blob: 7e389586cc64320c0f2c08f7642e4628a4d68540 [file] [log] [blame]
// Samuel Williams
// Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#ifdef __MPI
#include <mpi.h>
#include "defines.h"
#include "box.h"
#include "mg.h"
#include "operators.h"
#include "timer.h"
#warning Using Diagonally Preconditioned Iterative Solvers
#define DiagonallyPrecondition
#ifndef __CA_KRYLOV_S
#define __CA_KRYLOV_S 4
//#define __VERBOSE
//#define __DEBUG
// z[r] = alpha*A[r][c]*x[c]+beta*y[r] // [row][col]
// z[r] = alpha*A[r][c]*x[c]+beta*y[r] // [row][col]
#define __gemv(z,alpha,A,x,beta,y,rows,cols) {int r,c;double sum;for(r=0;r<(rows);r++){sum=0.0;for(c=0;c<(cols);c++){sum+=(A)[r][c]*(x)[c];}(z)[r]=(alpha)*sum+(beta)*(y)[r];}}
static inline void __axpy(double * z, double alpha, double * x, double beta, double * y, int n){ // z[n] = alpha*x[n]+beta*y[n]
int nn;
z[nn] = alpha*x[nn] + beta*y[nn];
static inline double __dot(double * x, double * y, int n){ // x[n].y[n]
int nn;
double sum = 0.0;
sum += x[nn]*y[nn];
static inline void __zero(double * z, int n){ // z[n] = 0.0
int nn;
z[nn] = 0.0;
void TelescopingCABiCGStab(domain_type * domain, int level, int e_id, int R_id, double a, double b, double desired_reduction_in_norm){
// based on Erin Carson/Jim Demmel/Nick Knight's s-Step BiCGStab Algorithm 3.4
// However, the formation of [P,R] is expensive ~ 4S+1 exchanges. Moreover, formation of G[][] requires (4S+2)(4S+1) grid operations.
// When the required number of iterations is small, this overhead is large and can make the s-step version slower than vanilla BiCGStab
// Thus, this version is a telescoping s-step method that will start out with s=1, then do s=2, then s=4
// note: __CA_KRYLOV_S should be tiny (2-8?). As such, 4*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1 is also tiny (9-33). Just allocate on the stack...
double temp1[4*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1]; //
double temp2[4*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1]; //
double temp3[4*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1]; //
double Tp[4*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1][4*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1]; // T' indexed as [row][col]
double Tpp[4*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1][4*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1]; // T'' indexed as [row][col]
double aj[4*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1]; //
double cj[4*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1]; //
double ej[4*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1]; //
double Tpaj[4*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1]; //
double Tpcj[4*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1]; //
double Tppaj[4*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1]; //
double G[4*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1][4*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1]; // extracted from first 4*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1 columns of Gg[][]. indexed as [row][col]
double g[4*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1]; // extracted from last [4*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1] column of Gg[][].
double Gg[(4*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1)*(4*__CA_KRYLOV_S+2)]; // buffer to hold the Gram-like matrix produced by matmul(). indexed as [row*(4*__CA_KRYLOV_S+2) + col]
int PRrt[4*__CA_KRYLOV_S+2]; // grid_id's of the concatenation of the 2S+1 matrix powers of P, 2S matrix powers of R, and rt
int mMax=200;
int m=0,n;
int i,j,k;
int BiCGStabFailed = 0;
int BiCGStabConverged = 0;
double g_dot_Tpaj,alpha,omega_numerator,omega_denominator,omega,delta,delta_next,beta;
double L2_norm_of_rt,L2_norm_of_residual,cj_dot_Gcj,L2_norm_of_s;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
residual(domain,level,__rt,e_id,R_id,a,b); // rt[] = R_id[] - A(e_id)... note, if DPC, then rt = R-AD^-1De
scale_grid(domain,level,__r,1.0,__rt); // r[] = rt[]
scale_grid(domain,level,__p,1.0,__rt); // p[] = rt[]
double norm_of_rt = norm(domain,level,__rt); // the norm of the initial residual...
#ifdef __VERBOSE
if(domain->rank==0)printf("m=%8d, norm =%0.20f\n",m,norm_of_rt);
if(norm_of_rt == 0.0){BiCGStabConverged=1;} // entered BiCGStab with exact solution
delta = dot(domain,level,__r,__rt); // delta = dot(r,rt)
if(delta==0.0){BiCGStabConverged=1;} // entered BiCGStab with exact solution (square of L2 norm of __r)
L2_norm_of_rt = sqrt(delta);
int __ca_krylov_s = 1;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
while( (m<mMax) && (!BiCGStabFailed) && (!BiCGStabConverged) ){ // while(not done){
__zero( aj,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); //
__zero( cj,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); //
__zero( ej,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); //
__zero( Tpaj,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); //
__zero( Tpcj,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); //
__zero(Tppaj,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); //
__zero(temp1,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); //
__zero(temp2,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); //
__zero(temp3,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); //
for(i=0;i<4*__ca_krylov_s+1;i++)for(j=0;j<4*__ca_krylov_s+1;j++) Tp[i][j]=0;// initialize Tp[][] and Tpp[][] ...
for(i= 0;i<2*__ca_krylov_s ;i++){ Tp[i+1][i]=1;} // monomial basis... Fixed (typo in SIAM paper)
for(i=2*__ca_krylov_s+1;i<4*__ca_krylov_s ;i++){ Tp[i+1][i]=1;} //
for(i= 0;i<2*__ca_krylov_s-1;i++){Tpp[i+2][i]=1;} //
for(i=2*__ca_krylov_s+1;i<4*__ca_krylov_s-1;i++){Tpp[i+2][i]=1;} //
for(i=0;i<4*__ca_krylov_s+1;i++){PRrt[ i] = __PRrt+i;} // columns of PRrt map to the consecutive spare grid indices starting at __PRrt
PRrt[4*__ca_krylov_s+1] = __rt; // last column or PRrt (r tilde) maps to rt
int *P = PRrt+ 0; // grid_id's of the 2S+1 Matrix Powers of P. P[i] is the grid_id of A^i(p)
int *R = PRrt+2*__ca_krylov_s+1; // grid_id's of the 2S Matrix Powers of R. R[i] is the grid_id of A^i(r)
// Using the monomial basis, compute 2s+1 matrix powers on p[] and 2s matrix powers on r[] one power at a time
// (conventional approach applicable to CHOMBO and BoxLib)
scale_grid(domain,level,P[0],1.0,__p); // P[0] = A^0p = __p
for(n=1;n<2*__ca_krylov_s+1;n++){ // naive way of calculating the monomial basis.
