blob: bb9eea1bc7b5c170beba1d48fc31bfb4122ea6db [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2015. Los Alamos National Security, LLC. This material was produced
* under U.S. Government contract DE-AC52-06NA25396 for Los Alamos National
* Laboratory (LANL), which is operated by Los Alamos National Security, LLC
* for the U.S. Department of Energy. The U.S. Government has rights to use,
* reproduce, and distribute this software. NEITHER THE GOVERNMENT NOR LOS
* to produce derivative works, such modified software should be clearly marked,
* so as not to confuse it with the version available from LANL.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
* of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
* under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
* CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
* Under this license, it is required to include a reference to this work. We
* request that each derivative work contain a reference to LANL Copyright
* Disclosure C15076/LA-CC-15-054 so that this work's impact can be roughly
* measured.
* This is LANL Copyright Disclosure C15076/LA-CC-15-054
* PowerParser is a general purpose input file parser for software applications.
* Authors: Chuck Wingate XCP-2
* Robert Robey XCP-2
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
// This class holds each word from the line.
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <deque>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#ifdef SGI
#include <cctype>
#include "Word.hh"
namespace PP
using std::string;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
//using std::isdigit;
using std::stringstream;
using std::setprecision;
using std::vector;
using std::map;
using std::deque;
using std::pair;
// ===========================================================================
// Default constructor.
// ===========================================================================
wstr = "";
// ===========================================================================
// Construct given a string.
// ===========================================================================
Word::Word(string s)
wstr = s;
// ===========================================================================
// Construct given a string. Also set the map of variables.
// ===========================================================================
Word::Word(string s, int lnum, int file_lnum, string fname,
deque<string> *lstr)
wstr = s;
line_number = lnum;
file_line_number = file_lnum;
filename = fname;
lines = lstr;
// ===========================================================================
// Construct given a double
// ===========================================================================
Word::Word(double d, int lnum, int file_lnum, string fname,
deque<string> *lstr)
stringstream ss;
ss << setprecision(15) << d;
wstr = ss.str();
type = DOUBLE;
line_number = lnum;
file_line_number = file_lnum;
filename = fname;
lines = lstr;
// ===========================================================================
// Construct given an integer.
// ===========================================================================
Word::Word(int ia, int lnum, int file_lnum, string fname,
deque<string> *lstr)
stringstream ss;
ss << ia;
wstr = ss.str();
type = DOUBLE;
line_number = lnum;
file_line_number = file_lnum;
filename = fname;
lines = lstr;
// ===========================================================================
/*! = operator. */
// ===========================================================================
Word Word::operator=(const Word &ws)
if (&ws == this) return *this;
wstr = ws.wstr;
processed = ws.processed;
type = ws.type;
negate = ws.negate;
line_number = ws.line_number;
file_line_number = ws.file_line_number;
filename = ws.filename;
lines = ws.lines;
multiplicity = ws.multiplicity;
op_level = ws.op_level;
op_type = ws.op_type;
return *this;
// ===========================================================================
/*! Copy constructor. */
// ===========================================================================
Word::Word(const Word &ws)
wstr = ws.wstr;
processed= ws.processed;
type = ws.type;
negate = ws.negate;
line_number = ws.line_number;
file_line_number = ws.file_line_number;
filename = ws.filename;
lines = ws.lines;
multiplicity = ws.multiplicity;
op_level = ws.op_level;
op_type = ws.op_type;
// ===========================================================================
// Common initialization routine called from constructors.
// ===========================================================================
void Word::init()
processed = false;
type = WUNKNOWN;
negate = false;
lines = NULL;
line_number = 0;
file_line_number = 0;
filename = "";
multiplicity = 1;
op_level = -1;
op_type = "";
// ===========================================================================
/*! Destructor */
// ===========================================================================
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
// Change the value of a word.
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
// ===========================================================================
// Set the word to a double.
// ===========================================================================
void Word::set_value(double d)
stringstream ss;
ss << setprecision(15) << d;
wstr = ss.str();
// ===========================================================================
// Set the word to a string.
// ===========================================================================
void Word::set_value(string s)
wstr = s;
// ===========================================================================
// Set the word to a string.
// Use this when you want to do set_value("lasjdf"), otherwise c++ cannot
// get which set_type to use (and it does not tell you it is having trouble).
