blob: aad230c922a502c501353c07b6359dc0364729ce [file] [log] [blame]
#ifndef _driver_hpp_
#define _driver_hpp_
// ************************************************************************
// MiniFE: Simple Finite Element Assembly and Solve
// Copyright (2006-2013) Sandia Corporation
// Under terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000, there is a non-exclusive
// license for use of this work by or on behalf of the U.S. Government.
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
// USA
// ************************************************************************
#include <cstddef>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <box_utils.hpp>
#include <Vector.hpp>
#include <CSRMatrix.hpp>
#elif defined(MINIFE_ELL_MATRIX)
#include <ELLMatrix.hpp>
#include <CSRMatrix.hpp>
#include <simple_mesh_description.hpp>
#include <SparseMatrix_functions.hpp>
#include <generate_matrix_structure.hpp>
#include <assemble_FE_data.hpp>
#include <verify_solution.hpp>
#include <compute_matrix_stats.hpp>
#include <make_local_matrix.hpp>
#include <imbalance.hpp>
#include <cg_solve.hpp>
#include <time_kernels.hpp>
#include <outstream.hpp>
#include <utils.hpp>
#include <mytimer.hpp>
#include <YAML_Doc.hpp>
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
#include <mpi.h>
#define RUN_TIMED_FUNCTION(msg, fn, time_inc, time_total) \
{ \
/*if (myproc==0) { \
std::cout.width(30); \
std::cout << msg; \
std::cout.flush(); \
}*/ \
timer_type rtf_t0 = mytimer(); \
fn; \
time_inc = mytimer() - rtf_t0; \
time_total += time_inc; \
/*if (myproc==0) { \
std::cout << time_inc << "s, total time: " << time_total << std::endl; \
}*/ \
//This program assembles finite-element matrices into a global matrix and
//vector, then solves the linear-system using Conjugate Gradients.
//Each finite-element is a hexahedron with 8 vertex-nodes.
//- In finite-element terms, the box dimensions are in elements, not nodes.
// In other words, a 2x2x2 box describes 8 elements, each of which has 8 nodes,
// so it is a 3x3x3 node domain (27 nodes).
// The assembled linear system will have 1 equation for each finite element node.
//- The coordinate origin is at the corner of the global box where x=0,
// y=0, z=0, and the box extends along the positive x-axis, positive y-axis,
// and the positive z-axis.
//- Some aspects of matrix-structure generation and finite-element assembly
// are convenient to do using global node identifiers.
// A global identifier for each node is obtained from coordinates plus
// global box dimensions. See the function 'get_id' in box_utils.hpp.
//- Each node corresponds to a row in the matrix. The RCB partitioning method
// we use to split the global box among processors results in some
// processors owning non-contiguous blocks of global node identifiers.
// Since it is convenient for matrices and vectors to store contiguously-
// numbered blocks of rows, we map global node identifiers to a separate
// space of row numbers such that each processor's nodes correspond to a
// contiguous block of row numbers.
namespace miniFE {
template<typename Scalar,
typename LocalOrdinal,
typename GlobalOrdinal>
driver(const Box& global_box, Box& my_box,
Parameters& params, YAML_Doc& ydoc)
int global_nx = global_box[0][1];
int global_ny = global_box[1][1];
int global_nz = global_box[2][1];
int numprocs = 1, myproc = 0;
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &numprocs);
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myproc);
if (params.load_imbalance > 0) {
add_imbalance<GlobalOrdinal>(global_box, my_box, params.load_imbalance, ydoc);
float largest_imbalance = 0, std_dev = 0;
compute_imbalance<GlobalOrdinal>(global_box, my_box, largest_imbalance,
std_dev, ydoc, true);
//Create a representation of the mesh:
//Note that 'simple_mesh_description' is a virtual or conceptual
//mesh that doesn't actually store mesh data.
#ifdef TIME_IT
if (myproc==0) {
std::cout << "creating/filling mesh...";
timer_type t_start = mytimer();
timer_type t0 = mytimer();
simple_mesh_description<GlobalOrdinal> mesh(global_box, my_box);
timer_type mesh_fill = mytimer() - t0;
timer_type t_total = mytimer() - t_start;
#ifdef TIME_IT
if (myproc==0) {
std::cout << mesh_fill << "s, total time: " << t_total << std::endl;
//next we will generate the matrix structure.
