blob: 914635d1c2d3d5bfce4884559383eb4219e0f4af [file] [log] [blame]
/// \file
/// Functions to maintain link cell structures for fast pair finding.
/// In CoMD 1.1, atoms are stored in link cells. Link cells are widely
/// used in classical MD to avoid an O(N^2) search for atoms that
/// interact. Link cells are formed by subdividing the local spatial
/// domain with a Cartesian grid where the grid spacing in each
/// direction is at least as big as he potential's cutoff distance.
/// Because atoms don't interact beyond the potential cutoff, for an
/// atom iAtom in any given link cell, we can be certain that all atoms
/// that interact with iAtom are contained in the same link cell, or one
/// of the 26 neighboring link cells.
/// CoMD chooses the link cell size (boxSize) on each axis to be the
/// shortest possible distance, longer than cutoff, such that the local
/// domain size divided by boxSize is an integer. I.e., the link cells
/// are commensurate with with the local domain size. While this does
/// not result in the smallest possible link cells, it does allow us to
/// keep a strict separation between the link cells that are entirely
/// inside the local domain and those that represent halo regions.
/// The number of local link cells in each direction is stored in
/// gridSize. Local link cells have 3D grid coordinates (ix, iy, iz)
/// where ix, iy, and iz can range from 0 to gridSize[iAxis]-1,
/// whiere iAxis is 0 for x, 1 for y and 2 for the z direction. The
/// number of local link cells is thus nLocalBoxes =
/// gridSize[0]*gridSize[1]*gridSize[2].
/// The local link cells are surrounded by one complete shell of halo
/// link cells. The halo cells provide temporary storage for halo or
/// "ghost" atoms that belong to other tasks, but whose coordinates are
/// needed locally to complete the force calculation. Halo link cells
/// have at least one coordinate with a value of either -1 or
/// gridSize[iAxis].
/// Because CoMD stores data in ordinary 1D C arrays, a mapping is
/// needed from the 3D grid coords to a 1D array index. For the local
/// cells we use the conventional mapping ix + iy*nx + iz*nx*ny. This
/// keeps all of the local cells in a contiguous region of memory
/// starting from the beginning of any relevant array and makes it easy
/// to iterate the local cells in a single loop. Halo cells are mapped
/// differently. After the local cells, the two planes of link cells
/// that are face neighbors with local cells across the -x or +x axis
/// are next. These are followed by face neighbors across the -y and +y
/// axis (including cells that are y-face neighbors with an x-plane of
/// halo cells), followed by all remaining cells in the -z and +z planes
/// of halo cells. The total number of link cells (on each rank) is
/// nTotalBoxes.
/// Data storage arrays that are used in association with link cells
/// should be allocated to store nTotalBoxes*MAXATOMS items. Data for
/// the first atom in linkCell iBox is stored at index iBox*MAXATOMS.
/// Data for subsequent atoms in the same link cell are stored
/// sequentially, and the number of atoms in link cell iBox is
/// nAtoms[iBox].
/// \see getBoxFromTuple is the 3D->1D mapping for link cell indices.
/// \see getTuple is the 1D->3D mapping
/// \param [in] cutoff The cutoff distance of the potential.
