE 8192
static char out[FSIZE];
struct mpstr mp;
int is_syncword(char *header)
unsigned int s0,s1;
s0 = (unsigned char) header[0];
s1 = (unsigned char) header[1] ;
printf(" syncword: %2X %2X \n ",s0, s1);
printf(" integer %i \n",(int) ( header[0] == (char) 0xFF));
printf(" integer %i \n",(int) ( (header[1] & (char) 0xF0) == (char) 0xF0));
((int) ( header[0] == (char) 0xFF)) &&
((int) ( (header[1] & (char) 0xF0) == (char) 0xF0));
int lame_decode_initfile(FILE *fd, int *stereo, int *samp, int *bitrate,
unsigned long *num_samples)
extern int tabsel_123[2][3][16];
int ret,size,framesize;
unsigned long num_frames=0;
size_t len;
int xing_header;
memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
/* skip RIFF type proprietary headers */
/* look for sync word FFF */
while (!is_syncword(buf)) {
if (fread(&buf[1],1,1,fd) == 0) return -1; /* failed */
/* ret = decodeMP3(&mp,buf,2,out,FSIZE,&size); */
/* read the header */
len = fread(&buf[2],1,46,fd);
if (len ==0 ) return -1;
len +=2;
/* check for Xing header */
xing_header = GetVbrTag(&pTagData,(unsigned char*)buf);
if (xing_header) {
ret = decodeMP3(&mp,buf,len,out,FSIZE,&size);
if (size>0 && !xing_header) {
fprintf(stderr,"Opps: first frame of mpglib output will be lost \n");
*stereo =;
*samp = freqs[];
*bitrate = tabsel_123[][][];
framesize = ( == 0) ? 1152 : 576;
if (xing_header && num_frames) {
*num_samples=framesize * num_frames;
printf("ret = %i NEED_MORE=%i \n",ret,MP3_NEED_MORE);
printf("stereo = %i \n",;
printf("samp = %i \n",(int)freqs[]);
printf("framesize = %i \n",framesize);
printf("num frames = %i \n",(int)num_frames);
printf("num samp = %i \n",(int)*num_samples);
return 0;
int lame_decode_init(void)
memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
return 0;
For lame_decode_fromfile: return code
-1 error
0 ok, but need more data before outputing any samples
n number of samples output. either 576 or 1152 depending on MP3 file.
int lame_decode_fromfile(FILE *fd, short pcm_l[], short pcm_r[])
int size,stereo;
int outsize=0,j,i,ret;
size_t len;
len = fread(buf,1,64,fd);
if (len ==0 ) return 0;
ret = decodeMP3(&mp,buf,len,out,FSIZE,&size);
/* read more until we get a valid output frame */
while((ret == MP3_NEED_MORE) || !size) {
len = fread(buf,1,100,fd);
if (len ==0 ) return -1;
ret = decodeMP3(&mp,buf,len,out,FSIZE,&size);
/* if (ret ==MP3_ERR) return -1; lets ignore errors and keep reading... */
printf("ret = %i size= %i %i %i %i \n",ret,size,
if (ret == MP3_OK)
/* write(1,out,size); */
outsize = size/(2*(stereo));
if ((outsize!=576) && (outsize!=1152)) {
fprintf(stderr,"Opps: mpg123 returned more than one frame! Cant handle this... \n");
for (j=0; j<stereo; j++)
for (i=0; i<outsize; i++)
if (j==0) pcm_l[i] = ((short *) out)[*i+j];
else pcm_r[i] = ((short *) out)[*i+j];
if (ret==MP3_ERR) return -1;
else return outsize;
For lame_decode: return code
-1 error
0 ok, but need more data before outputing any samples
n number of samples output. either 576 or 1152 depending on MP3 file.
int lame_decode(char *buf,int len,short pcm_l[],short pcm_r[])
int size;
int outsize=0,j,i,ret;
ret = decodeMP3(&mp,buf,len,out,FSIZE,&size);
if (ret==MP3_OK) {
/* printf("mpg123 output one frame out=%i \n",size/4); */
outsize = size/(2*;
if (outsize > 1152) {
fprintf(stderr,"Opps: mpg123 returned more than one frame! shouldn't happen... \n");
for (j=0; j<; j++)
for (i=0; i<outsize; i++)
if (j==0) pcm_l[i] = ((short *) out)[*i+j];
else pcm_r[i] = ((short *) out)[*i+j];
printf("ok, more, err: %i %i %i \n",MP3_OK, MP3_NEED_MORE, MP3_ERR);
printf("ret = %i out=%i \n",ret,outsize);
if (ret==MP3_ERR) return -1;
else return outsize;
#endif /* HAVEMPGLIB */