blob: 3504a8ea11071e262420a6a56fac4315da223121 [file] [log] [blame]
/* $Header$
* Copyright (c) 1989, Larry Wall
* You may distribute under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as specified in the README file that comes with the perl 3.0 kit.
EXT int *screamfirst INIT(Null(int*));
EXT int *screamnext INIT(Null(int*));
char *safemalloc();
char *saferealloc();
char *cpytill();
char *instr();
char *fbminstr();
char *screaminstr();
void fbmcompile();
char *savestr();
void my_setenv(char *, char *);
int envix();
void growstr();
char *ninstr();
char *rninstr();
char *nsavestr();
FILE *mypopen();
int mypclose();
#ifndef HAS_MEMCPY
#ifndef HAS_BCOPY
char *bcopy();
#ifndef HAS_BZERO
char *bzero();
unsigned long scanoct();
unsigned long scanhex();
//void fatal(char*,long,long,long,long);
//void fatal(va_list);
#define fatal(X, ...) do { printf(X); abort(); } while (0)