blob: 2457dbd976564fd3d3300d4418dbd3f47ed40927 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (C) 1996 McGill University.
Copyright (C) 1996 McCAT System Group.
Copyright (C) 1996 ACAPS Benchmark Administrator
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it provided this copyright notice is maintained.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
MODULE : textloc.c
DESCRIPTION: Text locating algorithms.
AUTHOR : Fady Habra, 8715030,
#ifndef TEXTLOC
#define TEXTLOC
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "pgm.h"
#include "textloc.h"
#ifdef DEBUG
#include "debug.h"
extern double VSPREAD_THRESHOLD;
extern int SAME_ROW_V;
extern int SAME_ROW_H;
extern int MAX_CHAR_SIZE;
extern int MIN_CHAR_SIZE;
extern int KILL_SMALL_COMP;
extern int HVAR_WINDOW;
FUNCTION : void ConvertToFloat(ImgP img)
DESCRIPTION: Converts image data to floating point.
ARGUMENTS : img, pointer to image information object
RETURNS : nothing
void ConvertToFloat(ImgP img)
long i;
img->f = (float *) malloc((img->width * img->height) * sizeof(float));
for (i = 0; i < (img->width * img->height); i++)
img->f[i] = (float) img->data[i];
FUNCTION : void HorzVariance(ImgP img, int threshold)
DESCRIPTION: Computes the horizontal variance bitmap of an image.
ARGUMENTS : img, pointer to image information object
threshold, variance threshold
RETURNS : nothing
void HorzVariance(ImgP img, int threshold)
int x, y, i, idx;
float mean;
img->var = (float *) calloc((img->width * img->height), sizeof(float));
for (y = 0; y < img->height; y++)
for (x = 10; x < img->width - 10; x++)
idx = (y * img->width) + x;
/* Compute mean of pixels in 1x21 window centered at current pixel. */
for (i = - HVAR_WINDOW, mean = 0; i <= HVAR_WINDOW; i++)
mean += (img->data[idx + i]); /* * img->p[img->data[idx + i]]); */
mean /= (HVAR_WINDOW * 2 + 1);
/* Compute horizontal variance. */
for (i = - HVAR_WINDOW; i <= HVAR_WINDOW; i++)
img->var[idx] += (img->data[idx + i] - mean) *
(img->data[idx + i] - mean); /* * img->p[img->data[idx + i]]; */
img->var[idx] /= (HVAR_WINDOW * 2 + 1);
if (threshold != -1)
if (img->var[idx] <= threshold)
img->var[idx] = 0;
img->var[idx] = 255;
FUNCTION : CompP BuildConnectedComponents(ImgP img, int bg)
DESCRIPTION: Creates a linked list of connected components in the image.
ARGUMENTS : img, pointer to image information object
bg, background colour (if -1, all colours will be considered)
RETURNS : pointer to linked list of connected components
CompP BuildConnectedComponents(ImgP img, int bg)
int x, y, xm, ym;
int idx, midx;
CompP comp, cur_comp, last_comp = NULL, merge_comp, mprev_comp;
PixP pix;
/* Allocate label map. */
img->lmap = (int *) calloc(img->width * img->height, sizeof(int));
for (y = 0; y < img->height; y++)
for (x = 1; x < img->width - 1; x++)
idx = (y * img->width) + x;
/* If current pixel has background colour, skip it. */
if (bg >= 0 && img->cedge[idx] == bg)
/* Scan top and side neighbours for a connected component. */
for (ym = -1; ym <= 0; ym++)
for (xm = -1; xm <= 1; xm++)
midx = ((y + ym) * img->width) + (x + xm);
if (img->lmap[midx])
if (img->lmap[midx])
/* If a connected component was not found, create one. */
if (!img->lmap[midx])
/* Create, initialize and push new component on stack. */
comp = (CompP) malloc(sizeof(CompT));