#ifdef DiagonallyPrecondition //
mul_grids(domain,level,__temp,1.0,__lambda,P[n-1]); // temp[] = lambda[]*P[n-1]
apply_op(domain,level,P[n],__temp,a,b); // P[n] = AD^{-1}__temp = AD^{-1}P[n-1] = ((AD^{-1})^n)p
#else //
apply_op(domain,level,P[n],P[n-1],a,b); // P[n] = A(P[n-1]) = (A^n)p
#endif //
scale_grid(domain,level,R[0],1.0,__r); // R[0] = A^0r = __r
for(n=1;n<2*__ca_krylov_s;n++){ // naive way of calculating the monomial basis.
#ifdef DiagonallyPrecondition //
mul_grids(domain,level,__temp,1.0,__lambda,R[n-1]); // temp[] = lambda[]*R[n-1]
apply_op(domain,level,R[n],__temp,a,b); // R[n] = AD^{-1}__temp = AD^{-1}R[n-1]
#else //
apply_op(domain,level,R[n],R[n-1],a,b); // R[n] = A(R[n-1]) = (A^n)r
#endif //
// Compute Gg[][] = [P,R]^T * [P,R,rt] (Matmul with grids with ghost zones but only one MPI_AllReduce)
domain->CAKrylov_formations_of_G++; // Record the number of times CABiCGStab formed G[][]
for(i=0,k=0;i<4*__ca_krylov_s+1;i++){ // extract G[][] and g[] from Gg[]
for(j=0 ;j<4*__ca_krylov_s+1;j++){G[i][j] = Gg[k++];} // first 4*__ca_krylov_s+1 elements in each row go to G[][].
g[i] = Gg[k++]; // last element in row goes to g[].
for(i=0;i<4*__ca_krylov_s+1;i++)aj[i]=0.0;aj[ 0]=1.0; // initialized based on (3.26)
for(i=0;i<4*__ca_krylov_s+1;i++)cj[i]=0.0;cj[2*__ca_krylov_s+1]=1.0; // initialized based on (3.26)
for(i=0;i<4*__ca_krylov_s+1;i++)ej[i]=0.0; // initialized based on (3.26)
for(n=0;n<__ca_krylov_s;n++){ // for(n=0;n<__ca_krylov_s;n++){
domain->Krylov_iterations++; // record number of inner-loop (j) iterations for comparison
__gemv( Tpaj, 1.0, Tp, aj, 0.0, Tpaj,4*__ca_krylov_s+1,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); // T'aj
__gemv( Tpcj, 1.0, Tp, cj, 0.0, Tpcj,4*__ca_krylov_s+1,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); // T'cj
__gemv(Tppaj, 1.0,Tpp, aj, 0.0,Tppaj,4*__ca_krylov_s+1,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); // T''aj
g_dot_Tpaj = __dot(g,Tpaj,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); // (g,T'aj)
if(g_dot_Tpaj == 0.0){ // pivot breakdown ???
#ifdef __VERBOSE //
if(domain->rank==0){printf("g_dot_Tpaj == 0.0\n");} //
#endif //
BiCGStabFailed=1;break; //
} //
alpha = delta / g_dot_Tpaj; // delta / (g,T'aj)
if(isinf(alpha)){ // alpha = big/tiny(overflow) = inf -> breakdown
#ifdef __VERBOSE //
if(domain->rank==0){printf("alpha == inf\n");} //
#endif //
BiCGStabFailed=1;break; //
} //
#if 0 // seems to have accuracy problems in finite precision...
__gemv(temp1,-alpha, G, Tpaj, 0.0,temp1,4*__ca_krylov_s+1,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); // temp1[] = - alpha*GT'aj
__gemv(temp1, 1.0, G, cj, 1.0,temp1,4*__ca_krylov_s+1,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); // temp1[] = Gcj - alpha*GT'aj
__gemv(temp2,-alpha, G,Tppaj, 0.0,temp2,4*__ca_krylov_s+1,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); // temp2[] = − alpha*GT′′aj
__gemv(temp2, 1.0, G, Tpcj, 1.0,temp2,4*__ca_krylov_s+1,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); // temp2[] = GT′cj − alpha*GT′′aj
__axpy(temp3, 1.0, Tpcj,-alpha,Tppaj,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); // temp3[] = T′cj − alpha*T′′aj
omega_numerator = __dot(temp3,temp1,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); // (temp3,temp1) = ( T'cj-alpha*T''aj , Gcj-alpha*GT'aj )
omega_denominator = __dot(temp3,temp2,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); // (temp3,temp2) = ( T′cj−alpha*T′′aj , GT′cj−alpha*GT′′aj )
#else // better to change the order of operations Gx-Gy -> G(x-y) ... (note, G is symmetric)
__axpy(temp1, 1.0, Tpcj,-alpha,Tppaj,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); // temp1[] = (T'cj - alpha*T''aj)
__gemv(temp2, 1.0, G,temp1, 0.0,temp2,4*__ca_krylov_s+1,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); // temp2[] = G(T'cj - alpha*T''aj)
__axpy(temp3, 1.0, cj,-alpha, Tpaj,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); // temp3[] = cj - alpha*T'aj
omega_numerator = __dot(temp3,temp2,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); // (temp3,temp2) = ( ( cj - alpha*T'aj ) , G(T'cj - alpha*T''aj) )
omega_denominator = __dot(temp1,temp2,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); // (temp1,temp2) = ( (T'cj - alpha*T''aj) , G(T'cj - alpha*T''aj) )
#endif //
// NOTE: omega_numerator/omega_denominator can be 0/x or 0/0, but should never be x/0
// If omega_numerator==0, and ||s||==0, then convergence, x=x+alpha*aj
// If omega_numerator==0, and ||s||!=0, then stabilization breakdown
__axpy( ej,1.0,ej, alpha, aj,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); // ej[] = ej[] + alpha*aj[]
// calculate the norm of Saad's vector 's' to check intra s-step convergence...
