blob: d6ecacf561884246efacd05036fe44a4766a6675 [file] [log] [blame]
/* $RCSfile$$Revision$$Date$
* Copyright (c) 1989, Larry Wall
* You may distribute under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as specified in the README file that comes with the perl 3.0 kit.
* $Log$
* Revision 1.2 2004/07/21 14:09:51 brukman
* Add missing function declarations.
* Revision 1.1 2004/02/17 22:21:16 criswell
* Initial commit of the perl Malloc Benchmark. I've cheated a little by
* generating the yacc output files and committing them directly, but it was
* easier than disabling the Bison Voodoo that gets executed by default.
* Revision 91/04/12 09:16:12 lwall
* patch1: you may now use "die" and "caller" in a signal handler
* Revision 4.0 91/03/20 01:40:04 lwall
* 4.0 baseline.
struct string {
char * str_ptr; /* pointer to malloced string */
STRLEN str_len; /* allocated size */
union {
double str_nval; /* numeric value, if any */
STAB *str_stab; /* magic stab for magic "key" string */
long str_useful; /* is this search optimization effective? */
ARG *str_args; /* list of args for interpreted string */
HASH *str_hash; /* string represents an assoc array (stab?) */
ARRAY *str_array; /* string represents an array */
CMD *str_cmd; /* command for this source line */
} str_u;
STRLEN str_cur; /* length of str_ptr as a C string */
STR *str_magic; /* while free, link to next free str */
/* while in use, ptr to "key" for magic items */
char str_pok; /* state of str_ptr */
char str_nok; /* state of str_nval */
unsigned char str_rare; /* used by search strings */
unsigned char str_state; /* one of SS_* below */
/* also used by search strings for backoff */
#ifdef TAINT
bool str_tainted; /* 1 if possibly under control of $< */
struct stab { /* should be identical, except for str_ptr */
STBP * str_ptr; /* pointer to malloced string */
STRLEN str_len; /* allocated size */
union {
double str_nval; /* numeric value, if any */
STAB *str_stab; /* magic stab for magic "key" string */
long str_useful; /* is this search optimization effective? */
ARG *str_args; /* list of args for interpreted string */
HASH *str_hash; /* string represents an assoc array (stab?) */
ARRAY *str_array; /* string represents an array */
CMD *str_cmd; /* command for this source line */
} str_u;
STRLEN str_cur; /* length of str_ptr as a C string */
STR *str_magic; /* while free, link to next free str */
/* while in use, ptr to "key" for magic items */
char str_pok; /* state of str_ptr */
char str_nok; /* state of str_nval */
unsigned char str_rare; /* used by search strings */
unsigned char str_state; /* one of SS_* below */
/* also used by search strings for backoff */
#ifdef TAINT
bool str_tainted; /* 1 if possibly under control of $< */
/* some extra info tacked to some lvalue strings */
struct lstring {
struct string lstr;
STRLEN lstr_offset;
STRLEN lstr_len;
/* These are the values of str_pok: */
#define SP_VALID 1 /* str_ptr is valid */
#define SP_FBM 2 /* string was compiled for fbm search */
#define SP_STUDIED 4 /* string was studied */
#define SP_CASEFOLD 8 /* case insensitive fbm search */
#define SP_INTRP 16 /* string was compiled for interping */
#define SP_TAIL 32 /* fbm string is tail anchored: /foo$/ */
#define SP_MULTI 64 /* symbol table entry probably isn't a typo */
#define SP_TEMP 128 /* string slated to die, so can be plundered */
#define Nullstr Null(STR*)
/* These are the values of str_state: */
#define SS_NORM 0 /* normal string */
#define SS_INCR 1 /* normal string, incremented ptr */
#define SS_SARY 2 /* array on save stack */
#define SS_SHASH 3 /* associative array on save stack */
#define SS_SINT 4 /* integer on save stack */
#define SS_SLONG 5 /* long on save stack */
#define SS_SSTRP 6 /* STR* on save stack */
#define SS_SHPTR 7 /* HASH* on save stack */
#define SS_SNSTAB 8 /* non-stab on save stack */
#define SS_SCSV 9 /* callsave structure on save stack */
#define SS_SAPTR 10 /* ARRAY* on save stack */
#define SS_HASH 253 /* carrying an hash */
#define SS_ARY 254 /* carrying an array */
#define SS_FREE 255 /* in free list */
/* str_state may have any value 0-255 when used to hold fbm pattern, in which */
/* case it indicates offset to rarest character in screaminstr key */
/* the following macro updates any magic values this str is associated with */
#ifdef TAINT
#define STABSET(x) \
(x)->str_tainted |= tainted; \
if ((x)->str_magic) \
#define STABSET(x) \
if ((x)->str_magic) \
str_sset(STR *dstr, register STR *sstr);
#define STR_SSET(dst,src) if (dst != src) str_sset(dst,src)
EXT STR **tmps_list;
EXT int tmps_max INIT(-1);
EXT int tmps_base INIT(-1);
char *str_2ptr();
double str_2num();
STR *str_mortal();
STR *str_2mortal();
STR *str_make();
STR *str_nmake();
STR *str_smake();
int str_cmp();
int str_eq();
void str_magic();
void str_insert();
STRLEN str_len();