blob: 1cf3e73da1f63d07a3956e3e8f19ab21c3b4c0e6 [file] [log] [blame]
// ************************************************************************
// miniAMR: stencil computations with boundary exchange and AMR.
// Copyright (2014) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
// DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government
// retains certain rights in this software.
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// Questions? Contact Courtenay T. Vaughan (
// Richard F. Barrett (
// ************************************************************************
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "block.h"
#include "proto.h"
// This routine moves the objects that determine the refinement and checks
// the blocks against those objects to determine which blocks will refine.
void move(void)
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < num_objects; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
objects[i].cen[j] += objects[i].move[j];
if (objects[i].bounce)
if (objects[i].cen[j] >= 1.0) {
objects[i].cen[j] = 2.0 - objects[i].cen[j];
objects[i].move[j] = -objects[i].move[j];
} else if (objects[i].cen[j] <= 0.0) {
objects[i].cen[j] = 0.0 - objects[i].cen[j];
objects[i].move[j] = -objects[i].move[j];
objects[i].size[j] += objects[i].inc[j];
void check_objects(void)
int n, sz, in, c;
double cor[3][2]; /* extent of block */
block *bp;
parent *pp;
/* only need to check corners to refine
* * if boundary is in block refine if not level max_level block.refine = 1
* * else if not level 0 then block.refine = -1 (unrefine)
* * types of objects: spheroid, solid spheroid, rectangle, solid rectangle,
* * hemispheroid, and solid hemispheroid (in six orientations),
* * cylinder, solid cylinder (in three directions)
* * (later) diamond, solid diamond */
for (in = 0; in < sorted_index[num_refine+1]; in++) {
n = sorted_list[in].n;
if ((bp = &blocks[n])->number >= 0) {
sz = p2[num_refine - bp->level]; /* half size of block */
cor[0][0] = ((double) (bp->cen[0] - sz))/((double) mesh_size[0]);
cor[0][1] = ((double) (bp->cen[0] + sz))/((double) mesh_size[0]);
cor[1][0] = ((double) (bp->cen[1] - sz))/((double) mesh_size[1]);
cor[1][1] = ((double) (bp->cen[1] + sz))/((double) mesh_size[1]);
cor[2][0] = ((double) (bp->cen[2] - sz))/((double) mesh_size[2]);
cor[2][1] = ((double) (bp->cen[2] + sz))/((double) mesh_size[2]);
if (refine_ghost) {
cor[0][0] -= 2.0*(((double) sz)/((double) x_block_size))/
((double) mesh_size[0]);
cor[0][1] += 2.0*(((double) sz)/((double) x_block_size))/
((double) mesh_size[0]);
cor[1][0] -= 2.0*(((double) sz)/((double) y_block_size))/
((double) mesh_size[1]);
cor[1][1] += 2.0*(((double) sz)/((double) y_block_size))/
((double) mesh_size[1]);
cor[2][0] -= 2.0*(((double) sz)/((double) z_block_size))/
((double) mesh_size[2]);
cor[2][1] += 2.0*(((double) sz)/((double) z_block_size))/
((double) mesh_size[2]);
if (check_block(cor))
