blob: cb167fb8841386a9674f68d08228799e48c4aa18 [file] [log] [blame]
// ************************************************************************
// MiniFE: Simple Finite Element Assembly and Solve
// Copyright (2006-2013) Sandia Corporation
// Under terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000, there is a non-exclusive
// license for use of this work by or on behalf of the U.S. Government.
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
// USA
// ************************************************************************
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <Box.hpp>
#include <BoxPartition.hpp>
static int box_map_local_entry( const Box& box ,
const int ghost ,
int local_x ,
int local_y ,
int local_z )
const int nx = 2 * ghost + box[0][1] - box[0][0] ;
const int ny = 2 * ghost + box[1][1] - box[1][0] ;
const int nz = 2 * ghost + box[2][1] - box[2][0] ;
int result = -1 ;
local_x += ghost ;
local_y += ghost ;
local_z += ghost ;
if ( 0 <= local_x && local_x < nx &&
0 <= local_y && local_y < ny &&
0 <= local_z && local_z < nz ) {
result = local_z * ny * nx + local_y * nx + local_x ;
return result ;
int box_map_local( const Box& box_local,
const int ghost ,
const int box_local_map[] ,
const int local_x ,
const int local_y ,
const int local_z )
int result = box_map_local_entry(box_local,ghost,local_x,local_y,local_z);
if ( 0 <= result ) {
result = box_local_map[ result ];
return result ;
/* Recursively split a box into into (up-ip) sub-boxes */
void box_partition( int ip , int up , int axis ,
const Box& box,
Box* p_box )
const int np = up - ip ;
if ( 1 == np ) {
p_box[ip][0][0] = box[0][0] ; p_box[ip][0][1] = box[0][1] ;
p_box[ip][1][0] = box[1][0] ; p_box[ip][1][1] = box[1][1] ;
p_box[ip][2][0] = box[2][0] ; p_box[ip][2][1] = box[2][1] ;
else {
const int n = box[ axis ][1] - box[ axis ][0] ;
const int np_low = np / 2 ; /* Rounded down */
const int np_upp = np - np_low ;
const int n_upp = (int) (((double) n) * ( ((double)np_upp) / ((double)np)));
const int n_low = n - n_upp ;
const int next_axis = ( axis + 2 ) % 3 ;
if ( np_low ) { /* P = [ip,ip+np_low) */
Box dbox ;
dbox[0][0] = box[0][0] ; dbox[0][1] = box[0][1] ;
dbox[1][0] = box[1][0] ; dbox[1][1] = box[1][1] ;
dbox[2][0] = box[2][0] ; dbox[2][1] = box[2][1] ;
dbox[ axis ][1] = dbox[ axis ][0] + n_low ;
box_partition( ip, ip + np_low, next_axis, dbox, p_box );
if ( np_upp ) { /* P = [ip+np_low,ip+np_low+np_upp) */
Box dbox;
dbox[0][0] = box[0][0] ; dbox[0][1] = box[0][1] ;
dbox[1][0] = box[1][0] ; dbox[1][1] = box[1][1] ;
dbox[2][0] = box[2][0] ; dbox[2][1] = box[2][1] ;
ip += np_low ;
dbox[ axis ][0] += n_low ;
dbox[ axis ][1] = dbox[ axis ][0] + n_upp ;
box_partition( ip, ip + np_upp, next_axis, dbox, p_box );
static int box_disjoint( const Box& a , const Box& b)
return a[0][1] <= b[0][0] || b[0][1] <= a[0][0] ||
a[1][1] <= b[1][0] || b[1][1] <= a[1][0] ||
a[2][1] <= b[2][0] || b[2][1] <= a[2][0] ;