//Declare matrix object:
#if defined(MINIFE_ELL_MATRIX)
typedef ELLMatrix<Scalar,LocalOrdinal,GlobalOrdinal> MatrixType;
typedef CSRMatrix<Scalar,LocalOrdinal,GlobalOrdinal> MatrixType;
MatrixType A;
timer_type gen_structure;
RUN_TIMED_FUNCTION("generating matrix structure...",
generate_matrix_structure(mesh, A),
gen_structure, t_total);
GlobalOrdinal local_nrows = A.rows.size();
GlobalOrdinal my_first_row = local_nrows > 0 ? A.rows[0] : -1;
Vector<Scalar,LocalOrdinal,GlobalOrdinal> b(my_first_row, local_nrows);
Vector<Scalar,LocalOrdinal,GlobalOrdinal> x(my_first_row, local_nrows);
//Assemble finite-element sub-matrices and sub-vectors into the global
//linear system:
timer_type fe_assembly;
RUN_TIMED_FUNCTION("assembling FE data...",
assemble_FE_data(mesh, A, b, params),
fe_assembly, t_total);
if (myproc == 0) {
ydoc.add("Matrix structure generation","");
ydoc.get("Matrix structure generation")->add("Mat-struc-gen Time",gen_structure);
ydoc.add("FE assembly","");
ydoc.get("FE assembly")->add("FE assembly Time",fe_assembly);
write_matrix("A_prebc.mtx", A);
write_vector("b_prebc.vec", b);
//Now apply dirichlet boundary-conditions
//(Apply the 0-valued surfaces first, then the 1-valued surface last.)
timer_type dirbc_time;
RUN_TIMED_FUNCTION("imposing Dirichlet BC...",
impose_dirichlet(0.0, A, b, global_nx+1, global_ny+1, global_nz+1, mesh.bc_rows_0), dirbc_time, t_total);
RUN_TIMED_FUNCTION("imposing Dirichlet BC...",
impose_dirichlet(1.0, A, b, global_nx+1, global_ny+1, global_nz+1, mesh.bc_rows_1), dirbc_time, t_total);
write_matrix("A.mtx", A);
write_vector("b.vec", b);
//Transform global indices to local, set up communication information:
timer_type make_local_time;
RUN_TIMED_FUNCTION("making matrix indices local...",
make_local_time, t_total);
write_matrix("A_local.mtx", A);
write_vector("b_local.vec", b);
size_t global_nnz = compute_matrix_stats(A, myproc, numprocs, ydoc);
//Prepare to perform conjugate gradient solve:
LocalOrdinal max_iters = 200;
LocalOrdinal num_iters = 0;
typedef typename TypeTraits<Scalar>::magnitude_type magnitude;
magnitude rnorm = 0;
magnitude tol = std::numeric_limits<magnitude>::epsilon();
timer_type cg_times[NUM_TIMERS];
typedef Vector<Scalar,LocalOrdinal,GlobalOrdinal> VectorType;
t_total = mytimer() - t_start;
bool matvec_with_comm_overlap = params.mv_overlap_comm_comp==1;
int verify_result = 0;
if (myproc==0) {
std::cout << "Starting kernel timing loops ..." << std::endl;
max_iters = 500;
x.coefs[0] = 0.9;
if (matvec_with_comm_overlap) {
time_kernels(A, b, x, matvec_overlap<MatrixType,VectorType>(), max_iters, rnorm, cg_times);
else {
time_kernels(A, b, x, matvec_std<MatrixType,VectorType>(), max_iters, rnorm, cg_times);
num_iters = max_iters;
std::string title("Kernel timings");
if (myproc==0) {
std::cout << "Starting CG solver ... " << std::endl;
if (matvec_with_comm_overlap) {
cg_solve(A, b, x, matvec_overlap<MatrixType,VectorType>(), max_iters, tol,
num_iters, rnorm, cg_times);
std::cout << "ERROR, matvec with overlapping comm/comp only works with CSR matrix."<<std::endl;
else {
cg_solve(A, b, x, matvec_std<MatrixType,VectorType>(), max_iters, tol,
num_iters, rnorm, cg_times);