bp->refine = 1;
else if (refine_ghost && bp->level) {
/* check if this block would unrefine, but its parent would then
* refine. Then leave it alone */
sz = p2[num_refine - bp->level + 1]; /* half size of parent */
cor[0][0] -= (((double) sz)/((double) x_block_size))/
((double) mesh_size[0]);
cor[0][1] += (((double) sz)/((double) x_block_size))/
((double) mesh_size[0]);
cor[1][0] -= (((double) sz)/((double) y_block_size))/
((double) mesh_size[1]);
cor[1][1] += (((double) sz)/((double) y_block_size))/
((double) mesh_size[1]);
cor[2][0] -= (((double) sz)/((double) z_block_size))/
((double) mesh_size[2]);
cor[2][1] += (((double) sz)/((double) z_block_size))/
((double) mesh_size[2]);
if (check_block(cor))
bp->refine = 0;
/* if at max refinement, then can not refine */
if ((bp->level == num_refine && bp->refine == 1) || !bp->refine) {
bp->refine = 0;
if (bp->parent != -1 && bp->parent_node == my_pe) {
pp = &parents[bp->parent];
pp->refine = 0;
for (c = 0; c < 8; c++)
if (pp->child_node[c] == my_pe && pp->child[c] >= 0)
if (blocks[pp->child[c]].refine == -1)
blocks[pp->child[c]].refine = 0;
/* if 0 level, we can not unrefine */
if (!bp->level && bp->refine == -1)
bp->refine = 0;
int check_block(double cor[3][2])
int o, tmp, ca, c1, c2, intersect,
xc, xv, yc, yv, zc, zv; /* where is center of object to block */
object *op;
intersect = 0;
for (o = 0; o < num_objects; o++) {
op = &objects[o];
if (intersect > 0 ||
op->size[0] < 0.0 || op->size[1] < 0.0 || op->size[2] < 0)
/* skip since already determined that it will be refined or
* can not be or object has size less than zero */
else if (op->type == 0) { /* surface of rectangle */
if (cor[0][1] > (op->cen[0] - op->size[0]) &&
cor[0][0] < (op->cen[0] + op->size[0])) {
/* some portion of block intersects with rectangle in x
* 4 cases - the two that straddle can be treated the same
* and the two that do not can also be treated the same */
if ((cor[0][0] < (op->cen[0] - op->size[0]) &&
cor[0][1] < (op->cen[0] + op->size[0])) ||
(cor[0][0] > (op->cen[0] - op->size[0]) &&
cor[0][1] > (op->cen[0] + op->size[0]))) {
/* one of rectangle boundary between block sides */
if (cor[1][1] > (op->cen[1] - op->size[1]) &&
cor[1][0] < (op->cen[1] + op->size[1]) &&
cor[2][1] > (op->cen[2] - op->size[2]) &&
cor[2][0] < (op->cen[2] + op->size[2]))
/* some portion of block intersects rectangle in y,z */
intersect = 1;
} else {
/* rectangle in block (or vice-versa) in x */
if (cor[1][1] > (op->cen[1] - op->size[1]) &&
cor[1][0] < (op->cen[1] + op->size[1])) {
/* some portion of block intersects rectangle in y */
if ((cor[1][0] < (op->cen[1] - op->size[1]) &&
cor[1][1] < (op->cen[1] + op->size[1])) ||
(cor[1][0] > (op->cen[1] - op->size[1]) &&
cor[1][1] > (op->cen[1] + op->size[1])))
if (cor[2][1] > (op->cen[2] - op->size[2]) &&
cor[2][0] < (op->cen[2] + op->size[2]))
/* portion of block intersects rectangle in z */
intersect = 1;
} else {
/* rectangle in block (or vice-versa) in x and y */