static void resize_int( int ** a , int * allocLen , int newLen )
int k = 32;
while ( k < newLen ) { k <<= 1 ; }
if ( NULL == *a )
{ *a = (int*)malloc( sizeof(int)*(*allocLen = k) ); }
else if ( *allocLen < k )
{ *a = (int*)realloc(*a , sizeof(int)*(*allocLen = k)); }
static void box_partition_maps(
const int np ,
const int my_p ,
const Box* pbox,
const int ghost ,
int ** map_local_id ,
int ** map_recv_pc ,
int ** map_send_pc ,
int ** map_send_id )
const Box& my_box = pbox[my_p] ;
const int my_ix = my_box[0][0] ;
const int my_iy = my_box[1][0] ;
const int my_iz = my_box[2][0] ;
const int my_nx = my_box[0][1] - my_box[0][0] ;
const int my_ny = my_box[1][1] - my_box[1][0] ;
const int my_nz = my_box[2][1] - my_box[2][0] ;
const int my_use_nx = 2 * ghost + my_nx ;
const int my_use_ny = 2 * ghost + my_ny ;
const int my_use_nz = 2 * ghost + my_nz ;
const int id_length = my_use_nx * my_use_ny * my_use_nz ;
int * local_id = (int *) malloc( id_length * sizeof(int) );
int * recv_pc = (int *) malloc( ( np + 1 ) * sizeof(int) );
int * send_pc = (int *) malloc( ( np + 1 ) * sizeof(int) );
int * send_id = NULL ;
int send_id_size = 0 ;
int iLocal , iSend ;
int i ;
Box my_use_box;
my_use_box[0][0] = my_box[0][0] - ghost ;
my_use_box[0][1] = my_box[0][1] + ghost ;
my_use_box[1][0] = my_box[1][0] - ghost ;
my_use_box[1][1] = my_box[1][1] + ghost ;
my_use_box[2][0] = my_box[2][0] - ghost ;
my_use_box[2][1] = my_box[2][1] + ghost ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < id_length ; ++i ) { local_id[i] = -1 ; }
iSend = 0 ;
iLocal = 0 ;
/* The vector space is partitioned by processors */
for ( i = 0 ; i < np ; ++i ) {
const int ip = ( i + my_p ) % np ;
recv_pc[i] = iLocal ;
send_pc[i] = iSend ;
if ( ! box_disjoint( my_use_box , pbox[ip] ) ) {
const int p_ix = pbox[ip][0][0] ;
const int p_iy = pbox[ip][1][0] ;
const int p_iz = pbox[ip][2][0] ;
const int p_ex = pbox[ip][0][1] ;
const int p_ey = pbox[ip][1][1] ;
const int p_ez = pbox[ip][2][1] ;
int local_x , local_y , local_z ;
/* Run the span of global cells that my processor uses */
for ( local_z = -ghost ; local_z < my_nz + ghost ; ++local_z ) {
for ( local_y = -ghost ; local_y < my_ny + ghost ; ++local_y ) {
for ( local_x = -ghost ; local_x < my_nx + ghost ; ++local_x ) {
const int global_z = local_z + my_iz ;
const int global_y = local_y + my_iy ;
const int global_x = local_x + my_ix ;
const int entry =
if ( entry < 0 ) { abort(); }
if ( p_iz <= global_z && global_z < p_ez &&
p_iy <= global_y && global_y < p_ey &&
p_ix <= global_x && global_x < p_ex ) {
/* This ordinal is owned by processor 'ip' */
local_id[ entry ] = iLocal++ ;
#if defined(DEBUG_PRINT)
if ( my_p != ip ) {
fprintf(stdout," (%d,%d,%d) : P%d recv at local %d from P%d\n",
/* If in my ownership and used by the other processor */
if ( my_p != ip &&
/* In my ownership: */
( 0 <= local_z && local_z < my_nz &&
0 <= local_y && local_y < my_ny &&
0 <= local_x && local_x < my_nx ) &&