__axpy(temp1, 1.0, cj,-alpha, Tpaj,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); // temp1[] = cj - alpha*T'aj
__gemv(temp2, 1.0, G,temp1, 0.0,temp2,4*__ca_krylov_s+1,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); // temp2[] = G(cj - alpha*T'aj)
L2_norm_of_s = __dot(temp1,temp2,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); // (temp1,temp2) = ( (cj - alpha*T'aj) , G(cj - alpha*T'aj) ) == square of L2 norm of s in exact arithmetic
if(L2_norm_of_s<0)L2_norm_of_s=0;else L2_norm_of_s=sqrt(L2_norm_of_s); // finite precision can lead to the norm^2 being < 0 (Demmel says flush to 0.0)
#ifdef __VERBOSE //
if(domain->rank==0){printf("m=%8d, norm(s)=%0.20f\n",m+n,L2_norm_of_s);} //
#endif //
if(L2_norm_of_s < desired_reduction_in_norm*L2_norm_of_rt){BiCGStabConverged=1;break;} // terminate the inner n-loop
if(omega_denominator == 0.0){ // ??? breakdown
#ifdef __VERBOSE //
if(domain->rank==0){if(omega_denominator == 0.0)printf("omega_denominator == 0.0\n");} //
#endif //
BiCGStabFailed=1;break; //
} //
omega = omega_numerator / omega_denominator; //
if(isinf(omega)){ // omega = big/tiny(oveflow) = inf
#ifdef __VERBOSE //
if(domain->rank==0){if(isinf(omega))printf("omega == inf\n");} //
#endif //
BiCGStabFailed=1;break; //
} //
// !!! COMPLETE THE UPDATE OF ej & cj now that omega is known to be ok //
__axpy( ej,1.0,ej, omega, cj,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); // ej[] = ej[] + alpha*aj[] + omega*cj[]
__axpy( ej,1.0,ej,-omega*alpha, Tpaj,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); // ej[] = ej[] + alpha*aj[] + omega*cj[] - omega*alpha*T'aj[]
__axpy( cj,1.0,cj, -omega, Tpcj,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); // cj[] = cj[] - omega*T'cj[]
__axpy( cj,1.0,cj, -alpha, Tpaj,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); // cj[] = cj[] - omega*T'cj[] - alpha*T'aj[]
__axpy( cj,1.0,cj, omega*alpha,Tppaj,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); // cj[] = cj[] - omega*T'cj[] - alpha*T'aj[] + omega*alpha*T''aj[]
// calculate the norm of the incremental residual (Saad's vector 'r') to check intra s-step convergence...
__gemv(temp1, 1.0, G, cj, 0.0,temp1,4*__ca_krylov_s+1,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); // temp1[] = Gcj
cj_dot_Gcj = __dot(cj,temp1,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); // sqrt( (cj,Gcj) ) == L2 norm of the intermediate residual in exact arithmetic
L2_norm_of_residual = 0.0;if(cj_dot_Gcj>0)L2_norm_of_residual=sqrt(cj_dot_Gcj); // finite precision can lead to the norm^2 being < 0 (Demmel says flush to 0.0)
#ifdef __VERBOSE
if(domain->rank==0){printf("m=%8d, norm(r)=%0.20f (cj_dot_Gcj=%0.20e)\n",m+n,L2_norm_of_residual,cj_dot_Gcj);}
if(L2_norm_of_residual < desired_reduction_in_norm*L2_norm_of_rt){BiCGStabConverged=1;break;} // terminate the inner n-loop
delta_next = __dot( g,cj,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); // (g,cj)
#ifdef __VERBOSE //
if(domain->rank==0){ //
if(isinf(delta_next) ){printf("delta == inf\n");} // delta = big/tiny(overflow) = inf
if(delta_next == 0.0){printf("delta == 0.0\n");} // Lanczos breakdown
if(omega_numerator == 0.0){printf("omega_numerator == 0.0\n");} // stabilization breakdown
if(omega == 0.0){printf("omega == 0.0\n");} // stabilization breakdown
} //
#endif //
if(isinf(delta_next)){BiCGStabFailed =1;break;} // delta = inf?
if(delta_next ==0.0){BiCGStabFailed =1;break;} // Lanczos breakdown...
if(omega ==0.0){BiCGStabFailed =1;break;} // stabilization breakdown
beta = (delta_next/delta)*(alpha/omega); // (delta_next/delta)*(alpha/omega)
#ifdef __VERBOSE //
if(domain->rank==0){ //
if(isinf(beta) ){printf("beta == inf\n");} // beta = inf?
if(beta == 0.0){printf("beta == 0.0\n");} // beta = 0? can't make further progress(?)
} //
#endif //
if(isinf(beta) ){BiCGStabFailed =1;break;} // beta = inf?
if(beta == 0.0){BiCGStabFailed =1;break;} // beta = 0? can't make further progress(?)
__axpy( aj,1.0,cj, beta, aj,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); // aj[] = cj[] + beta*aj[]
__axpy( aj,1.0,aj, -omega*beta, Tpaj,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); // aj[] = cj[] + beta*aj[] - omega*beta*T'aj
delta = delta_next; // delta = delta_next
} // inner n (j) loop
// update iterates...
for(i=0;i<4*__ca_krylov_s+1;i++){add_grids(domain,level,e_id,1.0,e_id,ej[i],PRrt[i]);} // e_id[] = [P,R]ej + e_id[]
if(!BiCGStabFailed && !BiCGStabConverged){ // if we're done, then there is no point in updating these
add_grids(domain,level, __p,0.0, __p,aj[0],PRrt[0]); // p[] = [P,R]aj
for(i=1;i<4*__ca_krylov_s+1;i++){add_grids(domain,level, __p,1.0, __p,aj[i],PRrt[i]);} // ...
add_grids(domain,level, __r,0.0, __r,cj[0],PRrt[0]); // r[] = [P,R]cj
for(i=1;i<4*__ca_krylov_s+1;i++){add_grids(domain,level, __r,1.0, __r,cj[i],PRrt[i]);} // ...
} //
m+=__ca_krylov_s; // m+=ca_krylov_s;
} // } // outer m loop
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
#ifdef DiagonallyPrecondition
mul_grids(domain,level,e_id,1.0,__lambda,e_id); // e_id[] = lambda[]*e_id[] // i.e. e = D^{-1}e'
void CABiCGStab(domain_type * domain, int level, int e_id, int R_id, double a, double b, double desired_reduction_in_norm){
// based on Erin Carson/Jim Demmel/Nick Knight's s-Step BiCGStab Algorithm 3.4
// note: __CA_KRYLOV_S should be tiny (2-8?). As such, 4*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1 is also tiny (9-33). Just allocate on the stack...
double temp1[4*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1]; //
double temp2[4*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1]; //
double temp3[4*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1]; //
double Tp[4*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1][4*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1]; // T' indexed as [row][col]
double Tpp[4*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1][4*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1]; // T'' indexed as [row][col]
double aj[4*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1]; //
double cj[4*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1]; //
double ej[4*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1]; //
double Tpaj[4*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1]; //
double Tpcj[4*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1]; //
double Tppaj[4*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1]; //
double G[4*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1][4*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1]; // extracted from first 4*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1 columns of Gg[][]. indexed as [row][col]
double g[4*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1]; // extracted from last [4*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1] column of Gg[][].