if (cor[2][1] > (op->cen[2] - op->size[2]) &&
cor[2][0] < (op->cen[2] + op->size[2])) {
if ((cor[2][0] < (op->cen[2] - op->size[2]) &&
cor[2][1] < (op->cen[2] + op->size[2])) ||
(cor[2][0] > (op->cen[2] - op->size[2]) &&
cor[2][1] > (op->cen[2] + op->size[2])))
/* portion of block intersects rectangle in z */
intersect = 1;
} /* else case need not be considered */
} else if (op->type == 1) { /* solid rectangle */
if (cor[0][1] > (op->cen[0] - op->size[0]) &&
cor[0][0] < (op->cen[0] + op->size[0]) &&
cor[1][1] > (op->cen[1] - op->size[1]) &&
cor[1][0] < (op->cen[1] + op->size[1]) &&
cor[2][1] > (op->cen[2] - op->size[2]) &&
cor[2][0] < (op->cen[2] + op->size[2]))
intersect = 1;
} else if (op->type >= 2 && op->type <= 14 && !(op->type%2)) {
/* boundary of spheroid or hemispheroid */
/* determine where center is and nearest and furthest
* verticies and then determine if boundary is between them
* 1 = (x/a)^2 + (y/b)^2 + (z/c)^2 is boundary */
tmp = intersect;
xc = yc = zc = 0;
if (op->cen[0] < cor[0][0])
xv = 0;
else if (op->cen[0] > cor[0][1])
xv = 1;
else {
xc = 1;
if (op->cen[0] < (cor[0][0] + cor[0][1])/2.0)
xv = 0;
xv = 1;
if (op->cen[1] < cor[1][0])
yv = 0;
else if (op->cen[1] > cor[1][1])
yv = 1;
else {
yc = 1;
if (op->cen[1] < (cor[1][0] + cor[1][1])/2.0)
yv = 0;
yv = 1;
if (op->cen[2] < cor[2][0])
zv = 0;
else if (op->cen[2] > cor[2][1])
zv = 1;
else {
zc = 1;
if (op->cen[2] < (cor[2][0] + cor[2][1])/2.0)
zv = 0;
zv = 1;
if (xc) {
if (yc) {
if (zc) { /* xc, yc, zc */
if ((((cor[0][1-xv] - op->cen[0])/op->size[0])*
((cor[0][1-xv] - op->cen[0])/op->size[0]) +
((cor[1][1-yv] - op->cen[1])/op->size[1])*
((cor[1][1-yv] - op->cen[1])/op->size[1]) +
((cor[2][1-zv] - op->cen[2])/op->size[2])*
((cor[2][1-zv] - op->cen[2])/op->size[2]))
> 1.0)
intersect = 1;
} else { /* xc, yc, !zc */
if ((fabs(cor[2][zv] - op->cen[2]) < op->size[2]) &&
((((cor[0][1-xv] - op->cen[0])/op->size[0])*
((cor[0][1-xv] - op->cen[0])/op->size[0]) +
((cor[1][1-yv] - op->cen[1])/op->size[1])*
((cor[1][1-yv] - op->cen[1])/op->size[1]) +
((cor[2][1-zv] - op->cen[2])/op->size[2])*
((cor[2][1-zv] - op->cen[2])/op->size[2])) > 1.0))
intersect = 1;
} else {
if (zc) { /* xc, !yc, zc */
if ((fabs(cor[1][yv] - op->cen[1]) < op->size[1]) &&
((((cor[0][1-xv] - op->cen[0])/op->size[0])*
((cor[0][1-xv] - op->cen[0])/op->size[0]) +
((cor[1][1-yv] - op->cen[1])/op->size[1])*
((cor[1][1-yv] - op->cen[1])/op->size[1]) +
((cor[2][1-zv] - op->cen[2])/op->size[2])*
((cor[2][1-zv] - op->cen[2])/op->size[2])) > 1.0))
intersect = 1;
} else { /* xc, !yc, !zc */
if (((((cor[1][yv] - op->cen[1])/op->size[1])*
((cor[1][yv] - op->cen[1])/op->size[1]) +
((cor[2][zv] - op->cen[2])/op->size[2])*
((cor[2][zv] - op->cen[2])/op->size[2])) < 1.0) &&
((((cor[0][1-xv] - op->cen[0])/op->size[0])*
((cor[0][1-xv] - op->cen[0])/op->size[0]) +
((cor[1][1-yv] - op->cen[1])/op->size[1])*
((cor[1][1-yv] - op->cen[1])/op->size[1]) +
