blob: f9d64b14e765ef7638cda2627d53df390bc5b2c0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Samuel Williams
// Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
#ifndef BOX_H
#define BOX_H
typedef struct {
double h; // h at this level (==hLevel == h0 * (double)(1<<level) )
struct {int i, j, k;}low; // global coordinates of the first (non-ghost) element of subdomain
struct {int i, j, k;}dim; // dimensions of this box's core (not counting ghost zone)
struct {int i, j, k;}dim_with_ghosts; // dimensions of this box's core (not counting ghost zone)
int ghosts; // ghost zone depth
int pencil,plane,volume; // useful for offsets
int numGrids;
int boundaryCondition[27]; // = boundary conditions in each of the 26 different dirrections (ignoring direction 13)
//int bufsizes[27]; // = sizes of extracted surfaces and ghost zones (pointer to array of 27 elements)
//double * __restrict__ surface_bufs[27]; // = extracted surface (rhs on the way down, correction on the way up)
//double * __restrict__ ghost_bufs[27]; // = incoming ghost zone (rhs on the way down, correction on the way up)
double ** __restrict__ grids; // grids[g] = pointer to grid for component g
uint64_t * __restrict__ RedBlack_64bMask; // Red/Black Mask (i.e. 0x0000000000000000ull or 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFull) within one plane (dim_with_ghosts^2)
double * __restrict__ RedBlack_FP[2]; // Red/Black Mask (i.e. 0.0 or 1.0) for even/odd planes (dim_with_ghosts^2). used to zero out changes to phi... x = x + RedBlack[][]*Dinv*(rhs-Ax);
uint8_t * __restrict__ RedBlack_4bMask; // Red/Black 4bit bit mask (i.e. 4 elements = 0000b ... 1111b ) for the whole volume. Ideally, you can convert a 4b mask into a 256b (4x64b) bitmask for AVX/QPX operations
} box_type;
void destroy_box(box_type *box);
int create_box(box_type *box, int numGrids, int low_i, int low_j, int low_k, int dim_i, int dim_j, int dim_k, int ghosts);