#include "linkCells.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "parallel.h"
#include "memUtils.h"
#include "decomposition.h"
#include "performanceTimers.h"
#include "CoMDTypes.h"
#define MIN(A,B) ((A) < (B) ? (A) : (B))
#define MAX(A,B) ((A) > (B) ? (A) : (B))
static void copyAtom(LinkCell* boxes, Atoms* atoms, int iAtom, int iBox, int jAtom, int jBox);
static int getBoxFromCoord(LinkCell* boxes, real_t rr[3]);
static void emptyHaloCells(LinkCell* boxes);
static void getTuple(LinkCell* boxes, int iBox, int* ixp, int* iyp, int* izp);
LinkCell* initLinkCells(const Domain* domain, real_t cutoff)
LinkCell* ll = comdMalloc(sizeof(LinkCell));
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
ll->localMin[i] = domain->localMin[i];
ll->localMax[i] = domain->localMax[i];
ll->gridSize[i] = domain->localExtent[i] / cutoff; // local number of boxes
ll->boxSize[i] = domain->localExtent[i] / ((real_t) ll->gridSize[i]);
ll->invBoxSize[i] = 1.0/ll->boxSize[i];
ll->nLocalBoxes = ll->gridSize[0] * ll->gridSize[1] * ll->gridSize[2];
ll->nHaloBoxes = 2 * ((ll->gridSize[0] + 2) *
(ll->gridSize[1] + ll->gridSize[2] + 2) +
(ll->gridSize[1] * ll->gridSize[2]));
ll->nTotalBoxes = ll->nLocalBoxes + ll->nHaloBoxes;
ll->nAtoms = comdMalloc(ll->nTotalBoxes*sizeof(int));
for (int iBox=0; iBox<ll->nTotalBoxes; ++iBox)
ll->nAtoms[iBox] = 0;
assert ( (ll->gridSize[0] >= 2) && (ll->gridSize[1] >= 2) && (ll->gridSize[2] >= 2) );
return ll;
void destroyLinkCells(LinkCell** boxes)
if (! boxes) return;
if (! *boxes) return;
*boxes = NULL;
/// \details
/// Populates the nbrBoxes array with the 27 boxes that are adjacent to
/// iBox. The count is 27 instead of 26 because iBox is included in the
/// list (as neighbor 13). Caller is responsible to alloc and free
/// nbrBoxes.
/// \return The number of nbr boxes (always 27 in this implementation).
int getNeighborBoxes(LinkCell* boxes, int iBox, int* nbrBoxes)
int ix, iy, iz;
getTuple(boxes, iBox, &ix, &iy, &iz);
int count = 0;
for (int i=ix-1; i<=ix+1; i++)
for (int j=iy-1; j<=iy+1; j++)
for (int k=iz-1; k<=iz+1; k++)
nbrBoxes[count++] = getBoxFromTuple(boxes,i,j,k);
return count;
/// \details
/// Finds the appropriate link cell for an atom based on the spatial
/// coordinates and stores data in that link cell.
/// \param [in] gid The global of the atom.
/// \param [in] iType The species index of the atom.
/// \param [in] x The x-coordinate of the atom.
/// \param [in] y The y-coordinate of the atom.
/// \param [in] z The z-coordinate of the atom.
/// \param [in] px The x-component of the atom's momentum.
/// \param [in] py The y-component of the atom's momentum.
/// \param [in] pz The z-component of the atom's momentum.
void putAtomInBox(LinkCell* boxes, Atoms* atoms,
const int gid, const int iType,
const real_t x, const real_t y, const real_t z,
const real_t px, const real_t py, const real_t pz)
real_t xyz[3] = {x,y,z};
// Find correct box.
int iBox = getBoxFromCoord(boxes, xyz);
int iOff = iBox*MAXATOMS;
iOff += boxes->nAtoms[iBox];
// assign values to array elements
if (iBox < boxes->nLocalBoxes)
atoms->gid[iOff] = gid;
atoms->iSpecies[iOff] = iType;
atoms->r[iOff][0] = x;
atoms->r[iOff][1] = y;
atoms->r[iOff][2] = z;
atoms->p[iOff][0] = px;
atoms->p[iOff][1] = py;
atoms->p[iOff][2] = pz;
/// Calculates the link cell index from the grid coords. The valid
/// coordinate range in direction ii is [-1, gridSize[ii]]. Any
/// coordinate that involves a -1 or gridSize[ii] is a halo link cell.
/// Because of the order in which the local and halo link cells are
/// stored the indices of the halo cells are special cases.