// ===========================================================================
void Word::set_value(const char *s)
wstr = s;
// ===========================================================================
// Set the word to a boolean.
// ===========================================================================
void Word::set_value(bool b)
if (!b) wstr = "false";
if (b) wstr = "true";
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
// This section handles the type of the word, whether it is an operator,
// a function, a string, etc.
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
// ===========================================================================
/*! Set the type of word. */
// ===========================================================================
void Word::set_type()
// Make sure the type is initialized. If the word is not anything else,
// then it is a string.
type = WSTRING;
// Just for convenience.
int len = (int)wstr.size();
// First determine if the word starts and ends with quotes. If it does,
// then it is a string. We do not strip off the quote symbols at this
// point because we might be in a comment region where the quotes donot
// matter. Later after the comments are stripped out, we check for
// matching quotes and remove them.
if ((wstr[0] == '\"') || (wstr[0] == '\'') ||
(wstr[len-1] == '\"') || (wstr[len-1] == '\'')) {
type = WSTRING;
//wstr.erase(wstr.end() - 1);
// Check for a delimiter.
if (wstr == "(") { type = OPEN_PARENS; return; }
if (wstr == ")") { type = CLOSED_PARENS; return; }
if (wstr == "[") { type = OPEN_SQUARE_BRACKET; return; }
if (wstr == "]") { type = CLOSED_SQUARE_BRACKET; return; }
if (wstr == "{") { type = OPEN_BRACE; return; }
if (wstr == "}") { type = CLOSED_BRACE; return; }
// Comma is used for a couple of things.
if (wstr == ",") { type = COMMA; return; }
// Variables always begin with $. Of course, if the word is in quotes it is
// not a variable even if it does begin with $.
if (wstr[0] == '$') { type = VARIABLE; return; }
// Check for an operator.
if (wstr == "++") { type=OPERATOR; op_level=7; op_type="arithmetic"; return; }
if (wstr == "--") { type=OPERATOR; op_level=7; op_type="arithmetic"; return; }
if (wstr == "**") { type=OPERATOR; op_level=6; op_type="arithmetic"; return; }
// Do not implement the % operator, it is too much like the fortran %
// operator which is for referencing components of a fortran structure.
//if (wstr == "%") { type=OPERATOR; op_level=5; op_type="arithmetic"; return; }
if (wstr == "*") { type=OPERATOR; op_level=5; op_type="arithmetic"; return; }
if (wstr == "/") { type=OPERATOR; op_level=5; op_type="arithmetic"; return; }
if (wstr == "+") { type=OPERATOR; op_level=4; op_type="arithmetic"; return; }
if (wstr == "-") { type=OPERATOR; op_level=4; op_type="arithmetic"; return; }
if (wstr == ".gt.") { type=OPERATOR; op_level=3; op_type="relational"; return; }
if (wstr == ".ge.") { type=OPERATOR; op_level=3; op_type="relational"; return; }
if (wstr == ".lt.") { type=OPERATOR; op_level=3; op_type="relational"; return; }
if (wstr == ".le.") { type=OPERATOR; op_level=3; op_type="relational"; return; }
if (wstr == ".eq.") { type=OPERATOR; op_level=3; op_type="relational"; return; }
if (wstr == ".ne.") { type=OPERATOR; op_level=3; op_type="relational"; return; }
if (wstr == ".hggt.") { type=OPERATOR; op_level=3; op_type="relational"; return; }
if (wstr == ".hgge.") { type=OPERATOR; op_level=3; op_type="relational"; return; }
if (wstr == ".hglt.") { type=OPERATOR; op_level=3; op_type="relational"; return; }
if (wstr == ".hgle.") { type=OPERATOR; op_level=3; op_type="relational"; return; }
if (wstr == ".hgeq.") { type=OPERATOR; op_level=3; op_type="relational"; return; }
if (wstr == ".hgne.") { type=OPERATOR; op_level=3; op_type="relational"; return; }
if (wstr == ".not.") { type=OPERATOR; op_level=2; op_type="logical"; return; }
if (wstr == ".and.") { type=OPERATOR; op_level=1; op_type="logical"; return; }
if (wstr == ".or.") { type=OPERATOR; op_level=0; op_type="logical"; return; }
// Equals sign.
if (wstr == "=") { type = EQUALS; return; }
// At this point the word is either a string or a number.