double Gg[(4*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1)*(4*__CA_KRYLOV_S+2)]; // buffer to hold the Gram-like matrix produced by matmul(). indexed as [row*(4*__CA_KRYLOV_S+2) + col]
int PRrt[4*__CA_KRYLOV_S+2]; // grid_id's of the concatenation of the 2S+1 matrix powers of P, 2S matrix powers of R, and rt
int *P = PRrt+ 0; // grid_id's of the 2S+1 Matrix Powers of P. P[i] is the grid_id of A^i(p)
int *R = PRrt+2*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1; // grid_id's of the 2S Matrix Powers of R. R[i] is the grid_id of A^i(r)
int mMax=200;
int m=0,n;
int i,j,k;
int BiCGStabFailed = 0;
int BiCGStabConverged = 0;
double g_dot_Tpaj,alpha,omega_numerator,omega_denominator,omega,delta,delta_next,beta;
double L2_norm_of_rt,L2_norm_of_residual,cj_dot_Gcj,L2_norm_of_s;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
residual(domain,level,__rt,e_id,R_id,a,b); // rt[] = R_id[] - A(e_id)... note, if DPC, then rt = R-AD^-1De
scale_grid(domain,level,__r,1.0,__rt); // r[] = rt[]
scale_grid(domain,level,__p,1.0,__rt); // p[] = rt[]
double norm_of_rt = norm(domain,level,__rt); // the norm of the initial residual...
#ifdef __VERBOSE
if(domain->rank==0)printf("m=%8d, norm =%0.20f\n",m,norm_of_rt);
if(norm_of_rt == 0.0){BiCGStabConverged=1;} // entered BiCGStab with exact solution
delta = dot(domain,level,__r,__rt); // delta = dot(r,rt)
if(delta==0.0){BiCGStabConverged=1;} // entered BiCGStab with exact solution (square of L2 norm of __r)
L2_norm_of_rt = sqrt(delta);
int __ca_krylov_s = __CA_KRYLOV_S; // by making this a variable, I prevent the compiler from optimizing more than the telescoping version, thus preserving a bit-identcal result
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
for(i=0;i<4*__ca_krylov_s+1;i++)for(j=0;j<4*__ca_krylov_s+1;j++) Tp[i][j]=0; // initialize Tp[][] and Tpp[][] ...
for(i=0;i<4*__ca_krylov_s+1;i++)for(j=0;j<4*__ca_krylov_s+1;j++)Tpp[i][j]=0; //
for(i= 0;i<2*__ca_krylov_s ;i++){ Tp[i+1][i]=1;} // monomial basis... Fixed (typo in SIAM paper)
for(i=2*__ca_krylov_s+1;i<4*__ca_krylov_s ;i++){ Tp[i+1][i]=1;} //
for(i= 0;i<2*__ca_krylov_s-1;i++){Tpp[i+2][i]=1;} //
for(i=2*__ca_krylov_s+1;i<4*__ca_krylov_s-1;i++){Tpp[i+2][i]=1;} //
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
for(i=0;i<4*__ca_krylov_s+1;i++){PRrt[ i] = __PRrt+i;} // columns of PRrt map to the consecutive spare grid indices starting at __PRrt
PRrt[4*__ca_krylov_s+1] = __rt; // last column or PRrt (r tilde) maps to rt
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
while( (m<mMax) && (!BiCGStabFailed) && (!BiCGStabConverged) ){ // while(not done){
__zero( aj,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); //
__zero( cj,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); //
__zero( ej,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); //
__zero( Tpaj,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); //
__zero( Tpcj,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); //
__zero(Tppaj,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); //
__zero(temp1,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); //
__zero(temp2,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); //
__zero(temp3,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); //
// Using the monomial basis, compute 2s+1 matrix powers on p[] and 2s matrix powers on r[] one power at a time
// (conventional approach applicable to CHOMBO and BoxLib)
scale_grid(domain,level,P[0],1.0,__p); // P[0] = A^0p = __p
for(n=1;n<2*__ca_krylov_s+1;n++){ // naive way of calculating the monomial basis.
#ifdef DiagonallyPrecondition //
mul_grids(domain,level,__temp,1.0,__lambda,P[n-1]); // temp[] = lambda[]*P[n-1]
apply_op(domain,level,P[n],__temp,a,b); // P[n] = AD^{-1}__temp = AD^{-1}P[n-1] = ((AD^{-1})^n)p
#else //
apply_op(domain,level,P[n],P[n-1],a,b); // P[n] = A(P[n-1]) = (A^n)p
#endif //
scale_grid(domain,level,R[0],1.0,__r); // R[0] = A^0r = __r
for(n=1;n<2*__ca_krylov_s;n++){ // naive way of calculating the monomial basis.
#ifdef DiagonallyPrecondition //
mul_grids(domain,level,__temp,1.0,__lambda,R[n-1]); // temp[] = lambda[]*R[n-1]
apply_op(domain,level,R[n],__temp,a,b); // R[n] = AD^{-1}__temp = AD^{-1}R[n-1]
#else //
apply_op(domain,level,R[n],R[n-1],a,b); // R[n] = A(R[n-1]) = (A^n)r
#endif //
// Compute Gg[][] = [P,R]^T * [P,R,rt] (Matmul with grids with ghost zones but only one MPI_AllReduce)
domain->CAKrylov_formations_of_G++; // Record the number of times CABiCGStab formed G[][]
for(i=0,k=0;i<4*__ca_krylov_s+1;i++){ // extract G[][] and g[] from Gg[]
for(j=0 ;j<4*__ca_krylov_s+1;j++){G[i][j] = Gg[k++];} // first 4*__ca_krylov_s+1 elements in each row go to G[][].
g[i] = Gg[k++]; // last element in row goes to g[].
for(i=0;i<4*__ca_krylov_s+1;i++)aj[i]=0.0;aj[ 0]=1.0; // initialized based on (3.26)
for(i=0;i<4*__ca_krylov_s+1;i++)cj[i]=0.0;cj[2*__ca_krylov_s+1]=1.0; // initialized based on (3.26)
for(i=0;i<4*__ca_krylov_s+1;i++)ej[i]=0.0; // initialized based on (3.26)
for(n=0;n<__ca_krylov_s;n++){ // for(n=0;n<__ca_krylov_s;n++){
domain->Krylov_iterations++; // record number of inner-loop (j) iterations for comparison
__gemv( Tpaj, 1.0, Tp, aj, 0.0, Tpaj,4*__ca_krylov_s+1,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); // T'aj
__gemv( Tpcj, 1.0, Tp, cj, 0.0, Tpcj,4*__ca_krylov_s+1,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); // T'cj
__gemv(Tppaj, 1.0,Tpp, aj, 0.0,Tppaj,4*__ca_krylov_s+1,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); // T''aj
g_dot_Tpaj = __dot(g,Tpaj,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); // (g,T'aj)
if(g_dot_Tpaj == 0.0){ // pivot breakdown ???