/// \see initLinkCells for an explanation of storage order.
int getBoxFromTuple(LinkCell* boxes, int ix, int iy, int iz)
int iBox = 0;
const int* gridSize = boxes->gridSize; // alias
// Halo in Z+
if (iz == gridSize[2])
iBox = boxes->nLocalBoxes + 2*gridSize[2]*gridSize[1] + 2*gridSize[2]*(gridSize[0]+2) +
(gridSize[0]+2)*(gridSize[1]+2) + (gridSize[0]+2)*(iy+1) + (ix+1);
// Halo in Z-
else if (iz == -1)
iBox = boxes->nLocalBoxes + 2*gridSize[2]*gridSize[1] + 2*gridSize[2]*(gridSize[0]+2) +
(gridSize[0]+2)*(iy+1) + (ix+1);
// Halo in Y+
else if (iy == gridSize[1])
iBox = boxes->nLocalBoxes + 2*gridSize[2]*gridSize[1] + gridSize[2]*(gridSize[0]+2) +
(gridSize[0]+2)*iz + (ix+1);
// Halo in Y-
else if (iy == -1)
iBox = boxes->nLocalBoxes + 2*gridSize[2]*gridSize[1] + iz*(gridSize[0]+2) + (ix+1);
// Halo in X+
else if (ix == gridSize[0])
iBox = boxes->nLocalBoxes + gridSize[1]*gridSize[2] + iz*gridSize[1] + iy;
// Halo in X-
else if (ix == -1)
iBox = boxes->nLocalBoxes + iz*gridSize[1] + iy;
// local link celll.
iBox = ix + gridSize[0]*iy + gridSize[0]*gridSize[1]*iz;
assert(iBox >= 0);
assert(iBox < boxes->nTotalBoxes);
return iBox;
/// Move an atom from one link cell to another.
/// \param iId [in] The index with box iBox of the atom to be moved.
/// \param iBox [in] The index of the link cell the particle is moving from.
/// \param jBox [in] The index of the link cell the particle is moving to.
void moveAtom(LinkCell* boxes, Atoms* atoms, int iId, int iBox, int jBox)
int nj = boxes->nAtoms[jBox];
copyAtom(boxes, atoms, iId, iBox, nj, jBox);
assert(boxes->nAtoms[jBox] < MAXATOMS);
int ni = boxes->nAtoms[iBox];
if (ni) copyAtom(boxes, atoms, ni, iBox, iId, iBox);
if (jBox > boxes->nLocalBoxes)
/// \details
/// This is the first step in returning data structures to a consistent
/// state after the atoms move each time step. First we discard all
/// atoms in the halo link cells. These are all atoms that are
/// currently stored on other ranks and so any information we have about
/// them is stale. Next, we move any atoms that have crossed link cell
/// boundaries into their new link cells. It is likely that some atoms
/// will be moved into halo link cells. Since we have deleted halo
/// atoms from other tasks, it is clear that any atoms that are in halo
/// cells at the end of this routine have just transitioned from local
/// to halo atoms. Such atom must be sent to other tasks by a halo
/// exchange to avoid being lost.
/// \see redistributeAtoms
void updateLinkCells(LinkCell* boxes, Atoms* atoms)
for (int iBox=0; iBox<boxes->nLocalBoxes; ++iBox)
int iOff = iBox*MAXATOMS;
int ii=0;
while (ii < boxes->nAtoms[iBox])
int jBox = getBoxFromCoord(boxes, atoms->r[iOff+ii]);
if (jBox != iBox)
moveAtom(boxes, atoms, ii, iBox, jBox);
/// \return The largest number of atoms in any link cell.
int maxOccupancy(LinkCell* boxes)
int localMax = 0;
for (int ii=0; ii<boxes->nLocalBoxes; ++ii)
localMax = MAX(localMax, boxes->nAtoms[ii]);
int globalMax;
maxIntParallel(&localMax, &globalMax, 1);
return globalMax;
/// Copy atom iAtom in link cell iBox to atom jAtom in link cell jBox.
/// Any data at jAtom, jBox is overwritten. This routine can be used to
/// re-order atoms within a link cell.
void copyAtom(LinkCell* boxes, Atoms* atoms, int iAtom, int iBox, int jAtom, int jBox)
const int iOff = MAXATOMS*iBox+iAtom;
const int jOff = MAXATOMS*jBox+jAtom;
atoms->gid[jOff] = atoms->gid[iOff];
atoms->iSpecies[jOff] = atoms->iSpecies[iOff];
memcpy(atoms->r[jOff], atoms->r[iOff], sizeof(real3));
memcpy(atoms->p[jOff], atoms->p[iOff], sizeof(real3));
memcpy(atoms->f[jOff], atoms->f[iOff], sizeof(real3));
memcpy(atoms->U+jOff, atoms->U+iOff, sizeof(real_t));
/// Get the index of the link cell that contains the specified
/// coordinate. This can be either a halo or a local link cell.
