blob: 52cb0a806e1fa52d5a243a80154be0c38795ef11 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <stdio.h>
* High Precision Math Library
* Written by Dave Barrett 2/23/83
* Translated from modcal to pascal 4/30/84
* Mod portability fixed; removed floor function 5/14/84
* Fixed numerous bugs and improved robustness 5/21/84
* Translated to C 6/14/84
* Changed precision to be determined at run-time 5/19/85
* Added dynamic allocation 7/21/85
* Combined unsigned math and integer math 8/01/85
* Fixed Bug in pcmp 7/20/87
* Fixed handling of dynamic storage (refcount added) 7/20/87
* Final debugging of current version 8/22/87
* Fixed many bugs in various routines, wrote atop 2/07/89
* Tuned for speed, fixed overflow problems 3/01/89
* Removed refcounts, more tuning, removed pcreate 3/16/89
* Added cmp macros, change name of pzero, added pshift 4/29/89
* Repaired operation order bugs in pdiv, calc.c 5/15/91
* Added pdiv macro, split out pcmp, pabs, much cleanup 5/21/91
* warning! The mod operation with negative arguments not portable.
* I have therefore avoided it completely with much pain.
* The following identities have proven useful:
* given: a % b = a - floor(a/b) * b
* then : -a % -b = -(a % b)
* -a % b = -( a % -b) = b - a % b (a % b != 0)
* a % -b = -(-a % b) = a % b - b (a % b != 0)
* given: a % b = a - a / b * b
* then : -a % -b = -a % b = -(a % b)
* a % -b = a % b
* Also, be very careful of computations in the inner loops. Much
* work has been done to make sure the compiler does not re-arrange
* expressions to cause an overflow. The compiler may still be doing
* unnecessary type conversions.
* The ptoa routine creates storage which is likely to be forgotton.
* A function returning a result must use the result. If it doesn't
* the storage is never freed. For example: itop(2); by itself
* You must make sure to pdestroy the result.
* An error (out of storage) fails to deallocate u and v.
* psub, pcmp, pdiv, and pmul all assume normalized arguments.
* This file contains the storage management-specific code:
* palloc, pfree, pset -- together these account for 45% of execution time
#include <string.h>
#include "pdefs.h" /* private include file */
#include "precision.h" /* public include file for forward refs */
cacheType pcache[CACHESIZE];
static char ident[] =
" @(#) libprecision.a version 2.00 3-May-91 by Dave Barrett\n";
* normalize (used by div and sub)
* remove all leading zero's
* force positive sign if result is zero
void pnorm(u)
register precision u;
register digitPtr uPtr;
uPtr = u->value + u->size;
do {
if (*--uPtr != 0) break;
} while (uPtr > u->value);
if (uPtr == u->value && *uPtr == 0) u->sign = false;
u->size = (uPtr - u->value) + 1; /* normalize */
* Create a number with the given size (private) (very heavily used)
precision palloc(size)
register posit size;
register precision w;
register cacheType *kludge = pcache + size; /* for shitty compilers */
#if !(defined(NOMEMOPT) || defined(BWGC))
if (size < CACHESIZE && (w = kludge->next) != pUndef) {
kludge->next = ((cacheType *) w)->next;
} else {
w = (precision) allocate(PrecisionSize + sizeof(digit) * size);
if (w == pUndef) {
w = errorp(PNOMEM, "palloc", "out of memory");
return w;
#if !(defined(NOMEMOPT) || defined(BWGC))
#ifndef BWGC
w->refcount = 1;
w->size = w->alloc = size;
printf("alloc %.8x\n", w);
return w;
* (Very heavily used: Called conditionally pdestroy)
* (should be void, but some compilers can't handle it with the macro)
int pfree(u)
register precision u;
register posit size;
register cacheType *kludge; /* for shitty compilers */
printf("free %.8x\n", u);
size = u->alloc;
kludge = pcache + size;
#if !(defined(NOMEMOPT) || defined(BWGC))
if (size < CACHESIZE && kludge->count < CACHELIMIT) {
((cacheType *) u)->next = kludge->next;
kludge->next = u;
} else {
#if !(defined(NOMEMOPT) || defined(BWGC))
return 0;
* User inteface:
* Rules:
* a precision must be initialized to pUndef or to result of pnew.
* a precision pointer must point to a precision or be pNull
* pUndef may not be passed as an rvalue into a function
* pNull may not be passed as an lvalue into a function
* presult and pdestroy are the only functions which may be passed pUndef
* assignment with verification (slower, but helpful for bug detect)
* It would be nice if this routine could detect pointers to incorrect
* or non-living areas of memory.
* We can't check for undefined rvalue because we want to allow functions
* to return pUndef, and then let the application check for it after assigning
* it to a variable.
* usage: pset(&i, j);
precision psetv(up, v)
register precision *up, v;
register precision u;
printf("psetv %.8x %.8x ", up, v);
#ifndef BWGC
printf("->%u", v->refcount);
if (up == pNull) {
errorp(PDOMAIN, "pset", "lvalue is pNull");
u = *up;
printf(" %.8x", u);
*up = v;
if (v != pUndef) {
#ifndef BWGC
if (u != pUndef) {
if (u->sign & ~1) { /* a minimal check */
errorp(PDOMAIN, "pset", "invalid precision");
#ifndef BWGC
if (--(u->refcount) == 0) {
printf("->%u", u->refcount);
return v;
precision pparmv(u)
register precision u;
printf("pparm %.8x\n", u);
if (u == pUndef) {
errorp(PDOMAIN, "pparm", "undefined function argument");
if (u->sign & ~1) { /* a minimal check */
errorp(PDOMAIN, "pparm", "invalid precision");
#ifndef BWGC
return u;
* Function version of unsafe pparmq macro
precision pparmf(u)
register precision u;
#ifndef BWGC
if (u != pUndef) {
return u;
* Function version of pdestroy macro
void pdestroyf(u)
register precision u;
#ifndef BWGC
if (u != pUndef && --u->refcount == 0) {
/* LLVM - No inlining */
//#ifndef __GNUC__ /* inline in header file */
* We cannot allow this to be a macro because of the probability that it's
* argument will be a function (e.g. utop(2))
precision pnew(u)
register precision u;
#ifndef BWGC
return u;
* Cannot be a macro because of function argument possibility
precision presult(u)
register precision u;
#ifndef BWGC
if (u != pUndef) {
return u;
* Quick but dangerous assignment
* Assumes: target not pNull and source not pUndef
precision psetq(up, v)
register precision *up, v;
register precision u = *up; /* up may NOT be pNULL! */
*up = v; /* up may be &v, OK */
#ifndef BWGC
if (v != pUndef) { /* to allow: x=func(); if (x==pUndef) ... */
if (u != pUndef && --(u->refcount) == 0) {
return v;
/* LLVM - No Inlining */
#if 0 /* original assignment code */
precision pset(up, v)
register precision *up, v;
register precision u;
#ifndef BWGC
if (v != pUndef) v->refcount++;
if (up == pNull) { /* useful voiding parameters (pdiv) */
return pUndef;
u = *up;
if (u != pUndef) { /* useful to force initial creation */
*up = v; /* notice that v may be pUndef which is OK! */
return v; /* no presult! This is a variable */