/* In other processors usage: */
( p_iz - ghost <= global_z && global_z < p_ez + ghost &&
p_iy - ghost <= global_y && global_y < p_ey + ghost &&
p_ix - ghost <= global_x && global_x < p_ex + ghost ) ) {
resize_int( & send_id , & send_id_size , (iSend + 1) );
send_id[ iSend ] = local_id[ entry ] ;
++iSend ;
#if defined(DEBUG_PRINT)
fprintf(stdout," (%d,%d,%d) : P%d send at local %d to P%d\n",
recv_pc[np] = iLocal ;
send_pc[np] = iSend ;
*map_local_id = local_id ;
*map_recv_pc = recv_pc ;
*map_send_pc = send_pc ;
*map_send_id = send_id ;
void box_partition_rcb( const int np ,
const int my_p ,
const Box& root_box,
const int ghost ,
Box** pbox,
int ** map_local_id ,
int ** map_recv_pc ,
int ** map_send_pc ,
int ** map_send_id )
*pbox = new Box[ np ];
box_partition( 0 , np , 2 , root_box , *pbox );
box_partition_maps( np , my_p , *pbox , ghost ,
map_local_id , map_recv_pc ,
map_send_pc , map_send_id );
#ifdef UNIT_TEST
static int box_contain( const Box& a , const Box& b )
return a[0][0] <= b[0][0] && b[0][1] <= a[0][1] &&
a[1][0] <= b[1][0] && b[1][1] <= a[1][1] &&
a[2][0] <= b[2][0] && b[2][1] <= a[2][1] ;
static void box_print( FILE * fp , const Box& a )
fprintf(fp,"{ [ %d , %d ) , [ %d , %d ) , [ %d , %d ) }",
a[0][0] , a[0][1] ,
a[1][0] , a[1][1] ,
a[2][0] , a[2][1] );
static void test_box( const Box& box , const int np )
const int ncell_box = box[0][1] * box[1][1] * box[2][1] ;
int ncell_total = 0 ;
int ncell_min = ncell_box ;
int ncell_max = 0 ;
std::vector<Box> pbox(np);
int i , j ;
box_partition( 0 , np , 2 , box , &pbox[0] );
for ( i = 0 ; i < np ; ++i ) {
const int ncell = ( pbox[i][0][1] - pbox[i][0][0] ) *
( pbox[i][1][1] - pbox[i][1][0] ) *
( pbox[i][2][1] - pbox[i][2][0] );
if ( ! box_contain( box , pbox[i] ) ) {
fprintf(stdout," OUT OF BOUNDS pbox[%d/%d] = ",i,np);
for ( j = i + 1 ; j < np ; ++j ) {
if ( ! box_disjoint( pbox[i] , pbox[j] ) ) {
fprintf(stdout," NOT DISJOINT pbox[%d/%d] = ",i,np);
box_print(stdout, pbox[i]);
fprintf(stdout," pbox[%d/%d] = ",j,np);
box_print(stdout, pbox[j]);
ncell_total += ncell ;
if ( ncell_max < ncell ) { ncell_max = ncell ; }
if ( ncell < ncell_min ) { ncell_min = ncell ; }
if ( ncell_total != ncell_box ) {
fprintf(stdout," WRONG CELL COUNT NP = %d\n",np);
fprintf(stdout,"NP = %d, total = %d, avg = %d, min = %d, max = %d\n",
static void test_maps( const Box& root_box , const int np )
const int ghost = 1 ;
const int nx_global = root_box[0][1] - root_box[0][0] ;
const int ny_global = root_box[1][1] - root_box[1][0] ;
int ieq , i , j ;
std::vector<Box> pbox(np);
int **local_values ;
int **map_local_id ;
int **map_recv_pc ;
int **map_send_pc ;
int **map_send_id ;
box_partition( 0 , np , 2 , root_box , &pbox[0] );
local_values = (int **) malloc( sizeof(int*) * np );
map_local_id = (int **) malloc( sizeof(int*) * np );
map_recv_pc = (int **) malloc( sizeof(int*) * np );
map_send_pc = (int **) malloc( sizeof(int*) * np );