// If the word begins with a + or - sign, then it is numeric.
bool start_with_pm = false;
if (wstr[0] == '+') start_with_pm = true;
if (wstr[0] == '-') start_with_pm = true;
// If the word does not begin with a + or - sign or a digit, or a
// ., or an e or a d then it is a string.
if (!start_with_pm) {
if(!isdigit(wstr[0])) {
if (wstr[0] != '.') {
if (wstr[0] != 'e') {
if (wstr[0] != 'E') {
if (wstr[0] != 'd') {
if (wstr[0] != 'D') {
type = WSTRING; return;
// Check for all digits, i.e. an integer.
bool is_number = true;
int istart = 0;
if (start_with_pm) istart = 1;
for (int i=istart; i<(int)wstr.size(); i++) {
if (!isdigit(wstr[i])) {
is_number = false;
if (is_number) { type = INTEGER; return; }
// Check for floating point.
// If there is anything in the string that is not a component of a
// floating point number, then that makes it a string.
is_number = true;
for (int i=0; i<(int)wstr.size(); i++) {
if (!isdigit(wstr[i]) && wstr[i]!='.' && wstr[i]!='e' && wstr[i]!='E' &&
wstr[i]!='d' && wstr[i]!='D' && wstr[i]!='+' && wstr[i]!='-') {
is_number = false;
//if (is_number) { type = DOUBLE; return; }
if (!is_number) { type = WSTRING; return; }
// We suspect a floating point number.
// At this point, everything in the string is a component of a floating
// point number, i.e. "+ - digit e E d D ."
type = DOUBLE;
// Check that strings that start with "e E d D" really are numbers.
// And for numbers like e+01, e-05, etc, the atof or strtod functions do not
// interpret those as numbers, therefore we insert a 1 in front of the e
// so that atof and strtod will call it a number.
if (wstr[0] == 'e' || wstr[0] == 'E' || wstr[0] == 'd' || wstr[0] == 'D') {
// Check for proper syntax after the "e E d D".
if (!check_after_e(wstr, 1, (int)wstr.size()-1)) {
type = WSTRING;
// This appears to be a number, insert the digit.
wstr.insert(0, "1");
// The string appears to be a floating point number (fpn), check syntax.
// First, find the location of the "e E d D". Check that there can be
// only one "e E d D" in the string.
int ie = -1;
for (int i=0; i<(int)wstr.size(); i++) {
if (wstr[i] == 'e' || wstr[i] == 'E' || wstr[i] == 'd' ||
wstr[i] == 'D') {
ie = i;
if (ie > -1) {
for (int i=ie+1; i<(int)wstr.size(); i++) {
if (wstr[i] == 'e' || wstr[i] == 'E' || wstr[i] == 'd' ||
wstr[i] == 'D') {
type = WSTRING;
// Check that the characters before the "e E d D" are valid. If no
// "e E d D" was found then check the entire string as if it preceeded
// an "e E d D".
int ic1 = 0;
int ic2 = (int)wstr.size() - 1;
if (ie > -1) {
ic2 = ie - 1;
if (!check_before_e(wstr, ic1, ic2)) {
type = WSTRING;
// All other cases handled, this must be a fpn (type DOUBLE).
// ===========================================================================
// The input string, s, could be a floating point number (fpn). It has been
// determined that s contains an "e E d D" located at position i2+1. Check
// everything before the "e E d D", postions i1 through i2 inclusive to
// verify that this is a fpn.
// It is also possible that an "e E d D" was not found in which case the
// entire string is checked as if it preceeded an "e E d D".
// Return false if this is a string
// true if this could be a fpn
// ===========================================================================
bool Word::check_before_e(string s, int i1, int i2)
// If there is nothing before the "e E d D" then this still could be a fpn.
int size = i2 - i1 + 1;
if (size < 1) return true;
// The first character could be "+ -", but the remaining characters
// cannot be "+ -".
int ie1 = i1;
if (s[i1] == '+' || s[i1] == '-') ie1 = i1+1;
for (int i=ie1; i<=i2; i++) {
if (s[i] == '+' || s[i] == '-') return false;
// Locate the optional "." character. There can only be one ".".
int pointdex = -1;
for (int i=ie1; i<=i2; i++) {
if (s[i] == '.') {
pointdex = i;
if (pointdex > -1) {
for (int i=pointdex+1; i<=i2; i++) {
if (s[i] == '.') return false;
// Everything before and after the point must be a digit (except
// that the very first character could be "+ -").