#ifdef __VERBOSE //
if(domain->rank==0){printf("g_dot_Tpaj == 0.0\n");} //
#endif //
BiCGStabFailed=1;break; //
} //
alpha = delta / g_dot_Tpaj; // delta / (g,T'aj)
if(isinf(alpha)){ // alpha = big/tiny(overflow) = inf -> breakdown
#ifdef __VERBOSE //
if(domain->rank==0){printf("alpha == inf\n");} //
#endif //
BiCGStabFailed=1;break; //
} //
#if 0 // seems to have accuracy problems in finite precision...
__gemv(temp1,-alpha, G, Tpaj, 0.0,temp1,4*__ca_krylov_s+1,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); // temp1[] = - alpha*GT'aj
__gemv(temp1, 1.0, G, cj, 1.0,temp1,4*__ca_krylov_s+1,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); // temp1[] = Gcj - alpha*GT'aj
__gemv(temp2,-alpha, G,Tppaj, 0.0,temp2,4*__ca_krylov_s+1,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); // temp2[] = − alpha*GT′′aj
__gemv(temp2, 1.0, G, Tpcj, 1.0,temp2,4*__ca_krylov_s+1,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); // temp2[] = GT′cj − alpha*GT′′aj
__axpy(temp3, 1.0, Tpcj,-alpha,Tppaj,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); // temp3[] = T′cj − alpha*T′′aj
omega_numerator = __dot(temp3,temp1,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); // (temp3,temp1) = ( T'cj-alpha*T''aj , Gcj-alpha*GT'aj )
omega_denominator = __dot(temp3,temp2,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); // (temp3,temp2) = ( T′cj−alpha*T′′aj , GT′cj−alpha*GT′′aj )
#else // better to change the order of operations Gx-Gy -> G(x-y) ... (note, G is symmetric)
__axpy(temp1, 1.0, Tpcj,-alpha,Tppaj,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); // temp1[] = (T'cj - alpha*T''aj)
__gemv(temp2, 1.0, G,temp1, 0.0,temp2,4*__ca_krylov_s+1,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); // temp2[] = G(T'cj - alpha*T''aj)
__axpy(temp3, 1.0, cj,-alpha, Tpaj,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); // temp3[] = cj - alpha*T'aj
omega_numerator = __dot(temp3,temp2,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); // (temp3,temp2) = ( ( cj - alpha*T'aj ) , G(T'cj - alpha*T''aj) )
omega_denominator = __dot(temp1,temp2,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); // (temp1,temp2) = ( (T'cj - alpha*T''aj) , G(T'cj - alpha*T''aj) )
#endif //
// NOTE: omega_numerator/omega_denominator can be 0/x or 0/0, but should never be x/0
// If omega_numerator==0, and ||s||==0, then convergence, x=x+alpha*aj
// If omega_numerator==0, and ||s||!=0, then stabilization breakdown
__axpy( ej,1.0,ej, alpha, aj,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); // ej[] = ej[] + alpha*aj[]
// calculate the norm of Saad's vector 's' to check intra s-step convergence...
__axpy(temp1, 1.0, cj,-alpha, Tpaj,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); // temp1[] = cj - alpha*T'aj
__gemv(temp2, 1.0, G,temp1, 0.0,temp2,4*__ca_krylov_s+1,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); // temp2[] = G(cj - alpha*T'aj)
L2_norm_of_s = __dot(temp1,temp2,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); // (temp1,temp2) = ( (cj - alpha*T'aj) , G(cj - alpha*T'aj) ) == square of L2 norm of s in exact arithmetic
if(L2_norm_of_s<0)L2_norm_of_s=0;else L2_norm_of_s=sqrt(L2_norm_of_s); // finite precision can lead to the norm^2 being < 0 (Demmel says flush to 0.0)
#ifdef __VERBOSE //
if(domain->rank==0){printf("m=%8d, norm(s)=%0.20f\n",m+n,L2_norm_of_s);} //
#endif //
if(L2_norm_of_s < desired_reduction_in_norm*L2_norm_of_rt){BiCGStabConverged=1;break;} // terminate the inner n-loop
if(omega_denominator == 0.0){ // ??? breakdown
#ifdef __VERBOSE //
if(domain->rank==0){if(omega_denominator == 0.0)printf("omega_denominator == 0.0\n");} //
#endif //
BiCGStabFailed=1;break; //
} //
omega = omega_numerator / omega_denominator; //
if(isinf(omega)){ // omega = big/tiny(oveflow) = inf
#ifdef __VERBOSE //
if(domain->rank==0){if(isinf(omega))printf("omega == inf\n");} //
#endif //
BiCGStabFailed=1;break; //
} //
// !!! COMPLETE THE UPDATE OF ej & cj now that omega is known to be ok //
__axpy( ej,1.0,ej, omega, cj,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); // ej[] = ej[] + alpha*aj[] + omega*cj[]
__axpy( ej,1.0,ej,-omega*alpha, Tpaj,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); // ej[] = ej[] + alpha*aj[] + omega*cj[] - omega*alpha*T'aj[]
__axpy( cj,1.0,cj, -omega, Tpcj,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); // cj[] = cj[] - omega*T'cj[]
__axpy( cj,1.0,cj, -alpha, Tpaj,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); // cj[] = cj[] - omega*T'cj[] - alpha*T'aj[]
__axpy( cj,1.0,cj, omega*alpha,Tppaj,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); // cj[] = cj[] - omega*T'cj[] - alpha*T'aj[] + omega*alpha*T''aj[]
// calculate the norm of the incremental residual (Saad's vector 'r') to check intra s-step convergence...
__gemv(temp1, 1.0, G, cj, 0.0,temp1,4*__ca_krylov_s+1,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); // temp1[] = Gcj
cj_dot_Gcj = __dot(cj,temp1,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); // sqrt( (cj,Gcj) ) == L2 norm of the intermediate residual in exact arithmetic
L2_norm_of_residual = 0.0;if(cj_dot_Gcj>0)L2_norm_of_residual=sqrt(cj_dot_Gcj); // finite precision can lead to the norm^2 being < 0 (Demmel says flush to 0.0)
#ifdef __VERBOSE
if(domain->rank==0){printf("m=%8d, norm(r)=%0.20f (cj_dot_Gcj=%0.20e)\n",m+n,L2_norm_of_residual,cj_dot_Gcj);}
if(L2_norm_of_residual < desired_reduction_in_norm*L2_norm_of_rt){BiCGStabConverged=1;break;} // terminate the inner n-loop
delta_next = __dot( g,cj,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); // (g,cj)
#ifdef __VERBOSE //
if(domain->rank==0){ //
if(isinf(delta_next) ){printf("delta == inf\n");} // delta = big/tiny(overflow) = inf
if(delta_next == 0.0){printf("delta == 0.0\n");} // Lanczos breakdown
if(omega_numerator == 0.0){printf("omega_numerator == 0.0\n");} // stabilization breakdown
if(omega == 0.0){printf("omega == 0.0\n");} // stabilization breakdown
} //
#endif //
if(isinf(delta_next)){BiCGStabFailed =1;break;} // delta = inf?
if(delta_next ==0.0){BiCGStabFailed =1;break;} // Lanczos breakdown...
if(omega ==0.0){BiCGStabFailed =1;break;} // stabilization breakdown
beta = (delta_next/delta)*(alpha/omega); // (delta_next/delta)*(alpha/omega)
#ifdef __VERBOSE //
if(domain->rank==0){ //
if(isinf(beta) ){printf("beta == inf\n");} // beta = inf?
if(beta == 0.0){printf("beta == 0.0\n");} // beta = 0? can't make further progress(?)
