blob: b19c697718da971ff7633d6239becd84bef59688 [file] [log] [blame]
# cgc_forward -- counts forward references (update and reads)
# cgc_deref -- counts scans of the newspace area
# cgc_updates -- counts updates for forwarding pointer
# _cwrd counts words copied (transports and promotes)
# _pwrd counts promotes
function abs(x) {
if (x < 0) return -x;
else return x;
function update (idx) {
unknown = $2
fix = $3
char = $4
big = $5
float = $6 + $7
string = $8
ivec = $9 + $10
special = $11
conscount = $12
ratcomp = $13 + $14
symbol = $15
nil = $16
gvec = $17 + $18 + $19
totalcount = $20
cons[idx] = conscount
fixed[idx] = float + ratcomp + symbol + nil + unknown + fix + char
variable[idx] = big + string + ivec + special + gvec
total[idx] = totalcount;
function update_totals() {
total_length += pause_length;
for (idx in indices) {
totalcons[idx] += cons[idx];
totalfixed[idx] += fixed[idx];
totalvariable[idx] += variable[idx];
totaltotal[idx] += total[idx];
total_updates += updates;
total_forwards += forwards;
total_derefs += derefs;
function check_values () {
for (idx in indices) {
if (cons[idx] + fixed[idx] + variable[idx] != total[idx]) {
printf "ERROR -- bad sum: %s, cons %d, fixed %d, variable %d, total %d\n", \
idx, cons[idx], fixed[idx], variable[idx], total[idx]
if (totalcons[idx] + totalfixed[idx] + totalvariable[idx] != totaltotal[idx]) {
printf "ERROR -- bad total sum: %s, cons %d, fixed %d, variable %d, total %d\n", \
idx, totalcons[idx], totalfixed[idx], totalvariable[idx], totaltotal[idx]
function print_values () {
for (idx in indices) {
printf "CHECK: %s, cons %d, fixed %d, variable %d, total %d\n", \
idx, cons[idx], fixed[idx], variable[idx], total[idx]
for (idx in indices) {
printf "CHECK: totals: %s, cons %d, fixed %d, variable %d, total %d\n", \
idx, totalcons[idx], totalfixed[idx], totalvariable[idx], totaltotal[idx]
function initialize() {
indices["cw"] = "cw"
indices["co"] = "co"
indices["aw"] = "aw"
indices["ao"] = "ao"
indices["pw"] = "pw"
indices["po"] = "po"
for (idx in indices) {
totalfixed[idx] = 0;
totalcons[idx] = 0;
totalvariable[idx] = 0;
totaltotal[idx] = 0;
total_length = 0;
gccount = 0;
function calculate_costs (name, consarg, fixedarg, vararg, totalarg, derefarg, forwardarg, pause_length_arg) {
# calculate the costs:
all_objects = totalarg["co"];
cons_objects = consarg["co"];
fixed_objects = fixedarg["co"]
var_objects = vararg["co"];
real_forwards = (forwardarg - all_objects);
#print forwardarg, real_forwards, all_objects;
cons_frac = (cons_objects / all_objects);
fixed_frac = (fixed_objects / all_objects);
var_frac = (var_objects / all_objects);
# previously allocation = 6 instr per object allocated
# calculate the costs:
# allocation:
# 4 instr per cons
# 11 instr per fixed (4 to get the vector and index)
# 17 instr per variable (like fixed, but 6 to allocate relocatable part)
alloc_cost = 2 * totalarg["ao"] + totalarg["aw"]
#print totalarg["ao"], alloc_cost
a = derefarg;
b = 0; # can't tell without count
c = a - b;
e = forwardarg;
d = c - e;
f = cons_objects + cons_frac * real_forwards;
g = cons_objects;
h = cons_frac * real_forwards;
#print cons_frac, real_forwards, h;
i = consarg["co"] - consarg["po"];
j = consarg["po"];
e1 = g;
k = e - f;
l = fixed_objects + fixed_frac * real_forwards;
m = fixed_frac * real_forwards;
n = fixed_objects;
o = fixedarg["co"] - fixedarg["po"];
p = fixedarg["po"];
e2 = n;
q = k - l;
# print q, (var_objects + var_frac * real_forwards)
if ((abs(q) - abs(int((var_objects + var_frac * real_forwards)))) > 2) {
print "var check error", q, (var_objects + var_frac * real_forwards)
r = var_frac * real_forwards;
s = var_objects;
t = vararg["co"] - vararg["po"];
u = vararg["po"];
e3 = s;
e4 = e1 + e2 + e3;
e5 = e4 + h + m + r;
e6 = e5 + b + d;
if (int(a) != int(e6)) {
print "total check error", a, e6
get_copy_cost = 5
set_copy_cost = 3
acost = 4
bcost = 0
ccost = 4
dcost = 0
ecost = 3
fcost = 5
gcost = get_copy_cost + 4
hcost = 3
icost = set_copy_cost + 2 + 3
jcost = set_copy_cost + 4 + 3
kcost = 3
lcost = 5
mcost = 3
ncost = get_copy_cost + 4
ocost = set_copy_cost + 2
pcost = set_copy_cost + 4
qcost = 5
rcost = 3
scost = get_copy_cost + 4
tcost = set_copy_cost + 2
ucost = set_copy_cost + 4
e4cost = 4
e5cost = 2
e6cost = 4
# print a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u;
typeforwardcost = e * ecost + f * fcost + k * kcost + l * lcost + q * qcost;
transportcost = g * gcost + h * hcost + i * icost + j * jcost + \
m * mcost + n * ncost + o * ocost + p * pcost + \
r * rcost + s * scost + t * tcost + u * ucost + \
+ ((2 * fixedarg["cw"]) - fixedarg["co"]) + \
+ ((4 * vararg["cw"]) - vararg["co"])
scancost = a * acost + b * bcost + c * ccost + d * dcost + \
e6 * e6cost;
updatecost = e4 * e4cost + e5 * e5cost;
totalcost = alloc_cost + scancost + typeforwardcost + transportcost + updatecost;
print name, gcstart, alloc_cost, scancost, typeforwardcost, transportcost, updatecost, totalcost, 6 * pause_length_arg;
total_forwards = 0
total_derefs = 0;
total_updates = 0;
$0 ~ /gc algorithm/ {
algorithm = $4
$1 ~ /__gcbegin/ {
togen = $2;
gcstart = $4
gccycle = 1;
(gccycle == 1) && $1 ~ /__pause_length/ {
pause_length = $2;
(gccycle == 1) && $1 ~ /__cgc_forward/ {
forwards = $2;
(gccycle == 1) && $1 ~ /__cgc_test/ {
updates = $2;
(gccycle == 1) && $1 ~ /__cgc_deref/ {
derefs = $2;
(gccycle == 1) && $1 ~ /__cwrd/ {
(gccycle == 1) && $1 ~ /__cobj/ {
(gccycle == 1) && $1 ~ /__awrd/ {
(gccycle == 1) && $1 ~ /__aobj/ {
(gccycle == 1) && $1 ~ /__pobj/ {
(gccycle == 1) && $1 ~ /__pwrd/ {
gccount += 1;
calculate_costs("Current", cons, fixed, variable, total, derefs, forwards, pause_length);
calculate_costs("Total", totalcons, totalfixed, totalvariable, totaltotal, total_derefs, total_forwards, total_length);