if (pointdex > -1) {
for (int i=ie1; i<pointdex; i++) {
if (!isdigit(s[i])) return false;
for (int i=pointdex+1; i<=i2; i++) {
if (!isdigit(s[i])) return false;
// If there is no point then everything must be digits (except
// that the very first character could be "+ -").
if (pointdex == -1) {
for (int i=ie1; i<=i2; i++) {
if (!isdigit(s[i])) return false;
// All other cases handled, this could be a fpn.
return true;
// ===========================================================================
// The input string, s, could be a floating point number (fpn). It has been
// determined that s contains an "e E d D" located at position i1-1. Check
// everything after the "e E d D", postions i1 through i2 inclusive to
// verify that this is a fpn.
// Return false if this is a string
// true if this could be a fpn
// ===========================================================================
bool Word::check_after_e(string s, int i1, int i2)
// If there is nothing after the "e E d D" then that is not a number.
int size = i2 - i1 + 1;
if (size < 1) return false;
// The character following the "e E d D" must be "+ - digit"
if (s[i1] != '+' && s[i1] != '-' && (!isdigit(s[i1])))
return false;
// Everything after the e or e+ or e- must be a digit.
int ie1 = i1;
if (s[i1] == '+' || s[i1] == '-') ie1 = i1+1;
for (int i=ie1; i<=i2; i++) {
if (!isdigit(s[i])) return false;
// All other cases handled, this could be a fpn.
return true;
// ===========================================================================
/*! Print the type of word. */
// ===========================================================================
void Word::print_type(stringstream &ss)
if (type == WUNKNOWN) ss << "unknown";
if (type == WSTRING) ss << "string";
if (type == INTEGER) ss << "integer";
if (type == DOUBLE) ss << "double";
if (type == EQUALS) ss << "=";
if (type == OPERATOR) ss << "operator";
if (type == OPEN_PARENS) ss << "(";
if (type == CLOSED_PARENS) ss << ")";
if (type == OPEN_SQUARE_BRACKET) ss << "[";
if (type == CLOSED_SQUARE_BRACKET) ss << "]";
if (type == OPEN_BRACE) ss << "{";
if (type == CLOSED_BRACE) ss << "}";
if (type == COMMA) ss << ",";
if (type == VARIABLE) ss << "variable";
// ===========================================================================
// Check to see if the word is boolean (true or false)
// ===========================================================================
bool Word::is_bool()
bool retValue = false;
// We don't want to test all possible combinations of spellings for
// "True" vs "true" vs "tRue" etc. So we create a temporary string that
// is all lower case and compare against the temporary.
// Create a copy of the string that can be modified locally.
string str( wstr );
// Force the string to all lower case.
string_to_lower( str );
// The comparison is a character-by-character over the length of the
// first string. To avoid uninitialized memory reads we convert char
// array literals to strings.
if( str == string("true") || str == string(".true.") )
retValue = true;
if ( str == string("false") || str == string(".false.") )
retValue = true;
return retValue;
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
// This section provides the methods for returning the word as double,
// int, bool, etc.
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
// ===========================================================================
// Get the word as a boolean
// ===========================================================================
bool Word::get_bool(stringstream &serr, int &ierr)
// Mark this word as having been processed.
processed = true;
bool retValue = false;
// We don't want to test all possible combinations of spellings for
// "True" vs "true" vs "tRue" etc. So we create a temporary string that
// is all lower case and compare against the temporary.
string str( wstr );
// Force the string to all lower case.
string_to_lower( str );
// The comparison is a character-by-character over the length of the
// first string. To avoid uninitialized memory reads we convert char
// array literals to strings.
if( str == string("true") || str == string(".true.") )
retValue = true;
else if ( str == string("false") || str == string(".false.") )
retValue = false;
else { // We default any other bool value to false but also warn the user.
if (lines != NULL) {
serr << endl;
serr << "*** FATAL ERROR in line " << file_line_number << ":" << endl;
serr << " " << (*lines)[line_number-1] << endl;
serr << "in file: " << filename << endl;
serr << "Values on this line should be true or false "
"(or .true. or .false.)" << endl;
serr << " (any case is fine, for example true, True, TrUe "
"are all ok)" << endl;
serr << "Instead found value: " << wstr << endl << endl;
ierr = 2;
retValue = false;
// Apply the negate flag if it is turned on.
if (negate) {
bool b = false;
if (retValue == false) b = true;
retValue = b;
return retValue;
// ===========================================================================
// Get the word as as int, error processing version.