} //
#endif //
if(isinf(beta) ){BiCGStabFailed =1;break;} // beta = inf?
if(beta == 0.0){BiCGStabFailed =1;break;} // beta = 0? can't make further progress(?)
__axpy( aj,1.0,cj, beta, aj,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); // aj[] = cj[] + beta*aj[]
__axpy( aj,1.0,aj, -omega*beta, Tpaj,4*__ca_krylov_s+1); // aj[] = cj[] + beta*aj[] - omega*beta*T'aj
delta = delta_next; // delta = delta_next
} // inner n (j) loop
// update iterates...
for(i=0;i<4*__ca_krylov_s+1;i++){add_grids(domain,level,e_id,1.0,e_id,ej[i],PRrt[i]);} // e_id[] = [P,R]ej + e_id[]
if(!BiCGStabFailed && !BiCGStabConverged){ // if we're done, then there is no point in updating these
add_grids(domain,level, __p,0.0, __p,aj[0],PRrt[0]); // p[] = [P,R]aj
for(i=1;i<4*__ca_krylov_s+1;i++){add_grids(domain,level, __p,1.0, __p,aj[i],PRrt[i]);} // ...
add_grids(domain,level, __r,0.0, __r,cj[0],PRrt[0]); // r[] = [P,R]cj
for(i=1;i<4*__ca_krylov_s+1;i++){add_grids(domain,level, __r,1.0, __r,cj[i],PRrt[i]);} // ...
} //
m+=__ca_krylov_s; // m+=__ca_krylov_s;
} // } // outer m loop
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
#ifdef DiagonallyPrecondition
mul_grids(domain,level,e_id,1.0,__lambda,e_id); // e_id[] = lambda[]*e_id[] // i.e. e = D^{-1}e'
void BiCGStab(domain_type * domain, int level, int x_id, int R_id, double a, double b, double desired_reduction_in_norm){
// Algorithm 7.7 in Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear Systems(Yousef Saad)
// uses "right" preconditioning... AD^{-1}(Dx) = b ... AD^{-1}y = b ... solve for y, then solve for x = D^{-1}y
int jMax=200;
int j=0;
int BiCGStabFailed = 0;
int BiCGStabConverged = 0;
residual(domain,level,__r0,x_id,R_id,a,b); // r0[] = R_id[] - A(x_id)
scale_grid(domain,level,__r,1.0,__r0); // r[] = r0[]
scale_grid(domain,level,__p,1.0,__r0); // p[] = r0[]
double r_dot_r0 = dot(domain,level,__r,__r0); // r_dot_r0 = dot(r,r0)
double norm_of_r0 = norm(domain,level,__r); // the norm of the initial residual...
if(r_dot_r0 == 0.0){BiCGStabConverged=1;} // entered BiCGStab with exact solution
if(norm_of_r0 == 0.0){BiCGStabConverged=1;} // entered BiCGStab with exact solution
while( (j<jMax) && (!BiCGStabFailed) && (!BiCGStabConverged) ){ // while(not done){
j++;domain->Krylov_iterations++; //
#ifdef DiagonallyPrecondition //
mul_grids(domain,level,__temp,1.0,__lambda,__p); // temp[] = lambda[]*p[]
apply_op(domain,level,__Ap,__temp,a,b); // Ap = AD^{-1}(p)
#else //
apply_op(domain,level,__Ap,__p,a,b); // Ap = A(p)
#endif //
double Ap_dot_r0 = dot(domain,level,__Ap,__r0); // Ap_dot_r0 = dot(Ap,r0)
if(Ap_dot_r0 == 0.0){BiCGStabFailed=1;break;} // pivot breakdown ???
double alpha = r_dot_r0 / Ap_dot_r0; // alpha = r_dot_r0 / Ap_dot_r0
if(isinf(alpha)){BiCGStabFailed=1;break;} // pivot breakdown ???
add_grids(domain,level,x_id,1.0,x_id, alpha,__p ); // x_id[] = x_id[] + alpha*p[]
add_grids(domain,level,__s ,1.0,__r ,-alpha,__Ap); // s[] = r[] - alpha*Ap[] (intermediate residual?)
double norm_of_s = norm(domain,level,__s); // FIX - redundant?? norm of intermediate residual
if(norm_of_s == 0.0){BiCGStabConverged=1;break;} // FIX - redundant?? if As_dot_As==0, then As must be 0 which implies s==0
if(norm_of_s < desired_reduction_in_norm*norm_of_r0){BiCGStabConverged=1;break;}
#ifdef DiagonallyPrecondition //
mul_grids(domain,level,__temp,1.0,__lambda,__s); // temp[] = lambda[]*s[]
apply_op(domain,level,__As,__temp,a,b); // As = AD^{-1}(s)
#else //
apply_op(domain,level,__As,__s,a,b); // As = A(s)
#endif //
double As_dot_As = dot(domain,level,__As,__As); // As_dot_As = dot(As,As)
double As_dot_s = dot(domain,level,__As, __s); // As_dot_s = dot(As, s)
if(As_dot_As == 0.0){BiCGStabConverged=1;break;} // converged ?
double omega = As_dot_s / As_dot_As; // omega = As_dot_s / As_dot_As
if(omega == 0.0){BiCGStabFailed=1;break;} // stabilization breakdown ???
if(isinf(omega)){BiCGStabFailed=1;break;} // stabilization breakdown ???
add_grids(domain,level, x_id, 1.0,x_id, omega,__s ); // x_id[] = x_id[] + omega*s[]
add_grids(domain,level,__r , 1.0,__s ,-omega,__As ); // r[] = s[] - omega*As[] (recursively computed / updated residual)
double norm_of_r = norm(domain,level,__r); // norm of recursively computed residual (good enough??)