((cor[2][1-zv] - op->cen[2])/op->size[2])*
((cor[2][1-zv] - op->cen[2])/op->size[2])) > 1.0))
intersect = 1;
} else {
if (yc) {
if (zc) { /* !xc, yc, zc */
if ((fabs(cor[0][xv] - op->cen[0]) < op->size[0]) &&
((((cor[0][1-xv] - op->cen[0])/op->size[0])*
((cor[0][1-xv] - op->cen[0])/op->size[0]) +
((cor[1][1-yv] - op->cen[1])/op->size[1])*
((cor[1][1-yv] - op->cen[1])/op->size[1]) +
((cor[2][1-zv] - op->cen[2])/op->size[2])*
((cor[2][1-zv] - op->cen[2])/op->size[2])) > 1.0))
intersect = 1;
} else { /* !xc, yc, !zc */
if (((((cor[0][xv] - op->cen[0])/op->size[0])*
((cor[0][xv] - op->cen[0])/op->size[0]) +
((cor[2][zv] - op->cen[2])/op->size[2])*
((cor[2][zv] - op->cen[2])/op->size[2])) < 1.0) &&
((((cor[0][1-xv] - op->cen[0])/op->size[0])*
((cor[0][1-xv] - op->cen[0])/op->size[0]) +
((cor[1][1-yv] - op->cen[1])/op->size[1])*
((cor[1][1-yv] - op->cen[1])/op->size[1]) +
((cor[2][1-zv] - op->cen[2])/op->size[2])*
((cor[2][1-zv] - op->cen[2])/op->size[2])) > 1.0))
intersect = 1;
} else {
if (zc) { /* !xc, !yc, zc */
if (((((cor[0][xv] - op->cen[0])/op->size[0])*
((cor[0][xv] - op->cen[0])/op->size[0]) +
((cor[1][yv] - op->cen[1])/op->size[1])*
((cor[1][yv] - op->cen[1])/op->size[1])) < 1.0) &&
((((cor[0][1-xv] - op->cen[0])/op->size[0])*
((cor[0][1-xv] - op->cen[0])/op->size[0]) +
((cor[1][1-yv] - op->cen[1])/op->size[1])*
((cor[1][1-yv] - op->cen[1])/op->size[1]) +
((cor[2][1-zv] - op->cen[2])/op->size[2])*
((cor[2][1-zv] - op->cen[2])/op->size[2])) > 1.0))
intersect = 1;
} else { /* !xc, !yc, !zc */
if (((((cor[0][xv] - op->cen[0])/op->size[0])*
((cor[0][xv] - op->cen[0])/op->size[0]) +
((cor[1][yv] - op->cen[1])/op->size[1])*
((cor[1][yv] - op->cen[1])/op->size[1]) +
((cor[2][zv] - op->cen[2])/op->size[2])*
((cor[2][zv] - op->cen[2])/op->size[2])) < 1.0) &&
((((cor[0][1-xv] - op->cen[0])/op->size[0])*
((cor[0][1-xv] - op->cen[0])/op->size[0]) +
((cor[1][1-yv] - op->cen[1])/op->size[1])*
((cor[1][1-yv] - op->cen[1])/op->size[1]) +
((cor[2][1-zv] - op->cen[2])/op->size[2])*
((cor[2][1-zv] - op->cen[2])/op->size[2])) > 1.0))
intersect = 1;
if (op->type != 2 && intersect) {
/* exclude halfplane of spheroid to make hemispheroid */
if (op->type == 4 && cor[0][1] < op->cen[0])
intersect = tmp;
else if (op->type == 6 && cor[0][0] > op->cen[0])
intersect = tmp;
else if (op->type == 8 && cor[1][1] < op->cen[1])
intersect = tmp;
else if (op->type == 10 && cor[1][0] > op->cen[1])
intersect = tmp;
else if (op->type == 12 && cor[2][1] < op->cen[2])
intersect = tmp;
else if (op->type == 14 && cor[2][0] > op->cen[2])
intersect = tmp;
} else if (op->type >= 3 && op->type <= 15 && op->type%2) {
/* solid spheroid or hemispheroid */
/* determine if center is in block - if so then refine,
* if not determine nearest vertix and see if that is in
* - if so refine
* 1 = (x/a)^2 + (y/b)^2 + (z/c)^2 is boundary */
tmp = intersect;
xc = yc = zc = 0;
if (op->cen[0] < cor[0][0])
xv = 0;
else if (op->cen[0] > cor[0][1])