comp->id = (last_comp == NULL) ? 1 : last_comp->id + 1;
comp->n = 0;
comp->avg_row = y;
comp->x_max = x;
comp->y_max = y;
comp->x_min = x;
comp->y_min = y;
comp->y_left = y;
comp->y_right = y;
comp->sv_above = 0;
comp->sv_below = 0;
comp->pixels = NULL;
comp->paired = NULL;
comp->extended = 0;
comp->prev = last_comp;
last_comp = comp;
cur_comp = comp;
printf("comp %d at (%d, %d)\n", comp->id, x, y);
else /* Look for neighboring connected component in list. */
printf("Found a neighbour for point (%d, %d)\t", x, y);
printf("img->lmap[midx] = %d\n", img->lmap[midx]);
cur_comp = comp;
while(cur_comp->id != img->lmap[midx])
cur_comp = cur_comp->prev;
/* Update label map. */
img->lmap[idx] = cur_comp->id;
/* Add current pixel to component. */
pix = (PixP) malloc(sizeof(PixT));
pix->x = x;
pix->y = y;
pix->prev = cur_comp->pixels;
cur_comp->pixels = pix;
/* Update component stats. */
cur_comp->avg_row = ((cur_comp->avg_row * (cur_comp->n - 1)) + y)
/ cur_comp->n;
cur_comp->x_max = (x > cur_comp->x_max) ? x : cur_comp->x_max;
cur_comp->y_max = (y > cur_comp->y_max) ? y : cur_comp->y_max;
cur_comp->x_min = (x < cur_comp->x_min) ? x : cur_comp->x_min;
cur_comp->y_min = (y < cur_comp->y_min) ? y : cur_comp->y_min;
if (cur_comp->x_min == x)
cur_comp->y_left = y;
if (cur_comp->x_max == x)
cur_comp->y_right = y;
cur_comp->sv_above += img->var[(y - 1) * img->width + x];
cur_comp->sv_below += img->var[(y + 1) * img->width + x];
/* Scan all neighbours for components to merge. */
for (ym = -1; ym <= 1; ym++)
for (xm = -1; xm <= 1; xm++)
midx = ((y + ym) * img->width) + (x + xm);
/* Merge adjacent components with different component id's. */
if (img->lmap[midx] && img->lmap[midx] != cur_comp->id)
/* Scan component list for component to merge. */
merge_comp = comp;
mprev_comp = NULL;
while(merge_comp->id != img->lmap[midx])
mprev_comp = merge_comp;
merge_comp = merge_comp->prev;
/* Merge components. */
MergeComponents(cur_comp, merge_comp, mprev_comp, &comp,
if (mprev_comp == NULL)
last_comp = comp;
FUNCTION : void EliminateLargeSpreadComponents(CompI c, ImgP img)
DESCRIPTION: Eliminates components with large vertical spread. The components
that are not rejected are flagged as rising or falling edges.
ARGUMENTS : c, pointer to linked list of connected components
img, pointer to associated image information object
RETURNS : nothing
void EliminateLargeSpreadComponents(CompI c, ImgP img)
CompI ip = c;
CompP dp;
PixP p;
int idx;
char kill_it;
int i = 1;
FILE *fp;
fp = stdout;
for (i = 0; i < (img->width * img->height); i++)
fprintf(fp, "%d ", img->lmap[i]);
if (i % 15 == 0)
fprintf(fp, "\n");
i = 1;
while (*ip != NULL)
kill_it = ((((*ip)->y_max - (*ip)->y_min) >=
(float) img->height * VSPREAD_THRESHOLD) ||
(((*ip)->x_max - (*ip)->x_min) < SMALL_THRESHOLD));
kill_it = (((*ip)->y_max - (*ip)->y_min) >=
(float) img->height * VSPREAD_THRESHOLD);
if (kill_it)
printf("Discarding component %d (spread = %d)\n", (*ip)->id,
((*ip)->y_max - (*ip)->y_min));
/* Update label map. */
p = (*ip)->pixels;
while (p != NULL)
printf("\tpixel %d of %d at (%d, %d)\n", i++, (*ip)->n, p->x,
idx = (p->y * img->width) + p->x;
img->lmap[idx] = 0;
p = p->prev;
/* Remove component from list, preserving links. */
dp = *ip;
*ip = (*ip)->prev;
(*ip)->type = ((*ip)->sv_above >= (*ip)->sv_below) ?
