blob: 7086c60f4ce67e7b7c65c127f55403909e9bc899 [file] [log] [blame]
eval "exec /usr/local/bin/perl -S $0 $*"
if $running_under_some_shell;
# this emulates #! processing on NIH machines.
# (remove #! line above if indigestible)
eval '$'.$1.'$2;' while $ARGV[0] =~ /^([A-Za-z_]+=)(.*)/ && shift;
# process any FOO=bar switches
# adj.nawk -- adjust lines of text per options
# NOTE: this nawk program is called from the shell script "adj"
# see that script for usage & calling conventions
# author:
# Norman Joseph (amanue!oglvee!norm)
$[ = 1; # set array base to 1
$FS = ' '; # set field separator
$FS = "\n";
$blankline = "^[ \t]*\\$";
$startblank = "^[ \t]+[^ \t]+";
$startwords = "^[^ \t]+";
while (<>) {
chop; # strip record separator
if ($_ =~ $blankline) {
if ($type eq 'b') {
&putline($outline . "\n");
else {
&putline(&adjust($outline, $type) . "\n");
$outline = '';
if ($_ =~ $startblank) {
if ($outline ne '') {
if ($type eq 'b') {
&putline($outline . "\n");
else {
&putline(&adjust($outline, $type) . "\n");
$firstword = '';
$i = 1;
while (substr($_, $i, 1) =~ "[ \t]") {
$firstword = $firstword . substr($_, $i, 1);
$inline = substr($_, $i, 999999);
$outline = $firstword;
$nf = (@word = split("[ \t]+", $inline, 9999));
for ($i = 1; $i <= $nf; $i++) {
if ($i == 1) {
$testlen = length($outline . $word[$i]);
else {
$testlen = length($outline . ' ' . $word[$i]);
if ('.!?:;' =~ ("\\" . substr($outline, length($outline),
1)) && ($RLENGTH = length($&), $RSTART = length($`)+1)) {
if ($testlen > $linelen) { #???
&putline(&adjust($outline, $type) . "\n");
$outline = '';
if ($outline eq '') {
$outline = $word[$i];
elsif ($i == 1) {
$outline = $outline . $word[$i];
else {
if ('.!?:;' =~ ("\\" . substr($outline, length($outline),
1)) && ($RLENGTH = length($&), $RSTART = length($`)+1)) {
$outline = $outline . ' ' . $word[$i];# 2 spaces
else {
$outline = $outline . ' ' . $word[$i];# 1 space
if ($_ =~ $startwords) {
$nf = (@word = split("[ \t]+", $_, 9999));
for ($i = 1; $i <= $nf; $i++) {
if ($outline eq '') {
$testlen = length($word[$i]);
else {
$testlen = length($outline . ' ' . $word[$i]);
if ('.!?:;' =~ ("\\" . substr($outline, length($outline),
1)) && ($RLENGTH = length($&), $RSTART = length($`)+1)) {
if ($testlen > $linelen) { #???
&putline(&adjust($outline, $type) . "\n");
$outline = '';
if ($outline eq '') {
$outline = $word[$i];
else {
if ('.!?:;' =~ ("\\" . substr($outline, length($outline),
1)) && ($RLENGTH = length($&), $RSTART = length($`)+1)) {
$outline = $outline . ' ' . $word[$i];# 2 spaces
else {
$outline = $outline . ' ' . $word[$i];# 1 space
# -- support functions --
if ($type eq 'b') {
&putline($outline . "\n");
else {
&putline(&adjust($outline, $type) . "\n");
printf "Checksums: e = %d k = %d s = %d\n", $ecount, $kcount, $scount;
sub putline {
local($line, $fmt) = @_;
$ecount += ((@dummy = split(/e/, $line, 9999)) - 1);
$kcount += ((@dummy = split(/k/, $line, 9999)) - 1);
$scount += ((@dummy = split(/s/, $line, 9999)) - 1);
# if ( indent ) {
# fmt = "%" indent "s%s"
# printf( fmt, " ", line )
# } else
# printf( "%s", line )
sub adjust {
local($line, $type, $fill, $fmt) = @_;
if ($type ne 'l') {
$fill = $linelen - length($line);
if ($fill > 0) {
if ($type eq 'c') {
$fmt = '%' . ($fill + 1) / 2 . 's%s';
$line = sprintf($fmt, ' ', $line);
elsif ($type eq 'r') {
$fmt = '%' . $fill . 's%s';
$line = sprintf($fmt, ' ', $line);
elsif ($type eq 'b') {
$line = &fillout($line, $fill);
sub fillout {
local($line, $need, $i, $newline, $nextchar, $blankseen) = @_;
while ($need) {
$newline = '';
$blankseen = 0;
if ($dir == 0) {
for ($i = 1; $i <= length($line); $i++) {
$nextchar = substr($line, $i, 1);
if ($need) {
if ($nextchar eq ' ') {
if (!$blankseen) {
$newline = $newline . ' ';
$blankseen = 1;
else {
$blankseen = 0;
$newline = $newline . $nextchar;
elsif ($dir == 1) {
for ($i = length($line); $i >= 1; $i--) {
$nextchar = substr($line, $i, 1);
if ($need) {
if ($nextchar eq ' ') {
if (!$blankseen) {
$newline = ' ' . $newline;
$blankseen = 1;
else {
$blankseen = 0;
$newline = $nextchar . $newline;
$line = $newline;
$dir = 1 - $dir;