map_send_id = (int **) malloc( sizeof(int*) * np );
/* Set each local value to the global equation number */
for ( ieq = i = 0 ; i < np ; ++i ) {
const Box& mybox = pbox[i] ;
const int nx = mybox[0][1] - mybox[0][0] ;
const int ny = mybox[1][1] - mybox[1][0] ;
const int nz = mybox[2][1] - mybox[2][0] ;
int ix , iy , iz ;
/* Generate the partition maps for this rank */
box_partition_maps( np , i , &pbox[0] , ghost ,
& map_local_id[i] , & map_recv_pc[i] ,
& map_send_pc[i] , & map_send_id[i] );
local_values[i] = (int *) malloc( sizeof(int) * map_recv_pc[i][np] );
for ( iz = -ghost ; iz < nz + ghost ; ++iz ) {
for ( iy = -ghost ; iy < ny + ghost ; ++iy ) {
for ( ix = -ghost ; ix < nx + ghost ; ++ix ) {
const int ieq = box_map_local(mybox,ghost,map_local_id[i],ix,iy,iz);
if ( 0 <= ieq ) {
const int ix_global = ix + mybox[0][0] ;
const int iy_global = iy + mybox[1][0] ;
const int iz_global = iz + mybox[2][0] ;
if ( root_box[0][0] <= ix_global && ix_global < root_box[0][1] &&
root_box[1][0] <= iy_global && iy_global < root_box[1][1] &&
root_box[2][0] <= iz_global && iz_global < root_box[2][1] ) {
local_values[i][ ieq ] = ix_global +
iy_global * nx_global +
iz_global * nx_global * ny_global ;
else {
local_values[i][ ieq ] = -1 ;
/* Pair-wise compare the local values */
/* i == receiving processor rank */
/* ip == sending processor rank */
/* j == receiving processor data entry for message from 'ip' */
/* jp == sending processor data entry for message to 'i' */
for ( i = 0 ; i < np ; ++i ) {
for ( j = 1 ; j < np ; ++j ) {
const int ip = ( i + j ) % np ;
const int jp = ( i + np - ip ) % np ;
const int nrecv = map_recv_pc[i] [j+1] - map_recv_pc[i] [j] ;
const int nsend = map_send_pc[ip][jp+1] - map_send_pc[ip][jp] ;
int k ;
if ( nrecv != nsend ) {
fprintf(stderr,"P%d recv %d from P%d\n",i,nrecv,ip);
fprintf(stderr,"P%d send %d to P%d\n",ip,nsend,i);
for ( k = 0 ; k < nrecv ; ++k ) {
const int irecv = map_recv_pc[i][j] + k ;
const int isend = map_send_pc[ip][jp] + k ;
const int val_irecv = local_values[i][irecv] ;
const int val_isend = local_values[ip][ map_send_id[ip][isend] ] ;
if ( val_irecv != val_isend ) {
fprintf(stderr,"P%d recv[%d] = %d , from P%d\n",i,k,val_irecv,ip);
fprintf(stderr,"P%d send[%d] = %d , to P%d\n",ip,k,val_isend,i);
for ( i = 0 ; i < np ; ++i ) {
free( map_local_id[i] );
free( map_recv_pc[i] );
free( map_send_pc[i] );
free( map_send_id[i] );
free( local_values[i] );
free( map_send_id );
free( map_send_pc );
free( map_recv_pc );
free( map_local_id );
free( local_values );
int main( int argc , char * argv[] )
int np_max = 256 ;
Box box = { 0 , 64 , 0 , 64 , 0 , 64 };
int np = 0 ;
switch( argc ) {
case 3:
sscanf(argv[2],"%dx%dx%d",& box[0][1] , & box[1][1] , & box[2][1] );
if ( 0 < np ) { test_box( box , np ); }
if ( 0 < np ) { test_maps( box , np ); }
break ;
for ( np = 1 ; np <= np_max ; ++np ) {
test_box( box , np );
test_maps( box , np );
break ;
return 0 ;