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LLVM Test-suite Note:
The original source is located at
Beyond this paragraph is the original README contained with the source
code. The Makefile refered to within is not utilized within the
test-suite. The test-suite builds a serial version (openmp and
mpi disabled) with its own cmake and make build system.
PathFinder graph pathway analysis mini-application
Contents of this README file:
1. PathFinder overview
2. PathFinder versions
3. Building PathFinder
4. Running PathFinder
5. PathFinder search algorithm/pseudo code
1. PathFinder overview:
PathFinder searches for "signatures" within graphs. Graphs being searched are
directed and cyclic. Many, but not all nodes within the graph have labels. Any
given node may have more than one label, and any label may be applied to more
than one node. A signature is an orderd list of labels. PathFinder searches for
paths between labels within the signature. PathFinder returns success if there
is a path from a node with the first label in the signature that passes through
nodes with each label in order, ultimately reaching a node with the last label
in the signature. Labeled nodes need not be contiguous on any given path.
At the current time, PathFinder does not do any pathway analysis (e.g. shortest
path) for discovered signatures. PathFinder simply searches until a signature is
satisfied or all pathways have been exhausted.
2. PathFinder versions:
- PathFinder_ref:
reference version: self-contained. Includes serial and OpenMP parallel
implementations. MPI is not yet supported.
3. Building PathFinder:
The standard build is to cd into the 'PathFinder_ref' directory and type 'make'.
Doing so builds an OpenMP enabled version of PathFinder (named PathFinder.x). For
serial execution, run it with the OMP_NUM_THREADS environment variable set to 1.
Alternative build targets:
* clean -- removes all .o files
* realclean -- removes all .o and .x files
* debug -- PathFinder.x+dbg - serial executable with debug information
* mpi -- currently not implemented; prints an error message
To verify execution, type 'make check' which builds a serial version, runs it
against one of the known data sets and compares the results.
4. Running PathFinder:
The simplest execution is to simply type './PathFinder.x'. This will run
PathFinder with a trivial graph (MicroTestData.adj_list in the source
directory). It will find 6 legs out of 9 searches, by doing an "exhaustive"
search on that graph.
An exhaustive search is PathFinder determining if paths exist between any pair
of labels for every label existing in the graph. Exhaustive searches are
embarrassingly parallel, and can be quite time consuming depending on the size
of the graph and number of labels. Running PathFinder exhaustively is done with
the -x switch:
PathFinder.x -x <data file>
e.g. PathFinder.x -x ../scaleData/1kx750.adj_list
To search for specific signatures, PathFinder can be run interactively or with
a configuration file. To run interactively, use the -i switch:
PathFinder.x -i <data file>
PathFinder will prompt the operator for a series of labels to define the
signature for which PathFinder will search.
Multiple data files and multiple signatures can be specified to PathFinder in a
configuration file. A python script ( exists to assist the
operator in creating a configuration file. A sample configuration file is
included in the PathFinder source directory. To run PathFinder with a config
file, use the -c switch:
PathFinder.x -c <config file>
e.g. PathFinder.x -c sampleConfig
Typing 'PathFinder -h' will print a help message describing the available
execution switches. Sample data files are provided in the 'data' and
'generatedData' directories. The python script used to generate representative
graph data is in the PathFinder_ref directory. It is named
YAML output files can be generated by using the -y switch.
Sample data sets are included in the "generatedData" and "scaleData"
subdirectories. The scaleData files are intended for performance
characterization. They are named with the convention:
For expected results, see scaleData/README
5. PathFinder search algorithm / pseudo code
PathFinder does a modified depth-first search through the graph. For each
signature, PathFinder begins searching from the set of nodes which have the
first label in the signature. From these nodes, it finds a path to any node that
is labeled with the second label in the signature. This is repeated until a path
is found to the last label in the signature. If at any point in the search a
path to a label is not found, that search fails.
Searches are done recursively. At each node, the target of each edge is checked
to see if it is labeled with the next label in the signature. If a match is
made, The search continues from the matched node and the subsequent label in the
signature. If there are no remaining labels in the signature, the search has
succeeded. If no direct edge from the current node matches, then the search
continues recursively for the current label along each edge from the current
node. If no match exists along any edge, the search fails.
Pseudo code:
For each file in config file:
Parse file into a Graph
For each signature in config file:
Store for processing
For each signature
For each Graph
Make sure the graph contains at least one node labeled with every label
in the signature
Get set of nodes with signature[0], the first label in signature
for each “Start” node
// Recursive procedure to find remaining signature. Requires
// current node, the remaining “unfound” signature legs
// a result stack of nodes to store path traversed and
// a stack of nodes visited so far to detect cycles and
// redundant searches
Create empty result stack
Create empty visited stack
success = FindRemainingSignatureFromCurrentNode ( startNode,
&signature[1], result, visited )
} // end of for each “Start” node
} // end of for each Graph
} // end of for each Signature
// Recursive procedure to find remaining signature.
// currentNode – the node whose edges *might* reach the
// next label in the signature
// signature – an array of pointers to C strings. These strings
// are the labels being matched by the nodes being
// searched. Each sequential pair of labels is a
// “leg” of the search. The last pointer is NULL to
// terminate the array.
// result – a stack of nodes containing the path currently
// traversed to reach this node
// visited – a stack of ALL nodes searched during the attempt
// to find the current label
boolean FindRemainingSignatureFromCurrentNode ( currentNode, signature, result,
visited )
If currentNode is in visited
return FALSE – we have reached a cycle or a subgraph that has
already been searched
push currentNode onto visited stack
push currentNode onto result stack
For each edge from currentNode
If edge->targetNode->label == signature[0]
If signature[1] != NULL we have more legs in the search
Create nextResult for next leg search
Create nextVisited for next leg search
success = FindRemainingSignatureFromCurrentNode
( edge->targetNode, &signature[1],
nextResult, nextVisited )
if success
result += nextResult
delete nextVisited
return TRUE, we’ve found the path
continue through edge checking
else signature[1] == NULL
push edge->targetNode onto result
return true, we’ve found the path
continue through edge checking
} // end of for each edge target compared against signature [0]
// If we’ve made it this far, none of the edges is a direct
// match to the current label, do a deeper search
For each edge from current node
success = FindRemainingSignatureFromCurrentNode ( edge->targetNode,
&signature[0], result, visited )
if success
return TRUE, we’ve found the path
continue through edge searching loop
// If we’ve made it this far, we have no path
pop currentNode off of result (but not off of visited)
return FALSE;
} // end of find remaining signature