ip = &((*ip)->prev);
fp = stdout;
for (i = 0; i < (img->width * img->height); i++)
fprintf(fp, "%d ", img->lmap[i]);
if (i % 15 == 0)
fprintf(fp, "\n");
FUNCTION : void PrintConnectedComponents(CompP c)
DESCRIPTION: Loops through list of connected components and prints out member
ARGUMENTS : c, pointer to connected component list
RETURNS : nothing
void PrintConnectedComponents(CompP c)
CompP p = c;
int npoints = 0;
while (p != NULL)
printf("component:\t %d\n", p->id);
printf("# points:\t %d\n", p->n);
printf("average row:\t %d\n", p->avg_row);
printf("x max:\t\t %d\n", p->x_max);
printf("y max:\t\t %d\n", p->y_max);
printf("x min:\t\t %d\n", p->x_min);
printf("y min:\t\t %d\n", p->y_min);
printf("type:\t\t %s\n", (p->type == E_FALLING) ? "falling" : "rising");
npoints += p->n;
p = p->prev;
if (c != NULL)
printf("Total points: %d\n", npoints);
FUNCTION : void WriteConnectedComponentsToPGM(CompP comp, ImgP img)
DESCRIPTION: Writes linked list of connected components to PGM file.
ARGUMENTS : comp, linked list of connected components
img, pointer to associated image information object
RETURNS : nothing
void WriteConnectedComponentsToPGM(CompP comp, ImgP img)
CompP c = comp;
PixP p;
int idx;
char *s;
static int index = 0;
unsigned char *data;
FILE *fp;
/* Bail out if no data. */
if ((c == NULL) || (!img->valid) || (img->width == 0) || (img->height == 0))
if (index > 99)
/* Allocate data buffer and fill it up with component pixels. */
data = (unsigned char *) calloc(img->width * img->height, sizeof(char));
while (c != NULL)
p = c->pixels;
while (p != NULL)
idx = (p->y * img->width) + p->x;
data[idx] = 255;
p = p->prev;
c = c->prev;
/* Open PGM file and write pixel data to it. */
s = (char *) malloc((strlen(img->imgname) + strlen(".compXX.pgm") + 1) *
sprintf(s, "%s.comp%d.pgm", img->imgname, index++);
fp = stdout;
fprintf(fp, "P5\n");
fprintf(fp, "%d %d\n", img->width, img->height);
fprintf(fp, "255\n");
for (idx = 0; idx < (img->width * img->height); idx++)
fwrite(&data[idx], sizeof(char), 1, fp);
FUNCTION : void FreeConnectedComponents(CompP comp)
DESCRIPTION: Frees linked list of connected components.
ARGUMENTS : comp, linked list of connected components
RETURNS : nothing
void FreeConnectedComponents(CompP comp)
CompP c1 = comp, c2;
PixP p1, p2;
while (c1 != NULL)
c2 = c1->prev;
p1 = c1->pixels;
while (p1 != NULL)
p2 = p1->prev;
p1 = p2;
c1 = c2;
FUNCTION : void MergeComponents(CompP c, CompP m, CompP p, CompI h, ImgP img)
DESCRIPTION: Merges two components into one, freeing the second.