/// Because the rank ownership of an atom is strictly determined by the
/// atom's position, we need to take care that all ranks will agree which
/// rank owns an atom. The conditionals at the end of this function are
/// special care to ensure that all ranks make compatible link cell
/// assignments for atoms that are near a link cell boundaries. If no
/// ranks claim an atom in a local cell it will be lost. If multiple
/// ranks claim an atom it will be duplicated.
int getBoxFromCoord(LinkCell* boxes, real_t rr[3])
const real_t* localMin = boxes->localMin; // alias
const real_t* localMax = boxes->localMax; // alias
const int* gridSize = boxes->gridSize; // alias
int ix = (int)(floor((rr[0] - localMin[0])*boxes->invBoxSize[0]));
int iy = (int)(floor((rr[1] - localMin[1])*boxes->invBoxSize[1]));
int iz = (int)(floor((rr[2] - localMin[2])*boxes->invBoxSize[2]));
// For each axis, if we are inside the local domain, make sure we get
// a local link cell. Otherwise, make sure we get a halo link cell.
if (rr[0] < localMax[0])
if (ix == gridSize[0]) ix = gridSize[0] - 1;
ix = gridSize[0]; // assign to halo cell
if (rr[1] < localMax[1])
if (iy == gridSize[1]) iy = gridSize[1] - 1;
iy = gridSize[1];
if (rr[2] < localMax[2])
if (iz == gridSize[2]) iz = gridSize[2] - 1;
iz = gridSize[2];
return getBoxFromTuple(boxes, ix, iy, iz);
/// Set the number of atoms to zero in all halo link cells.
void emptyHaloCells(LinkCell* boxes)
for (int ii=boxes->nLocalBoxes; ii<boxes->nTotalBoxes; ++ii)
boxes->nAtoms[ii] = 0;
/// Get the grid coordinates of the link cell with index iBox. Local
/// cells are easy as they use a standard 1D->3D mapping. Halo cell are
/// special cases.
/// \see initLinkCells for information on link cell order.
/// \param [in] iBox Index to link cell for which tuple is needed.
/// \param [out] ixp x grid coord of link cell.
/// \param [out] iyp y grid coord of link cell.
/// \param [out] izp z grid coord of link cell.
void getTuple(LinkCell* boxes, int iBox, int* ixp, int* iyp, int* izp)
int ix, iy, iz;
const int* gridSize = boxes->gridSize; // alias
// If a local box
if( iBox < boxes->nLocalBoxes)
ix = iBox % gridSize[0];
iBox /= gridSize[0];
iy = iBox % gridSize[1];
iz = iBox / gridSize[1];
// It's a halo box
int ink;
ink = iBox - boxes->nLocalBoxes;
if (ink < 2*gridSize[1]*gridSize[2])
if (ink < gridSize[1]*gridSize[2])
ix = 0;
ink -= gridSize[1]*gridSize[2];
ix = gridSize[0] + 1;
iy = 1 + ink % gridSize[1];
iz = 1 + ink / gridSize[1];
else if (ink < (2 * gridSize[2] * (gridSize[1] + gridSize[0] + 2)))
ink -= 2 * gridSize[2] * gridSize[1];
if (ink < ((gridSize[0] + 2) *gridSize[2]))
iy = 0;
ink -= (gridSize[0] + 2) * gridSize[2];
iy = gridSize[1] + 1;
ix = ink % (gridSize[0] + 2);
iz = 1 + ink / (gridSize[0] + 2);
ink -= 2 * gridSize[2] * (gridSize[1] + gridSize[0] + 2);
if (ink < ((gridSize[0] + 2) * (gridSize[1] + 2)))
iz = 0;
ink -= (gridSize[0] + 2) * (gridSize[1] + 2);
iz = gridSize[2] + 1;
ix = ink % (gridSize[0] + 2);
iy = ink / (gridSize[0] + 2);
// Calculated as off by 1
*ixp = ix;
*iyp = iy;
*izp = iz;