blob: 3d702af0b3b5b88e3feb3789bc218ca033af092a [file] [log] [blame]
// Samuel Williams
// Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
// Helmholtz ~ Laplacian() = a*alpha*Identity - b*Divergence*beta*Gradient
#ifndef DEFINES_H
#define DEFINES_H
#define __u 0 // = what we're eventually solving for (u), cell centered
#define __f 1 // = original right-hand side (Au=f), cell centered
#define __alpha 2 // cell centered constant
#define __beta 3 // cell centered constant
#define __lambda 4 // cell centered constant (inverse of the diagonal)
#define __beta_i 5 // face constant (n.b. element 0 is the left face of the ghost zone element)
#define __beta_j 6 // face constant (n.b. element 0 is the back face of the ghost zone element)
#define __beta_k 7 // face constant (n.b. element 0 is the bottom face of the ghost zone element)
#define __ee 8 // = used for correction (ee) in residual correction form, cell centered
#define __f_minus_Av 9 // = used for initial right-hand side (f-Av) in residual correction form, cell centered
#define __temp 10 // = used for unrestricted residual (r), cell centered
#define __u_exact 11
#define __NumGrids 12 // total number of grids and the starting location for bottom solver grids
// FIX, these should be adhoc allocated starting with __NumGrids
// For CG bottom solver
#define __r 13
#define __p 14
#define __Ap 16
// For BiCGStab bottom solver
#define __r0 12
#define __r 13
#define __p 14
#define __s 15
#define __Ap 16
#define __As 17
// For CABiCGStab bottom solver
#define __rt 12
#define __r 13
#define __p 14
#define __PRrt 15 // starting location for the 2S+1 extra p[]'s, 2S extra r[]'s, and rt
// For CACG bottom solver
#define __r0 12
#define __r 13
#define __p 14
#define __PRrt 15 // starting location for the S+1 extra p[]'s, S extra r[]'s, and rt