ARGUMENTS : c, destination component
m, component to merge
p, component previous to m in list
h, pointer to component linked list head
img, associated image information object
RETURNS : nothing
void MergeComponents(CompP c, CompP m, CompP p, CompI h, ImgP img)
PixP pix, mpix;
int pidx;
printf("merging component %d with %d\n", m->id, c->id);
/* Update label map at each merged pixel. */
mpix = pix = m->pixels;
while(pix != NULL)
pidx = (pix->y * img->width) + pix->x;
img->lmap[pidx] = c->id;
mpix = pix;
pix = pix->prev;
/* Merge pixel lists. */
if (mpix != NULL)
mpix->prev = c->pixels;
c->pixels = m->pixels;
/* Update component stats. */
c->n += m->n;
c->avg_row = ((c->avg_row * (c->n - m->n)) + (m->avg_row * m->n))
/ (c->n);
c->x_max = (m->x_max > c->x_max) ? m->x_max : c->x_max;
c->y_max = (m->y_max > c->y_max) ? m->y_max : c->y_max;
c->x_min = (m->x_min < c->x_min) ? m->x_min : c->x_min;
c->y_min = (m->y_min < c->y_min) ? m->y_min : c->y_min;
if (c->x_min == m->x_min)
c->y_left = m->y_left;
if (c->x_max == m->x_max)
c->y_right = m->y_right;
/* Get rid of merged component, preserving links. */
if (p != NULL)
p->prev = m->prev;
*h = m->prev;
FUNCTION : void MergeRowComponents(CompI head, ImgP img)
DESCRIPTION: Merges connected components with approximately same average row
ARGUMENTS : head, lpointer to inked list of connected components
img, pointer to associated image information object
RETURNS : nothing
void MergeRowComponents(CompI head, ImgP img)
CompP c = *head;
while (c != NULL)
MergeToLeft(c, head, img);
c = c->prev;
FUNCTION : void MergeToLeft(CompP comp, CompI head, ImgP img)
DESCRIPTION: Recursively merges each neigbouring component to the left of the
given component.
ARGUMENTS : comp, pointer to connected component whose left neighbors are
head, pointer to head of connected component linked list
img, pointer to associated image information object
RETURNS : nothing
void MergeToLeft(CompP comp, CompI head, ImgP img)
int xl, yl;
int xm, ym;
int idx, last_comp = 0;
CompP c = *head, p, pp;
printf("MergeToLeft() called for component %d... ", comp->id);
if (comp->extended)
printf("already extended, exiting.\n");
#ifdef BOGUS
if (comp->extended)
comp->extended = 1;
xl = comp->x_min;
yl = comp->y_left;
/* Look for a component in left endpoint's adjacency zone. */
/* The adacency zone is approximately a half-circle of radius */
/* SAME_ROW_THRESHOLD pixels centered at the left endpoint. */
for (xm = - (SAME_ROW_THRESHOLD + 1) + abs(ym); xm <= 0; xm++)
for (ym = - SAME_ROW_V; ym <= SAME_ROW_V; ym++)
for (xm = - SAME_ROW_H; xm <= 0; xm++)
if ((yl + ym < 0) || (yl + ym > img->height - 1) ||
(xl + xm < 0) || (xl + xm > img->width - 1) ||
(idx = ((yl + ym) * img->width) + (xl + xm)) >
(img->width * img->height) || (idx < 0))
if ((img->lmap[idx]) && (img->lmap[idx] != comp->id) &&
(img->lmap[idx] != last_comp))
printf("Found component %d in vicinity of component %d\n",
img->lmap[idx], comp->id);
/* Locate info object of component obtained from label map. */
p = pp = NULL;
c = *head;
while ((c != NULL) && (c->id != img->lmap[idx]))
pp = p;
p = c;
c = c->prev;
if (c == NULL)
printf("Unexpected error in MergeToLeft(), aborting.\n");
/* Perform merge only if components have same orientation. */
if (comp->type == c->type)
printf("%d and %d have same orientation. Merging.\n",
comp->id, c->id);
#ifdef BOGUS
/* Recurse to build maximum left extent of component. */
MergeToLeft(c, head, img);
if (p == NULL)
printf("This shouldn't happen. Exiting.\n");
/* *head = c->prev; */
if (pp->prev == c) /* big hack */
p = pp;
/* Perform actual component merge operation. */
MergeComponents(comp, c, p, NULL, img);
MergeComponents(comp, c, p, head, img);
MergeToLeft(comp, head, img);
last_comp = c->id;
printf("MergeToLeft() for component %d exiting.\n", comp->id);
FUNCTION : void PairComponents(CompI head, ImgP img)
DESCRIPTION: Locates opposing connected component pairs.