xv = 1;
xc = 1;
if (op->cen[1] < cor[1][0])
yv = 0;
else if (op->cen[1] > cor[1][1])
yv = 1;
yc = 1;
if (op->cen[2] < cor[2][0])
zv = 0;
else if (op->cen[2] > cor[2][1])
zv = 1;
zc = 1;
if (xc) {
if (yc) {
if (zc) /* xc, yc, zc */
intersect = 1;
else { /* xc, yc, !zc */
if (fabs(cor[2][zv] - op->cen[2]) < op->size[2])
intersect = 1;
} else {
if (zc) { /* xc, !yc, zc */
if (fabs(cor[1][yv] - op->cen[1]) < op->size[1])
intersect = 1;
} else { /* xc, !yc, !zc */
if ((((cor[1][yv] - op->cen[1])/op->size[1])*
((cor[1][yv] - op->cen[1])/op->size[1]) +
((cor[2][zv] - op->cen[2])/op->size[2])*
((cor[2][zv] - op->cen[2])/op->size[2])) < 1.0)
intersect = 1;
} else {
if (yc) {
if (zc) { /* !xc, yc, zc */
if (fabs(cor[0][xv] - op->cen[0]) < op->size[0])
intersect = 1;
} else { /* !xc, yc, !zc */
if ((((cor[0][xv] - op->cen[0])/op->size[0])*
((cor[0][xv] - op->cen[0])/op->size[0]) +
((cor[2][zv] - op->cen[2])/op->size[2])*
((cor[2][zv] - op->cen[2])/op->size[2])) < 1.0)
intersect = 1;
} else {
if (zc) { /* !xc, !yc, zc */
if ((((cor[0][xv] - op->cen[0])/op->size[0])*
((cor[0][xv] - op->cen[0])/op->size[0]) +
((cor[1][yv] - op->cen[1])/op->size[1])*
((cor[1][yv] - op->cen[1])/op->size[1])) < 1.0)
intersect = 1;
} else { /* !xc, !yc, !zc */
if ((((cor[0][xv] - op->cen[0])/op->size[0])*
((cor[0][xv] - op->cen[0])/op->size[0]) +
((cor[1][yv] - op->cen[1])/op->size[1])*
((cor[1][yv] - op->cen[1])/op->size[1]) +
((cor[2][zv] - op->cen[2])/op->size[2])*
((cor[2][zv] - op->cen[2])/op->size[2])) < 1.0)
intersect = 1;
if (op->type != 3 && intersect) {
/* exclude halfplane of spheroid to make hemispheroid */
if (op->type == 5 && cor[0][1] < op->cen[0])
intersect = tmp;
else if (op->type == 7 && cor[0][0] > op->cen[0])
intersect = tmp;
else if (op->type == 9 && cor[1][1] < op->cen[1])
intersect = tmp;
else if (op->type == 11 && cor[1][0] > op->cen[1])
intersect = tmp;
else if (op->type == 13 && cor[2][1] < op->cen[2])
intersect = tmp;
else if (op->type == 15 && cor[2][0] > op->cen[2])
intersect = tmp;
} else if (op->type == 20 || op->type == 22 || op->type == 24) {
/* boundary of cylinder, ca is axis of cylinder */
if (op->type == 20) {
ca = 0;
c1 = 1;
c2 = 2;
} else if (op->type == 22) {
ca = 1;
c1 = 2;
c2 = 0;
} else {
ca = 2;
c1 = 0;
c2 = 1;
if (cor[ca][1] > (op->cen[ca] - op->size[ca]) &&
cor[ca][0] < (op->cen[ca] + op->size[ca])) {
/* some part of block between planes that define ends */
/* use y and z for directions perpendicular to axis */
yc = zc = 0;
if (op->cen[c1] < cor[c1][0])
yv = 0;
else if (op->cen[c1] > cor[c1][1])
yv = 1;
else {
yc = 1;
if (op->cen[c1] < (cor[c1][0] + cor[c1][1])/2.0)
yv = 0;
yv = 1;
if (op->cen[c2] < cor[c2][0])
zv = 0;
else if (op->cen[c2] > cor[c2][1])
zv = 1;
else {
zc = 1;
if (op->cen[c2] < (cor[c2][0] + cor[c2][1])/2.0)
zv = 0;
zv = 1;
if ((cor[0][0] < (op->cen[0] - op->size[0]) &&
cor[0][1] < (op->cen[0] + op->size[0])) ||
(cor[0][0] > (op->cen[0] - op->size[0]) &&