if(norm_of_r == 0.0){BiCGStabConverged=1;break;} //
if(norm_of_r < desired_reduction_in_norm*norm_of_r0){BiCGStabConverged=1;break;}
#ifdef __DEBUG //
residual(domain,level,__temp,x_id,R_id,a,b); //
double norm_of_residual = norm(domain,level,__temp); //
if(domain->rank==0)printf("j=%8d, norm=%12.6e, norm_inital=%12.6e, reduction=%e\n",j,norm_of_residual,norm_of_r0,norm_of_residual/norm_of_r0); //
#endif //
double r_dot_r0_new = dot(domain,level,__r,__r0); // r_dot_r0_new = dot(r,r0)
if(r_dot_r0_new == 0.0){BiCGStabFailed=1;break;} // Lanczos breakdown ???
double beta = (r_dot_r0_new/r_dot_r0) * (alpha/omega); // beta = (r_dot_r0_new/r_dot_r0) * (alpha/omega)
if(isinf(beta)){BiCGStabFailed=1;break;} // ???
add_grids(domain,level,__temp,1.0,__p,-omega,__Ap ); // __temp = (p[]-omega*Ap[])
add_grids(domain,level,__p ,1.0,__r, beta,__temp); // p[] = r[] + beta*(p[]-omega*Ap[])
r_dot_r0 = r_dot_r0_new; // r_dot_r0 = r_dot_r0_new (save old r_dot_r0)
} // }
#ifdef DiagonallyPrecondition //
mul_grids(domain,level,x_id,1.0,__lambda,x_id); // x_id[] = lambda[]*x_id[] // i.e. x = D^{-1}x'
#endif //
void CACG(domain_type * domain, int level, int e_id, int R_id, double a, double b, double desired_reduction_in_norm){
// based on Lauren Goodfriend, Yinghui Huang, and David Thorman's derivation in their Spring 2013 CS267 Report
double temp1[2*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1]; //
double temp2[2*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1]; //
double temp3[2*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1]; //
double aj[2*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1]; //
double cj[2*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1]; //
double ej[2*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1]; //
double Tpaj[2*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1]; //
double Tp[2*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1][2*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1]; // T' indexed as [row][col]
double G[2*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1][2*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1]; // extracted from first 2*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1 columns of Gg[][]. indexed as [row][col]
double Gbuf[(2*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1)*(2*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1)]; // buffer to hold the Gram-like matrix produced by matmul(). indexed as [row*(2*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1) + col]
int PR[2*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1]; // grid_id's of the concatenation of the S+1 matrix powers of P, and the S matrix powers of R
int *P = PR+ 0; // grid_id's of the S+1 Matrix Powers of P. P[i] is the grid_id of A^i(p)
int *R = PR+__CA_KRYLOV_S+1; // grid_id's of the S Matrix Powers of R. R[i] is the grid_id of A^i(r)
int mMax=200;
int m=0,n;
int i,j,k;
int CGFailed = 0;
int CGConverged = 0;
double aj_dot_GTpaj,cj_dot_Gcj,alpha,cj_dot_Gcj_new,beta,L2_norm_of_r0,L2_norm_of_residual,delta;
residual(domain,level,__r0,e_id,R_id,a,b); // r0[] = R_id[] - A(e_id)
scale_grid(domain,level,__r,1.0,__r0); // r[] = r0[]
scale_grid(domain,level,__p,1.0,__r0); // p[] = r0[]
double norm_of_r0 = norm(domain,level,__r0); // the norm of the initial residual...
if(norm_of_r0 == 0.0){CGConverged=1;} // entered CG with exact solution
delta = dot(domain,level,__r,__r0); // delta = dot(r,r0)
if(delta==0.0){CGConverged=1;} // entered CG with exact solution (square of L2 norm of __r)
L2_norm_of_r0 = sqrt(delta); //
// initialize Tp[][] ...
for(i=0;i<2*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1;i++)for(j=0;j<2*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1;j++) Tp[i][j]=0; // zero Tp
for(i= 0;i< __CA_KRYLOV_S ;i++){ Tp[i+1][i]=1;} // monomial basis
for(i=__CA_KRYLOV_S+1;i<2*__CA_KRYLOV_S ;i++){ Tp[i+1][i]=1;} //
for(i=0;i<2*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1;i++){PR[i] = __PRrt+i;} // columns of PR map to the consecutive spare grids allocated for the bottom solver starting at __PRrt
while( (m<mMax) && (!CGFailed) && (!CGConverged) ){ // while(not done){
__zero( aj,2*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1);
__zero( cj,2*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1);
__zero( ej,2*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1);
__zero( Tpaj,2*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1);
// Using the monomial basis, compute s+1 matrix powers on p[] and s matrix powers on r[] one power at a time
// (conventional approach applicable to CHOMBO and BoxLib)
scale_grid(domain,level,P[0],1.0,__p); // P[0] = A^0p = __p
for(n=1;n<__CA_KRYLOV_S+1;n++){ // naive way of calculating the monomial basis.
apply_op(domain,level,P[n],P[n-1],a,b); // P[n] = A(P[n-1]) = A^(n)p
scale_grid(domain,level,R[0],1.0,__r); // R[0] = A^0r = __r
for(n=1;n<__CA_KRYLOV_S;n++){ // naive way of calculating the monomial basis.
apply_op(domain,level,R[n],R[n-1],a,b); // R[n] = A(R[n-1]) = A^(n)r
// form G[][] and g[]
domain->CAKrylov_formations_of_G++; // Record the number of times CACG formed G[][]
matmul_grids(domain,level,Gbuf,PR,PR,2*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1,2*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1,1); // Compute Gbuf[][] = [P,R]^T * [P,R] (Matmul with grids but only one MPI_AllReduce)
for(i=0,k=0;i<2*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1;i++){ // extract G[][] from Gbuf[]
for(j=0 ;j<2*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1;j++){G[i][j] = Gbuf[k++];} // first 2*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1 elements in each row go to G[][].
for(i=0;i<2*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1;i++)aj[i]=0.0;aj[ 0]=1.0; // initialized based on (???)
for(i=0;i<2*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1;i++)cj[i]=0.0;cj[__CA_KRYLOV_S+1]=1.0; // initialized based on (???)
for(i=0;i<2*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1;i++)ej[i]=0.0; // initialized based on (???)
for(n=0;n<__CA_KRYLOV_S;n++){ // for(n=0;n<__CA_KRYLOV_S;n++){
domain->Krylov_iterations++; // record number of inner-loop (j) iterations for comparison
__gemv( Tpaj,1.0,Tp, aj,0.0, Tpaj,2*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1,2*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1); // T'aj
__gemv(temp1,1.0, G,Tpaj,0.0,temp1,2*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1,2*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1); // temp1[] = GT'aj
__gemv(temp2,1.0, G, cj,0.0,temp2,2*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1,2*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1); // temp2[] = Gcj
aj_dot_GTpaj = __dot(aj,temp1,2*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1); // (aj,GT'aj)
cj_dot_Gcj = __dot(cj,temp2,2*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1); // (cj, Gcj)
// FIX, can cj_dot_Gcj ever be zero ?
if(aj_dot_GTpaj == 0.0){ // pivot breakdown ???