ARGUMENTS : head, pointer to linked list of connected components
img, pointer to associated image information object
RETURNS : nothing
void PairComponents(CompI head, ImgP img)
CompP c = *head, p = NULL, o; /* current, previous, opposite */
int xm, ym, y, idx;
int last_comp = 0;
char discard = 0, found = 0, end_row = 0;
PixP cpix, ppix;
/* Loop through all connected components. */
while (c != NULL)
printf("Pairing component %d\n", c->id);
/* Process only components which have not been paired yet. */
if (c->paired == NULL)
/* Scan inside rectangular grid above or below current component. */
for (y = 1; (y <= MAX_CHAR_SIZE) && !(discard || found); y++)
for (xm = c->x_min; (xm <= c->x_max) && !(discard || found); xm++)
if (end_row && (xm == c->x_min))
discard = 1;
ym = (c->type == E_FALLING) ? -y : y;
idx = ((c->avg_row + ym) * img->width) + xm;
/* Make sure current index is within image bounds. */
if ((c->avg_row + ym < 0) ||
(c->avg_row + ym > img->height - 1) ||
(idx > img->width * img->height) ||
(idx < 0))
/* Check if there's a different component at this position. */
if ((img->lmap[idx]) && (img->lmap[idx] != c->id) &&
(img->lmap[idx] != last_comp))
printf("Found component %d at (%d, %d), ym = %d\n",
img->lmap[idx], c->avg_row + ym, xm, ym);
/* If found component is too close, discontinue */
/* processing of current component. */
if (abs(ym) < MIN_CHAR_SIZE)
discard = 1;
/* Locate component info object. */
o = *head;
while ((o != NULL) && (o->id != img->lmap[idx]))
o = o->prev;
if (o == NULL)
printf("Unexpected error in PairComponents(). ");
/* Discontinue processing if component found */
/* has same orientation as current component. */
/* Otherwise, test for overlap, and if it */
/* fails, continue scan only until end of row. */
if (c->type == o->type)
printf("%d and %d have same orientation.\n",
c->id, o->id);
if (c->type == o->type)
discard = 1;
if (Overlap(c, o))
printf("%d and %d overlap. Pairing.\n",
c->id, o->id);
found = 1;
c->paired = o;
o->paired = c;
end_row = 1;
last_comp = img->lmap[idx];
} /* grid scan */
/* If scan was aborted or no opposite component */
/* was found, discard current component from list. */
if (discard || !found)
printf("Discarding component %d, discard = %d, found = %d\n",
c->id, discard, found);
cpix = c->pixels;
while (cpix != NULL)
img->lmap[(cpix->y * img->width) + cpix->x] = 0;
ppix = cpix;
cpix = cpix->prev;
if (p != NULL)
p->prev = c->prev;
*head = c->prev;
} /* paired check */
printf("Component %d already paired. Skipping.\n", c->id);
found = 1;
if (discard || !found)
if (p != NULL)
c = p->prev;
c = *head;
p = c;
c = c->prev;
last_comp = 0;
discard = found = end_row = 0;
} /* component loop */
FUNCTION : char Overlap(CompP c1, Comp c2)
DESCRIPTION: Determines whether two connected components overlap sufficiently.