// ===========================================================================
int Word::get_int(stringstream &serr, int &ierr)
// Mark this word as having been processed.
processed = true;
// The word must at least be a number.
if ((type != DOUBLE) && (type != INTEGER)) {
if (lines != NULL) {
serr << endl;
serr << "*** FATAL ERROR in line " << file_line_number << ":" << endl;
serr << " " << (*lines)[line_number-1] << endl;
serr << "in file: " << filename << endl;
serr << "Expected a numerical, integer value." << endl;
serr << "Instead got: " << wstr << endl << endl;
ierr = 2;
return 0;
// The word might begin with a + or - sign.
bool start_with_pm = false;
if (wstr[0] == '+') start_with_pm = true;
if (wstr[0] == '-') start_with_pm = true;
// We allow 2. or 2.0 for example as an integer, but not 2.3.
bool dot_found = false;
bool is_int = true;
int istart = 0;
if (start_with_pm) istart = 1;
for (int i=istart; i<(int)wstr.size(); i++) {
if (!isdigit(wstr[i]) && wstr[i]!='.' ) {
is_int = false;
if (wstr[i]=='.' ) {
dot_found = true;
if (dot_found && wstr[i]!='0' ) {
is_int = false;
if (!is_int) {
if (lines != NULL) {
serr << endl;
serr << "*** FATAL ERROR in line " << file_line_number << ":" << endl;
serr << " " << (*lines)[line_number-1] << endl;
serr << "in file: " << filename << endl;
serr << "Expected an integer." << endl;
serr << "For example, 2 or 3, even 2. or 2.0 is ok." << endl;
serr << "Instead got: " << wstr << endl << endl;
ierr = 2;
return 0;
// Apply the negate flag if it is turned on.
int iret = atoi(wstr.c_str() );
if (negate) iret *= -1;
return iret;
int64_t Word::get_int64_t(stringstream &serr, int &ierr)
// Mark this word as having been processed.
processed = true;
// The word must at least be a number.
if ((type != DOUBLE) && (type != INTEGER)) {
if (lines != NULL) {
serr << endl;
serr << "*** FATAL ERROR in line " << file_line_number << ":" << endl;
serr << " " << (*lines)[line_number-1] << endl;
serr << "in file: " << filename << endl;
serr << "Expected a numerical, integer value." << endl;
serr << "Instead got: " << wstr << endl << endl;
ierr = 2;
return 0;
// The word might begin with a + or - sign.
bool start_with_pm = false;
if (wstr[0] == '+') start_with_pm = true;
if (wstr[0] == '-') start_with_pm = true;
// We allow 2. or 2.0 for example as an integer, but not 2.3.
bool dot_found = false;
bool is_int = true;
int istart = 0;
if (start_with_pm) istart = 1;
for (int i=istart; i<(int)wstr.size(); i++) {
if (!isdigit(wstr[i]) && wstr[i]!='.' ) {
is_int = false;
if (wstr[i]=='.' ) {
dot_found = true;
if (dot_found && wstr[i]!='0' ) {
is_int = false;
if (!is_int) {
if (lines != NULL) {
serr << endl;
serr << "*** FATAL ERROR in line " << file_line_number << ":" << endl;
serr << " " << (*lines)[line_number-1] << endl;
serr << "in file: " << filename << endl;
serr << "Expected an integer." << endl;
serr << "For example, 2 or 3, even 2. or 2.0 is ok." << endl;
serr << "Instead got: " << wstr << endl << endl;
ierr = 2;
return 0;
std::stringstream sstr(wstr);
int64_t iret;
sstr >> iret;
// Apply the negate flag if it is turned on.
if (negate) iret *= -1;
return iret;
// ===========================================================================
// Get the word as a double, error processing version.
