blob: 16b5bdaf1db14214526cd4e1a4f1b88c30e66c12 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "pdefs.h"
#include "pcvt.h"
#include "precision.h"
* Output a string to a file.
* Returns:
* the number of characters written
* or EOF if error
static int fouts(stream, chp)
FILE *stream;
register char *chp;
register int count = 0, res = 0;
if (chp != (char *) 0 && *chp != '\0') do {
res = putc(*chp, stream);
} while (*++chp != '\0' && res != EOF);
if (res != EOF) res = count;
return res;
* output the value of a precision to a file (no cr or whitespace)
* Returns:
* The number of characters output or EOF if error
int fputp(stream, p)
FILE *stream;
precision p;
int res;
char *chp = ptoa(pparm(p));
res = fouts(stream, chp);
return res;
* Output a precision to stdout with a newline (useful from debugger)
int putp(p)
precision p;
int res;
char *chp = ptoa(pparm(p));
res = fouts(stdout, chp);
res = putc('\n', stdout);
return res;
* Output a justified precision
* Returns: The number of characters in the precision, or EOF if error
int fprintp(stream, p, minWidth)
FILE *stream;
precision p;
register int minWidth;
int res;
char *chp = ptoa(pparm(p));
int len;
len = strlen(chp);
if (minWidth < 0) { /* left-justified */
res = fouts(stream, chp);
while (minWidth++ < -len) {
putc(' ', stream);
} else {
while (minWidth-- > len) { /* right-justified */
putc(' ', stream);
res = fouts(stream, chp);
return res;
* Read in a precision type - same as atop but with io
* leading whitespace skipped
* an optional leading '-' or '+' followed by digits '0'..'9'
* leading 0's Ok
* stops at first unrecognized character
* Returns: pUndef if EOF or invalid argument (NULL or nondigit as 1st digit)
precision fgetp(stream)
FILE *stream;
precision res = pUndef;
precision clump = pUndef;
int sign = 0;
register int ch;
register accumulator temp, x;
register int j;
ch = getc(stream);
if (ch != EOF) {
while (isspace(ch)) ch = getc(stream); /* skip whitespace */
if (ch == '-') {
sign = 1;
ch = getc(stream);
} else if (ch == '+') {
ch = getc(stream);
if (isdigit(ch)) {
pset(&res, pzero);
pset(&clump, utop(aDigit));
do {
j = aDigitLog-1;
temp = ch - '0';
do {
if (!isdigit(ch = getc(stream))) goto atoplast;
temp = temp * aBase + (ch - '0');
} while (--j > 0);
pset(&res, padd(pmul(res, clump), utop(temp)));
} while (isdigit(ch = getc(stream)));
goto atopdone;
x = aBase;
while (j++ < aDigitLog-1) {
x *= aBase;
pset(&res, padd(pmul(res, utop(x)), utop(temp)));
if (ch != EOF) ungetc(ch, stream);
if (sign) {
pset(&res, pneg(res));
} else {
if (ch == EOF) {
res = pUndef;
} else {
ungetc(ch, stream);
} else {
res = pUndef;
if (res == pUndef) return res;
return presult(res);