CGFailed=1;break; //
} //
alpha = cj_dot_Gcj / aj_dot_GTpaj; // alpha = (cj,Gcj) / (aj,GT'aj)
if(isinf(alpha)){ // alpha = big/tiny(overflow) = inf -> breakdown
CGFailed=1;break; //
} //
__axpy( ej,1.0,ej, alpha, aj,2*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1); // ej[] = ej[] + alpha*aj[]
__axpy( cj,1.0,cj, -alpha, Tpaj,2*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1); // cj[] = cj[] - alpha*T'*aj[]
__gemv(temp2,1.0, G, cj,0.0,temp2,2*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1,2*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1); // temp2[] = Gcj
cj_dot_Gcj_new = __dot(cj,temp2,2*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1); // (cj, Gcj)
// calculate the norm of the incremental residual (Saad's vector 'r') to check intra s-step convergence... == cj_dot_Gcj_new??
L2_norm_of_residual = 0.0;if(cj_dot_Gcj_new>0)L2_norm_of_residual=sqrt(cj_dot_Gcj_new); // finite precision can lead to the norm^2 being < 0 (Demmel says flush to 0.0)
if(L2_norm_of_residual < desired_reduction_in_norm*L2_norm_of_r0){CGConverged=1;break;} // terminate the inner n-loop
if(cj_dot_Gcj_new == 0.0){ // Lanczos breakdown ???
CGFailed=1;break; //
} //
beta = cj_dot_Gcj_new / cj_dot_Gcj; //
if(isinf(beta)){CGFailed=1;break;} // beta = inf?
if(beta == 0.0){CGFailed=1;break;} // beta = 0? can't make further progress(?)
__axpy( aj,1.0,cj, beta, aj,2*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1); // cj[] = cj[] + beta*aj[]
} // inner n (j) loop
// update iterates...
for(i=0;i<2*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1;i++){add_grids(domain,level,e_id,1.0,e_id,ej[i],PR[i]);} // e_id[] = [P,R]ej + e_id[]
if(!CGFailed && !CGConverged){ // if we're done, then there is no point in updating these
add_grids(domain,level, __p,0.0, __p,aj[0],PR[0]); // p[] = [P,R]aj
for(i=1;i<2*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1;i++){add_grids(domain,level, __p,1.0, __p,aj[i],PR[i]);} // ...
add_grids(domain,level, __r,0.0, __r,cj[0],PR[0]); // r[] = [P,R]cj
for(i=1;i<2*__CA_KRYLOV_S+1;i++){add_grids(domain,level, __r,1.0, __r,cj[i],PR[i]);} // ...
m+=__CA_KRYLOV_S; // m+=__CA_KRYLOV_S;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
} // } // outer m loop
void CG(domain_type * domain, int level, int x_id, int R_id, double a, double b, double desired_reduction_in_norm){
// Algorithm 6.18 in Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear Systems(Yousef Saad)
int jMax=200;
int j=0;
int CGFailed = 0;
int CGConverged = 0;
residual(domain,level,__r0,x_id,R_id,a,b); // r0[] = R_id[] - A(x_id)
scale_grid(domain,level,__r,1.0,__r0); // r[] = r0[]
scale_grid(domain,level,__p,1.0,__r0); // p[] = r0[]
double norm_of_r0 = norm(domain,level,__r); // the norm of the initial residual...
if(norm_of_r0 == 0.0){CGConverged=1;} // entered CG with exact solution
double r_dot_r = dot(domain,level,__r,__r); // r_dot_r = dot(r,r)
while( (j<jMax) && (!CGFailed) && (!CGConverged) ){ // while(not done){
j++;domain->Krylov_iterations++; //
apply_op(domain,level,__Ap,__p,a,b); // Ap = A(p)
double Ap_dot_p = dot(domain,level,__Ap,__p); // Ap_dot_p = dot(Ap,p)
if(Ap_dot_p == 0.0){CGFailed=1;break;} // pivot breakdown ???
double alpha = r_dot_r / Ap_dot_p; // alpha = r_dot_r / Ap_dot_p
if(isinf(alpha)){CGFailed=1;break;} // ???
add_grids(domain,level,x_id,1.0,x_id, alpha,__p ); // x_id[] = x_id[] + alpha*p[]
add_grids(domain,level,__r ,1.0,__r ,-alpha,__Ap); // r[] = r[] - alpha*Ap[] (intermediate residual?)
double norm_of_r = norm(domain,level,__r); // norm of intermediate residual
if(norm_of_r == 0.0){CGConverged=1;break;} //
if(norm_of_r < desired_reduction_in_norm*norm_of_r0){CGConverged=1;break;} //
double r_dot_r_new = dot(domain,level,__r,__r); // r_dot_r_new = dot(r_{j+1},r_{j+1})
if(r_dot_r_new == 0.0){CGFailed=1;break;} // Lanczos breakdown ???
double beta = (r_dot_r_new/r_dot_r); // beta = (r_dot_r_new/r_dot_r)
if(isinf(beta)){CGFailed=1;break;} // ???
add_grids(domain,level,__p,1.0,__r,beta,__p ); // p[] = r[] + beta*p[]
r_dot_r = r_dot_r_new; // r_dot_r = r_dot_r_new (save old r_dot_r)
} // }
void IterativeSolver(domain_type * domain, int level, int e_id, int R_id, double a, double b, double desired_reduction_in_norm){
// code presumes e_id was an externally initialized with the initial guess
#warning Using BiCGStab bottom solver...
#elif __USE_CG
#warning Using CG bottom solver...
#warning Using Communication-Avoiding BiCGStab bottom solver...
// CABiCGStab(domain,level,e_id,R_id,a,b,desired_reduction_in_norm);
#elif __USE_CACG
#warning Using Communication-Avoiding CG bottom solver...
#else // just multiple smooth()'s
#warning Defaulting to simple bottom solver with fixed number of smooths...
int s,numSmoothsBottom=48;
int IterativeSolver_NumGrids(){
// additionally number of grids required by an iterative solver...
return(6); // BiCGStab requires additional grids r0,r,p,s,Ap,As
#elif __USE_CG
return(6); // CG requires extra grids r0,r,p,Ap
return(4+4*__CA_KRYLOV_S); // CABiCGStab requires additional grids rt,p,r,P[2s+1],R[2s].
#elif __USE_CACG
return(4+2*__CA_KRYLOV_S); // CACG requires additional grids r0,p,r,P[s+1],R[s].
return(0); // simply doing multiple smooths requires no extra grids