// ===========================================================================
double Word::get_double(stringstream &serr, int &ierr)
// Mark this word as having been processed.
processed = true;
// The word must at least be a number.
if ((type != DOUBLE) && (type != INTEGER)) {
if (lines != NULL) {
serr << endl;
serr << "*** FATAL ERROR in line " << file_line_number << ":" << endl;
serr << " " << (*lines)[line_number-1] << endl;
serr << "in file: " << filename << endl;
serr << "Expected a numerical value." << endl;
serr << "Instead got: " << wstr << endl << endl;
ierr = 2;
return 0;
// Use a temporary string that might be modified.
string s = wstr;
// We allow exponents using d and D in addition to e and E, for example
// 1.d14 or -1.38D-18. The problem with this is that atof and strtod
// do not allow d or D, therefore we have to replace d or D with e
// before sending it to atof or strtod.
if (type == DOUBLE) {
for (int i=0; i<(int)s.size(); i++) {
if (s[i] == 'd') s[i] = 'e';
if (s[i] == 'D') s[i] = 'e';
// Convert the string to a double.
double d = atof(s.c_str());
// Apply the negate flag if it is turned on.
if (negate) d *= -1.0;
return d;
// ===========================================================================
// Get the word as a single character, error processing version.
// ===========================================================================
char Word::get_single_char(stringstream &serr, int &ierr)
// To suppress compiler warnings of unused parameters
//assert(serr == serr);
assert(ierr == ierr);
// Mark this word as having been processed.
processed = true;
return wstr[0];
// ===========================================================================
// Get the word as an int, no error processing version.
// ===========================================================================
int Word::get_int()
int dummy;
return get_val( dummy );
// support uint64_t
int64_t Word::get_int64_t()
int64_t dummy;
return get_val( dummy );
// ===========================================================================
// Get the word as a float
// ===========================================================================
float Word::get_float()
float dummy;
return get_val( dummy );
// ===========================================================================
// Get the word as a double
// ===========================================================================
double Word::get_double()
double dummy;
return get_val( dummy );
// ===========================================================================
// Get the word as a Type T.
// ===========================================================================
template< class T >
T Word::get_val( T &dummyValue )
// To suppress compiler warnings of unused parameters
assert(dummyValue == dummyValue);
T retValue;
// Mark this word as having been processed.
processed = true;
// Convert the word to the requested data type.
retValue = convertFromString( retValue, wstr );
return retValue;
//! Explicit instantiation of supported template types. If more types are
//! needed those explicit versions must be listed here. We are not using
//! automatic inclusion (we would need to move the function definition into
//! the header file for that). The listed versions below are the only ones
//! that will be included in the library.
template int Word::get_val( int& );
template int64_t Word::get_val( int64_t& );
template float Word::get_val( float& );
template double Word::get_val( double& );
//template bool Word::get_val( bool& );
template string Word::get_val( string& );
// ===========================================================================
// Convert from string to return type explicitly.
// ===========================================================================
//! rtti is only used for type identification (each overloaded function must
//! have a unique signature. The return value is not part of the signature).
// Convert string to integer.
int Word::convertFromString( const int &rtti, const string &s ) const
// To suppress compiler warnings of unused parameters
assert(rtti == rtti);
int iret = atoi( s.c_str() );
if (negate) iret *= -1;
return iret;
// Convert string to int64_t.
int64_t Word::convertFromString( const int64_t &rtti, const string &s ) const
// To suppress compiler warnings of unused parameters
assert(rtti == rtti);
int64_t iret;
std::stringstream( s ) >> iret;
if (negate) iret *= -1;
return iret;
// Convert string to string (do nothing).
string Word::convertFromString( const string &rtti, const string &s ) const
// To suppress compiler warnings of unused parameters
assert(rtti == rtti);
return s;
// Convert string to float.
float Word::convertFromString( const float &rtti, const string &s ) const
// To suppress compiler warnings of unused parameters
assert(rtti == rtti);
// Use a temporary string that might be modified.
string sm = s;
// We allow exponents using d and D in addition to e and E, for example
// 1.d14 or -1.38D-18. The problem with this is that atof and strtod
// do not allow d or D, therefore we have to replace d or D with e
// before sending it to atof or strtod.
for (int i=0; i<(int)sm.size(); i++) {
if (sm[i] == 'd') sm[i] = 'e';
if (sm[i] == 'D') sm[i] = 'e';
float f = (float)atof( sm.c_str() );
if (negate) f *= -1.;
return f;
// Convert string to double.
double Word::convertFromString( const double &rtti, const string &s ) const
// To suppress compiler warnings of unused parameters
assert(rtti == rtti);
// Use a temporary string that might be modified.
string sm = s;
// We allow exponents using d and D in addition to e and E, for example
// 1.d14 or -1.38D-18. The problem with this is that atof and strtod
// do not allow d or D, therefore we have to replace d or D with e
// before sending it to atof or strtod.
for (int i=0; i<(int)sm.size(); i++) {
if (sm[i] == 'd') sm[i] = 'e';
if (sm[i] == 'D') sm[i] = 'e';
double d = atof( sm.c_str() );
if (negate) d *= -1.;
return d;
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
// Utility functions.