ARGUMENTS : c1, first component
c2, second component
RETURNS : 0, if overlap is insufficient
1, if overlap is at least 50% of each component's length
char Overlap(CompP c1, CompP c2)
int r1l2, l2l1, r2r1, r2l1, r1l1, r2l2;
float overlap1, overlap2;
printf("Overlap() called for components %d and %d\n", c1->id, c2->id);
r1l2 = c1->x_max - c2->x_min;
l2l1 = c2->x_min - c1->x_min;
r2r1 = c2->x_max - c1->x_max;
r2l1 = c2->x_max - c1->x_min;
r1l1 = c1->x_max - c1->x_min;
r2l2 = c2->x_max - c2->x_min;
if ((r1l2 >= 0) && (l2l1 >= 0) && (r2r1 >= 0) && (r2l1 > 0))
overlap1 = (float) r1l2 / (float) r1l1;
overlap2 = (float) r1l2 / (float) r2l2;
return ((overlap1 >= .5) && (overlap2 >= .5));
if ((r1l2 > 0) && (l2l1 <= 0) && (r2r1 <= 0) && (r2l1 >= 0))
overlap1 = (float) r2l1 / (float) r1l1;
overlap2 = (float) r2l1 / (float) r2l2;
return ((overlap1 >= .5) && (overlap2 >= .5));
if ((r1l2 > 0) && (l2l1 <= 0) && (r2r1 >= 0) && (r2l1 > 0))
/* overlap1 = 1; */
overlap2 = (float) r1l1 / (float) r2l2;
return (overlap2 >= .5);
if ((r1l2 > 0) && (l2l1 >= 0) && (r2r1 <= 0) && (r2l1 > 0))
overlap1 = (float) r2l2 / (float) r1l1;
/* overlap2 = 1; */
return (overlap1 >= .5);
if ((r1l2 < 0) && (l2l1 > 0) && (r2r1 > 0) && (r2l1 > 0))
/* overlap1 = 0; */
/* overlap2 = 0; */
return (0);
if ((r1l2 > 0) && (l2l1 < 0) && (r2r1 < 0) && (r2l1 < 0))
/* overlap1 = 0; */
/* overlap2 = 0; */
return (0);
printf("Unexpected case or mathematical absurdity reached in Overlap(). ");
return(0); /* To shut compiler up. */
FUNCTION : void ComputeBoundingBoxes(CompP comp, ImgP img)
DESCRIPTION: Computes and draws text bounding boxes.
ARGUMENTS : comp, linked list of connected components
img, pointer to image information object
RETURNS : nothing
void ComputeBoundingBoxes(CompP comp, ImgP img)
CompP c = comp;
int x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max;
int x, y, idx, pixel;
FILE *fp;
char *s;
unsigned char val;
if (c == NULL)
while (c != NULL)
if (c->type != E_FALLING)
c = c->prev;
x_min = (c->x_min < c->paired->x_min) ? c->x_min : c->paired->x_min;
x_max = (c->x_max > c->paired->x_max) ? c->x_max : c->paired->x_max;
y_min = (c->y_min < c->paired->y_min) ? c->y_min : c->paired->y_min;
y_max = (c->y_max > c->paired->y_max) ? c->y_max : c->paired->y_max;
for (x = x_min; x <= x_max; x++)
idx = (c->y_max * img->width) + x;
img->data[idx] = 255;
idx = (c->paired->y_min * img->width) + x;
img->data[idx] = 255;
for (y = y_min; y <= y_max; y++)
idx = (y * img->width) + x_min;
img->data[idx] = 255;
idx = (y * img->width) + x_max;
img->data[idx] = 255;
c = c->prev;
s = (char *) malloc((strlen(img->imgname) + strlen(".out.pgm") + 1) *
sprintf(s, "%s.out.pgm", img->imgname);
fp = stdout;
fprintf(fp, "P5\n");
fprintf(fp, "%d %d\n", img->width, img->height);
fprintf(fp, "255\n");
for (pixel = 0; pixel < (img->width * img->height); pixel++)
val = img->data[pixel];
fwrite(&val, sizeof(char), 1, fp);