cor[0][1] > (op->cen[0] + op->size[0]))) {
/* block overlaps cylinder ends in aixs dir */
if (yc) {
if (zc) {
intersect = 1;
} else {
if (fabs(cor[c2][zv] - op->cen[c2]) < op->size[c2])
intersect = 1;
} else {
if (zc) {
if (fabs(cor[c1][yv] - op->cen[c1]) < op->size[c1])
intersect = 1;
} else {
if ((((cor[c1][yv] - op->cen[c1])/op->size[c1])*
((cor[c1][yv] - op->cen[c1])/op->size[c1]) +
((cor[c2][zv] - op->cen[c2])/op->size[c2])*
((cor[c2][zv] - op->cen[c2])/op->size[c2]))
< 1.0)
intersect = 1;
} else {
/* block in cylinder or cylinder in block in aixs dir */
/* in c1 c2 plane need block point in and out of circle */
if (yc) {
if (zc) {
if ((((cor[c1][1-yv] - op->cen[c1])/op->size[c1])*
((cor[c1][1-yv] - op->cen[c1])/op->size[c1]) +
((cor[c2][1-zv] - op->cen[c2])/op->size[c2])*
((cor[c2][1-zv] - op->cen[c2])/op->size[c2]))
> 1.0)
intersect = 1;
} else {
if ((fabs(cor[c2][zv]-op->cen[c2]) < op->size[c2])&&
((((cor[c1][1-yv] - op->cen[c1])/op->size[c1])*
((cor[c1][1-yv] - op->cen[c1])/op->size[c1]) +
((cor[c2][1-zv] - op->cen[c2])/op->size[c2])*
((cor[c2][1-zv] - op->cen[c2])/op->size[c2]))
> 1.0))
intersect = 1;
} else {
if (zc) {
if ((fabs(cor[c1][yv]-op->cen[c1]) < op->size[c1])&&
((((cor[c1][1-yv] - op->cen[c1])/op->size[c1])*
((cor[c1][1-yv] - op->cen[c1])/op->size[c1]) +
((cor[c2][1-zv] - op->cen[c2])/op->size[c2])*
((cor[c2][1-zv] - op->cen[c2])/op->size[c2]))
> 1.0))
intersect = 1;
} else {
if (((((cor[c1][yv] - op->cen[c1])/op->size[c1])*
((cor[c1][yv] - op->cen[c1])/op->size[c1]) +
((cor[c2][zv] - op->cen[c2])/op->size[c2])*
((cor[c2][zv] - op->cen[c2])/op->size[c2]))
< 1.0) &&
((((cor[c1][1-yv] - op->cen[c1])/op->size[c1])*
((cor[c1][1-yv] - op->cen[c1])/op->size[c1]) +
((cor[c2][1-zv] - op->cen[c2])/op->size[c2])*
((cor[c2][1-zv] - op->cen[c2])/op->size[c2]))
> 1.0))
intersect = 1;
} else if (op->type == 21 || op->type == 23 || op->type == 25) {
/* volume of cylinder, ca is axis of cylinder */
if (op->type == 21) {
ca = 0;
c1 = 1;
c2 = 2;
} else if (op->type == 23) {
ca = 1;
c1 = 2;
c2 = 0;
} else {
ca = 2;
c1 = 0;
c2 = 1;
if (cor[ca][1] > (op->cen[ca] - op->size[ca]) &&
cor[ca][0] < (op->cen[ca] + op->size[ca])) {
/* some part of block between planes that define ends */
/* use y and z for directions perpendicular to axis */
yc = zc = 0;
if (op->cen[c1] < cor[c1][0])
yv = 0;
else if (op->cen[c1] > cor[c1][1])
yv = 1;
yc = 1;
if (op->cen[c2] < cor[c2][0])
zv = 0;
else if (op->cen[c2] > cor[c2][1])
zv = 1;
zc = 1;
if (yc) {
if (zc) {
intersect = 1;
} else {
if (fabs(cor[c2][zv] - op->cen[c2]) < op->size[c2])
intersect = 1;
} else {
if (zc) {
if (fabs(cor[c1][yv] - op->cen[c1]) < op->size[c1])
intersect = 1;
} else {
if ((((cor[c1][yv] - op->cen[c1])/op->size[c1])*
((cor[c1][yv] - op->cen[c1])/op->size[c1]) +
((cor[c2][zv] - op->cen[c2])/op->size[c2])*
((cor[c2][zv] - op->cen[c2])/op->size[c2])) < 1.0)
intersect = 1;
} else {
printf("undefined object %d\n", op->type);