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
// ===========================================================================
// Return the word as a string for printing. This is usually just the word
// but if it has multiplicity, then include that in the return string.
// ===========================================================================
string Word::get_print_string(bool enc_quotes)
bool equotes = true;
if (!enc_quotes) equotes = false;
if (wstr == "true") equotes = false;
if (wstr == "false") equotes = false;
string sq = "";
if (equotes) {
if (type == WSTRING) sq = "\"";
sq += wstr;
if (type == WSTRING) sq += "\"";
else {
sq = wstr;
if (multiplicity <= 1) return sq;
stringstream ss;
ss << multiplicity;
string s = "";
s = ss.str() + "*" + sq;
return s;
// ===========================================================================
// If a word starts or ends with quotes, make sure the quotes match, if not
// generate a fatal error, and then strip off the quotes.
// ===========================================================================
void Word::handle_quotes(stringstream &serr, int &ierr)
// Just for convenience.
int len = (int)wstr.size();
// Check for matching quotes, generate a fatal error if they do not match.
bool ferr = false;
if ((wstr[0] == '\"') && (wstr[len-1] != '\"')) ferr = true;
if ((wstr[0] == '\'') && (wstr[len-1] != '\'')) ferr = true;
if ((wstr[len-1] == '\"') && (wstr[0] != '\"')) ferr = true;
if ((wstr[len-1] == '\'') && (wstr[0] != '\'')) ferr = true;
if (ferr) {
fatal_error(serr, ierr);
serr << "Quotes mismatch found." << endl;
serr << "A starting quotes must have a closing quotes." << endl;
serr << "Double quotes, \", must be matched with double quotes."
<< endl;
serr << "Single quotes, \', must be matched with single quotes."
<< endl;
ierr = 2;
// Determine if the word starts and ends with quotes. If it does,
// then we strip off the quote symbols.
if (((wstr[0] == '\"') || (wstr[0] == '\'')) &&
((wstr[len-1] == '\"') || (wstr[len-1] == '\''))) {
wstr.erase(wstr.end() - 1);
// ===========================================================================
// Erase a single character from the word, ic is the index of the character
// to be erased (starting from 0).
// ===========================================================================
void Word::erase_char(int ic)
if (ic >= (int)wstr.size()) return;
wstr.erase(wstr.begin() + ic);
// ===========================================================================
// Fatal error
// ===========================================================================
void Word::fatal_error(stringstream &serr, int &ierr)
// To suppress compiler warnings of unused parameters
assert(ierr == ierr);
serr << endl;
serr << "*** FATAL ERROR in line " << file_line_number << ":" << endl;
serr << " " << (*lines)[line_number-1] << endl;
serr << "in file: " << filename << endl;
void Word::warning(stringstream &serr, int &ierr)
// To suppress compiler warnings of unused parameters
assert(ierr == ierr);
serr << endl;
serr << "*** WARNING in line " << file_line_number << ":" << endl;
serr << " " << (*lines)[line_number-1] << endl;
serr << "in file: " << filename << endl;
// ===========================================================================
// Negate a word.
// ===========================================================================
void Word::negate_value()
int len = (int)wstr.size();
if (type == INTEGER || type == DOUBLE) {
negate = false;
// If the string starts with a - sign, then delete it.
for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {
if (wstr[i] == ' ' || wstr[i] == '\t') continue;
if (wstr[i] == '-') {
wstr[i] = ' ';
// The string did not start with a minus sign so insert one.
// Using insert causes link problems with SGI CC
string s = "-" + wstr;
wstr = s;
//wstr.insert(0, s);
// ===========================================================================
// Convert the input string to lower case.
// ===========================================================================
void Word::string_to_lower( string &s ) const
int i, c, d;
int len = (int)s.size();
for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
c = (int)s[i];
d = c;
if (isalpha(c)) d = tolower(c);
s[i] = (char)d;
} // End of the PP namespace