if (myproc == 0) {
std::cout << "Final Resid Norm: " << rnorm << std::endl;
if (params.verify_solution > 0) {
double tolerance = 0.06;
bool verify_whole_domain = false;
verify_whole_domain = true;
if (myproc == 0) {
if (verify_whole_domain) std::cout << "verifying solution..." << std::endl;
else std::cout << "verifying solution at ~ (0.5, 0.5, 0.5) ..." << std::endl;
verify_result = verify_solution(mesh, x, tolerance, verify_whole_domain);
write_vector("x.vec", x);
std::string title("CG solve");
if (myproc == 0) {
ydoc.get("Global Run Parameters")->add("ScalarType",TypeTraits<Scalar>::name());
ydoc.get("Global Run Parameters")->add("GlobalOrdinalType",TypeTraits<GlobalOrdinal>::name());
ydoc.get("Global Run Parameters")->add("LocalOrdinalType",TypeTraits<LocalOrdinal>::name());
ydoc.get(title)->add("Final Resid Norm",rnorm);
GlobalOrdinal global_nrows = global_nx;
global_nrows *= global_ny*global_nz;
//flops-per-mv, flops-per-dot, flops-per-waxpy:
double mv_flops = global_nnz*2.0;
double dot_flops = global_nrows*2.0;
double waxpy_flops = global_nrows*3.0;
//if MINIFE_KERNELS == 0 then we did a CG solve, and in that case
//there were num_iters+1 matvecs, num_iters*2 dots, and num_iters*3+2 waxpys.
mv_flops *= (num_iters+1);
dot_flops *= (2*num_iters);
waxpy_flops *= (3*num_iters+2);
//if MINIFE_KERNELS then we did one of each operation per iteration.
mv_flops *= num_iters;
dot_flops *= num_iters;
waxpy_flops *= num_iters;
double total_flops = mv_flops + dot_flops + waxpy_flops;
double mv_mflops = -1;
if (cg_times[MATVEC] > 1.e-4)
mv_mflops = 1.e-6 * (mv_flops/cg_times[MATVEC]);
double dot_mflops = -1;
if (cg_times[DOT] > 1.e-4)
dot_mflops = 1.e-6 * (dot_flops/cg_times[DOT]);
double waxpy_mflops = -1;
if (cg_times[WAXPY] > 1.e-4)
waxpy_mflops = 1.e-6 * (waxpy_flops/cg_times[WAXPY]);
double total_mflops = -1;
if (cg_times[TOTAL] > 1.e-4)
total_mflops = 1.e-6 * (total_flops/cg_times[TOTAL]);
ydoc.get(title)->add("WAXPY Time",cg_times[WAXPY]);
ydoc.get(title)->add("WAXPY Flops",waxpy_flops);
if (waxpy_mflops >= 0)
ydoc.get(title)->add("WAXPY Mflops",waxpy_mflops);
ydoc.get(title)->add("WAXPY Mflops","inf");
ydoc.get(title)->add("DOT Time",cg_times[DOT]);
ydoc.get(title)->add("DOT Flops",dot_flops);
if (dot_mflops >= 0)
ydoc.get(title)->add("DOT Mflops",dot_mflops);
ydoc.get(title)->add("DOT Mflops","inf");
ydoc.get(title)->add("MATVEC Time",cg_times[MATVEC]);
ydoc.get(title)->add("MATVEC Flops",mv_flops);
if (mv_mflops >= 0)
ydoc.get(title)->add("MATVEC Mflops",mv_mflops);
ydoc.get(title)->add("MATVEC Mflops","inf");
ydoc.get(title)->add("MATVECDOT Time",cg_times[MATVECDOT]);
ydoc.get(title)->add("MATVECDOT Flops",mv_flops);
if (mv_mflops >= 0)
ydoc.get(title)->add("MATVECDOT Mflops",mv_mflops);
ydoc.get(title)->add("MATVECDOT Mflops","inf");
ydoc.get(title)->get("Total")->add("Total CG Time",cg_times[TOTAL]);
ydoc.get(title)->get("Total")->add("Total CG Flops",total_flops);
if (total_mflops >= 0)
ydoc.get(title)->get("Total")->add("Total CG Mflops",total_mflops);
ydoc.get(title)->get("Total")->add("Total CG Mflops","inf");
ydoc.get(title)->add("Time per iteration",cg_times[TOTAL]/num_iters);
return verify_result;
}//namespace miniFE